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ORAL INTERPRETATION:C- E:买房子被看成是一生中仅次于结婚的一件值得纪念的事。在买房子之前,先要考虑打算怎么用,还有计划住多久这些问题。如果买房子是作为一种投资的话,那要记住房地产市场是周期性的(cyclical)。这意味着市场价格时高时低。所以得考虑好买房的时间。有时候等市场价格下跌的时候买,能省下好几千呢。我们是一家专业化的进出口国有企业(a state-owned enterprise),负责轻工业产平的进出口业务。它是一个独立核算(independent accounting)、经营,完全自负盈亏(assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses) 的经济实体。自从成立以来的15年里,本公司有利很大的发展,年出口额从1987年的一千一百万美元上升为2002年的四亿二千八百万美元,年进口额为一百零一万美元,进出口总额达到五亿贰仟九百万美元。在中国500家进出口公司中,本公司排名第20位,我们还和一百多个国家的1800家企业和公司建立了商务关系。我们还有11 加专业公司,他们的业务范围包括鞋类制品(footwear)、日用品、玩具、家用电器、塑料产品和旅游用品。中国是一个发展总国家, 消除贫困任重道远。基本解决农村贫困人口的温饱问题只是完成这一历史任务的阶段性成果。在此基础上使贫困地区的人们生活实现小康,进而过上比较宽裕的生活,需要一个长期的奋斗过程。随着中国改革开放和现代化建设事业的发展,随着中国综合国力(comprehensive national strength)的不断增强,中国的农村扶贫开发(development-oriented poverty-reduction program in rural China / development-oriented poverty alleviation drive in rural China)必将取得新的成绩。21世纪初中国的农村扶贫开发既面临难得的机遇, 也面临严峻的挑战和尖锐的问题。SCRIPT: 买房子被看成是一生中仅次于结婚的一件值得纪念的事。在买房子之前,先要考虑打算怎么用,还有计划住多久这些问题。如果买房子是作为一种投资的话,那要记住房地产市场是周期性的(cyclical)。这意味着市场价格时高时低。所以得考虑好买房的时间。有时候等市场价格下跌的时候买,能省下好多钱呢。House purchasing is one the of most memerable things that you will do in your life next to marriage.Before you buy a house, you have to be clear what it is for, and how long you plan to keep it.If it is for investment, remember that the real estate market is cyclical, thats to say, the market prices will sometimes be in fluctuation.Therefore, timing is important. If you are lucky, you can save quite a lot of money at lower price.我们是一家专业化的进出口国有企业(a state-owned enterprise),负责轻工业产平的进出口业务。它是一个独立核算(independent accounting)、经营,完全自负盈亏(assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses) 的经济实体。自从成立以来的15年里,本公司有利很大的发展,年出口额从1987年的一千一百万美元上升为2002年的四亿二千八百万美元,年进口额为一百零一万美元,进出口总额达到五亿贰仟九百万美元。在中国500家进出口公司中,本公司排名第20位,我们还和一百多个国家的1800家企业和公司建立了商务关系。我们还有11 加专业公司,他们的业务范围包括鞋类制品(footwear)、日用品、玩具、家用电器、塑料产品和旅游用品。Our corporation is a state-owned enterprise, specializing in the import-export business of light industrial products. It is an econimic entity / sector with independent accounting, managing and assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses. For more than 15 years since its establishment, our corporation has attained great achievement, with the annual export volume of US$ 11 million in 1987 to US$ 428 million in 2002, and an annual import volume of US$ 101 million. The total sum of import-export has reached / amounted to US$ 529 million.Among the top 500 import-export enterprises in China, our corporation ranks 20th , and we have managed to established the commercial links with 1,800 enterprises in more than 100 countries. Whats more, we have 11 subsidiaries covering the business of footwear, daily necessities, toys, domestic electrical appliances, plastic products and some tourist articles. 中国是一个发展总国家, 消除贫困任重道远。基本解决农村贫困人口的温饱问题只是完成这一历史任务的阶段性成果。在此基础上使贫困地区的人们生活实现小康,进而过上比较宽裕的生活,需要一个长期的奋斗过程。随着中国改革开放和现代化建设事业的发展,随着中国综合国力(comprehensive national strength)的不断增强,中国的农村扶贫开发(development-oriented poverty-reduction program in rural China / development-oriented poverty alleviation drive in rural China)必将取得新的成绩。21世纪初中国的农村扶贫开发既面临难得的机遇, 也面临严峻的挑战和尖锐的问题。As a developing country, it takes China a long way to shake off poverty. The periodical success of the historical task is to find the solution to the problem of food and clothing of the poverty-stricken population in the rural areas.Subsequently, it will take a long period of hard work / efforts to help people in the impoverished / poor areas to lead a more comfortable life, and then a well-off life. With the progress / development of reform and opening-up, with the modernization drive and the enhancement of Chinas comprehensive national strength, our (development-oriented) poverty-reduction program in rural China / (development-oriented) poverty alleviation drive in rural China is bound to score a great success in future. In the early 21st century, the (development-oriented) poverty alleviation drive in rural China faces not only rare historical opportunities, but serious chanllenges and problems as well.

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