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学号:1103150210本科毕业论文长春市小学英语口语教学问题及应对策略Teaching Problems and Strategies of Primary Speaking English in Changchun city姓名:闫喆专业:英语专业指导教师姓名:耿玉秋指导教师职称:副教授2016年5月摘要从2001年起,长春市按照教育部的相关规定和文件,在小学开展了英语课程的学习,英语教学逐渐走上正轨,近五年来发现现阶段小学英语口语教学中存在这样一些问题和不足:教师积极性不高、口语教学环境不佳、考核体系单一、学生对英语兴趣匮乏等,本文通过对全市小学英语的课程设置、师资队伍和使用教材等方面的现状的调查与分析,同时参考英语老师日常的口语测试,问卷调查、课堂观察和访谈等一系列的成果,因此作者希望采取尊重学生主体性、增强小学生的主观认知、提高口语教师队伍的整体素质、完善英语口语教学评价体系等应对策略,给长春市小学口语教学的改革提供一些可供参考的意见,能给英语口语教学的改革提供一些帮助。关键词:长春市;小学口语教学;问题与策略写手您好 红色字体请您仔细阅读 辛苦啦 帮忙好好改一下 1摘要:a. 2001年起长春开展了小学英语,之后要写一个过度,例如2001年-2005年长春小学英语教育如何如何,2005-2010年如何, 近五年现状是什么样的,本文针对近几年小学英语存在的弊端进行了研究调查发现什么什么不足。c.摘要口吻 您有可能现在是一位英语教师或者导员,而我只是大学生,您的摘要口吻口气太大d.摘要修改后abstract也跟着修改2 introduction 过短 要加上论文写作动机 构成 缘由等(这是上次就存在的问题)3这篇文章仍存在大量语法错误a.认真理清每个句子主要成分,和句子间逻辑关系(如定语从句修饰哪个部分)b.关系弄不清楚就写成简单句。c.检查句子时态和谓语动词形式4关于数据我知道数据不好改动,我只希望你表明出处,例如长春市是有2000所小学可以写成据长春教育网xx年xx期统计出长春有2000所小学。 再或者那些百分比是xx人在xx书xx页统计的。关于数据出处没有人会考究但是一定要写!拜托!这个很重要!5结论需要增加自己的观点在多写点。全文字数还不够要达到6000字以上AbstractAccording to the relevant provisions and documents of the Ministry of Education,Changchun City has started learning English courses in primary schools since 2001, Ehglish learning has on the way, we point out some problems and deficiencies at this stage of spoken English teaching in primary schools in this 5 years: teachers are notenthusiastic,exam models are too single, spoken english environment is not vey good,the interest of students are not high. Based on the investigation and analysis of the current situation of primary school English curriculum, the faculty and the use of materials and other aspects in Changchun city, we took a series of rows effective way such as oral test methods , survey instruments, questionnaires, classroom observation and interviews to investigate the present situation, we need to enhance pupils subjective cognition, improve the overall quality of spoken English teaching teachers ,promote evaluation system and other coping strategies, in expectations of all spoken English teachers ,I hope to offer some suggestions for the improvement of English teaching quality.Keywords: Changchun city primary school oral teaching problems and strategies目录目录摘要2Abstract31 Introduction42 The status of English teaching of primary school in Changchun city52.1 Curriculums of primary schools52.2 Teachers teams of primary schools62.3 Textbooks of primary schools73 English oral teaching problems in primary schools73. 1 Single oral language teaching mode73.2. Poor speech qualities of the teachers 83.3 Imperfect oral language teaching evaluation system83.4 Convergence issues of oral teaching in the primary schools 83.5 Ignorance of the Creation of language environment94 The methods and suggestions94.1 Improving English teaching quality, knowledge and skills94.2 Giving students enough training time to speak94.3 Enhancing mental quality104.4 Arousing students interest114.5 Students interaction and students oral communicative competence114.6 Improving primary English teaching evaluation system124.7 Full use of teaching aids125 Conclusion12References131 IntroductionEnglish spoken does not have been popular due to the language environment, interests , hobbies , constraints , psychological qualities and other characteristics of students, so it is different from Chinese language teaching, especially in rural primary school. English teaching is more difficult. Today, the speaking ability of most students is not strong, a lot of students in English class aree silent, they are reluctant to take the initiative to speak, when comfronted with the teachers question, they often copy the natural mode of the books, even if thy need to answer queations, they also try to use the most simple sentence to answer, students ability to use oral English to express their ideas is very limited.As a student, interest is the source of power in cognitive learning, the primary students do not have completely clear desires for knowledge, if they feel a thing itself is very interesting and very fresh, it will arise their awareness of such motivation. According to the author of the pupils in the cognitive aspects of this feature, starting continuous exploration and innovation in the teaching practice, making the following superficial understanding for primary school spoken English teaching, it is listed for reference.2 The status of English teaching of primary school in Changchun city2.1 Curriculums of primary schoolsThe amount of primary schools in the city is 1400 in total. From the view of courses, 82.3% of schools offer English classes in third grade (or lower than Grade III) (initial rates of the first grade and third grade as the commenced grades were 15.4% and 62.3%), which has a certain gap with starting grades of English education in primary school proposed by the Ministry of the education. the schools have not yet begun , they belong to the small rural village which lies in the outside of the center of the school, the distribution situation of the city is that the small villages (prefectures) are in the heart of the school in nine cities , the ratio of the white city areas which have not opened lessons is large, the problem compared is so obvious.In order to ensure the quality of teaching and teaching effectiveness, the arrangement of learning English in small class should follow the short-term high-frequency of principles, namely: Short courses and long courses intergraded, not less than four times teaching a week. According to survey results, 88% of school hours per week should be three or three or more. In the survey of Teachers thought that the how mush hours are best per week, 100% of the primary school teachers think English teaching should have three hours per week (or 3 above). This shows that, in teaching practice, teachers have to think three hours per week is suitable to the law of learning the language, it is possible to obtain satisfied teaching effect.Primary school English teaching requires teachers give more and more opportunities for students to create cross-occasion, promote the personal awareness of communication for students at the actual scene, large amount of English activities on campus are set into the portion that is available and necessary. In the schools surveys, most schools have outside activities in English disciplines, these activities are a large part of the school arrangement, there are also a lot of activities from teachers spontaneous organization. Although only 33% of the funds invested in the English school activities, but the English activities on campus were impressive, such as English radio stations, English drama performances, English Song Competitions, speech contests and word contest, etc. These activities greatly stimulate students interests in learning English.In addition, some schools and teachers can regularly recommend to introduce English reference books to students, such as English-language newspaper: 21st Century English newspaper Young English newspaper English Learning and Coaching Paper and so on, there are other English magazines or books, this is not enumerated because of less proportion.Course evaluation is an important aspect of promoting the development of education, improving the quality of schools. In the schools surveyed, almost all schools will be included the English curriculum as test subjects, in the form of evaluation, we will focus on the students listening, speaking, reading and writing and other aspects of the comprehensive evaluation, so that the evaluation tends to be more objective, it is accurate and better reflect the real level of the students. At the same time, as an effective lever , the examination is adjusted to the school, parents, students about the importance of a discipline to a certain extent, it is good to making a good external environment for English discipline development camp.2.2 Teachers teams of primary schoolsChangchun city have 2000 primary school English teachers, according to files required by the Ministry of Education, we need 390 English teachers of primary school. In the survey of teachers, they have English professional of the scientific calendar teachers accounted for only 18%, rural teachers accounted for only 2.4%; English special sciences calendar teachers accounted for 13.8%, teachers for the special English education accounted for 8%. there are only 31.8% of all teachers learning experience hierarchy that meet the standard. In the survey of teachers, the professional teachers who have non-English school calendar accounted for 60.9%, of which rural English teacher account for more than a large number whose qualifications are not up to standard. In addition, the young English teachers accounted for most of the teachers team, where the young teachers under the age of 30 accounted for 68%. From the perspective of English teaching, the younger teachers are easy to accept the new curriculum ideas, classroom teaching is live and vibrant; from another perspective, young teacher classroom experience is inadequate, there are still some problems about seizing control of the classroom teaching content.In the survey, the addition is also a problem caused by high degree of importance, and that is the issues of workload of oral English teacher. 58% of the workload of teachers in each Week is 16 to 18 knots, as well as 26% of teachers workload per week is amounted to 20, 65% of teachers believe that the amount of work is in front of the head. According to teachers who reflect, because there are no explicit files to specify English teachers workload, schools set English teachers workload outside of the standard of mathematics. But actually, primary school English class is very difficult, tone, body, beauty, science, and social science subjects equivalent. In English by the special nature of the professional English teachers have to carry out lifelong professional English knowledge skills further increase. In addition, the English disciplines makes special English teachers also have to make when marking between industries and so on. Weekly workload of 16 to 18 hours, and made about a teachers specialization development, it is difficult to guarantee that classroom teaching quality, but also unfavorable to mobilize broad large English teacher enthusiasm, my city primary school English teaching the development is extremely unfavorable.2.3 Textbooks of primary schoolsSelecting appropriate teaching materials can have important influence on teaching English, which can not be underestimated. In the new curriculum reform, the national management for curriculum of primary school come from a central system of government to three levels of management: country, local area and schools. There are data display that the teaching materials which are up on teacher comments account for 12%; the teaching materials which depend on school views account for 27%; the teaching materials which are up on upper administrations opinions account for 71%. In the selection of primary school English textbooks of the city, we usually rely on administrative command.In the view of school textbooks species, there are 15 species. They are: a new starting point in English, Macheng Ying language Primary English New Curriculum Standard Edition (teaching) PEP Happy English New Standard English, junior middle school English, Singapore Primary English version Linktone childrens English , Oxford English comprehensive Primary English easily into English, new target Tsinghua English , Cambridge Young Learners English, New Concept English textbooks” and some other school-based teaching material.3 English oral teaching problems in primary schools3. 1 Single oral language teaching modeOral English teaching language teaching mode of Primary school is relatively simple, which give main propriety to teachers teaching mainly, and ignore the students subjective position, it is not conducive to improve students enthusiasm and initiative, and it is also not conducive to students oral language communication skills. Moreover, since students have different personality traits and cognitive level a fixed single teaching mode can not have a targeted spoken language training for students, which is harmful to improve the overall level of the students. Ministry of Education and the Provincial Education Office have issued a guide opinion about positive pushing into the primary school English classes. Since 2011,all Cities and counties primary schools gradually opened provided English language courses, since 2002 autumn, primary schools in townships starts opening gradually English classes, but this text still has difficulties to push spirit wide out. Due to the rural poor conditions, the attention to the importance of oral English is not enough, teacher resources severely are lacked, the local education administrative departments do not have a plan, pushing forward measures can not be in accordance with predetermined time that guidance opinion implemented.3.2.Poor speech qualities of the teachers Currently, English spoken teachers in primary need to be further improved. Some teachers knowledge structure is outdated, which can not mobilize students enthusiasm and initiative; and some spoken teachers do not correctly recognize the importance of primary school English teaching, teaching is not serious, and do not concentrate on teaching methods which is lack of innovation, hindering the personality development of students, it is not helpful to improve teaching. In recent years, although the number of teachers on the course has a lot increase, but the documents from Ministry of Education and the provincial education department requirement become high, there is also a large gap between each other, the quality is difficult to guarantee. The main problem is that teachers basic language skills do not meet the standards, voice, inaccurate intonation, teaching methods of some teachers shall not be appropriate. Teachers lack the training and learning opportunities and external communication and learning opportunities, in particular the opportunity for further study of the country.3.3 Imperfect oral language teaching evaluation systemWhen we assess the spoken English of students, we often evaluate them according to the grades in the traditional final exam, have the neglect of student evaluation in the learning process of spoken language, this will cause a student to only focus on improving the final exam grades, and slighting spoken work out. In addition, to evaluate the students English oral language, many teachers have ignored the students comprehensive language proficiency assessment, which is not conducive to improve students oral communication skills.3.4 Convergence issues of oral teaching in the primary schools and secondary schoolsPrimary school students learn English for a few years, when they enter in the secondary school, they also starts from A B C, which currently is a more common phenomenon. This is also a waste of human resources and physical force. Students from different primary schools set in a secondary school, especially rural students and urban students compiled in the same classes, grades and English level of students have parameter difference, which is not homogeneous give teaching, and it will bring very big difficulties. Therefore, Department of Research should pay attention to strengthening communication of the ditch primary school English teachers and teaching management department, organizational research staff to make the research programs.3.5Ignorance of the Creation of language environmentTeachers ignore creating speaking language of the environment for the students. As the saying goes fist their hands, music comes up, in order to improve students English level, we should create a good language environment for students. In the course of todays English teaching, many teachers like mouthpiece and go on spoon-feeding education, the whole class is that entirely teacher said and students listen, opportunities for students to use English to communicate are very little, which is not conducive to students oral proficiency improvement.4 The methods and suggestions4.1 Improving English teaching quality, knowledge and skillsTeachers role is teaching and educating people, provided that the teachers have accurate and rich subject knowledge. Teacher is like a movie director who will affect the entire scene, the director can choose a good script and a group of actors, as teachers can choose a good topic, students will take great enthusiasm into the spoken language teaching, classroom teaching goal can be successfully completed. As an English teacher, oral teaching level is essential. Oral teaching is to teach students to master the pronunciation and articulation as well as words and sentence stress, intonation and rhythm. According to the specific environment, they can express their views through a series of activities and behavior in English. The phrase the voice is the language of the material shell, the language that has no any voice will lose its social function. This requires that teachers must focus on the correct pronunciation, intonation and accent rhythm. And English is different from Chinese speaking, the language of intonation, the rhythm of a sentence is determined by the strength of the sound, which is decided by the heavy sound rhythm. For example: Tastethesedrinks, Eddie., If it is not in the sentence, these four words are stressed, but in the spoken language to be read as: TASTEthese DRINKS, Eddie, this sentence is only two accents. If stress and rhythm control is not good, no matter how good the voice, he says English is not authentic. We need to require teachers to have a good subject knowledge, which also urge teachers to constantly improve their English teaching level and professional quality, teachers should focus on teaching content, and they must also focus on the culture of oral skills, ability to contribute to the higher knowledge of the language spoken teaching. Therefore, teachers should pay more attention to oral teaching.4.2 Giving students enough training time to speakTo achieve the standard in verbal learning objectives, teachers spend more time to spoken language training for students, the full use of teaching materials provided in the Pairwork, Group work, Oral Listen and Say and some other materials. In the classroom, teachers can create their own English context, for example, an English lesson may be so arranged: a class starts with using Hello, Hi hello, the next class of students and teachers will be greeted by this way. English teacher then throws a topic related knowledge this lesson, ask someone to talk about their know English. Second link is Follow me, follow me doing action about edge learning (Standup, Sit down), the people who learn fast lead the reading. Next, making students work in groups at the same table and other forms of communication, as far as possible to the students to allow sufficient time spoken language training,and to encourage students to boldly speak English, but teachers should be given proper and timely evaluation of the students who do the action of his mouth in English, until the bell say Goodbye. This life of teaching and learning environment can activate students thinking, teachers and students can enhance two-way communication. As Suhomlinski says: Teaching effectiveness depends largely on the internal mental state of students. The more great spirits, the multiplier effect. Pupils psychological state is vulnerable of the external environment, when the surrounding context has a strong En

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