高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 1 Art课时作业(含解析)新人教版选修.doc

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课时作业(二十六)选修6Unit 1Art.单项填空1(2014安徽黄山高三年级七校联考)Go out for what?Why not stay at home and watch the exciting basketball match broadcast?_You promised to take me out for dinner.AGreat!B Why me?CCome on!DNot at all!2(2013成都第三次诊断)Would you please_the survey report for us and see if there are any obvious mistakes?Alook aroundBlook throughClook intoDlook up3(2014皖南八校第二次联考)Most people have_for certain colors,patterns or categories of clothing.AtalentsBpreferencesCexcusesDresponsibilities4(2013安徽淮北二模)“I believe any_young man can go far in our firm.Congratulations!” the manager ended.AaggressiveBeffectiveCattractiveDsensitive5(2014新乡市一中模考)_tomorrow,we should put off the match till next Friday.AShould it rainedBWere it to rainCIf it would rainDHad it rained6(2014湖南长郡中学、衡阳八中等十二校二次联考)In moments when youre feeling down,read what you wrote previously,_will help uplift your spirits.AthatBitCwhichDwhat7(2014济南市名校第四次诊断性测试)Your statement is too general.Could you be more_about what youre going to do in the future?Aspecial Bspecific Cvivid Dcomplex8(2014江西抚州五校第六次联考)Nowadays it is_of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meet whatever they desire.Atypical BcriticalCspecial Duniversal9(2014青岛高三质检)I heard that he grew worse after taking the medicine.Yes.He was_to it.ApermanentBfragileCallergicDdelicate10As a matter of fact,space flight is_highrisk job for Liu Yang and her partners.A/BtheCaDan11Are you going to spend the summer in Australia?No,I_to go to Canada,but my children begged me to take them to Japan.I agreed.AplannedBhave plannedChave been planningDwill plan12(2014江苏三校4月阶段性考试)Out of the train_,whose determined daughter died of cancer after being accepted by Guizhou University.Aa woman steppedBstepped a womanCdid a woman stepDa woman did step13_made us relieved was_all of those trapped on the island had been rescued after the storm.AWhat;becauseBWhat;thatCIt;thatDIt;because14(2013湖北孝感一模)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first_.AintentionBeffortCattemptDsight15Short and shy,Ben Saunders was the_kid in his class picked for any sports team.AveryBonlyClastDright.完形填空建议用时15(2013黄冈3月检测)One day I was doing a big cleanup when I_1_a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside.I took one look and immediately_2_an unforgettable time.In 1991,I spent five months in Niger,with sandstorms and great heat.Its_3_and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint.Street beggars would continually reach out their hands,shouting “Gift!Gift!”One day,I_4_for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic.Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkina,we began to_5_.In darkness,a motorbike with two men approached slowly.Without any_6_,one of them grabbed my pack as the motorbike swept close by.Within seconds,the two were out of sight,_7_up by the night.The bag had my passport,money,travelers cheques,a camera,an airline ticket and other things_8_to me.I was in deep trouble.In the weeks that followed,I_9_guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all_10_with suspicion.All I wanted was to leave this place.Then,walking through Burkinas streets,I met with an old woman.“Gift!Gift!” she cried.Id had enough.I was_11_of the country:its poverty,its thieves,the heat,and the dust.I told her angrily,“A thief stole all my money and now I cant_12_out of your country.I cannot gave you anything.”The woman beggar listened attentively and_13_my words.Then she reached_14_the folds of her dress.“Then I will give you a gift,” she announced.Kindly,she placed an old,dark brown coin in my hand.I looked at it in_15_.It was a very small amount of money,but for this woman,the coin_16_a meal.At that moment,I felt a shame.In spite of her_17_,she was able to give me something priceless.I saw then the_18_beauty of the people of Burkina,and appreciated deeply the quiet_19_of the poor.With the old womans gift,I hope never to part with the coin she gave me.With one small coin,she_20_my concept completely.1.A.cared aboutBcame acrossClooked forDfocused upon2A.presentedBgave CrecalledDreminded3A.trafficBdustCnoiseDclimate4A.headedBstruggledCstoodDcame5A.moveBunloadChideDpass6A.warningBplanningCthinkingDarranging7A.hungBputCswallowedDcleared8A.obviousBexpensiveCfamiliarDprecious9A.elegantlyBcautiouslyCdependentlyDfrequently10A.localsBthievesCbeggarsDmen11A.proudBconsciousCsickDaware12A.getBrunCcomeDrush13A.attended toBlooked upCthought aboutDwrote down14A.forBintoCoutDat15A.orderBvainCserveDshock16A.meantBmadeCdeservedDsuggested17A.dirtinessBpovertyCkindnessDsafety18A.updatedBunfoldedCbrokenDunexpected19A.momentBactionCdignityDlife20A.changedBdamagedCfoundDaccepted.阅读理解(2014山东烟台模拟)If youre in Florence,Italy,and see a man on a ladder wiping the dust off statues and buildings,dont worry.Its just Alessandro Ricci gathering material for his famous smog paintings.Ricci is not a common artist,because he used smog as the main medium of his artworks.Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent,he doesnt really care about “being this big artist”Instead he is more concerned about bringing attention to how much smog there really is in his home town and how its destroying both its monuments and people.Although he did take a couple of art classes a few years back,he is mainly selftaught,doesnt work in a studio,donates most of his work,and refuses to play by the rules of the Florentine Art Gallery,which he considers corrupt.Alessandro Ricci believes selling his smog paintings will not only compromise his principles,but also contradict the very thing hes trying to doraise awareness about smog pollution in this city.Alessandro lives with his parents nearby Florence,but almost every day he visits the streets of the city,and collects smog for his paintings.He gets it from several meters above ground,from clean surfaces like marble,plastic and stone,using damp pieces of cotton.Then he applies the smog directly onto a cloth and creates street scenes and reproductions of the very buildings from which he got the dangerous material.Finally,he seals his paintings with a natural resin (树脂)His actions helped win a small victory for the people of Florence,as in October 25,2012 the Duomo area of the city was made pedestrianonly.But there is still a long way to go,the artist believes,and only cleaning the thick layer of smog that has accumulated throughout Florence would take several years.Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.1What does the text mainly tell us?AFlorentine artist fights pollution by painting with smog.BRicci invents a unique way to paint buildings in Florence.CPeople in Florence gather smog to create street scenes.DFlorence takes measures to improve the polluted city.2In what way is Ricci quite different from other artists?AHe lacks talent in art work.BHe cares little about fame.CHe hates all the art Galleries.DHe likes to do things at will.3Ricci paints his unique smog artworks aiming to_.Afight government corruption Badvertise the monumentsCcreate more street scenes Draise awareness about pollution4What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe place where Ricci lives.BThe problem that Florence faces.CThe way Riccis paints with smog.DThe materials for his painting.5We can learn from the last paragraph that_.ADuomo area of Florence has become more crowded with trafficBRiccis action has brought no change to the people of FlorenceCRicci will continue to raise Florentine peoples awareness about pollutionDSmog pollution in Florence will be completely settled in several years课时作业(二十六).单项填空1解析:考查情景交际。根据空后的内容可知,此处应用Come on!意为“得了吧”,表示知道对方所说的话不正确。答案:C2解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你能否为我们仔细检查一下调查报告,看看是否有明显的错误。根据“see if there are any obvious mistakes”可知,此处应是“仔细检查”的意思。故选B.仔细检查,看穿。A.四下观看;C.调查;D.向上看,查找,好转。答案:B3解析:考查名词词义辨析。talent才能;preference偏爱;excuse借口;responsibility责任,职责。句意为:大多数人对于服装都偏爱某种颜色、样式或某个类别。答案:B4解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:经理在结束时说,“我相信每个有进取心的年轻人在我们公司都会得到发展。”aggressive意为“有进取心的”;effective意为“有效的”;attractive意为“吸引人的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”,根据句意可知,aggressive符合语境,故答案选A。答案:A5解析:考查虚拟语气。根据题干中的时间状语可知,此处是对将来的虚拟。在虚拟结构中,条件状语从句中的谓语含有were,had和should三个词时,可省去if,将这些词移至主语之前。答案:B6解析:考查定语从句。句意为:当你情绪低落的时候,读一读你先前写下的东西,这会帮助你情绪高昂。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子的内容。答案:C7解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:你的陈述太笼统了。你能不能更具体地谈一下你将来的打算?special特别的;specific明确的,具体的;vivid生动的;complex复杂的。根据句意可知,应选B。答案:B8解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:当今,年轻一代理所当然地认为父母应该满足他们的一切欲望,这是他们的典型特征。typical意为“典型的,有代表性的”,符合句意。critical意为“批评的,关键的”,special意为“特别的,专门的”,universal意为“普遍的”,均不符合句意。答案:A9解析:考查形容词词义。be allergic to对过敏,符合对话语意。permanent永久的,持久的;fragile易碎的,脆弱的;delicate脆弱的,容易生病的。答案:C10解析:考查冠词用法。句意为:对刘洋和她的同伴们来说,太空飞行是个冒险的工作。这属于泛指,用不定冠词a。答案:C11解析:考查时态。根据答语中的“begged” “agreed”可知,此处表示的是“过去”决定去加拿大,故用一般过去时,A项正确。答案:A12解析:考查倒装句。当表示方位、处所的副词或介词短语提前,并且句子的主语是名词时,句子需要用全部倒装形式,所以选择B项。答案:B13解析:考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,第一空引导一个主语从句,因为从句缺少主语所以要用what来引导。第二空引导表语从句,句中不缺少成分,故用that引导,that在从句中只起连接作用,不作成分。如果选C项应该将was去掉。答案:B14解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:Shelly为这次的生物考试做了精心的准备,因此有把握一次通过。这里用短语at ones first attempt表示“某人第一次尝试”。答案:C15解析:句意为:Ben Saunders个子又矮,还很害羞,最不适合选进任何运动队了。the lastthe least likely or suitable最不可能的,最不适合的。又如:Shes the last person to trust with a secret.她是最不可能保密的人。答案:C.完形填空语篇解读作者来到一个贫困的国家,这里的炎热、沙尘暴以及满街的乞丐都让作者受不了。他遭遇的抢劫更使他厌恶这个地方。但一个老乞丐听说了他的遭遇后送给他一枚旧硬币,从此作者改变了对这个地方的看法,因为他看到了穷人的尊严。1解析:“我”在大扫除的时候偶然发现一个打着结的手帕。come across表示“偶然发现”,符合语境。答案:B2解析:“我”看了一眼这个手帕里包着的硬币,立刻回想起(recalled)了一段难忘的时光。答案:C3解析:前面提到Niger这个地方的沙尘暴和炎热,因此选climate“气候”。答案:D4解析:“我”去邻近的Burkina那里的一家诊所工作。这里用head for表示“朝方向去”。答案:A5解析:我们坐出租车到了那里,就开始从车上往下搬东西。这里用unload表示“卸货”。答案:B6解析:without any warning表示“没有任何警告”,是固定搭配,符合语境。答案:A7解析:转眼间这两个抢“我”的包的人就消失在夜幕中。swallow up表示“吞没,淹没”,符合语境。答案:C8解析:护照、钱、旅游支票、相机、飞机票以及其他对“我”来说都很珍贵的(precious)东西都在那个包里。答案:D9解析:在接下来的几个星期里,“我”小心地(cautiously)保护着剩下的贵重物品。答案:B10解析:“我”对所有的当地人(locals)都怀有戒备之心。答案:A11解析:这里的沙尘暴、炎热的天气、满街的乞丐,再加上“我”刚遭遇抢劫,这一切都让“我”厌恶这个地方。be sick of sth.“对某物感到厌烦”,是固定用法。答案:C12解析:我的钱都被偷了,现在我连你们这个国家都出不去了。我给不了你任何东西。答案:A13解析:这个女乞丐仔细听“我”说,然后想着“我”说的话。think about表示“思考”,符合语境。答案:C14解析:这里用reach into表示“把手伸进”。答案:B15解析:这个乞丐居然给“我”钱,这让“我”感到震惊(shock)。答案:D16解析:但是对她来说,这一枚硬币就意味着(meant)一顿饭。答案:A17解析:尽管她贫穷,但她却给了“我”无价之宝。poverty“贫穷”,符合语境。答案:B18解析:她的这番举动是“我”意料之外的,因此选unexpected意外的,想不到的。答案:D19解析:这个老太太听说“我”的东西被抢了,于是给“我”一枚硬币,在她身上“我”看到了穷人的尊严(dignity)。答案:C20解析:这一枚小小的硬币,彻底改变(changed)了“我”对这个国家的观念。答案:A.阅读理解语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了意大利弗罗伦萨市的一名艺术家通过用烟雾作画来抵制环境污染的故事。1解析:主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段的总结和文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了意大利弗罗伦萨市的一名艺术家通过用烟雾作画来抵制环境污染的故事,故答案A符合文意。答案:A2解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第二句“Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent,he doesnt really care about being this big artist”可知,他并不在乎名气的大小。答案:B3解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可知,答案D符合文意。答案:D4解析:段落大意题。根据第四段的整体理解可知,本段主要讲的是这名艺术家是如何用烟雾作画的,答案C符合文意。A、B、D三项均不是第四段的主要内容。答案:C5解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的第二句“But there is still a long way to go.”和最后一句“Still,he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可推知,这名艺术家Ricci将继续从事这项活动以唤醒人们保护环境的意识。答案:C

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