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六年级上册期末备考方案(写作)话题一:Country /City life & daily life 写一写(用不少于5句话来描写你的乡村生活或城市生活)有人喜欢繁华的城市,有人却喜欢乡村的宁静,正所谓“萝卜青菜,各有所爱”,每个人都有喜欢的理由,你呢?是喜欢乡村生活还是城市生活?为什么?请你用不少于5个英文句子,描述自己喜欢这种生活方式的原因。假如Amy 是你的笔友,请给她写一封邮件,向她描述一下你的城市。城市生活和乡村生活你更喜欢哪种生活?为什么?用至少40个单词写出你喜爱的生活及其原因。_范文I like living in the city. I live in a big city. Its very big and modern. The streets are wide and clean. There are many cars and buses on the streets. The traffic is heavy and slow. And it is very noisy. Thereare some parks and cinemas in the city. I can go to the park or go to see a film at the weekend. Myhouse is near the school. So I can go to school on foot.【备考建议】注意人称和时态:一般现在时;第一人称 灵活运用课文句子:I like /love living in. There is/ are. The air here is . The streets are. The food is. I can. I am always.but I never.,because I . When I. So I think a .life is.积累描述城市或农村的形容词:fresh wide crowed big small beautiful clean healthy modern quiet. Noisy expensive heavy slow comfortable new tall.请以“My Daily Life”为题写一篇小作文。50词左右。要求:单词拼写正确,无语法错误。 _范文 My Daily Life My name is Danny. I am eleven years old. I live in a small village with my mother and father. Every day I get up at six oclock. I have breakfast at home. After breakfast I go to school by bike. I have three classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. After school, I play football in the playground with my friends. At six I go home. First I do my homework. Then I help my mother do some housework. When we finish the dinner, we watch TV for an hour. I go to bed at half past nine.话题二:Health描述一次你的生病经历,字数在50左右。现在人们越来越注重身体健康,你认为怎样才能拥有健康的身体呢?请你用不少于5个英文句子写出你的想法。你认为健康的秘诀是什么?请用不少于5句话描述出来。_范文 Yesterday was my birthday. We had a birthday party in our house. I ate a lot of ice cream and cake. At night, I had a stomachache. My mother took me to the hospital and saw a doctor. The doctor gave me a check-up and asked me to take medicine three times a day. He also asked me to have a rest and drink more hot water.备考建议注意时态和人称积累生病相关短语和看病用语:have a stomachache; have a toothache; have a broken finger; have a cold; have a headache; have a fever; take medicine 3times a day for one week; brush teeth twice a day; take a rest; drink plenty of water; give.a check-up; You should.以“My healthy Life”为题写一篇小作文,字数50左右。_范文 My name is Peter. I eat two apples and drink two glasses of milk a day. I eat plenty of vegetables. I go jogging in the morning, and I play soccer with my friends in the evening. I like to play computer games sometimes, but I dont play every day. I think it is a healthy life.话题三:Past experiences写一篇小作文,描述你上周的活动。用英文写一篇关于你最近某天经历的小短文,不少于5个句子。Do you like travelling?用不少于5句英文描述自己最难忘的一次旅行。用至少40个单词描述图中Ben昨天的活动。_备考建议注意时态和人称:一般过去时;第一人称;注意动词过去式变化 范文 Last week we went on a trip in Harbin. On the first day, we went to a park with my parents. On the second day, I went skiing. On the third day, I did my homework. On the fourth day, I went ice-skating. On the fifth day, I bought presents for my friends. We got back to Guangzhou by plane on the sixth day.话题四:Changes广州的变化越来越大了,请你根据所给的信息向同学们介绍一下现在的广州。 (至少写五句 。 )(5分)提示:Guangzhou beautiful city buildings tall, modern supermarket large, clean streets crowded, wide traffic slow, heavy things cheap people friendly _写一篇小作文,描述一下你以前和现在的变化,字数在50左右。同学们,拿出你们自己小时候的照片,是不是觉得自己变化很大呢?另外,你们的家,你们的学校也有变化吗?请你们选择一个主题来描写,不少于5个英文句子。比较六年前的你和现在有什么变化,用至少40 个单词描述出来。_备考建议注意时态和人称;注意动词过去式变化范文 When I was five years old, I was not a good boy. I often cried. I didnt like playing with friends. I always watched TV at home. But now I am eleven years old. I am tall now. I smile a lot. I like playing football with my friends. I still like watching cartoons on TV and I like reading books and drawing cartoons now.话题五:Festivals 请以“My favourite festival”为题,写一篇不少于60字的小作文。用英文写一写你打算如何度过今年的寒假,不少于5个句子。_备考建议 时态:一般现在时 人称:第一人称 句型:My favourite festival is./ I likebest. Before that day/ On that day, people. During the festival, people. .is the most important and popular festival in. 范文一 My favourite festival is the Childrens Day. Its on the June 1st. On that day, I can get gifts from my parents and grandparents. In the morning, I wear new clothes and go to school. Our teachers wish us a happy Childrens Day. In the afternoon we have no classes. We always have a party at school. Everyone gives a performance. After school. I go home and we have a big dinner with my family. 范文二My favourite festival is Spring Festival. Before Spring Festival we usually clean and decorate our house. My mother always goes shopping and buy some new clothes with me. Sometimes we go to the flower fairs and buy some beautiful flowers. During Spring Festival, I can get lucky money from the adults. And we often get together and have a big meal. I can eat my favourite dumplings. So I like Spring Festival best. I hope everyday is Spring Festival.Spring Festival(春节)Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. We Chinese people usually clean our houses before Spring Festival. There are famous Flower Fairs in Guangzhou before Spring Festival. People go there and buy flowers. Adults usually give lucky monkey to children during Spring Festival. I hope every day is Spring Festival. 范文三 My favourite festival is Christmas. Christmas is a very important and popular festival in Western countries. It is on December 25th. Before Christmas, people usually buy a Christmas tree and decorate it. At Christmas Eve, all the children put their stockings under the tree and Father Christmas brings presents to them. On Christmas Day ,the people will sing Christmas songs and dance together. They usually have a good time. It is fantastic. I hope every day is Christmas.Christmas(圣诞节)Christmas is on Dec. 25th. Its the most important festival in Britain. And its the most popular festival in western countries. They have lots of parties and on school.And Father Christmas brings presents to all the children. Father Christmas puts presents in the stockings at night. I think Father Christmas is fun. I like Christmas. 作文专项练习(一)一、阅读对话和短文,用所给的词的恰当形式填空(一)Tim: Hi, Jenny. What did you do at Animal Land? Jenny: Well, first, we ( ride ) through Lion Land on little train. Then, we ( drive ) to Hippo Pool in little cars. Next, we ( watch ) birds in Bird Park and stood near Monkey Mountain. The monkeys ate bananas from my hand ! After that, we ( visit )the Dinosaur Museum. I also ( buy ) postcard for you there.Tim: Thank you, Jenny. Oh, thats great! I want to go there, too!(二)My uncle ( be) tall and handsome when he was a child. He ( go) to school when he was 9 years old. He didnt ( like) studying then. He ( do not) go to school in 1990. He ( become) factory worker in 1990. At that time he (get) up very early. He ( take) exercise in the park. He ( swim) in the lake in the morning. He (play) basketball in the afternoon. He ( watch) TV in the evening. But now his timetable is different.二、根据上下文和首字母的提示把单词补充完整。 Last year I w to study in the USA for half a year. I lived with the Simpson family in New York. I went to school w their daughter, Julie. At first, My English was not very good. Speaking English everyday was difficult ( 困难的) for me. I missed my family so m .But when I started to enjoy my stay, English was e . School was fun. I liked living with the Simpson family. I went for a long w with the Simpson family one Saturday. We walked for seven hours that day ! I was really t at the end of the day and had a good sleep that night. Now Im back h . I often write to my American family and they w to me. This summer Julie is going Io visit me in Guangzhou.三、读Chen Wei的故事,给他一些意见和建议。 Chen Wei is an eleven-year-old school boy. He has two hobbies-eating chocolate and reading comics. You call always find some chocolate in his school bag. On his way to school, he reads and eats chocolate on the bus. Between classes, when other children are playing on the playground, Chen Wei reads in the classroom. Back home, Chen Wei does his homework very fast. After dinner, Chen Wei goes to his bedroom and starts to read. He often reads on the Net. His parents think he does his homework on the computer. Chen Wei goes to bed at about 11 :00, and then he reads in bed again until he is very tired. Sometimes Chen Wei cant get up in the morning and is late for school. Chen Wei seldom takes exercise. He looks fat and tired.1. Chen Wei should_ 2. Chen Wei should_ 3. Chen Wei should_ 4. Chen Wei should not_ 5. Chen Wei should not_ 四、仿照前三句完成后面的句子。1. Janet watches TV every day. Yesterday she saw a film on TV.2. Jiamins school was old and small. Now his school is new and big.3. Sally is a good girl, She often helps her mum with the housework. Yesterday she helped her mum clean the rooms.4. Mike is very good at playing basketball. Yesterday he_ 5. David was short in his class last year. Now he _ 6. Mr Webb likes his car very much. Yesterday he_ 7. Yongxian loves sports. This morning he_ 8. Yesterday Jimmy borrowed some books from the library. Now he is_ 五、写写你上周的活动。On Monday I_ On Tuesday I_ On Wednesday I_ On Thursday I_ On Friday I_ On Saturday I_ On Sunday I_ 六、根据短文内容填写表格。 Last year Ken got up at a quarter to six. At a quarter past six he got to school. He was on duty yesterday. In the classroom he cleaned the desks, the chairs and the windows from seven fifteen to seven thirty. Everyone in his class said the classroom was clean and tidy. Ken had his classes from half past eight to twelve in the morning. At a quarter past twelve he had his lunch at the school canteen. In the afternoon he had two lessons. He got home at five. At about a quarter past five he did his homework. He said, “I never leave todays homework for tomorrow.TimeWhat did Ken do?5:45got up作文专项练习(二)1、 选词填空,完成下列语段。(5分)visit clean flew birthday cooked was swam saw homeworkI often do my and my room on Sunday. But last Saturday I my grandparents. Because last Saturday my grandmas . We kites near the river. We some trees and flowers by the river. Some ducks . It is beautiful. My mother big meals for us. I a good time last Saturday.二、选词填空,完成下面的一封信。(5分)beautiful also fun plane boating it parents tell so holiday city Dear Janet,How are you? I went on a trip in Hangzhou last summer . I went there with my . We got there by . Hangzhou is a beautiful . There are so many places there. The most famous place in Hangzhou is the West Lake. It is nice. We went on the lake. There are many delicious foods in Hangzhou. We had a lot of . Could you me something about your holiday? Yours Jiamindid do went saw tired to table tennis with was weekend三、选词填空,完成下面的话段。(5分)This weekend I busy. I my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, helped my mother housework. On Sunday morning, I went the zoo. I many animals there. Then I to Johns home Mike. We played . Now I am . I need another .Janet的日常活动:get up late, never wash her face, often drink cold milk, sleep in class, drink too much coffee, never do homework after school, watch V for a long time, go to bed late四、假设Janet是你的朋友,她的日常表现如下。请你向她提出相关的建议。(5分)Hello, Janet. Please get up early in the morning._ _ _ _ 五、看图,以My bedroom 为题写一篇小作文。要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。可适当发挥想象,写一写布局合理的卧室。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 六、小练笔。昨天是六一儿童节;这个儿童节Lily和爸爸妈妈是在农场度过的。假设你是Lily,发挥想象,写一写你在农场度过的快乐儿童节。(10分)_ _ _ _ _ _ 七、写话练习。用至少40个单词叙述你喜欢的农场生活。(10分)This is a big farm. There are_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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