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特殊疑问句1.定义:句首以疑问代词:what,who,whom,whose,which 或疑问副词when,where,how,why来提问的句子就叫特殊疑问句。注:特殊疑问句不能用yes / no回答,只能根据问题的内容直接作出回答。 ex: What time is it? It is 5 oclock.2.构成:特殊疑问词 + 谓语 +?Who is your teacher? 谁是你们的老师?Whats on the table? 桌上有什么?Whose English is the best in your class? 你们班谁的英语最好?Which city is the biggest? 哪座城市是最大的?3.疑问词总结疑问代词:who谁 whom谁whose谁的 which哪个,哪些what什么疑问副词:when何时 where何地 Why为什么 how 如何 how much多少 how many多少 how long多久 how old多大年纪 how far多远 how big多大专项练习:就划线部分提问:1.He is my father.2.They are under the tree.3.I often watch TV after dinner. 4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.5.Superman flies in the sky.答案:1.Who is he?2.Where are they?3.When do you often watch TV?4.Where does Lily swim?5.Who flies in the sky?(一).how long的用法 how long有以下两个主要意思: 1. 表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问。如: A:How long did he stay here? 他在这儿呆了多久? B:About two weeks. 大约两个星期。 A:How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间? B:At least ten hours. 至少要10个小时。 2. 表示某东西有多长。如: A:How long is the river? 这条河有多长? B:About 500 km. 大约500千米。(二).how much 是一个常见的特殊疑问词组,它的意思为“多少”,表示数量,其后面接不可数名词,也可单独使用,它在初中课本里的用法主要有: 1、用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。例如: How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶? How much bread is there on the table?桌子上有多少面包? 2、用来询问事物的重量。例如: How much do you want to buy? 你想要买多少? Two kilos.两公斤。 How much does the pig weigh?这头猪多重? Eighty kilos.八十公斤。 3、用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what。例如: How much is three plus one?三加一等于多少? Its four.等于四。 How much is eight minus three?八减三等于多少? Its five.等于五。 4、how much 意为“多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。例如: How much is your new computer?你的新电脑多少钱? How much (money ) did you pay for the English grammar book?买这本英语语法书,你付了多少钱?(三)How often? how often 用来询问谓语动词所表示的动作发生的频率,即单位时间内动作发生的次数它常与动词的一般现在时连用例如:How often do the buses run? Every a quarter. How often do you go to see your grandparents in the countryside? Four times a year.专项练习:根据句意,选用 how long, how often, how soon 填空 1._did you wait here? 2._does the magazine come out? 3._can you come? 4._do you go swimming? 5._has he been a teacher? 6._do you think youll be gone? 7._are you going to Australia? Key: 1.How long 2.How often 3.How soon 4.How often 5.How long 6.How long 7.How soon冠词a、an和the的用法an, a是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前, an用在以元音(指元素音素)开头的词前。a+名词单数,表示一个,或者某一,an一般用于元音字母开头的单词,作用和a一样,the+名词表示特指,the+形容词,表示一类人或者事物。a和an是不定冠词,修饰泛指名词。只不过以元音开头的名词用an修饰 翻译成“一个”。the是定冠词,修饰特指名词 翻译成“这个”。1) 不定冠词在句子中最大的语法功能是:用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指-表明一类人或事物区别于它类。例:I am a Chinese. 我是(一个)中国人。This is a book. 这是(一本)书。2)为了读音的方便,在以元音音素开头的可数名词的单数名词前用an而不用a。当我们使用an时,条件有三:这个名词的读音必须是以元音音素开头-即它的 音标的第一个音素是元音,而不是说它是以元音字母开头。它必须是个可数名词。它还必须是个单数名词。我们常常见到这类用法:a university 一所大学 an hour 一个小时an orange 一只桔子 an engineer 一位工程师an ordinary man一个普通人an honest person一位诚实的人3)定冠词在句子中,既可以用于可数名词前,也可以用于不可数名词前;既用在可数名词的单数形式前,也用在可数名词的复数形式前。从表达意义上讲,它既可表达this, that之意义,也可表达these, those之意义。例:This is the very ink Im going to buy. 这正是我要买的那种墨水。The words on the blackboard are to be learned next time. 黑板上的这些单字是下次课要学的。不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是一个的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作e,而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做1) 表示一个,意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。A Mr. Ling is waiting for you.2) 代表一类人或物。A knife is a tool for cutting with.Mr. Smith is an engineer.3) 词组或成语。a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try / keep an eye on / all of a sudden如果泛指某物,用a,/an,具体指某物的话,用the. 不定冠词的基本用法 (1) 不定冠词有a和an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。例如:a boy, a city, a girl, a useful animal , an old man, an honest boy, a bad apple, a tall elephant (2) 用来表示“”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。即不具体说明是何人何物。例如:A teacher is looking for you. (3)不定冠词含有“”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈,在句子里边一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则译出,例如: An orange is good for you. 桔子对你有好处。 (4)一般用在可数名词单数前,指人或事物的某一种类。例如:Bill is a student. (5)用在某些固定词组中。例如:a lot of, a moment ago, a few, a little 定冠词的用法 (1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。 例如: The book on the desk is mine. (2)指双方都知道的人或事物。 例如: Open the door, please. 请开门。 (3)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如: The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。 但这些名词作为描绘性定语时,可用不定冠词。例如: Look! A red sun is rising. 瞧!一轮红日正在升起。 (4)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如:The first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。 (5)用在用普通名词构成的党派,国家等专有名词以及江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾等专有名词前。例如:They will visit the Great Wall next week. (6)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,是一种复数含义,所以其后动词应用复数形式。例如:The old are sick. (7)用在姓名复数形式前表示一家人。例如:The Smiths have moved to London. (8)用在某些习惯用语中。例如: in the morning, on the left, the day before yesterday, all the same一般现在时一般现在时的功能:1.表示事物或人物目前的特征、状态。如:He is a clever boy.他是个聪明的男孩。2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。一般现在时的标志词:often usually always sometimes never seldom every + 时间一般现在时的构成:1. be动词:主语+be(am, is, are)+其它。如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。注意:(我用am,你用are,三单is,复数are。) 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。注意:(当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加-s或-es。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。)一般现在时的变化:1. be动词的变化。 肯定句:主语+be+其它。 如:He is a worker. 他是工人。否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。 He is not a worker.他不是工人。一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。(be动词移到句首)如:I am a student.-Are you a student? -Yes. I am. / No, Im not.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:My bike is under the tree.Is your bike under the tree?Where is your bike?2.行为动词的变化。肯定句:主语+动词原形(+其它)。否定句:主语+ dont( doesnt ) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I like bread. I dont like bread.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesnt构成否定句。如:He often plays football. He doesnt often play football.一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。(句首加助动词do, does)如:I often play football. - Do you often play football?- Yes, I do. / No, I dont.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:She goes to school by bike.- Does she go to school by bike?- Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:She goes to school by bike.Does she go to school by bike?How does she go to school?用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _(have) dinner at home.2. David and Tom _(be) in Class One.3. We _(not watch) TV on Monday.4. Mike _(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.5. _ they _(like) the World Cup?6. What _they often _(do) on Saturdays?7What day _(be) it today. Its Saturday.8. The girl _(teach) us English on Sundays.9. She and I _(take) a walk together every evening.10. There _(be) some water in the bottle.Key.1.has 2.are 3.dont watch 4.doesnt go 5.Are,like 6.are,do 7.is 8.teachs 9.take 10.is频率副词的用法(1)频率副词:always/usually/often/sometimes/hardly/never (2)频率短语:once a week / every night / twice a month 1.always always 意为“总是”,与进行时态连用时,可以表示赞扬,也可以表示讨厌等感情色彩。 e.g.(1)I shall always remember my first day at school. 我将永远记住我上学的第一天。(2)He is always smoking. 他总是抽烟。2.usually usually可以指通常的动作,但是侧重已经形成的习惯,它是从已经形成的角度来说明动作。e.g.(1)I usually do some shopping with my parents on Sundays. 我经常在星期天和我的父母一起去买东西。(2)He usually goes to school by bike. 他通常骑自行车上学。3.often often是指经常性的动作,意思为“常常, 经常”。e.g.(1)Children dont often do homework. 孩子们经常不写作业。(2)He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。4.sometimes sometimes意思为“有时,不时”,表示次数较少(低于often所表达的次数),常常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用。e.g.(1)Sometimes he goes to work by bike, and sometimes he goes by bus. 有时候他骑自行车上班,有时候他乘公共汽车上班。(2)Sometimes I helped my parents in the house. 有时候我帮助父母做家务。5.hardly hardly意思为“难得, 几乎从来不”,它所表示的次数非常少。e.g.(1)He hardly drinks. 他几乎不喝酒。(2)She hardly plays cards. 她几乎不打牌。6.never never意思为“决不, 从未”,表示一次也没有。e.g.(1)He never lives there. 他从来都没有在那儿住过。(2)She never has anything to do. 她一向无所事事。一般过去时一、巧记一般过去时:动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事;be用was或用were, have,has变had;谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志;一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。否定句很简单,主语之后didnt添; 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前; 不含be动词时如果谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原;动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。 含be动词时疑问句也不难,要把was,were放在主语前。2、 be的一般过去时:学习动词be的一般过去时,下面有一口诀,它可以帮你们更好地掌 握动词be的一般过去时。 be的过去时有四巧: 一是时间状语巧, 表示过去的短语要记牢; 二是形式巧,单数was,复数were; 三巧是否定句结构,not紧跟waswere; 四是疑问句式巧,waswere向前跑(提前)。【一巧】时间状语(即标志词)巧。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,恰巧 与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。1. yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterday morning(afternoon, evening)等;2. 由“last+一时间名词”构成的短语:last night, last year (winter, month, week)等;3. 由“时间段+ago”构成的短语:a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago等;4. 其它:just now等5. 由某些表示过去时态的从句等。【二巧】形式巧。它与一般现在时一样,形式多样:当主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单 数时,谓语动词用was;主语是第二人称或其他人称复数时,谓语动词用were。 例如: I was in the classroom yesterday morning 昨天早上我在教室里。 He was at school last Tuesday 上周二他在学校。 They were over there a moment ago 刚才他们在那边。【三巧】否定句结构巧。与动词be的一般现在时一样,它在动词后面加not即可变成否定 句,并且was, were与not可以缩写成wasnt, werent。即: 主语 wasnt werent 表语 其他。例如: I was not (wasnt) here yesterday 昨天我不在这儿。 My parents were not (werent) at home last Sunday 上周日我父母不在家。【四巧】 疑问句式巧。把was, were提到句首,句末用问号即可变为一般疑问句。即: Was(Were) 主语 表语 其他?这恰巧与动词be的一般现在时的疑问句 式相似。例如: Were you at home the day before yesterday 前天你在家吗? Was she late this morning今天早上她迟到了吗? 更巧的是疑问句的答语也相似,肯定回答用“Yes, 主语waswere”; 否定回答用“No,主语wasntwerent”。 例如:Were Wei Hua and Han Mei here just now 刚才魏华和韩梅在这儿吗? Yes, they were (No, they werent) 是的,她们在。(不,她们不在。)1、 单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10)( )1 My fatherill yesterday A isnt B arent C wasnt D werent( )2 your parents at home last week A Is B Was C Are D Were( )3 The twinsin Dalian last year Theyhere now A are; were B were; are C was; are D were; was( )4 your father at work the dayyesterday(前天) A Was; before B Is; before C Was; after D Is; after ( )5 Who was on duty last Friday A I am B I was C Yes, I was D No, I wasnt ( )6. I cleaned my classroom _. A with three hours B three hours ago C in three hours D three hours before( ) 7. I came _ my house two days ago . A back on B back to C to back D back( ) 8 . _? He did some reading at home. A What does your father do yesterday evening B What does your brother do in the school C What did your brother do over the weekend D Where did your brother go last Sunday( ) 9. What did you do _ ? I went to the movies. A next morning Bover the weekend C in the weekend D next Monday( ) 10. The koala sleeps _,but gets up _. A during the day; at the evening B at day ;during night C in the day ;during the evening D during the day ; at nightKey:单项选择:1-5 CDBAB 6-10 BBCBDwhen引导的时间状语从句/usedto/didnotusedto的用法1.When引导的时间状语从句 1)用一个句子来做整个句子中的一个成分,我们把它叫作“从句”。从句在句中作状语表示时间时,叫做“时间状语从句”。when既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可以表示在某一段时间内。主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可是先后 发生。Itwasrainningwhenwearrived.我们到达的时候正在下雨。(指到达时那个时间)WhenIreadthebookIcanthelpthinkingofmyfriend. 我读那书时不由自主的想起了我的朋友。(指读书时那个时间段) 2)when作为连接副词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,当when引导的从句放在句首时,常用逗号与其后的句子隔开。WhenIwasyoung,Ioftenswamintheriver.Whenitrains,Igoschoolbybus.3)When引导的从句放在句后面时,不用逗号。Itgetscolderandcolderwhrnwintercomes.2.usedtodosth. 1)useto“过去常常”,后接动词原形,表述过去的习惯、经常发生的动作或状态。1)useto“过去常常”,后接动词原形,表述过去的习惯、经常发生的动作或状态。常含有“过去是这样,但是现在已经不再这样了”的意思。IusedtoliveinLondon.我过去一直住在伦敦。(表示现在不住了)Lifehereismucheasierthanitusedto.如今这里的生活比起从前舒服多了。2)usedto的否定式:didntuseto Ididntusetoplayfootball.我过去不踢足球。Ididntusetolikebeer.我过去不喜欢啤酒。 3)usedto的疑问式:didsb.usetodo.?如: Didheusetobeateacherinourschool?他曾经是我们学校的一位老师吗?一般将来时(1)概念:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。(2)构成:a. 一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成。 b. “ be going to+动词原形”表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。c. go, come,start,move,sail,leave,arrive,stay等可用进行时态表示按计划即将发生的动作.e.g. Im leaving for Beijing. (3) 用法: 表示将来的动作或状态。一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如: tomorrow(明天), next week(下周), from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等。(4)一般将来时will 与 be going to两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,该怎么区分它们?a. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day.b. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old.c. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如: She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour.d.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如: If any beasts comes at you, Ill stay with you and help you.考点1:“主将从现”(在时间和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时)。考点2:arrive ,come ,go ,leave ,start 等,用现在进行时的形式表示将来时。 如:I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow .考点3:“祈使句+and/or+句子”,在这种结构中,and后面的句子谓语用一般将来时。 如:Use your head and you will find a way .考点4:回答“Dont forget to do sth.”时,常用答句:“Sorry ,I wont.”考点5:祈使句+反意疑问句部分(will you ?).考点6:am / is / are going to +动词原形,表示打算要做的事或可能要发生的事。考点7:There is going to be a sports meeting .“将有场运动会。”单项练习题:( ) 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work ( ) 3. He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 4. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. _ you _ free tomorrow? No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be ( ) 6. Who _ we _ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go ( ) 7. We _ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing ( ) 8. Tomorrow he _ a kite in the open air first, and then _ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 9. The day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches C. is watching D. are going to watch ( ) 10. There _ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be Key:1. C 2. D 3. D 4.D 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9.D 10. B方位介词1)at ,in, on, to,forat (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在附近,旁边”in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在范围之内”。on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在上面”。to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到”2)above, over, on 在上above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。The bird is flying above my head.There is a bridge over the river.He put his watch on the desk.3)below, under 在下面under表示在正下方below表示在下,不一定在正下方There is a cat under the table.Please write your name below the line.4)in front frantof, in the front of在前面in front of意思是“在前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在的后面)。There are some flowers in front of the house.(房子前面有些花卉。)in the front of 意思是“在.的前部”,即甲物在乙物的内部.反义词是at the back of(在范围内的后部)。There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom.我们的教室前边有一块黑板。Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.(老师在教室里)5)beside,behindbeside 表示在旁边behind 表示在后面选词填空: 1. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.(in, on, to)2. Go _ the bridge _ the river, youll find the shop.(across, through; over, above)3. I go to school _7:30 every morning.(in, on, at)4. He would like to meet her _8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.(between, among )5. The Greens have lived in China _ three years.(in, for, after)6. We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunday.(except, besides)7. He wrote the letter _ ink.(by, with ,in)8. She will return to her country _five years.(in, after, for)9. There is a big tree _ our classroom.(after, behind)10. I usually go to work _ bike.(by, on, with)答案:1.in 2.across,over 3.at 4.between 5.for 6.except 7.in 8.in 9. behind 10. by不定代词1.some和any some和any都可修饰或指代可数名词和不可数名词;some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于疑问句和否定句。如: Imustgetsomefruitinthemarket.我得在市场上买点水果。【说明】(1)当表示请求或要求并希望对方能给出肯定的回答时,some也可用于疑问句;any表示“任何的”之意时,也可用于肯定句。如: Canyougivemesomepaper?你能给我些纸吗? Youcanreadanyofthebooks.你可以看这些书中的任何一本。(2)some和any均不能跟冠词连用。2.all和both (1)all表示三者或三者以上的人或物;both只能表示两者。如:Copperandsilverarebothmetals.铜和银都是金属。(2)all和both都可以与定冠词连用,置于定冠词之前如:Areallthestudentsheretoday?今天所有的学生都到了吗?【说明】在句子中用作同位语时,一般放在行为动词之前,情态动词、系动词be或助动词之后,但当行为动词或表语省略时,all,both放在情态动词、系动词be或助动词之前。如: Theyhaventbeenthere,butwebothhave.我们没有去过那儿,但我们俩去过。 3.neither和either neither和either均用于指两者,neither意为“两者都不”,either意为“两者之一”、“任意一方”。如: Neitherofusenjoygettingupearly.我们俩谁也不喜欢早起。Therearetreesoneitherside(=onbothsides).两边都有树。【说明】(1)只用于指两者,指三者或多者要用none和any。(2)neither有时可视为either的否定式,即neither=noteither。(3)两者均可修饰名词,但被修饰名词要用单数形式。4.each和every (1)each强调个体,指两者或两者以上的人或物,在句子中可用作主语、宾语,也可做定语(修饰单数可数名词);every强调全体,只能指三者或三者以上的人或物,在句子中只能做定语,修饰单数可数名词。 (2)两个用and连接的名词若受each或every修饰且用作主语时,其谓语依然用单数。如: EveryEachboyandgirlhasone.每个男孩和女孩都有一个。但是,each用于复数主语后作同位语,后面的谓语用复数。如:Thestudentseachhaveadictionary.学生每人有一本字典。(3)every后接“数字或few+名词”可表示“每”,而each一般这样用。如: Hecomeshomeeverytwoweeks.他每隔两周回家一次。 Shevisitsherparentseveryfewdays.她每隔几天看望她父母亲一次。注意:(1)each指两者或两者以上的“每个”,every指三者或三者以上“每个”,因此指两者时只能用each。如: Hecouldwritewitheitherhand.他两只手都能写字。(2)every可受almost,nearly等副词的修饰,但each却不能。5.one,another (1)one指一个或相似的一个;another指另外的一个,表泛指。如:Pleasegivemeanother.请给我另一个。 Ihaventabook;canyoulendmeone?我没有书,你能借我一本吗?【说明】another可以修饰one,但one不能修饰another。如:Pleasegivemeanotherone.请给我另一个。 (2)one可与this,that,the等连用,表示特指;another不能与这些词连用,也不能表示特指。如: Thisoneisbetterthantheoneoverthere.这个比那边的那个好些。(3)在一定范围内,表示其中的一个用one,表示另一个可用one或another。如: Oneboywasreading;oneanotherwaswriting.一个男孩在读书,另一个在写字。 注意:若指两者中的一个和另一个,则用onetheother。 6.other,theother,others,theothers (1)带定冠词的theother,theothers表特指,而不带定冠词的other,others表泛指。如: Dontcutinwhenothersaretalking.别人说话时别插话。OnlyJimwasthere.Theothershadleft.只有吉姆在那儿,其余的人都离开了。(2)other和theother后可修饰名词,也可单独使用;而others和theothers则只能单独使用,不能修饰名词。如可说theotherpeople,但不能说theotherspeople。 (3)other和theother既可表示单数也可表示复数,具体视它所表代替或修饰名词的单复数而定,而others和theothers则永远表示复数。 (4)注意正确理解以下短语的意思:everyother每隔一,其他的都noneotherthan不是别的,正是nootherthan不是别的,正是 oneaftertheother一个接一个地,相继onefromtheother分别,各别some.orother某一个 otherthan不同于,除了 theotherday早几天,几天前7.much和many much修饰或指代不可数名词,many修饰或指代可数名词(复数)。如:Hisnameisfamiliartomanypeople.他的名字许多人熟悉。 Thechildrenhav

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