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近几年PETS二级的听力命题重点主要集中在以下11个方面:1) 人物活动2)个人情况3)原因4)时间5)态度.观点.建议6)语意理解7)主旨大意8)方式方法9)数字10)天气培养良好的听力习惯1) 合理利用考前时间,提前阅读题干和选项2)适当预测听力内容3)听不懂的暂时放弃4)善于做笔记(三)地点场所常见提问方式:Where are the two speakers?Where does the conversation possibly take place?Where is the woman/man now?What kind of is he/she going to?Where are the two speakers talking?Where did it happen?(四)原因常见提问方式:Why? Whats the reason/cause ? What causes ?常见表示因果关系的词或词组:because, as, for, since, that, hence, therefore, consequently, cause, reason, due to, owing to, because of, thanks to, on account of , as a result, result from, result in, lead to, give rise to, contribute to, attribute to, now that, so that, sothat, such that, in order to, in order that, be responsible for(五)时间常见词汇及表达方式Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期天 January 一月 February 二月March 三月 April 四月May五月June 六月July 七月 August八月 September九月October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 hour 小时 minute 分钟 second 秒钟 a.m.早上 p.m. 下午8:45 eight forty-five或 a quarter to nine 4:30 four thirty 或half past four 12:40 twelve forty 或twenty to one前天 the day before yesterday 后天 the day after tomorrow 每天 every day每隔一天 every other day 几天前 the other day 或 a few days ago工作日weekdays周末 weekends朝九晚五 from nine a.m. to five p.m.常见提问方式:At what time? What time? When ? How long? How much time? (六)态度.观点.建议常见提问方式:Whats the mans /womans attitude towards?What does the man/woman think of?What does the man/woman suggest?What does the man/woman mean?How does the man/woman like?How does the man/woman feel about?Whats their opinion of?常见的对话句型:I think Why dont you /we ?I wonder Why not?You should/must Wouldnt it be better to?Youd better I suggest?Shall we? If I were you, I would ?How about ? Id rather you?(七)语意理解常见提问方式:What will the man/woman/speaker do?What does the man/woman imply?What will most probably do next/is going to do?What can we learn from the speaker/conversation/passage?What do we learn from the womans/mans reply?What happened to the man/ woman?Why does the man/woman do this?(八)主旨大意常见提问方式:What are they talking about?What are they discussing?What is the main theme of the passage?What is the main idea of the speech?Whats the passage mainly about?Whats the topic of the passage?What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?What does the passage mainly discuss?Which of the following is true?Which of the following statements is correct?(十一)天气要熟记天气方面的词汇和相关表达方式:sunny 晴天的 breezy微风的cloudy 多云的 light rai微雨shower 骤雨 heavy rain大雨stormy 有暴风雨的snow下雪的fine 天气好的 thunderstor雷雨overcast 阴天的 rainy 多雨的windy 大风的 AM Clouds/PM Sun 上午有云/下午后晴clear 晴朗的 lightening 闪电 fog 雾 thunder 雷hail 冰雹 Whats the weather like?How about the weather today?What does the weather forecast say?It looks like its going to be sunny /windy/cloudy/rainy today.The weather forecast says it will be sunny/ windy/ cloudy/ rainy today/tomorrow.Beautiful day, isnt it?

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