高二英语牛津译林版选修8课件《Unit 3 The world of colours and light》Section Ⅴ Project

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高二英语牛津译林版选修8课件《Unit 3 The world of colours and light》Section Ⅴ Project_第1页
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高二英语牛津译林版选修8课件《Unit 3 The world of colours and light》Section Ⅴ Project_第3页
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Unit 3 The world of colours and light,Section Project,语言点一 单词集释板块,语言点二 短语荟萃板块,课时跟踪检测 综合提升板块,语言点三 句型解构板块,语篇理解 课文自读板块,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,.True (T) or False (F) 1An artist from UK once made pizza faces from fruit and vegetables. ( ) 答案:F 2To make string pictures, you should draw the outline of the picture on the card. ( ) 答案:T 3Youd better use large shells when you make feather and shell pictures. ( ) 答案:F,4Making a rubbish picture is quite clean and great fun. ( ) 答案:T 5The author tries to persuade us to make unusual pictures of our own. ( ) 答案:T,variety,photo,String,outline,feathers,picture,cloth,stick,prints,press,(一)根据首字母提示及英文释义写出单词 1s_: a thin wide flat piece cut off an item of food 2a_: a kind of garment worn over the front part of the body to keep the wearers clothes clean while working 3c_: a professional cook, esp.the chief cook in a restaurant,4s_: a kind of plant growing in the sea, esp. on rocks at the edge of the sea 5p_: a cushion used to support the head, esp.in bed 6t_: a metal container in which food and drink is sold 7d_: to put or lower sth.into a liquid 答案:1.slice 2.apron 3.chef 4.seaweed 5.pillow 6.tin 7.dip,(二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 8 adj. 令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的 n反感,厌恶 v(使)反感,厌恶 adj.厌恶的,反感的 adv. 反 感地,厌恶地 9 vt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒 n. 喷剂;喷雾;浪花 n喷雾者,喷雾器,disgusting,disgust,disgusted,disgustedly,spray,sprayer,10 vt.& vi.(使)起皱纹 n. 皱纹,皱褶,皱痕 adj. 有皱纹的,显出皱纹的 11 n种类,变化,多样性 adj.各种各 样的 12 vt.安排;筹备;整理 n安排, 整理,wrinkle,wrinkled,variety,various,arrange,arrangement,1variety n变化,多样性,种类 教材P46原句 You can use a variety of different foods to help you make a face. 你可以用许多不同的食品来帮你做脸谱。 Life is always full of variety. 生活总是富于变化。,He has supplied our restaurant with fruits and vegetables for five years. 五年来,他一直向我们饭店提供各种水果和蔬菜。 Laws regarding capital punishment country country. 不同国家有关死刑的法律规定不尽相同。,a variety of,vary from,to,There are various plants and flowers in the park. 公园里有各种各样的植物与花卉。 His mood is variable and often takes his temper to us without any reason. 他的情绪变化无常,经常莫名其妙地对我们发脾气。,2. arrange vt. & vi.安排;筹备;商定;排列;整理 教材P46原句 Use small slices of carrot or pieces of seaweed as hair, and arrange it in the style that you want. 用胡萝卜丝或海草当做头发,按照你想要的风格去排列它。 Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend? 你安排周末与马克见面了吗?,Dave arranged for someone to drive him home. 戴维安排人开车送他回家。 We had arranged that I should go for the weekend. 我们已经安排好了我周末去。 They arranged everything for the meeting. 他们为会议做好了一切准备。, 为安排好某物 arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排做某事 arrange (that) . should do .,arrange sth. for .,安排某人做某事,arrange to do sth.,安排做,3disgusting adj.令人不快的,令人愤慨的,令人厌恶的 教材P47原句 This may sound disgusting to some, but it is really quite clean and great fun. 这听起来好像令人厌恶,但是它的确是很干净和好玩的。 He gave me such a look, as if I was being really disgusting. 他那样地看着我,好像我真的十分令人厌恶一样。 What sort of food is this? Its disgusting. 这是什么菜?一点都不好吃。,He often says ugly words, which disgusts one. 他经常说脏话,这让人很反感。 I can only these criminals. 这些犯罪分子只能使我感到憎恶。,feel disgusted at/by/with,点击下图进入,1carry 执行 2be made 由制成 3cut 切碎 4lay 布置,设计;铺开,展开 5cut sth. (of) 剪出,剪下 6have a (at) 试一试 7try 试验 8dip 浏览 9stick 坚持;坚守,out,out of,up,out,out,go,out,into,to,1cut up 教材P46原句 Cut up some tomatoes for eyes, pieces of cheese for ears, and a mushroom for a nose. 切一些西红柿做眼睛,一些奶酪做耳朵和一个蘑菇做鼻子。 (1)切碎;剁碎 Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot. 把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。 (2)割伤,使伤心 He was badly cut up by the death of his father. 他因父亲去世极为悲伤。,Just when she had reached the most important point we 她刚刚讲到最要紧的地方,我们的电话就被切断了。 Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper. 把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中。,were cut off,2. lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开 教材P47原句 You can lay all the pieces out on the card before you stick them down. 你可以把所有的贝壳都铺在卡片上再把它们粘好。 They showed us how to lay out a printed page. 他们告诉我们怎样安排版面。 Thousands of miles of railways have been laid out in China. 中国铺设了数以万里的铁路。,The company laid off 100 workers last week because of the financial crisis. 由于经济危机,公司上周解雇了一百名工人。 Shed managed to a few pounds each week from her wages. 她设法每周从薪水中存上几个英镑。,lay aside,3have a go (at)尝试,试图;袭击;指责 教材P47原句 There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so why not have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own? 你还有许多其他东西可以利用,做出不一般的图画,为什么不试试上面的一些点子,然后试试你自己的呢?,My son asked me to let him have a go at fixing the computer. 我儿子要我让他尝试把这个电脑安装起来。 There were about 10 young people standing round him, all waiting to have a go. 大约有十几个年轻人把他围起来,个个都等着试一下。 The boss had a go at Jack for being late for work. 杰克上班迟到,老板训了他一顿。,I dont for the moment. 我现在不想试。 We all the equipment before setting up the experiment. 实验前,所有的设备我们都要进行检验。,want a go,try out,点击下图进入,1句型展示 When you have made the face, you can take a photo of it, so_that you can keep your unusual picture forever. 做好这张脸之后,你可以为之拍一张照片,以便你能永久地保存这张不寻常的照片。 典例背诵 Let me write down your telephone number so that I can call you later. 让我记下你的号码,以便以后打电话给你。,2句型展示 Next, spread the glue where you want to attach the string. 然后,把胶水涂抹在你想粘贴细绳的地方。 典例背诵 Bamboo grows best where there is plenty of rain. 在雨量充足的地方,竹子长得最好。,3句型展示 . so why_not_have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own? 所以,为什么不按照以上的某些想法去试一试,然后去尝试一下你自己的某些想法呢? 典例背诵 Why not call the box office to book the tickets? 为什么不打电话订票呢?,Next, spread the glue where you want to attach the string. 然后,把胶水涂抹在你想粘贴细绳的地方。 1) 句中 where引导的是地点状语从句。where用作从属连 词,引导地点状语从句时,修饰主句中的谓语动词。它可 以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,表示“的地 方;在到的地方”,相当于in/at/to the place where。,You can sit where you like. 你可以坐在你喜欢的地方。 The cat hid 猫藏在我们找不到的地方了。 2)where还可以引导名词性从句和定语从句。 (1)where用作连接副词,引导名词性从句,这时从句须用 陈述语序。 Where we shall hold the party is not decided yet. 我们在哪儿开派对还没定。,where we couldnt find it,(2)where用作关系副词,引导定语从句,此时where在定 语从句中用作地点状语,对表示地点的先行词起修饰和限制作用,相当于“介词which”结构引导的定语从句。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 我绝没想到会在这里遇见你。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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