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D1 I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.2 The boss left the office after he had finished work.3 My wife went out after she had finished the housework.4 My teacher gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.5 My sister went on holiday after she had taken the examination.6 I bought a new car after I had sold my old one.Lesson122A1 This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.2 He is the man whom I invited to the party.3 These are the things which I bought yesterday.4 He is the man who came here last week.5 He is the policeman who caught the thieves.6 She is the nurse who looked after me.7 She is the woman whom I met at the party.8 I am the person who wrote to you.B1 Who met him? That woman? Yes, shes the woman who met him.2 Who sat there? That man? Yes, hes the man who sat there.3 Who made it? That woman? Yes, shes the woman who made it.4 Who read it? That man? Yes, hes the man who read it.5 Who shut it? That man? Yes, hes the man who shut it.6 Who took it? That woman? Yes, shes the woman who took it.7 Who told me? That man? Yes, hes the man who told me.8 Who saw me? That woman? Yes, shes the woman who saw me.C1 Whom did you see? That man? Yes, hes the man whom I saw.2 Whom did you telephone? That woman? Yes, shes the woman whom I telephoned.3 Whom did you invited? That man? Yes, hes the man whom I invited.4 Whom did you to the to the cinema? That man? Yes, hes the man whom I took to the cinema.5 Whom did you find in the garden? That man? Yes, hes the man whomI found in the garden.6 Whom did you drive to London? That woman? Yes, shes the woman whomI drove to London.7 Whom did you hear? That woman? Yes, shes the woman whom I heard.8 Whom did you remember? That man? Yes, hes the man whom I remembered.Lesson124A1 She is the woman I drove to London.2 Thats the film I saw.3 Thats the man I spoke to.4 They are the thieves the police caught.5 These are the letters I typed.6 These are the people you asked me about.B1 Which man? That man? Yes, thats the man I saw yesterday.2 Which car? That car? Yes, thats the car I repaired yesterday.3 Which woman? That woman? Yes, thats the woman I drove to London yesterday.4 Which umbrella? That umbrella? Yes, thats the umbrella I bought yesterday.5 Which medicine? That medicine? Yes, thats the medicine I took yesterday.6 Which man? That man? Yes, thats the man I invited to my house yesterday.C1 Thats right. This is the village I wrote to you about.2 Thats right. He is the person I have heard about.3 Thats right. This is the test I spoke to you about.4 Thats right. She is the woman I read about.5 Thats right. This is something(new) I havent thought about.6 Thats right. This is something I must decide about.Lesson126A1 Does she have to decide immediately? She doesnt have to decide immediately.2 Must she decide immediately? She neednt decide immediately.3 Do we have to take a taxi? We dont have to take a taxi.4 Must we take a taxi? We neednt take a taxi.B1 I have to telephone him, too.2 Mary has to wait for him, too.3 Jim has to meet her, too.4 Tom and Mary have to travel by ship, too.C1 Do you really have to telephone him?2 Does Mary really have to wait for him?3 Does Jim really have to meet her?4 Do Tom and Mary really have to travel by ship?Lesson128A1 He has to be here at six oclock.2 I think he is probably busy.3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.4 I think he is probably sleeping.5 I think he is probably French.6 He has to be in France next week.7 I think he is probably an engineer.B1 I dont think so. She cant be Italian. She must be Greek.2 I dont think so. He cant be English. He must be American.3 I dont think so. They cant be Canadian. They must be Australian.4 I dont think so. He cant be a mechanic. He must be an engineer.5 I dont think so, He cant be a bus conductor. He must be a bus driver.6 I dont think so. He cant be a sales rep. He must be the boss.7 I dont think so. He cant be twenty-four. He must be thirty.8 I dont think so. They cant be five. They must be seven.9 I dont think so. He cant be seventy-six. He must be over eighty.10 I dont think so. She cant be fifty-five. She must be under fifty.11 I dont think so. It cant be the 21st today. It must be the 20th.12 I dont think so. It cant be Tuesday today. It must be Wednesday.13 I dont think so. It cant be the 2nd today. It must be the 3rd.14 I dont think so. It cant be cheap. It must be expensive.15 I dont think so. It cant be easy. It must be difficult.16 I dont think so. She cant be old. She must be young.17 I dont think so. They cant be early. They must be late.18 dont think so. He cant be reading. He must be sleeping.19 I d ont think so. They cant be listening to the radio. They must be watching television.20 I dont think so. She cant be retiring. She must be looking for a new job.Lesson130A1 He must have been ill.2 He had to stay at home.3 She must have been German.4 I lost my pen so I had to buy a new one.5 He forgot his case so he had to return home.6 She must have been sleeping.B1 I dont think they were. They cant have been Canadian. They must have been Australian.2 I dont think she was, She cant have been Finnish. She must have been Russian.3 I dont think they were. They cant have been Japanese. They must have been Chinese.4 I dont think they were. They cant have been butchers. They must have been bakers.5 I dont think she was. She cant have been a dentist. She must have been a doctor.6 I dont think he was. He cant have been a sales rep. He must have been the boss.7 I dont think she was. She cant have been seventeen. She must have been twenty-one.8 I dont think they were. They cant have been five. They must have been seven.9 I dont think he was. He cant have been seventy-six. He must have been over eighty.10 I dont think she was. She cant have been fifty-five. She must have been under fifty.11 I dont think it was. It cant have been the 17th yesterday. It must have been the l6th yesterday.12 I dont think it was. It cant have been Tuesday yesterday. It must have been Wednesday yesterday.13 I dont think it was. It cant have been the 19th yesterday. It must have been the 20th yesterday.14 I dont think it was. It cant have been cheap. It must have been expensive.15 I dont think it was. It cant have been easy. It must have been difficult.16 I dont think she was. She c ant have been old. She must have been young.17 I dont think he was. He cant have been ill. He must have been tired.18 I dont think they were. They Cant have been listening to the radio. They must have been Watching television.19 I dont think she was. She cant have been retiring. She must have been looking for a new job.20 I dont think they were. They cant have been sitting. They must have been standing.Lesson132A1 Yes, Martin is talking to Gary.2 They may go abroad.3 Garys wife wants to go to Egypt.4 They will travel by sea.5 Yes, it may be cheaper.6 Yes, it takes a long time.7 Because his wife worries too much.B1 Im not sure. They may be Australian.2 Im not sure. She may be Russian.3 Im not sure. They may be Chinese.4 Im not sure. They may have been bakers.5 Im not sure. She may have been a doctor.6 Im not sure. He may be the boss.7 Im not sure. She may be twenty-one.8 Im not sure. They may have been seven.9 Im not sure. He may have been over eighty.10 Im not sure. She may have been under fifty.11 Im not sure. It may be the 16th today.12 Im not sure. It may have been Wednesday yesterday.13 Im not sure. It may be the 20th today.14 Im not sure. It may be expensive.15 Im not sure. It may have been difficult.16 Im not sure. She may have been young.17 Im not sure. He may have been tired.18 Im not sure. They may be watching television.19 Im not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.20 Im not sure. They may be standing.Lesson134A1 Yes, she has.2 A reporter.3 She says she is going to retire.4 Because she is going to retire.5 Kate bought a newspaper.6 Miss Marsh arrived at London Airport.7 She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.B1 He said he was busy.2 He said she was cold.3 She said the book was interesting.4 He said they were hungry.C1 He told me he was working.2 They told me she was leaving.3 She told me they were joking.4 He told me Tom was waiting.D1 He told me he had met him.2 He told me he had lost it.3 She told me it had stopped.4 They told me she had arrived.Lesson136A1 She is still not sure.2 No, she cant.3 His name is Carlos.4 They will get married next week.5 She is staying at her London hotel.6 Yes, she does.7 Liz says the news is sensational.B1 He said Penny would open the window.2 She said she would change some money.3 He said it would rain tomorrow.4 He said they would arrive later.5 She said he would repair it.6 He said he would write to him.C1 He told me he could understand English.2 She told me she could recognize him.3 They told me they could afford it.4 She told me she could understand him.5 He told me he could change it.6 He told me he could finish it.D1 They said they might arrive tomorrow.2 He told me he might retire.3 She said she might telephone him.4 He told me she might sell it.5 He said she might recognize you.6 She told me she might finish it.Lesson138A1 He is doing the football pools.2 No, he has never won anything on the football pools.3 He will buy his wife a mink coat if he wins a lot of money.4 No, she doesnt.5 She wants to see the world.6 He will try and win the football pools again.7 Yes, its only a dream.8 It all depends on if.B1 If he misses the bus, hell take a taxi.2 If he doesnt sell his old car, he wont buy a new one.3 If they offer me more money, Ill work less.4 If she doesnt type the letter, hell type it himself.5 If they come home early, the children will play in the garden.6 If I am ill tomorrow, I wont go to work.7 If I go to the party, Ill enjoy myself.8 If he asks me, Ill tell him the truth.9 If it rains tomorrow, theyll stay at home.C1 She can live abroad if she is rich.2 He can travel round the world if he is rich.3 He can buy a new house if he is rich.4 They can have a long holiday if they are rich.5 I can enjoy myself if I am rich.6 You can offer your boss a job if you are rich.7 He can fly to Tokyo if he is rich.8 She can work less if she is rich.Lesson140A1 Yes, Graham Turner is speaking to John Smith.2 Mary invited Mr. and Mrs. Turner to dinner.3 Graham Turner said he would be there at six oclock.4 Because his boss wanted him to do some extra work.5 No, he doesnt.6 Mr. Turners wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.B1 I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.2 I want to know if you are dirty. Tell me if you are dirty.I want to know why you are dirty. Tell me why you are dirty.3 I want to know if you are lazy. Tell me if you are lazy.I want to know why you are lazy. Tell me why you are lazy.4 I want to know if you are busy. Tell me if you are busy.I want to know why you are busy. Tell me why you are busy.C1 I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.2 I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.3 I want to know if you are painting. Tell me if you are painting.I want to know what you are painting. Tell me what you are painting.4 I want to know if you are playing. Tell me if you are playing.I want to know what you are playing. Tell me what you are playing.D1 I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.2 I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.3 I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday.Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.I want to know when Tom did his homework yesterday.Tell me when Tom did his homework yesterday.4 I want to know if Tom had a bath yesterday. Tell me if Tom had a bath yesterday.I want to know when Tom had a bath yesterday.Tell me when Tom had a bath yesterday.Lesson 142A1 Sally is four years old.2 Because Sally had never travelled on a train before.3 She sat near the window.4 A middle-aged lady got on the train.5 The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.6 she opened her handbag and took out her powder compact. Then she began to make up her face.7 Because she wanted to make herself beautiful.8 No, she didnt.B1 Someone airs it regularly. It is aired regularly.2 Someone cleans them regularly. They are cleaned regularly.3 Someone empties it regularly. It is emptied regularly.4 Someone sharpens it regularly. It is sharpened regularly.5 Someone turns them on regularly. They are turned on regularly.6 Someone waters them regularly. They are watered regularly.7 Someone repairs it regularly. It is repaired regularly.8 Someone dusts it regularly. It is dusted regularly.9 Someone corrects them regularly. They are corrected regularly.10 Someone shuts it regularly. It is shut regularly.C1 Someone watered them. They were watered this morning.2 Someone repaired it. It was repaired this morning.3 Someone dusted it. It was dusted this morning.4 Someone corrected them. They were corrected this morning.5 Someone shut it. It was shut this morning.6 Someone bought them. They were bought this morning.7 Someone swept it. It was swept this morning.8 Someone took them to school, They were taken to school this morning.9 Someone met them at the station. They were met at the station this morning.10 Someone told them. They were told this morning.Lesson144A1 The writer lives in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.2 Because it is a famous beauty spot.3 Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.4 Litter baskets have been placed under the trees.5 The writer went for a walk in the woods.6 Yes, he saw a lot of rubbish.7 He saw a sign among the rubbish.8 The sign said, Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.B1 Someone has aired it. It has already been aired.2 Someone has cleaned them. They have already been cleaned.3 Someone has emptied it. It has already been emptied.4 Someone has sharpened it. It has already been sharpened.5 Someone has turned them on. They have already been turned on.6 Someone has bought them. They have already been bought.7 Someone has swept it. It has already been swept.8 Someone has taken them to school. They have already been taken to school.9 Someone has invited them. They have already been invited.10 Someone has told them. They have already been told.C1 It hasnt been aired yet. It will be aired tomorrow.2 They havent been cleaned yet. They will be cleaned tomorrow.3 It hasnt been emptied yet. It will be emptied tomorrow.4 It hasnt been sharpened yet. It will be sharpened tomorrow.5 They havent been turned on yet. They will be turned on tomorrow.6 They havent been watered yet. They will be watered tomorrow.7 It hasnt been repaired yet. It will be repaired tomorrow.8 It hasnt been dusted yet. It will be dusted tomorrow.9 They havent been corrected yet. They will be corrected tomorrow.10 It hasnt been shut yet. It will be shut tomorrow.2


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