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交际用语 一共40题 每题1分(1)单选题How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?_.A: You are welcome.B: How about you.C: Ive never seen a better movie than it.D: It is popular among young people.(2)单选题Ive got a fever and a really bad headache._.A: Why are you so careless about yourself?B: This kind of thing happens to everyone.C: You should go to work.D: Oh, thats too bad. Why dont you take some aspirin?(3)单选题Must we come earlier tomorrow? ._.A: No, you neednt.B: No, you mustnt.C: Yes, you need.D: Yes, you can.(4)单选题Sorry, I cant find the books you asked for._.A: Dont mention it.B: Its your fault.C: Thanks anyway.D: I wont forgive you.(5)单选题Thanks, you saved my life!_.A: Oh, Im afraid I didnt do well enough.B: Im glad I could help.C: No problem.D: Its not necessary for you to say so.(6)单选题Youve got the first prize in the dancing contest._.A: You are welcome.B: Oh, really? I cant believe my ears!C: Please accept my congratulations.D: Its very kind of you.(7)单选题You have lovely children._.A: You also have a lovely children.B: Its very kind of you to say so.C: How nice you are!D: What a kind person!(8)单选题Your name again, please? _Its Bell Green.A: I didnt quite catch you.B: You are Bell Green.C: I dont know you.D: Its your turn.(9)单选题You are late! The discussion started 30 minutes ago._.A: Well, I dont care.B: Dont blame me.C: I am really sorry.D: Thats great.(10)单选题Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic._.A: Its a marvelous room.B: I am an artist.C: Thanks for your compliments.D: You are artistic too.(11)单选题Would you mind if I turned the radio up?_.A: Yes, please.B: No, go ahead.C: No, thank you.D: Yes, thats all right.(12)单选题Why didnt you tell me?_.A: Sorry, I forgot.B: Im sorry you should wait.C: I dont know.D: Id love to.(13)单选题Which would you rather have? Tea or coffee?_.A: Sure, I would.B: Yes, pleasure.C: Yes, thank you.D: Neither, thank you.(14)单选题Whats wrong with your car?_.A: Its very expensive.B: I like it.C: One of the windows is broken.D: Its not for sale.(15)单选题What are you going to do?_ .A: Im planning to go to the cinema with my friend.B: No, Im not going to do it.C: Thank you for asking me about it.D: Yes, Ill go.(16)单选题Welcome, sir. May I help you?_.A: Thank you. I dont like you.B: Yes. Id like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.C: Sorry. I dont ask your help.D: If you want to help me, Ill be glad to accept it.(17)单选题We are planning an outing._.Sure.A: Where are you going.B: When will you leave.C: How is everything.D: Do you want to join us?(18)单选题This is a birthday present for you._.A: Whats the problem.B: Oh, what a surprise!C: I cant help it!D: Im afraid so.(19)单选题Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson._.A: Oh, I dont think you ate well.B: Im not a good cook in fact.C: Be careful next time.D: Im glad you enjoyed it.(20)单选题Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week._.A: Thank you very much indeed.B: I cant make it.C: I havent decided yet.D: Good idea!(21)单选题Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. My car broke down._.A: Thats all right.B: I am so unlucky.C: You are so unfortunate.D: How is that happening?(22)单选题So how do you find our city?_.A: I came here by plane.B: Oh, I love it. Its so exciting.C: Its quite difficult to find your home.D: What do you think of it.(23)单选题Shall we go out for dinner tonight?_.A: No, you cant.B: Yes, please.C: Thank you, I dont want to.D: Sorry, I have a report to finish.(24)单选题Please help yourself to the fish._.A: Thanks, but I dont like the fish.B: Sorry, I cant help.C: Well, what about you?D: No, I cant.(25)单选题Oh, sorry to bother you._ .A: Thats Okay.B: Not sorry.C: Too late.D: You have bothered me.(26)单选题Now, Im a little tired! Can I take a rest?_ .Well be late for the picnic!A: Take your time.B: Dont worry.C: No. Come on.D: Take it easy.(27)单选题May I use your dictionary?_.A: Certainly. Here you are.B: No, where is my dictionary?C: Yes, you must.D: Its over there.(28)单选题 Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? .A: Of courseB: Of course notC: I am sorry to hear thatD: Yes. Im busy now(29)单选题Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?_.A: Thank you very much.B: No, no. John is not bad.C: Thank you. He is fine.D: Dont say that. Its ugly.(30)单选题Let me introduce myself. Im steward _.A: What a pleasure.B: Pleased to meet you.C: I dont know.D: Thanks a lot.(31)单选题Jim has a great sense of humor, doesnt he?_.A: No. He is humorous.B: Yes. He is less humorous than you.C: I couldnt agree more.D: Wonderful.(32)单选题Is there any job vacancy for part time job on campus?_. .A: There is no post office.B: Bank is closed.C: It is none of my business.D: Yes, you can find it online.(33)单选题Im sorry I broke your mirror._ .A: Its OK with me.B: It doesnt matter.C: You are welcome.D: I dont care.(34)单选题If you like I can mail this letter for you?_.A: Thats very kind of you.B: Not at all.C: Why should I like?D: How can I?(35)单选题I am so sorry to interrupt you again._.A: Thats good.B: Its all right.C: I dont think so.D: No way!(36)单选题Hello, Id like to speak to Jack, please._.A: Yes, Im Jack.B: This is Jack speaking.C: Its me here.D: This is me.(37)单选题Have you handed in your final paper?_.A: Leave a message for me.B: What How rude you are!C: I am fine.D: Not yet. How about you?(38)单选题 Have a nice holiday! _.A: You have it too.B: You do too.C: The same as you.D: The same to you.(39)单选题Good afternoon. Can I help you?_. .A: Yes, it is a pleasure.B: No excuse.C: I need to buy a birthday present for my son.D: Dont bother.(40)单选题 Front desk. Can I help you?This is Mr. Brown in 1218._.A: I want to get up at six.B: Can I get up early?C: How can I wake up in the morning?D: Can I get a wake-up call, please?词汇与结构 一共60题 每题1分(1)单选题Jane _ her boss this morning, asking for a leave, but she forgot.A: should telephoneB: should have telephonedC: had telephonedD: telephoned(2)单选题Jacks university education gave him _ over boys who had not been to college.A: advantageB: benefitC: goodD: an advantage(3)单选题Ive read _ sports news about F1 race today.A: twoB: severalC: aD: two pieces of(4)单选题Its time for _.A: asleepB: bedC: sleepingD: falling asleep(5)单选题Its a good idea. But whos is going to _ the plan.A: carry outB: carry withC: carry onD: carry in(6)单选题It was getting _, he had to stop to have a rest.A: dark and darkerB: dark and darkC: darker and darkerD: darker and darkest(7)单选题It is recommended that this work _ until all the preparations have been made.A: is not startedB: was not startedC: not be startedD: is not starting(8)单选题It is no use _ that you did not know the rules.A: pretendB: to pretendC: to pretendingD: pretending(9)单选题It is going to rain. You _ bring an umbrella.A: would betterB: had betterC: will betterD: should better(10)单选题It is because she is so inexperienced _ she does not know how to deal with the situation.A: as toB: thatC: whichD: and(11)单选题I wish your price _ lower.A: wasB: isC: wereD: are(12)单选题I thought I had put too much salt in the soup, but it _ very well.It really tastes delicious.A: turned outB: turned inC: turned withD: turned off(13)单选题I think we should let Mary to go camping with her boyfriend. _ she is a big girl now.A: ButB: In generalC: All in allD: After all(14)单选题I say! Have you _ a single word I have been saying to you?A: taken inB: caughtC: followedD: taken up(15)单选题I must be off now. Its time I _ to school.A: goB: wentC: to goD: for going(16)单选题I knew I could not finish my homework _.A: if he cameB: until he cameC: until he comesD: unless he had come(17)单选题I insist that we should _ a doctor at once because she has a fever and coughs a lot.A: send afterB: send outC: send forD: send to(18)单选题I have told you many times that I have decided to buy it, _.A: how much it costsB: however much it costsC: whatever much it costsD: how it costs(19)单选题I have been looking forward to _ from my parents.A: hearB: receivingC: receiveD: hearing(20)单选题I had _ that I would always remember it.A: such good an experienceB: such a good experienceC: such good experienceD: so good experience(21)单选题I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary _.A: anywhereB: somewhereC: whereD: wherever(22)单选题I arrived _ Qingdao _ 11:00 a.m. _ May 1.A: inatinB: inatonC: atininD: ataton(23)单选题I am sure I had no difficulty _ that problem. But I didnt have enough time. Thats why I failed the quiz.A: of working outB: working outC: to work onD: working at(24)单选题I _ play than work.A: would rather toB: ratherC: would ratherD: will rather(25)单选题Hurry up! Otherwise the play _ by the time we got there.A: will startB: will have startedC: have startedD: starts(26)单选题How beautiful she sings! I have never heard _.A: the best voiceB: better voiceC: a best voiceD: a better voice(27)单选题Hobbies help patients _ from physical or mental illness.A: recoveringB: recoverC: of recoveringD: with recover(28)单选题His salary as a driver is much higher than_.A: a porterB: porterC: that of a porterD: salary of a porter(29)单选题His careless mistake _ the death of the patient.A: resulted inB: resulted fromC: resulted withD: resulted of(30)单选题Hes watching TV? Hes _ to be cleaning his room.A: supposingB: supposedC: guessedD: guessing(31)单选题Henry was seriously injures in a car_ .A: issueB: accidentC: incidentD: disaster(32)单选题He will surely finish the job on time _ he is left to do it in his own way.A: in light ofB: thereforeC: thoughD: so long as(33)单选题He was seen _ the bank at 10 oclock.A: to enterB: enteringC: having enteredD: to have entered(34)单选题He used to be a heavy smoker, _?A: isnt heB: didnt heC: did heD: used he(35)单选题He talked so much about the chess match that he _ the game.A: took me fromB: drove me fromC: distracted me fromD: led me from(36)单选题He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A: to putB: of puttingC: with puttingD: putting(37)单选题He is _ to give up smoking, but the doctor and his family forced him to do so.A: willingB: reluctantC: likelyD: hardly(38)单选题He cant _ a trip abroad.A: affirmB: acquireC: affordD: afford of(39)单选题He can always _ excellent proposals to help the company make profit.A: come up withB: think aboutC: come acrossD: come out(40)单选题Hardly _ on stage _ the audience started cheering.A: he had come / whenB: had he come / whereC: had he come / whenD: he had come / where(41)单选题Give me some more _, please. I am hungry.A: breadsB: hot dogC: breadD: milks(42)单选题Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally less expensive when they are in _.A: seasonsB: timeC: seasonD: D.times(43)单选题Frank _ a film if hes free next Saturday.A: would seeB: should seeC: could seeD: will see(44)单选题Everyone of them _ tired and wanted a good rest.A: seemsB: seem to beC: appearsD: seemed(45)单选题Every freshman should be _ the importance of English.A: aware ofB: awaring ofC: aware withD: awaring with(46)单选题Due to circumstances _ our control the performance has had to be canceled.A: inB: withinC: beyondD: out(47)单选题Dont forget _ your umbrella with you. It might rain in the evening.A: takingB: to takingC: to takeD: take(48)单选题Do you think this birthday present is _ for my little girl?A: suitB: suitableC: fitD: fitted(49)单选题Do you like being married? Yes, but Im not used _ every night.A: to cookB: to cookingC: cookingD: cook(50)单选题Did you notice the guy _head looked like a big potato?A: whoB: whichC: whoseD: D.his(51)单选题Could you tell me _. A how can I get to the bus station?A: how can I get to the bus stationB: how I can get to the bus stationC: C.where I can get to the bus stationD: D.where can I get to the bus station(52)单选题Can you do your work better with _ money and _ people?A: lessfewerB: lessfewC: lesslessD: fewerfewer(53)单选题By the end of last year, they _ half of the road construction.A: completedB: had completedC: have completedD: complete(54)单选题By no means _ look down upon the poor.A: we shouldB: we shallC: could weD: should we(55)单选题Beijing is well _ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall.A: known asB: known atC: known withD: known for(56)单选题Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _?A: fixB: being fixedC: to fixD: fixed(57)单选题All the evidence points to the fact _ he is the murderer.A: whichB: whatC: thatD: where(58)单选题After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _.A: billB: menuC: tissueD: tips(59)单选题According to a recent U.S. survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week _ TV.A: inB: withC: atD: on(60)单选题A letter to the president exposed the corruption of some managers in his firm; _ they got fired.A: butB: consequentlyC: andD: because


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