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1 夜大英语专业本科毕业论文参考选题 选题的原则 1 选题要与本专业有关 2 选题要具体 避免题目过大过泛 3 选题不要与他人重复或过于接近 以下的选题仅供参考 论文选题分类 一 翻译 二 专门用途英语 三 语言教学 四 英语语言与文化 五 英语文学 一 翻译 1 Methods and Skills of C E E C Translation for Business 2 C E E C Translation of Trademarks and Its Strategies 3 Impacts of Cross cultural Elements on C E E C Translation for Business 4 Pragmatic Function and Translation of Puns in English Advertisements 5 On C E E C Translation of Legal Documents 6 On the Qualities of a Qualified Interpreter 7 On the Precision in C E E C Translation of Scientific English 8 C E Translation of Public Signs in China 9 On Transmitting Cultural Information in Translation between English and Chinese 10 Cross Cultural Translation of Some English Idioms 11 On the Cross cultural Awareness of C E E C Translation of Trademarks 12 Foreignization and Domestication in Cross cultural Translation 13 On the Cultural Element in Translating Names of Scenic Spots and Ways of Translation 14 Cultural Differences in C E E C Movie Translation 15 Differences between English and Chinese Proverbs and Translations 16 The Chinese English Translation of Public Signs 17 The Differences between English and Chinese Colored Culture and Translation 18 On Translation of Movie Scripts 19 On Cultural Differences and Translation of Brand Names 20 Cultural differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 21 On Cultural Impact on C E E C Translation of Idioms 22 Review on C E E C Translation of Movie Titles 23 Common Pragmatic Errors in Translating Business Documents 24 Cultural Factors in Translation 25 On C E E C Translation of Public Signs in China 26 On Translation of English Names of Commendation 27 An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image 28 A Study of the Chinese Version of English Film Titles 29 A Study of the Chinese Version of English Novel Names 2 30 A Comparative Study of the English Version of the Poem Untitled by Li Shangyin 31 On the Principle of Faithfulness in C E E C Translation 32 On the Principle of Fidelity and Expressiveness in C E E C Translation 33 On Literal Translation and Free Translation 34 The Translation of Some Chinese and English Idioms 35 The Principle of Equivalence and its Application in C E E C Translation 36 Learning English Through Translation 37 Arts in the Translation of an English Verse 38 A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of Dream of Red Mansion 39 On Translating Passive Voice Sentences 40 On the Translation of English Long Sentences 41 The Most important Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 42 Exploring English Chinese Audiovisual Translation 43 On E C Translation of English Journalistic passages 44 On the Criteria of C E E C Interpretation 45 On the Unit of C E E C Translation 46 The Arts of Translating Advertising Language 47 On Transformation between Parts of Speech in E C Translation 48 Exploring Substitution and Ellipsis in Translation 49 English Abstract Noun s Connotation and its Translation 50 On E C Translation of Some English Proverbs 51 On E C Translation of Some English Slangs 52 The Analysis of Translation Style 53 Comparison and Translation of English and Chinese Colour Words in a Cultural Perspective 54 Comments on X s poem translation style 55 My Understanding of Internet Assisted Translation 56 Huajing An Ideal of or a Standard for Literary Translation 57 A Contrastive Study of Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre 58 Back Translation A Way to Expose the Cultural Globalization and Localization 60 Jean Delisle s View on Translation Teaching 61 On the Three Paradigms of Translation Studies in China 62 My View On the Relation between Translation Experience and Theory 64 Analysis of C E translation of Some Chinese Dishes 65 Translation of Animals from Cultural Difference Perspective 66 C E E C Cross cultural Translation of Animal Idioms 67 On the Translator s Subjectivity in Foreign Publicity Translation 68 A Study of E C C E Translation of Brand Names From the Functionalist Perspective 69 An Analysis of the Tourist Materials Translation of Hangzhou Scenic Spots 70 On the Coherence in Zhang Peiji s Translation of Beiying 二 专门用途英语 1 On the Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising Language 2 Skills in Wording of Business English Correspondence 3 My View on the Position of Business English Courses for English Majors 3 4 An Investigation of the Need for English Major Graduates Business English Knowledge 5 The Importance of Business English in the Job Market 6 The Role of Business English in the Economic Development of Zhejiang Province 7 A Survey of the Use of Business English among the English Graduates 8 Ambiguity and Puns in Business English 9 Ambiguity and Puns in Political Discourse 10 Ambiguity and Puns in American Presidential Candidates Debates 11 Figure of Speech in Journalistic English 12 Figure of Speech in Advertising English 13 Functions and Appliance of Puns in English Advertisement 14 English Abbreviations in Business English Writing 15 Function of Abbreviation in Newspaper English 16 A Survey of English Signs at Public Places in the West Lake 17 Stylistic Features of Advertising English 18 Stylistic Features of Journalistic English 19 Stylistic Features of Scientific English 20 Rhetorical Strategies in Advertising English 21 Rhetorical Strategies in Journalistic English 22 Cultural Factors in Business Negotiation 23 Analysis of Textual Structure of Journalistic English 24 Analysis of Textual Structure of Advertising English 25 Rhetoric in the Newspaper Headlines 26 A Stylistic Study on Internet English 27 An Exploration of the Linguistic Features of Chatting Online 28 New Words in Journalistic English 29 Coinage in English Newspapers and Magazines 30 Form and Function of Advertising Language in Persuading 三 英语教学 1 Common English Vocabulary Errors and Vocabulary Teaching 2 Promoting Autonomous Learning An Empirical Study of English Majors in Zhejiang Gongshang University 3 An Investigation of the Practice of Bilingual Teaching In Zhejiang Gongshang University 4 Cultivating Learning Autonomy A Case Study of Peer s feedback in A Translation Program 5 The Evaluation of A College English Listening textbook A Case Study from the Perspective of Needs Analysis 6 A Survey of English Majors After class Reading 7 A Survey of English Majors Extracurricular Activities and their Functions in English Learning 8 Negative And Positive Transfer In Foreign Language Learning 9 Fossilization And Its Solution 10 Teacher s Role In Autonomous Learning 11 Task Based Teaching In China s Secondary School 12 English Learning Strategy for Vocabulary 4 13 A Tentative Approach to the Encouraging learning Method 14 An Analysis on English Vocabulary Learning Skills 15 On the Importance of English Grammar Study for English Majors 16 On the Humanistic Qualities of English Majors 17 On the Difficulty in Learning English Adverbial Clauses 18 On the Importance of the Interaction Between Teachers and Students in the English Classroom Teaching 19 On English Reading Skills 20 On Public Speaking Skills 21 The Formation of an Effective Writing Program for English Majors 22 My Learning Strategy in Business Writing 23 Study on Task based Learning in Business Writing 24 My View of the Communicative Approach in Middle School English Teaching 25 On the Influence of Context in the Study of Spoken English 26 An Analysis of Pragmatic Ability for English Majors 27 The Influence of Learners Emotional Factors on English Learning 28 The Application of Communication Strategies in College Students English Learning 29 An Analysis of the College English Students Writing Problems 30 The Use of PPT in English Language Teaching 31 Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents over English Pronunciation 汉语方言对英语发音 的影响 32 母语质言对英语语音学习的影响 33 Cognitive metonymy and foreign language teaching 34 Cognitive Metaphor and Language Teaching 四 英语语言与文化 1 Borrowing in English Vocabulary 2 An Analysis of Some English Borrowed Words 3 Social Factors Influencing English Borrowings 4 Pragmatic Presupposition in Advertising English 5 Different Meanings of red in Chinese and English 6 Different Meanings of English Words in Different Context 7 The Importance of Context in Reading 8 The Importance of Context in Understanding 9 Cohesion in Paragraph Writing 10 A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Argumentation 11 A Comparative Study on English and Chinese Refusal 12 Cooperative Principles in Conversation 13 The Development of English a Historical Perspective 14 A Variety of English the Lexical Differences in Australian English or American English Canadian English etc 15 Coherence in Writing English Argumentation 16 The Use of Transitional Words in Achieving Coherence in Writing 5 17 English Majors Ability in Using Transitional Words in Writing 18 English Majors Ability in Applying Communicative Strategies 19 A Survey of English Majors Politeness Strategies in Cross cultural Communication 20 Common Grammatical Errors in English Majors Writing 21 Identity of Self in Choosing an English Name 22 A Social Context for the Use of English Names among College Students 23 The Principles Strategies of Cultural Communication in Globalization 24 The Study of Intercultural Identity the case of 25 On Cultural Conflicts between China and Britain in Business 26 A Pragmatic Analysis of a Famous Speech 27 Communicative Strategies in Delivering a Speech 28 A Study of Number 13 in English and Chinese 29 Code switching in English Classroom the Role of Native Language in an English Class 30 Code switching in University Campus the Social Identity of English in our Daily Life 31 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication 32 English Personal Pronouns a Preliminary Textual Analysis 33 Thematic Network and Text Types 34 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory 35 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing 36 浅谈身势语在交际中的语用功能 37 从语用学的礼貌原则看英语中的委婉语 38 英汉语言禁忌的文化对比 39 汉英禁忌语的语用对比 40 英汉谚语的文化比较 41 英语委婉语的起源及其社会交际功能 42 英语委婉语的语用功能 43 广告中双关语的语用功能及运用技巧 44 英语谚语的来源 功能及其修辞 45 非言语交际在交际中的影响 46 英语委婉语的特点及应用 47 英语委婉语的分类 构成方式及社会功能 48 反语的幽默属性及其语用功能 49 政治委婉语及其修辞应用 50 英语的语调类型及功能 A tentative study on English intonation and its function 51 英语新闻报道的文体特征 52 新闻标题的结构和特征 News headlines their strctures and feat 53 Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages 英语和汉语中的性别歧视 54 Lexieal Items a q Means of Cohesion in English Texts 英语语篇中的词汇衔接手段 55 Lexical Cohesion in English 英语词语的接应关系 56 The Polite Language in the English Language 英语中的礼貌用语 57 Reflection on the English Taboo Words 谈英语的禁忌语 58 The Different Usage of American Folk Language and Modem AmericaLanguage 美国俗语 与美国现代语言的区别 59 A Comparative Analysis of British and American English 英式英语与美式英语比较 6 60 An Account of Advertising Language 广告用语一瞥 61 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation 英汉语调比较分析 62 浅析英美语调的结构和功能 63 英美标调符号系统分析和对比 64 谈英语语调的特点及其用途 65 英语读音的弱式与速度和节奏的关系 66 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs 英语谚语与汉语谚语比较 67 A Comparative Study of English and Chines Idioms 英语习语与汉语习语比较 68 Cursory Examination on English Onomatopoeia 英语拟声词浅论 69 On Commonization of Proper Nouns in English 论英语专有名词普通化 70 Noun Verb Conversion in Contemporary English 现代英语中名词转化成动词的现象 71 Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases 前量词短语的句法功能 72 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions 英汉介词比较 73 On the English Verbal Fillers 谈英语填空词 74 On the English Negative Sentences 论英语否定句 75 On the English Verbless Sentences 谈英语的无动词句 76 On Simplification of English Sentences 谈英语句子的简化 77 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences 英汉存在句比较 78 Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese A Comparative Study 英汉 定语和状语的位置比较 79 Studies in English Sentences of Implied Condition 英语的含蓄条件句 80 Stylistic Analysis of the speech by the 44th American President Barack Obama 81 Cognitive analysis of conceptual mataphor and its translation strategies 82 A cognitive interpretation of metonymy 83 The mechanism of tautologies a cognitive pragmatic interpretation 84 A study of word formation of net language and its tendency 网络语言的构词特点及发展趋 势 85 A study of neologism online and its rhetorical effects 网络新语来源及修辞效果 86 A study of ambiguity in advertisements 广告中的歧义现象 87 A study of Chinese or English neologism from a memetical perspective 从模因论角度分析 英汉新词新语 88 A study of memetical phenomena in advertisements 广告中的模因 89 A memetical study of the mechanisms of humorous language in short comedies 从模因视角 分析小品语言幽默 五 英语文学 1 The Death Image in A Room with a View 2 Disconnection in Howards End 3 Family Crisis in Where Angels Fear to Tread 4 Legends and Identity Problems in Maxine Hong Kingston s Woman Warrior 5 Jonathan Swift A Great Satirist A Modest Proposal 6 The Art of Irony in Pride and Prejudice 7 A Tragedy of Ambition On Macbeth 8 A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth s Nature Poem and One by Tao Yuanming 7 9 On the Psychological Descriptions in Jane Eyre 10 An Approach to Thomas Hardy s Tess of the d Urbervilles 11 The Pessimistic Outlook in Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness 12 The Special Effect of the First Person Narration in English Novels 13 An analysis on The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway 14 An analysis on The Happy Prince The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde 15 Failure of American Dream A Structuralist Reading of The Great Gatsby 16 A Tale of Rebirth A Thematic Study on D H Lawrence s Lady Chatterley s Lover 17 A Study on the Biblical Archetypes in D H Lawrence s The Rainbow 18 The Cause Of Tess Tragedy in Tess of the D Urbevilles 19 A Comparison of Jane and Elizabeth s Characters and Destiny in Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice 20 On William Somerset Maugham s Novels 21 A Preliminary Study of Robinson Crusoe s Characters in Robinson Crusoe 22 Humor and Irony in Mark Twain s Novels 23 Modernist Features in Emily Dickinson s Poems 24 Lord Jim a Man in Search of Universal Truth 25 Romanticism in Walt Whitman s Poems 26 An Analysis of Faulkner s Language Style 27 Profound Humanistic Concerns of Robert Frost s Poetry 28 The American Jazz Age an Reflection through the Novels by Scott Fitzgerald 29 Artistic Features of the 19th century Romantic Poetry 30 Multi symbolism in The Scarlet Letter 31 追寻梦幻的蝴蝶 麦克尤恩 蝴蝶 中的成长主题与道德寓意 In pursuit of Illusionary Butterfly On the Moral Implications of Ian McEwan s Butterfly 32 精神的救赎 并置于 文学创作的反思 论麦克尤恩 赎罪 中的元小说书写 Spiritual Atonement and Reflections on Literary Creation On the Metafictional Nature Ian McEwan s Atonement 33 声名 不能承受之轻 论麦克尤恩 日光 中的反讽 The Unbearable Lightness of Reputation On the Ironies of Ian McEwan s Solar 34 艺术作为政治思想的表达 解构麦克尤恩 星期六 中的反恐元素 Arts as an Expression of Political Concept On the Counter Terrroist Elements of Ian McEwan s Saturday 35 虚幻的成长 麦克尤恩 梦想家彼得 的 幻想症 Growing up in Daydreams On the Fantasies Embodied in Ian McEwan s The Daydreamer 36 伦理身份的移形与换位 麦克尤恩 水泥花园 的文学伦理学解读 The Dislocations of Ethical Identities An Exploration of Ian McEwan s The Cement Garden from the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism 37 难以逾越的生命之坎 把脉麦克尤恩 在切尔斯沙滩上 的心理病症 The Unbearable Frustration A Pyshcological Reading of Ian McEwan s On Chesil Beach 38 幻想 与 迷思 麦克尤恩 时间中的孩子 的主题分析 Fantasy and Illusion A New Reading of the Theme in The Child in Time 39 男性中心主义 的垮掉 莫里森 慈悲 的女性主义研究视角 The Fall of the Male Domination A Feminist Reading Toni Morrison s A Mercy 8 40 自然的报复 莫里森 慈悲 的生态主义批评 The Revenge of Nature An Ecological Reading of Toni Morrison s A Mercy 41 为你 千千万万遍 解析胡塞尼 追风筝的人 的伦理特性 For You a Thousand Times Over An Ethical of Reading Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner 42 小说的另类书写 论库切 夏日 的文类混杂性 Finding a New Way to Write a Novel On the Genre Hybridity of J M Coetzee s Summertime


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