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Unit1Greetings 一情景训练 一 将下列句子用英语以口头和书面形式作答 然后听录音 检查你的答案 1 你最近忙些什么呢 2 从去年到现在我们都没见过面了 对不对 3 最近你学习怎么样 4 你妈妈的身体恢复了吗 5 你和同事处得好吗 6 你在哪儿过的暑假 你姑姑家还是奶奶家 现在听录音 检查你的答案 1 你最近忙些什么呢 2 从去年到现在我们都没见过面了 对不对 3 最近你学习怎么样 4 你妈妈的身体恢复了吗 5 你和同事处得好吗 6 你在哪儿过的暑假 你姑姑家还是奶奶家 Wehaven tseeneachothersincelastyear havewe Whathaveyoubeenbusywith Howareyourstudiesrecently Hasyourmotherrecovered Doyougetonwellwithyourcolleagues Wheredidyouspendthissummer inyouraunt splaceorgrandma splace 二 听取录音 根据所听到的内容补全对话 并与你的同学进行口头互动模仿练习 每段对话读一遍 1 W Hello Jim M Hello LiuFei youhere Howareyou W Just thanks 2 W thesedays M Mm justOK Andhowareyou W 3 M Hello Rose areyou W Yes I vegotto ifIwantto allthe M How severything Allright W Yes Thanks Andyou M I mOK Thanks 4 M Hello Betty howareyou W Tom Andyou M Justfine thankyou How s today W He smuchbettertoday M I m that Bye W Seeyoulater 1 W Hello Jim M Hello LiuFei youhere Howareyou W Just thanks 2 W thesedays M Mm justOK Andhowareyou W fancymeeting How slife fine 现在听录音 检查你的答案 Prettygood 3 M Hello Rose areyou W Yes I vegotto ifIwantto allthe M How severything Allright W Yes Thanks Andyou M I mOK Thanks 4 M Hello Betty howareyou W Tom Andyou M Justfine thankyou How s today W He smuchbettertoday M I m that Bye W Seeyoulater Workingagain passexams Quitewell gladtohear nottoobad yourfather 二模仿朗读 根据录音大声朗读 每段录音读两遍 每段录音后会留出相应的时间 供学习者朗读 1 Everyyear thousandsofstudentschoosetostudyinanothercountryforaterm asummer orawholeyear 2 TheOlympicsbeganinGreecemorethan2700yearsago TheGameswereoriginallypartofareligiousfestivalinhonoroftheGreekGods 3 TVs radiosandfilmsallhelpustocommunicatewithothers Theyallhelpustoknowwhatisgoingonintheworldandwhatotherpeoplearethinkingabout 4 ThefavoritefoodintheUnitedStatesisthehamburger Afavoriteplacetobuyahamburgerisafastfoodrestaurant 朗读指导 表示连读 表示升 降调 表示停顿 1 Everyyear thousands ofstudentschoosetostudyin anothercountry for aterm asummer or awholeyear 2 TheOlympicsbegan inGreece morethan2700years ago TheGameswere originallypart of areligiousfestival inhonor oftheGreekGods 3 TVs radios andfilmsallhelp ustocommunicatewith others Theyallhelp ustoknow what isgoing on intheworld andwhat otherpeoplearethinking about 4 Thefavoritefood intheUnitedStates isthehamburger Afavoriteplacetobuy ahamburger is afastfoodrestaurant 参考译文 1 每年都有数千名学生出国进行一个学期 一个夏季或一年的学习 2 奥林匹克运动会两千七百多年前发源于希腊 最初它是在纪念希腊神灵的宗教节日里进行的活动 3 电视 收音机和电影都有助于我们与他人的交流 通过这些媒介 我们可以了解外面的世界 还可以了解其他人的想法 4 美国人最喜欢的食品就是汉堡包 而美国人买汉堡包最常去的地方就是快餐店 三角色扮演 听下面一段材料 理解所听到的内容 用英语以口头和书面形式作答 每空填一至三个单词 本段材料读两遍 1 Question What sthematterwithJim Answer He s 2 Question WhatmadeJimfallill Answer The 3 Question WhenwillJimgotoBeijing Answer 4 Question What stheweatherlikeinBeijinginspring Answer It s 5 Question WhatclothesdoesLilysuggestJimtake Answer Some clothingandsome W Hello Jim M Howareyou Lily W Fine Howaboutyou Youdon tlookverywell M I mnotfeelingtoowell I vecaughtacold W Isitbecauseofthebadweather It sbeenawfullately M Hasn tit It sbeencoldandwindy Doyouliketheweatherhere W Notreally butI vegotusedtoitnow M Oh I mgoingtoBeijingnextspring What stheweatherlikeinBeijingatthattime W Notverygood It swindyanddry M Isitcoldthere ShouldItakeanywarmclotheswithme W No itisn tverycoldatthattime You llonlyneedsomelightwoolclothingandsomejacketsandshirts 听力原文 1 Question What sthematterwithJim Answer He s 2 Question WhatmadeJimfallill Answer The 3 Question WhenwillJimgotoBeijing Answer 4 Question What stheweatherlikeinBeijinginspring Answer It s 5 Question WhatclothesdoesLilysuggestJimtake Answer Some clothingandsome caughtacold badweather Nextspring lightwool windyanddry 现在听录音 检查你的答案 jacketsandshirts 四故事复述 听下面一段材料 根据你所听到的内容将文中缺失的信息补充完整 并学会记录文章关键点 本段材料读两遍 ProudSamSamthoughtthathewas Hethoughtthatnoonecould onhimbecausehewastooclever Heoftentalkedabouthis Oneday hesaidvery toTom Youwillneverplayatrickonme Tom Youaretoostupid Waitformebythe repliedTom Iwill totrickyou OK Thenhe Twohourslater Lucy Whyareyoustandinghere sheaskedSam IamwaitingforTom repliedSam Heisgoingtotryandtrickme Tomhasgonehome saidLucy Youhavealreadybeentricked Fromthenon Samnever hisclevernessagain 现在听录音 检查你的答案 ProudSamSamthoughtthathewas Hethoughtthatnoonecould onhimbecausehewastooclever Heoftentalkedabouthis Oneday hesaidvery toTom Youwillneverplayatrickonme Tom Youaretoostupid Waitformebythe repliedTom Iwill totrickyou OK Thenhe Twohourslater Lucy Whyareyoustandinghere sheaskedSam IamwaitingforTom repliedSam Heisgoingtotryandtrickme Tomhasgonehome saidLucy Youhavealreadybeentricked Fromthenon Samnever hisclevernessagain clever playatrick cleverness rudely schoolgate findaway cameby talkedabout wenthome 一音素 一 元音 语音语调知识之一 二 辅音 二发音器官

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