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专八改错讲解改错文章统计分析1. 内容: 人文类学术书籍或期刊杂志(历史政治语言教育),特别是语言类为主2. 篇幅: 200词左右3. 结构: 一般是总分结构1)总:文章主题一般在首句2)分:两条线索对立和顺承 改错答案统计分析1. 从错词词类上看,分布比较均匀,英语八大词类中均有涉及,具体来说:每年涉及至少5种词类的修改;动词每年有一个;形容词副词每年有一个;冠词代词每年有一个2. 从修改方法上看,每年10道改错题呈6,7-1,2-1,2的分值分布,即,修改单词6-7个,增加单词1-2个,删除单词1-2个一、考查什么?重点在于语言的运用1. 语法知识冠词、介词、 代词、情态动词、形容词与副词非谓语动词(v-ing, v-ed)定语从句虚拟语气 2. 词汇与搭配各类词性 + 词汇搭配与用法;灵活运用outer space vs. out space perform an act vs. make an act Posture vs. post get to their feet vs. get on their feetIn average vs. on average 3. 篇章结构改错旨在测试在具体语境或上下文中使用语法或词汇的能力 (esp句子之间的逻辑关系)具体语境或上下文:一篇200字左右的短文10个左右、意义上相关联的句子 跳出单句的框架,从语段(表达一相关层次意思的句子组合)的角度来进行判断句内错误 + 句间错误(尤其是表逻辑关系的连词)二、常见错误类型:1. 短语搭配错误2. 易混词错误3. 逻辑关系错误4. 代词错误(一致错误)5. 冠词错误6. 形容词和副词使用错误7.成分残缺或冗余8.动词时态或语态错误1. 短语搭配错误 (esp介词错误)to let alone in return to the need of substitute A with B account 70%under the grounds of/that attitude on life in a quick speed with many respects at the face of considerations to become victims of ride in a train resistive against resistance of embark sth in line to take pride of shed light to sth in proportion with be contrasted to modern time ability of (doing) sth at the first place be successful on doing approach to do on ones 30s differ A from B vary by 2. 易混词错误(1)形近异义词imaginative imaginary adapt adoptconfirm conform former formaldiary dairy personal personnelbeside besides principal principleconscious conscientious stationary stationeryconsiderate considerable affect effectcontact contract moral moraleindustrious industrial desert dessertrequire acquire inquire sensible sensitivetransformation transmission tense tensioncooker cook complexity complexinsurance assurance provide provided/providingperceive conceive(2)形近(形异)近义词latter later late latestfarther further effective efficientrespectable respectful historic historicalrise arise raise arousesure insure ensure assureproducing productivelonely alone across crossimpressed - impressive memorizing memorablenormal norm favorite favorableacceptability acceptance economical economic(a) few (a) little invent discoverbefore ago another other reward award(3)兼有两种形式的副词firstly first hardly hard late latelyhigh highly wide - widely close closely deep - deeply clear(完全地、径直地) clearly(显然、清楚地)(4)反义词with without possible impossible subjective objectiveimport export better worse employee employeremployment unemployment modifiable unmodifiablenatural unnatural discernable indiscernablelend borrow exclusive inclusiveindependency dependency willing unwillingnothing more than nothing less thanagree disagree less more (still more still less)most least known unknown respective irrespective majority minorityresult in result from fortunately - unfortunatelypowerful powerless easiness uneasinessprofessional amateur aware unawareinclude exclude(5) 名词单复数异义moral morals water - waters sand - sands manner manners wood - woods paper - papers saving savings time - times mean(n.平均值) means(方法) 注:bacterium - bacteria medium - media criterion - criteria (6) 易混短语live with live by tend to intend tonext week the next week spend in doing sth spend on sthdie of die from rather than other thanhave sb do sth have sth done take on go ontake place take the place of consist in consist ofin all after all in return in turnone reason for +短语 one reason why +句子bring out bring up apply to apply for3. 逻辑关系错误(连词使用错误)therefore nevertheless/however(大部分therefore都要改为however,反之亦然)and but / while or and after beforesince although there is no there is alsothat if from now on from then onall none if unless besides excepttherefore because so becauseso does he neither/nor does heas if even if whether ifThats why +结果 thats because +原因4. 代词错误(一致错误)their its that those which whatwhich that (有些情况下关系代词只能用that)it itself (主宾相同,宾语用反身代词)that/this it (只有it可作形式主语)his ones (泛指时用one) you yourselfit they this suchXX is less sophisticated than what they are today XX is less sophisticated than they are today5. 冠词错误(1)定冠词多余on the either side on either sidein the Europe in Europein the winter in winter Kaufman, the/an author of a recent book Kaufman, author of a recent book(同位语间完全对等关系,不必使用冠词)take the issue take issue(对持异议,不同意)(2)定冠词缺漏among most among the mostone of first one of the firstatmosphere the atmosphere(独一无二的事物,如:the world, the Equator, the Outerspace)between us and rest between us and the restin minority in the minorityplay piano play the piano (西洋乐器的前面要有定冠词)English language the English languageat heart of at the heart ofin long run in the long run注意以下短语的区别(抽象 vs. 具体)in church in the churchat college at the collegein court in the courtin hospital in the hospitalin office in the officein prison in the prisonat sea at the seain school in the schoolat table at the table6. 形容词与副词使用错误be well equipped as be as well equipped asheavy industrialized heavily-industrializedkeep the number constantly keep number constant feel hopeless thwarted feel hopelessly thwartedcomparative high proportion comparatively high proportion(quakes) start deeply in the earth start deep in the earthin the passed 5 years in the past 5 yearsculture embedded attitudes culturally embedded attitudesfrom one meter afar from one meter awayincreasing increasingly simple simply7. 成分残缺或多余(单复数错误)a world which I could get a world in which I could getshows that shows (先行词在定语从句中作主语,关系代词不可省略)take for granted that take it for grated that1980 1980s one of the most glaring form one of the mist glaring formswork sth work out sth believe in believe point sth point out sth 20 percents 20 percenteyes contact eye contact seven sevenththe process which it function the process by which it functioncommunication service communicationsservice (通信服务、通讯服务)average incomes average incomethe like of the likes of be referred to XX be referred to as XXbe viewed as work of art be viewed as a work of art8. 时态或语态错误went go agreeing agreedconsisted consisting bored boringfavoring favored if she was if she were(非真实条件句)involves involving will would (虚拟语气中)delaying delayed (已完成概念或者被动概念)the promise of improving quality of life the promise of improved quality of lifeassure assures (第三人称单数)have has (要看清句子真正的主语)developing developedthe least understanding the least understoodwhat they have told what they have been toldif circumstances become favorable if circumstances should become favorable总结:1. 步骤:做一定数量的改错练习 看以上的总结以及例子 再做题 掌握改错规律,识别出更多的错误并将其改正,形成自己的做题方法2. 语法、词汇错误 vs. 语篇错误 掌握语法词汇+ 文章理解(通读全文,再一行一行去识别错误所在,尤其隐蔽的语篇错误。 不要一上来就开始找错误,也不要边找错边读文章,不然只能找到一些词汇错误,但做完后不知所云,找不到语篇错误。

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