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商务英语试题(A)注 意 事 项1. 请首先按要求在试题卷的标封处填写姓名、考场、准考证号等;2. 请仔细阅读题目要求进行答题,在规定的位置填写答案;3. 请保持卷面整洁,不要在标封区填写无关内容;4. 答题时间为120分钟。Part I:Fill in the blanks: (10%)1. 商务合同包含Title、_、_、_4部分。2. 商务谈判中,主要包括四个主要步骤:enquiry、_、_和_。3. Memo一词为_ 的缩写形式,意为“备忘录”,有时也被称为“便函”。4. “No Smoking”的汉语意思是_ _。5. 邀请通常采用发请帖的形式。请帖又称请柬,包括以下内容:_、_、活动的具体时间、地点等。 Part II:Translate the Following Phrases: (10%) 1. From Chinese into English 指示提单 团购 股东 社会保障 闭幕词 2. From English into Chinese CIF business card sales representative duration export packingPart III:In the following sentences, there are four choices, choose the best one and write the answer in the blanks:(30%)1. We expect _large orders from Europe in the near future.A. receive B. to receive C. to receiving D. being received2. Thank you for your enquiry and we are pleased to _ as follows.A. firm offer B. offer firmC. firmly offerD. offer firmly3. Our products are of better quality than _ from other countries.A. this B. that C. those D. it4. We are writing to _ you in the hope of entering into business relations with you.A. get in touchB. approach with C. contact D. contact with5. We feel sorry for the delay that _ circumstances beyond our control.A. is dued to B. is due to C. due D. dued to 6. This company has been kept in_ with us since 1995.A. touch B. line C. relation D. friendship7. We are pleased_ your inquiry of April 3 for our leather shoes.A. to have B. to receiving C. as received D. receiving8. The paper _ our cartons is strong and water-proof.A. linesB. linedC. liningD. to line 9. Good morning, this is Xinhua Bookstore, _?A. whats your name? B. who are you looking for?C. can I help you? D. can I have your name?10. He complained that the _of prizes was unfair.A. attribution B. contribution C, distribution D. tribute11. Ill have you _ English in six months. A. speaking B. speak C. spoken D. be able to speak12. He tried to _ up his lessons by telling a few jokes.A. raise B. stimulate C. inspire D. liven13. For the time being, we cannt commit _ to any fresh orders.A. us B. our C. oneself D. ourself14. We wish to inform you that our sales volume has been _ for three successive years. All of the following can be used except:A. risenB. on the increase C. going up D. on the rise15. We are pleased to receive your fax of Jan.20, _ your order for 500 pounds of Chinese green tea.A. confirmedB. confirmingC. confirmsD. confirmPart IV: Translate the following sentences: (30%)1. From Chinese into English: (1) 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商务关系。 (2) 尽管两种产品差不多,但是完全不同的售后服务使它们有了很大差异。(3) 如果相关信用证不能在下个月1日之前到达, 你方就必须对由此给我方带来的损失负责。(4) 我最喜欢企业管理,我觉得它对我现在的工作很有用处。(5) John在小组讨论时提出了这个问题,我们要找出一个解决的方法。 2. From English into Chinese:(6) Id like to express our deepest thanks to you on behalf of our company.(7) Needless to say, Peter has to be off work for a while, because he had a quarrel with the customer. (8) The company provides many benefits, including paid vocation, medial insurance etc.(9) Customer satisfaction is worthless, customer loyalty is priceless. (10) If your price is competitive, we may consider placing a trial order with you for 2,000 dozens. Part V. Write a letter according to the following:(20%)请为A公司代写一封订货函,内容为A公司确认在9月10日接获了B公司购买蓝色T恤衫的订单,并将安排货物由火车运出,最后再随信附上一份产品目录。


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