牛津深圳版七上英语Module 4 Fun time unit 7 school clubs单元测试B卷

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第 1 页 共 19 页 牛津深圳版七上英语 Module 4 Fun time unit 7 school clubs 单元测试 B 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 词汇测试 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 共 8 题 共 16 分 1 2 分 2017 八下 启东开学考 What makes the man so A excited B excitedly C exciting D excite 2 2 分 2016 九下 江都期末 When did Uncle John Aunt Alice At the end of the year 2006 They for nearly ten years A marry have married B marry with have married C marry have been married D marry with have been married 3 2 分 What a fantastic park The of it is a flower A colour B price C shape D smell 4 2 分 What color do you want I want a one 第 2 页 共 19 页 A brown B nice C long D small 5 2 分 My sister won first prize in this English competition And my family her A took pride in B took part in C took care of D took the place of 6 2 分 2019 七上 广饶期中 Lily thinks the best way to get to school is by bus I think it from her I think the best way is walking A early B quickly C friendly D differently 7 2 分 2017 八下 靖江期中 They have studied in this school A since three years ago B three years ago C for three years ago D since three years 8 2 分 2017 深圳模拟 Rogers it s wrong of you to make fun of the blind I am sorry I will apologize to that girl 第 3 页 共 19 页 A take care of B laugh at C look up 二 选出恰当的词语完成句子 共 7 题 共 14 分 9 2 分 2018 七上 龙湖期中 The means China A BBC B PRC C NBA D UN 10 2 分 2016 八下 衡阳月考 Excuse me May I you to pass me the paper A keep B trouble C make 11 2 分 一 How do you like this house 一 It s everything I ve been looking for A Terrible B Perfect C Awful D Delicious 12 2 分 Do you come to China for the of seeing your relatives or doing business I come here on business 第 4 页 共 19 页 A interest B benefit C purpose D thought 13 2 分 How much do you spend the new boots They me 50 yuan A buying cost B to buy pay C buying spend 14 2 分 2019 九上 普陀期末 Bill is a new comer in this neighbourhood and has friends here so he feels lonely A little B a little C few D a few 15 2 分 2018 七上 凉州期中 Your English is very good A No no B No it isn t C Thank you D Yes it is 三 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 第 5 页 共 19 页 16 10 分 We know that trees are useful in our everyday life They 1 us many things such as wood oxygen 氧气 rubber medicines and many other things They can 2 tell us a lot about our climate The following are the reasons If you cut across a tree you can 3 that it has many rings Most trees grow one 4 ring every year Because of this reason we know 5 a tree is A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 6 When the climate is dry 干燥的 or very cold the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 7 When it is wet and 8 the rings are much thicker If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick this means that the 9 changed suddenly If we look at the rings on the trees we can 10 about the climate for a hundred years We can see how our climate is changing today 1 A give B ask C get D tell 2 A too B as well C either D also 3 A hear B feel C see D look 第 6 页 共 19 页 4 A new B old C young D short 5 A how tall B how old C how long D how far 6 A leaves B apples C rings D trees 7 A big B thin C thick 厚的 D long 8 A cold 第 7 页 共 19 页 B cool C hot D warm 9 A climate B things C people D life 10 A think B talk C learn D change 四 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 50 分 17 10 分 Once upon a time there were two good friends One was called Jack and the other was called James One day the two friends were walking through the desert During the journey they had a quarrel and Jack couldn t control himself and hit James in the face James felt hurt but he didn t say anything Instead he wrote in the sand Today my best friend Jack hit me in the face They kept on walking until they found an oasis 绿洲 They decided to get some water there Suddenly James had trouble in the water he fell into the mire 泥潭 and was in danger Jack saved him at once When he felt all right he wrote on a stone Today my best friend Jack saved my life Jack was very surprised and asked James After I hurt you you wrote in the sand and now you write on the stone Why James replied When someone hurts us we should write it down in the sand so that the wind of forgiveness can blow it away But when someone does anything good for 第 8 页 共 19 页 us we must write it on the stone so no wind can blow it away Since then the two good friends have never quarreled with each other again and they got on better with each other Hatred 仇恨 can bring you nothing but unhappiness If you don t forgive others you are making trouble for yourself Keep a peaceful heart all the time and remember to be always thankful to others 1 What happened when Jack hit his friend James in the face A After he was beaten in the face James was hurt and ran away B James hated his friend in return very much from then on C James hit his friend in return at once D James wrote Today my best friend Jack hit me in the face in the sand 2 What s the matter with James in the oasis A He was very careless and fell into the mire B He wanted to get some water and fell into the mire C He wanted to know if his friends would help him when he had trouble D He wanted to make his friend have trouble too 3 What did James do after he was saved by his friend A He wrote some words on a stone B He thanked his friends at once 第 9 页 共 19 页 C He wrote some words in the sand D He drank some water and had a rest 4 Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage A Jack was very angry when he had a quarrel with James B They decided to get some water after they found an oasis C The two good friends went on walking after the quarrel and found an oasis a few days later D Hatred can only bring you unhappiness 5 Why did James write words in different places A The wind of forgiveness can blow hatred away B No wind can blow thanks away C James only wanted to write words in different places D A and B 18 10 分 Nat lived in a small town in England He always stayed in England for his vacation but last year he thought I m never outside this country All my friends go to Spain and they like it very much So this year I m going there too First he went to Madrid 马德里 and stayed in a small hotel for a few days On the first morning he went out for a walk In England people drive on the left but in Spain they drive on the right Nat forgot about this and when he was crossing a busy street a bike knocked 撞 him down Nat lay 躺 on the ground for a few seconds and then he sat up and said Where am I 第 10 页 共 19 页 An old man was selling maps at the side of the street and he at once came to Nat and said Map of the city sir 1 Nat always spent his vacation A in Madrid B in Spain C outside his country D in England 2 One year Nat went to A England B London C Spain D America 3 The exact 准确 Chinese word for busy in this story may be A 忙碌的 B 紧张的 C 热闹的 D 热烈的 4 第 11 页 共 19 页 Map of the city sir means A Do you have a map of the city B Show me a map of the city please C Do you want to buy a map of the city sir D Do you want to have a look at the map of the city 5 The end 结尾 of the story is A sad B happy C interesting D boring 19 10 分 2016 七上 西安期中 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 Chen Hui Zhao Mei Li Nan and Yu Jing are good friends but they eat different foods for lunch Here is their lunch menu 菜单 Name Food Place Price yuan Chen Hui rice chicken and carrots Meiwei Restaurant 饭店 12 00 Zhao Mei dumplings 饺子 Hongmao Restaurant 14 00 Li Nan a hamburger Jiazhou Restaurant 15 00 Yu Jing tomato and egg noodles Baixing Restaurant 10 00 1 What does Zhao Mei eat for lunch A Rice chicken and carrots 第 12 页 共 19 页 B Dumplings C A hamburger D Tomato and egg noodles 2 Chen Hui has lunch in Restaurant A Meiwei B Hongmao C Jiazhou D Baixing 3 Li Nan s lunch is yuan A 10 B 12 C 14 D 15 4 The Chinese meaning 汉语意思 of different is A 甜的 B 辣的 C 不同的 D 难的 5 Which of the following is TRUE A Chen Hui doesn t eat carrots for lunch B Li Nan eats noodles for lunch C Zhao Mei s lunch is the most expensive 最贵 第 13 页 共 19 页 D Yu Jing s lunch is the cheapest 最便宜 20 10 分 2019 广州模拟 阅读理解 Erik Weihenmayer was born with an eye disorder As a child his eyesight became worse and then at the age of 13 he lost his sight completely However he did not lose his determination to lead a full and active life Erik became an adventurer He took up parachuting wrestling and scuba diving He competed in long distance biking marathons and skiing His favorite sport though is mountaineering As a young man Erik started to climb mountains He reached the top of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous 1000 metre rock wall of EI Capitan Two years later while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend they stopped for a time at 13 000 feet above sea level in order to get married And on May 25 2001 at the age of 33 Erik successfully completed the greatest mountaineering challenge of all He climbed Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world two years after he climbed Aconcagua the tallest mountain in South America in 1999 Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains He carries two long poles one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of him The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him Erik is a good team member He does his share of the job such as setting up tents and building snow walls Although he could not enjoy the view Erik felt the excitement of being on the top of Everest He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind When people think about a blind person or blindness now they will think about a person standing on top of the world 1 What was unusual about Erik s wedding A He got married on the top of Mount McKinley B He got married when climbing Mount Everest C His wedding was held after he prepared a lot D His wedding was held at 13 000 feet above sea level 2 What is Erik s special method for climbing a mountain 第 14 页 共 19 页 A He takes his girlfriend with him B He does his share of the jobs C He uses two long poles to help himself D He keeps a good team around him 3 Which of the following adjectives can NOT be used to describe Erik according to the passage A brave B determined C inactive D optimistic 4 Which of the following is TURE A Erik was blind when he was born B Erik s girlfriend was good at climbing mountains too C Erik s team member wears a bell to make music for the climbing D Erik and his team members help each other in their climbing 5 What does the story mainly tell us about Erik A He is a success in all kinds of sports B He invented his own method for climbing mountains C Good chances and hard training lead to his success D He is to change people s idea about blind people 21 10 分 2018 七上 南沙期末 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 A B C 和 D 项中 选出最佳选项 B 第 15 页 共 19 页 You may know a lot about smartphones But what about smart cities Imagine living your life like this When you wake up in the morning you say Open the window to the computer and it opens the window The sunshine is shining and the birds are singing Then you finish breakfast and sit in front of your desk and begin to have classes through the Internet With the help of building a smart city this may become true one day A smart city uses digital technologies 数字科技 such as the Internet to improve city planning save resources 资源 and make our lives easier For example people live in smart cities where there is Internet almost everywhere They can do many things at home such as booking train tickets paying water bills and shopping online What a convenient life it is Now China is making some cities smarter For example Guiyang is going to build free Wi Fi in the whole city Tianjin plans to start a smart city program to solve traffic problems Guangzhou is creating a smart city so everyone in the city should play a role in creating a smart city 1 Which city is planning to start a smart city program to solve traffic problems A Guiyang B Tianjin C Guangzhou D Beijing 2 According to the passage we can do the following things with Internet at home EXCEPT A booking train tickets B having classes C paying water bills D having breakfast 3 The underlined word convenient in the passage means A difficult 第 16 页 共 19 页 B easy C lazy D busy 4 What will the life be like in the future A People in Guiyang can pay money for Wi Fi in the whole city B Asmart city with digital technologies will use more resources C People can open the windows through the computer D Computers can make the sun shine and birds sing 5 The passage mainly tells us A the smart cities B the future life C digital technologies D the smartphones 五 语法填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 22 10 分 2017 九下 临淄期中 语法填空 Summer holiday is come The kids have already make great plans for the summer Some of them will travel abroad example Guo Yuan will spend his holiday far away from his parents He will visit Australia some friends Some kids will keep study hard during the summer holiday They have to go to many after school classes Their parent think this is good for their future studies But the students them don t like it Some will stay at home and do same things as usual like reading books and watch TV What is your plan for the summer vacation 六 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 23 5 分 在日常生活中我们都会遇到压力 尤其是初三学生 你是如何排解压力的呢 请以 How to 第 17 页 共 19 页 reduce the pressure 为题 写一篇 80 词左右的文章 阐述自己的观点 提示 你遇到的压力 pressure 是什么 如作业多 考试成绩不理想等 你是如何减轻 reduce 压力的呢 如听音乐 看电影 锻炼身体等 How to reduce the pressure 第 18 页 共 19 页 参考答案 一 词汇测试 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 共 8 题 共 16 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 二 选出恰当的词语完成句子 共 7 题 共 14 分 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 三 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 16 答案 略 四 阅读理解 共 5 题 共 50 分 17 答案 略 第 19 页 共 19 页 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 五 语法填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 22 答案 略 六 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 23 答案 略

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