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新托福TPO124套之综合写作+详析TPO1综合写作阅读材料:In the United States, employees typically work five days a week for eight hours each day. However, many employees want to work a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so. A mandatory policy requiring companies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweek for four-fifths (80 percent) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as a whole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided to take the option.中文翻译:在美国,职员一般执行的一周五天,每天八小时工作制。然而,很多职员希望能够改为四天工作制,如果能够满足需要可以接受薪水降低。要求企业提供薪水八成工作四天的工作方式供员工选择对于国家整个经济都是有好处的,同时获益的还有个人,以及执行这个政策的公司。The shortened workweek would increase company profits because employees would feel more rested and alert, and as a result, they would make fewer costly errors in their work. Hiring more staff to ensure that the same amount of work would be accomplished would not result in additional payroll costs because four-day employees would only be paid 80 percent of the normal rate. In the end, companies would have fewer overworked and error-prone employees for the same money, which would increase company profits.中文翻译:减少工作日会提高公司的利润,因为员工们会感到很轻松和精神,这样他们就会在工作中较少犯那些可能会带来损失的错误。为了完成同样的工作量将需要雇佣更多的人手,但是这不意味着需要支付更多的薪水,这是因为四天工作日只需支付给每个员工80%的工资。这样,公司花同样的钱,员工这会过于劳累和失误连连了,这样将会提高公司的利润。For the country as a whole, one of the primary benefits of offering this option to employees is that it would reduce unemployment rates. If many full-time employees started working fewer hours, some of their workload would have to be shifted to others. Thus, for every four employees who went on an 80 percent week, a new employee could be hired at the 80 percent rate.中文翻译:对于国家整体来说,给职员提供这样的选择选择的好处就是可以降低失业率。如果原来全职工作的人缩短了工作时间之后,他们的部分工作就需要转给其他的员工。这样,如果每个员工每周都只工作80%的时间,这样就可以以同样的工作时间来雇佣新员工了。Finally, the option of a four-day workweek would be better for individual employees. Employees who could afford a lower salary in exchange for more free time could improve the quality of their lives by spending the extra time with their families, pursuing private interests, or enjoying leisure activities.中文翻译:最后,这种四天工作日的选择对于员工个人来说也是有利的。那些可以接受用降低薪水来增加休息时间的员工可以提高他们的生活质量,因为他们有更多的时间陪家人、追求自己的兴趣、以及享受一些休闲生活。以下是阅读部分最好提取的观点:- Main point: A mandatory policy requiring companies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweek for four-fifths (80 percent) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as a whole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided to take the option.- Sub point 1: The shortened workweek would increase company profits.- Sub point 2: the country as a whole will benefits.- Sub point 3: the option of a four-day workweek would be better for individual employees.如何抽取观点呢?- 这篇文章没有在观点抽取的时候为我们设置障碍,Main point就乖乖地出现在首段段尾,sub points都是在段首出现的。但是需要提醒的是千万不要把support和detail作为point提取出来。在独立写作的时候,大家常犯的一个错误就是把support和detail作为point放在段首,在阅读部分也还是难以压抑对support和detail的重视。在提取point的时候不要把细节搅和进来。比如就不能说第一个sub point是员工效率更高;第二个sub point是可以降低失业率,第三个sub point是可以提高生活质量。如果用细节当point,就会在听力部分发现点对点对不上了,因为不是所有题目都是会反驳阅读部分的细节的。即便是,你貌似对上了,但是逻辑层面不对还是错的。所以,真正的理解point的含义是非常重要的,point的是观点,不提炼出来的态度,而不应该是一些起支撑作用的细节。实际上,我们自查sub point的方法就是它是否是支持main point。有的时候sub point是main point 的一部分,这段就是一个典型,有的时候sub point从不同方面支持main point。但是如果抓到的是细节,那么就没有这样直接的逻辑关系,则不可用。这样的视角也可以用在独立写作的自查上,看看自己找的sub point到底对不对。在听力部分,我们可以预测到的就是这个四天工作制是没有哪个方面可以从中获益的,在听的时候我们一定要注意那些表原因的词汇,这样我们才能找到重点。观点是这个样子的:Offering employees the option of a four-day workweek wont affect the company profits, economic conditions or the lives of employees in the ways the reading suggests.给雇员提供四天工作日的选择不会像阅读部分上所说的对企业、经济状况和雇员个人的生活带来积极的影响的。First, offering a four-day workweek will probably force companies to spend more, possibly a lot more. Adding new workers means putting much more money into providing training and medical benefits. Remember the costs of things like health benefits can be the same whether an employee works four days or five. And having more employees also requires more office space and more computers. These additional costs would quickly cut into company profits.首先,采用四小时工作制可能会对导致企业支出增加,甚至大幅增加。增加新的员工以为这要再员工培训和医疗保险上花费更多的钱。别忘了,无论是四天工作制还是五天工作制,每个人在诸如保健福利金方面的花费是一样的。而新增的员工统一也需要更多的工位和更多的电脑。这些额外的支出很快就会影响到公司的利润。Second, with respect to overall employment, it doesnt follow that once some employees choose a four-day workweek, many more jobs will become available. Hiring new workers is costly, as I argued a moment ago. And companies have other options. They might just choose to ask their employees to work overtime to make up the difference. Worse, companies might raise expectations. They might start to expect that their four-day employees can do the same amount of work they used to do in five days. If this happens, then no additional jobs will be created and current jobs will become more unpleasant.第二,至于整个社会的就业问题,也不是像阅读部分所说的,只要有雇员选择四天工作制,就会创造更多的就业机会。鉴于我刚才说的,雇佣新员工花费颇多,很多公司都另作选择了。他们可能就是要求他们的员工加班已完成任务差额。甚至公司可能会提高它们对员工效率的预期。它们可能会要求改成四天工作制的员工完成过去他们五天完成的任务。如果这样,不但没有新的工作机会,而且现有的工作也变得不那么令人愉快了。Finally, while a four-day workweek offers employees more free time to invest in their personal lives, it also presents some risks that could end up reducing their quality of life. Working a shorter week can decrease employees job stability and harm their chances for advancing their careers. Four-day employees are likely to be the first to lose their jobs during an economic downturn. They may also be passed over for promotions because companies might prefer to have five-day employees in management positions to ensure continuous coverage and consistent supervision for the entire workweek.最后,虽然四天工作日给员工更多的空闲时间去安排他们的私人生活,但是他们也会冒有一定风险,这些风险甚至可能会降低他们的生活质量。时间较短的工作制将会降低雇员工作的稳定性,同时阻碍他们事业的发展。在面临经济危机的时候,选择四天工作制的员工将会首当其冲地被裁掉。同时由于公司更倾向于把管理岗给那些五天工作的员工,这样四天工作制的员工将会错失进行集会。企业正阳的考虑是为了保证在整个工作周期中都有持续的管理覆盖和持续的监督机制。增加你的词汇量:阅读部分表达方法:passage, material听力部分表达方法:lecture, the professors says同意: say, argue, claim, opinion, hold the view that, figure, deem, believe, reckon, consider, opinion, proposition,反对:on contrary, by contrast, argue against, refute, object, hold a totally different view, oppose, be against.建议:在行文过程中,需要变化的是表示同意或者反对的功能性词汇,而表示阅读部分和听力部分的指代型词汇请不要变化。就像你跟人介绍我,不能在整个过程中说沐浴、沐沐、达芙妮、muyuruc,这样会让听者或者读者摸不到头绪的,我们语言多样性的表达要用在需要的地方。对文章结构的解析如下:第一段:要表达的内容有:passage部分的主观点,lecture部分的主观点,以及两者之间的关系。第二段:passage部分的sub point 1,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。第三段:passage部分的sub point 2,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。第四段:passage部分的sub point 3,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。小贴士:没有必要在文章中出现passage部分的support和details,或者说不能出现。综合写作对语言的要求是清晰表达,准确转述即可(其实独立写作的要求也类似)。没有必要可以的追求语言的华丽,把话说清楚最重要。有的同学语言使用的能力还有一定局限的情况下,千万不要刻意追求句式的复杂化,因为这样的后果就是写出来的句子个个都有错,个个都有表达不清。同时,那些语言能力好的同学也要注意语言的简洁,无论是何种语言,总最好的词表达最多的内容都是很厉害的呀。从句套从句的句子,我不希望在写作部分看到。以下是参考例文:The passage argues that four-day work week will benefit companies, the whole economy, and individuals. But in the lecture, the professor holds a totally different view that no one will be beneficial from the new work week.Firstly, the passage says that companies will get more profits for employees can work more effectively. However, the lecture points out that four-day workweek will lead to spend more. That is because companies have to spend more money on training, medical benefits, office positions, even new computers.Secondly, the passage claims that the whole economy will benefit, for the four-day workweek is a way to reduce unemployment rates. The lecture refutes the idea completely. Admittedly, there are more available jobs, but companies will prefer to let employees work overtime to finish them for hiring new staff is too expensive. In addition, the companies may lift their expectation that staff finish five-day jobs within four-day.Thirdly, the passage suggests that individual employees can benefit from it. Though the four-day workweek can provide more leisure time to employees, the lecture argues against the passage. Comparing to five-day workers, the four-day workweek employees may be the first one to be fire during economic depression. And they will have less chance to promotion because companies wish that managers could be on duty every work day.TPO2先来看看托福综合写作的阅读材料:In many organizations, perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble a group of people into a team. Having a team of people attack a project offers several advantages.中文:在很多机构里,恰当完成一个新项目的最好方法可能是把一组人组织成一个团队。一个团队来完成一个项目有几个优势。First of all, a group of people has a wider range of knowledge, expertise, and skills than any single individual is likely to possess. Also, because of the numbers of people involved and the greater resources they possess, a group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and can come up with highly creative solutions to problems and issues.翻译:首先,一组人员意味着有比任何一个个体拥有更为广泛的知识、技能以及技巧。同时,因为有更多数量人员的介入和更多资源的占有,团队工作可以以更快的速度对任务作出反应。同时,也能创造性地解决遇到的问题和争议。Sometimes these creative solutions come about because a group is more likely to make risky decisions that an individual might not undertake. This is because the group spreads responsibility for a decision to all the members and thus no single individual can be held accountable if the decision turns out to be wrong.中文:由于在团队工作中个体无需承担风险,所以会倾向于作出冒险的决定。这就导致了团队工作有时候可以创造性地解决问题。这是因为团队把团队决策的责任分摊给所有的成员了,这样的话,即使决策最后证明是错的,也不会有任何个体需要对此负责。Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of the team. Team members who have a voice in making a decision will no doubt feel better about carrying out the work that is entailed by the decision than they might doing work that is imposed on them by others. Also, the individual team member has a much better chance to “shine”, to get his or her contributions and ideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant, because a teams overall results can be more far-reaching and have greater impact than what might have otherwise been possible for the person to accomplish or contribute working alone.翻译:加入一个团队对于个体成员来说是一个非常荣耀的。对于那些能够影响决策的成员来说,毫无疑问,他们在团队行为中得来的决策快感要优于他们被动地接受别人指派任务时候的感受。同时,团队中的个人有更多“闪耀”的机会,这些机会的实现是由于他们对团队的贡献不但被认可,而且是高度低认可。这种高度的认可是因为团队的成就和影响力是要要高于个体。团队可以实现个体所不完成的任务,达到个体所不能达到的高度。在这段阅读材料里考生需要抽取以下观点:1、 Main point: perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble a group of people into a team.2、 Sub point 1: A group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it3、 Sub point 2: Sometimes these creative solutions come about.4、 Sub point 3: Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of the team.这些观点是怎么抽取出来的呢?首先,Main point: 主观点抽取的时候,有些同学喜欢凭感觉。可是如果感觉可靠的话,就没有那么多人失恋了。感觉是靠不住的,我们要找到根据。这篇文章的主观点算是比较好找的。阅读部分从题材上是essay,这个跟我们独立写作的作文是一致的。对于独立写作我们对开头段的要求是什么呢?那就是一个简短的drawer加上一个清晰的main point。同时如果时间不允许,那么开头直接说观点也是可以的,这篇文章呢,就是开门见山的说出了观点: perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble a group of people into a team。而后面的一句话是过渡句,是预告下文的。也就是说,我将在团队工作的优势方面来支持我的主观点。我们在独立写作的时候,也可以把sub point整理之后提前到开头段,因为开头段存在的目的是:what I will talk about。其次, Sub point 1: 简单的main point找到之后,大家就在第一个sub point上面折戟了,华丽丽地选择了开头句。是呀,我们都说TS前置的呀!但是这是考题呀,就是考我们怎么抽出观点的。同时,经过这个也可以看出来,不把TS前置是多么讨厌的事情呀。我们写文章一个要不能用废话去烦考官,另一个是不能去考考官,因为我们是弱势群体。那么,这个sub point是怎么找出来的呢?显然不是凭感觉的。我们先厘清一下一个概念,就是一段里面sub point和下面的support内容是什么关系呢?唉,是解释的关系。Support是解释sub point的,是支持sub point的。因此,所有表原因的部分,都不会是point,而会是support和details。因此“because of the numbers of people involved and the greater resources they possess”这句就华丽丽的不会是观点。而跟着它的那个主句,这很有可能是观点,但目前还不能这么草率的确定。我们沿着这个句子往前看,有个词是“also”。这个词,直译过来就是“也”。如果这样一句话:“ , 我也没吃饭,所以我们要一起去吃饭”,那么横线上的内容一定是“我也没吃饭”相平行的,要么张三,要么李四,共同组成“我们去吃饭”的原因。所以also之前的内容也是原因,而不是结果,那么就不会是观点。好了,先说到这里,接着说第二个sub point,然后回过头来这这一段结尾的那个句子。然后, Sub point 2: 这个TS就好找多了,开头第一句嘛。但是这样就可以了吗?显然不行,我们这样的判断方法是没有普适性的,下一次不放在第一句怎么办?好吧,我们找一个很伟大的词:because。这是一个原因状语从句,在主从复合句中,如果从句放在后半部分,那么就不需要用逗号隔开,这就让我们这个because不那么明显,但是,如果我们每次看综合写作的时候都先把because念一遍,就找到了。紧接着的这句就更和谐了,“This is because”开头了。那么这句也是表原因啦。里面有个词,thus可能会给大家带来一些困扰:这不是因此吗?这不是于是吗?但是在thus前面还有一个神一样的词,是and,好吧,这and表示的时候前后的东东是并列的,所以能,前后都是表原因的。这个thus的存在表示后面这个原因,其实是and前面的这个原因衍生出来的,然后共同充当sub point的原因。好了,这一段就只剩下第一句话的主句了,就是creative solution了。这时候,我们再回过头看第一段的最后一句,好像也提到了creative solution了,但同时也看到了and。And前后的东西是并列的,那么creative solution是一个sub point,则and前面的句子也是sub point的,验证了我们前边的推论。至于这里提到的creative solution是对下面的预告。我们总是就接用linking word是用fist好还是first and foremost好,但是很多时候,地道的表达会用句子来做linking。最后,Sub point 3: 这段的观点也是出现在了开头,rewarding。好了,我们再也不要用感觉去判断了。我们找到一个叫also的词,它会告诉我们前后的两句是同等地位的,鉴于每段之后一个point,那么这两句都被排除了。那么除了第一句我们好像也没有更好的选择了。可能有的同学会找到because,然后认为because前面的那半句是point。但是,因为also的存在粉碎了这样的观点,同时我们要知道,在使用推理论证的过程中,因果是可以不止一层的,很可能是ABCD的过程。我们不能because A,B 就误认为B是point。其实独立写作和综合写作时互通的,在独立写作中学到的论证方法可以帮住我们阅读,而阅读中学到的表达方式和行文风格也可以借鉴到独立写作之中。那么观点找到了,怎样找分论点呢?三个sub point分别是:quickly, creative solution, rewarding。那么反驳的时候,就是不quickly、不creative solution和不rewarding。第一个和第三个是没有问题的,但是对于creative和solution的反驳却有三个角度,一个是不creative,一个是不solution,一个是两个都反驳。就这篇文章的听力部分来说,是既反驳的creative,又反驳了solution。如果在听力部分听不到这个点,那就是一定会丢点的。很多学生都觉得自己听懂了,觉得这个无论是语速还是词汇都远小于单独的听力部分测试。但是,这两者之间是很有很大区别的,听力测试是有题目和选项的,更多的是要求大家抓到主干即可,如果要考细节,那么就会有重听。但是综合写作却考的是精听,要你听到观点和分论点之后,还有写出support。有的学生说听懂之后,我让他来复述,都会漏掉很多的细节,因为听的时候要么不记笔记,要么记句子,这些都是不可取的。这部分应该和文章阅读一起单独跟大家说一说。以下这段材料是综合写作的听力部分:Now I want to tell you about what one company found when it decided that it would turn over some of its new projects to teams of people, and make the team responsible for planning the projects and getting the work done. After about six months, the company took a look at how well the teams performed.中文:现在我要给大家讲讲在一个公司考虑以团队工作的形式进行项目时候的发现吧。这几个项目是以团队的形式负责和完成的。六个月之后,公司来验收项目进行的如何。On virtually every team, some members got almost a “free ride” . . . they didnt contribute much at all, but if their team did a good job, they nevertheless benefited from the recognition the team got. And what about group members who worked especially well and who provided a lot of insight on problems and issues? Well . . . the recognition for a job well done went to the group as a whole, no names were named. So it wont surprise you to learn that when the real contributors were asked how they felt about the group process, their attitude was just the opposite of what the reading predicts.中文:实际上,在每个团队都会有一些成员选择“搭便车”。这些成员并没有对团队的工作有任何贡献,但是如果整个团队很好地完成了任务,他们也会从团队所获得的认可中获利。那么对于那些在团队中努力工作,为团队所面临的问题和正义提供很多简介的人呢?没有人知道他们的名字。当这些真正的贡献者被问及团队工作的感受是,他们的态度则是和阅读部分所预计的相反的。你应该不会对这样的态度感到意外的。Another finding was that some projects just didnt move very quickly. Why? Because it took so long to reach consensus; it took many, many meetings to build the agreement among group members about how they would move the project along.中文:另一个发现就是,一些项目进行的速度不是很快。为什么呢?这是因为团队需要很长的时间达成一致意见,他们需要开很多会才能在成员之间对于如何进行项目达成共识。On the other hand, there were other instances where one or two people managed to become very influential over what their group did. Sometimes when those influencers said “That will never work” about an idea the group was developing, the idea was quickly dropped instead of being further discussed. And then there was another occasion when a couple influencers convinced the group that a plan of theirs was “highly creative.” And even though some members tried to warn the rest of the group that the project was moving in directions that might not work, they were basically ignored by other group members. Can you guess the ending to this story? When the project failed, the blame was placed on all the members of the group.中文:在另一方面,有些证据表明在团队中会有一到两个人会对整个团队非常有影响力。有时候,当他们对团队中正在运行的想法说了一句“这是行不通”的时候,这个想法就会在没有进行深入谈讨论之前就被放弃了。同时,还会存在这样一种情况:这些有影响力的人笃定他们相处的方法是“非常有创造性的”。这时候,即便有些成员会试图提醒其他成员项目现在正在沿着一个错误的方向进行,甚至有可能失败的。但是他们的声音会被其他的成员所忽略。你能猜到这个故事的结局吗?结局就是,当这个项目失败的时候,责备会被所有团队成员一同承担。如何抽取听力部分的观点:听力部分的观点顺序不一定跟阅读部分是完全一致的,这一点还是比较常见的。在篇文章里,听力部分的第二段,反驳的就是rewarding这个点,第三段反驳的是quickly,而第四段则分别反驳了creative和solution。先说好的idea可能不经深入讨论就drop了,这样creative就无从实现了,接着说在influential的影响下可能在错误的方向上进行,进而失败,以驳斥了solution。教您记笔记:1、需要注意的标志词:Another, on the other hand, because, and then there was another occasion在听力部分,because后面的话可就变得重要了。2、笔记上的重点词:记笔记是一定要的,因为考的是精听,细节记不下来就会失分。但是不要记句子,而是记单词。就这篇文章来讲,你的笔记上需要出现以下词:1) didnt contribute, benefit, no names were named, opposite of reading prediction2) didnt move very quickly, long to consensus, many meetings3) influential, never work dropped, high creative warn, direction not work ignore, fail, blame on all members.在实际记笔记的过程中,你可以选择自己特有的简写方法,那么你的笔记将会更加简洁。听的时候不要因为一个两个词的纠结影响大片信息的提取。文章结构:第一段:要表达的内容有:passage部分的主观点,lecture部分的主观点,以及两者之间的关系。第二段:passage部分的sub point 1,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。第三段:passage部分的sub point 2,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。第四段:passage部分的sub point 3,lecture部分对应的sub point,lecture里面相对应的support和details。小贴士:没有必要在文章中出现passage部分的support和details,或者说不能出现。TPO 3阅读材料:Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the womans face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt.中文:伦勃朗是十七世纪荷兰最富盛名的画家。然后,对于有些画作是否确实出自他手却是颇有争议的。有一副有争议的画归于伦勃朗名下是因为其风格属于伦勃朗,同时画上女子的面庞也同伦勃朗其他画作中的人物非常类似的。然而,这幅画中存在的一些问题却表明这幅画不是伦勃朗的作品。First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear-yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency.中文翻译:首先,这幅画上的一个问题就是画中女子的衣着有些不协调。她带着一个白色的亚麻帽子,这是一种仆人才会戴的帽子。但是穿的衣服却有一个奢华的皮草领子,这样的衣服是仆人阶层所不能承受的。以关注作品服饰细节著称的伦勃朗是不会在作品中发这样的错误的。Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto it from below. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow-which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error.中文:第二,伦勃朗是光影大师,但是在这幅作品中光影却是不协调的。人物的面庞被来自下面的光照亮了,但是面部下面却是深色的皮草领子。这个深色的皮草领子应该是吸光而不是反光的,所以面部应该呈现的是半明半暗的状态,而不是全部都是亮的。伦勃朗是绝不会犯这样的错误的。Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood.中文:最后,对于画作背侧的检查发现这幅画的木板是有几块木头粘在一起的。尽管伦勃朗常常会在木板上作画,但是尚未发现伦勃朗使用几块拼接的木板作画。For these reason the painting was removed from the official catalog of Rembrandts paintings in the 1930s.中文:因为上述原因,这幅画在1930年代从伦勃朗的官方画作目录中移除了。补充常识(摘自百度百科):以下是在阅读这部分可以提取的主观点和三个次观点:Main point: The painting is not a work by Rembrandt.Sub point 1: There is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed.Sub point 2: Light and shadow do not fit together.Sub point 3: Panel made of several pieces of wood glued together which is never done by Rembrandt.下面来和大家谈谈这些观点是怎么分解出来的呢?这篇文章的阅读部分可以说是非常和谐的,无论是main point还是sub points都是非常清晰明了的。但是需要注意的是这篇文章段内展开是需要仔细看的。很多的时候大家都认为只要知道point就够了,其他的就听就行了。但是,三分钟的时间我们真的足够可以把这篇文章仔细看完,甚至做好笔记。如果你听力足够好,不看可以,但是什么样才是足够好呢?听力部分TPO满分算吗?答:不算。听力部分是泛听,还有题目和套路去辅助你。但是综合写作部分就没有这么好,这么慢的速度,这么短的文章,怎么可能听个大概就放过你们呢?如果阅读部分的展开是基于事实的,那么一定一定要认真看,对于我们听力部分有很好的促进作用。事实是不能被反驳的,有黑色的领子是不会变的,光影不协调是不会变的,拼接木版是不会变的。那么在听力部分只能是基于这些事实进行explanation。这样,谈的话题都会


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