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2011-2012学年度下学期英语科第6册关进兰教案Unit1 Where were you last month?一、 Teaching aims: 1. Learn the words of vocabulary.2. 复习巩固一般过去时的用法。3. Understand the pronunciation of“o”.二 、Teaching key points:1 Master pronunciation of“o”.2 Can use“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”to make dialogue freely. 三、 Teaching difficult points:1.Use“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”to communicate.2.How to use the preposition.四、Teaching material:tape, computer, objects. 五、Teaching processTHE FRIST PERIOD(Vocabulary、Review)1. Revision :Say hello to the students Daily report “Today is .Yesterday was.2. Presentation:.Learn the new words base on the CAI.T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“spicy”Read it together and Ss do the action and how to explain those words.Elicit “Whats the food like? food 食物Elicit “good” and “bad” by praising the good Ss and bad Ss.T ask S1 “Where are you today?”Guide S1 to say: “Im at school.”Lend in “Where were you last night?I was at home.3. Practice :Open their books and listen to Review first,then repeat.Play a game: Ss write down the places and put them in the box, Some of them going to draw lots others ask her or him“Where were you yesterday?”“What was the weather like?”“What was the food like ?”Group work4. Conclusion 5 .Homework :Design a picture for each new word and copy them twice.THE SECOND PERIOD(Conversation、Practice1&2、Chant activity)1. Revision Daily report Spelling test2. Presentation:Use the pictures of the countries, have Ss go to different countries, some of them voluntary to answer the questions as to practice the main sentences in this unit.Still use the flags. T demonstrates: I come from China. Where do you come from?Guide S2: I come from China.(twice)Then say: Where did you come from?Elicit: Many places. (many 、place)Listen to the tape first, and then repeat.4. Practice:Finish Practice1T and S3 to demonstrate Practice2Pair workFeedbackT explains, “I walked a long way.” in Chinese.Listen and chant.Redesign the chant.5. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing.6. Homework: 1.Finish activity7.Finish WorkbookTHE THIRD PERIOD(Sound and words 、chant、Workbook)1. Revision:Daily report2. Presentation:T write down “dog”、“clock” underline “o”Have Ss repeat after the T. Then practice the sound.3. Practice:Open the books and listen to the tape. Then repeat.Look at the month and guess the word within rows.2minutes to read by the students.Feedback: T say the words and Ss point to the exactly pictures.Write down “dog、frog、clock、top、tock、shop、knock、jog.Have Ss underline the words.Listen to the chant and repeatGroup competition and find out the winner.Finish Workbook.4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing.5.Homework:Act out conversation.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:Unit 1 Where were you last month?good tasty snowy spicybad yucky Canada ThailandWhere were you yesterday?I was in Canada?What was the food like?It was tasty.Unit 1教学反思 在小学英语教学中,操练是课堂教学的重要组成部分,其中Group work最受学生喜欢。我认为五年级学生应该具备了一定的自学能力,根据这一特点,教师应引导学生在课堂上充分发挥自身的主体作用。通过实践,我认为小组学习起到了有效的作用。所谓的小组学习在英语教学中就是句型操练:Group work .Group work在英语课堂教学中始终起着积极作用。 首先,Group work 在课堂上起到操练语言、有目的地实践语言项目的作用,从而达到当堂巩固的效果。学生对语言形式和语言意义的掌握是否充分,是其能否运用所学语言表达特定功能的必要条件,在Group work中,教师设置与课文和学生实际相关的实际情景,学生通过小组活动进行大量的操练,从而获得独立运用语言的机会。此时他们有强烈的学习动机和参与意识,能积极、认真地投入到活动中去,使内在的语言潜力得以充分的挖掘与发展,同时在Group work的交际中可以使学生在原有的语言知识的基础上对所学过的知识加工重组,赋予新的内容,促使学生对语言产生新的认识,从而使“言语技能”到“运用语言进行交际”的发展成为自然和可能。 其次,Group work增加了教学的深度和广度。英语课是语言课,是训练课。许多知识的掌握和能力的培养不是靠教师“教”出来的,而是靠学生“练”出来的。Group work 加快了教学的节奏,加强了训练深度和广度。无论学生成绩好、差,人人都能参与。学生在Group work中被一种积极的情感所支配,他们轻松、自信,不会因为害怕出错受到同学的嘲笑,这大大激发了他们参与课堂教学的热情,调动了他们的学习积极性。同时,Group work能使学生集中精力进行交谈,而不是注意发音和语法的正确与否。 最后,Group work活跃了课堂气氛,是小学生所喜爱的教学活动方式之一。小学生具有爱说、好动、爱模仿、爱表演、羞怯感较少等特点。在Group work中,教师把教学要求转化为学生自己的愿望,给学生提供学习语言结构,理解语言功能的外部条件和参加语言实践的机会,课堂上气氛十分活跃。学生们想在课堂上有好的表现,他们在课前、课后就有兴致去积极准备,互相对话,大大激发学习英语的兴趣。教师在课堂教学中,通过灵活多变的教学形式对学生的学习动机、课堂学习环境和语言的输入产生积极的影响,使课堂教学摆脱应试教育的枷锁。Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?一、 Teaching objectives1、 Language structuresWhat did you do this morning ?I read comic books. Did you go to the beach after that ?No ,I didnt . I went to the park .2、 New vocabularyKey : went ,ate, wrote, read ,made, road ,sang, drank Additional :morning, afternoon , evening.Sounds and words :tall ,ten ,tea, teacher, twelve, toast.3、SkillsCan use the sentences of this lesson and master the words. And then communicate with it.二、 Teaching key pointsWords and sentences.三、 Teaching difficult pointsSound and word about “T”.四、 Teaching aidsSmall food item(bread),milk, calendar, picture cards9-16,clock,paper.TV, Computer 。 The first period一、 Revision1、 Where were you yesterday?2、 What was the food like in Modonalds?3、 Where were you during the winter holiday?二、Presentation1) New wordsT: Im drinking some milk. (边做边说)T: (举起空杯子) I drank some milk .板书:drink drinking drank.把面包放进嘴巴食。T: Im eating some bread .T: (举起双手并张开空嘴巴). I ate some bread .板书:eat eating ate.用同样方法教授其它单词。板书:go going went.make making made.ride riding rode.write writing wrote.sing singing sang.read reading read.2) Open your book and read the new words together or in pairs.3) Play a game:A:看谁认得又快又准:以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。4)TargetA: (close the book) listen to the tape.B: (open the book) listen and repeat.C: Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:What did you do this morning?I read comic books.Did you go to the beach after that?No, I didnt. I went to the park.Use the words to replace the underline part.D: Pair workMake some dialogues with these new words.三、Homework1、 Copy the new words and remember them .2、 Recite Target.3 、In advance Conversation. The second period( Conversation 、 P11-P13 )一、Revision1、 look at the pictures and read words together.2、 Look at the pictures and answer these questions.A : What did you do yesterday ?B: Did you go to school last Monday ?C:What did you eat this morning ?二、Presentation1、 Conversation1) Listen to the tape first.2) Look at the pictures and sentences ,listen and repeat.3) Pair work :Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in groups, then act it out .4) Open the book at Page 9 and read together 2、 Do Exercise (P11-P12)A: Practice 1B: Practice 2Finish the Ex and check the answers together.3、 Chant activity:A :Listen to tape “I went on trip.”B: Sing the song after tape .C: Sing the song in groups.4、 Open the book to page13 .A: Fill in the right words.B: Answer these questions.The whole class checks the answer together. 三、Homework1、 Recite Conversation.2、 Do Workbook at Page 8.The Third period(Sounds and words)一、 Revision1、 Recite p9-p10.2、 Dictate the new words and the sentences.二、Presentation1、 Listen, point and say:1) Write “tall” and “ten” on the board and underling the letter -t .2) (Point to t ) Lets practice this sound.3)Let Ss look at teachers mouth, and try to understand how to pronounce.4) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;5) Look at the pictures, listen and repeat;6) Have Ss repeat after the tape.7) After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2、 Read, say and circle.1) Have Ss look at the passages on the page.2) Listen to the sentences. Circle the words that have the final t.3) Teacher reads the passages slowly and check if Ss circled the right words.4) Answer key :A-pet, white, rabbit, it, eat, carrot, rabbit, not, parrot, But, it, lot B-Kate, cat, at, eight, eat, breakfast, at, Nat, Nat, best5) Give some tine for Ss to practice reading aloud to themselves.6) When Ss are ready , ask some confident Ss to read the passages out loud.3、 Check the workbook, Page 28.4、 Play a game:三、 HomeworkRevise the new words and the sounds.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:Unit 2 What did you eat this morning?go-went eat-ate write-wrote read-readmake-made ride-rode sing-sang drink-drankWhat did you do this morning?I read comic books.Did you go to the beach after that?No, I didnt. I went to the park.教学小结:学生对一般疑问句和特殊疑问句中的动词把握不定,这个方面还需多加练习来巩固。对动词的一般时和过去时的拼写都有一定的认识,但对其用法还是会混淆。Unit Three Typhoon Meiling came last week.Teaching Objectives:1. What a mess! There was a typhoon. What happened? Many trees fell. The wind blew away my hat.1.Asking about and describing past events.2.Vocabulary:saw, blew, fell, sat, broke, swept, took, came.3.Sound and words: cat, cap, mad, fat, nap, sad.Teaching Key Points:1.Vocabulary and Target.Teaching difficult points:1.Asking about and describing past events.Teaching Comprehension:The First Period(Vocabulary Target)Step1: Warm up1. Ask and answer:T: Hello, Peter. Where were you yesterday?S: I was in T: Hi, Mary. What did you do last night?S: I did my homework.2. Ask and answer in pairsS1: What did do .? S2: .Step2: Vocabulary1. Put Picture Cards 17-24 wordside up on the board.2. Write the simple from for each verb above the cards,e.g. see for saw, blow for blew,etc.3. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.4. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.5. T: (Point to the words and cards) Ss say the words.6. Say the simple verb forms and have Ss say the corresponding past tense verbs.Step3. Target1. Write broke on the board.2. Pantomime breaking a glass.3. T: What happened? (Point to broke on the board.)S: You broke a glass.4. Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences.4.Play the tape a few times, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat.5.Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the dialogs.Step4. Play gamesStep5. HomeworksHomework:1、copy the vocabulary; 2、Recite Target.The Second Period(ConversationPractice1Practice2 )Step1. Review1. Revision (recall the new words together, dictation)2. T: What did you do last week?Ss: I .Step2. Conversation.1. Bring in a photo of a typhoon scene where there are fallen trees and rubbish on the streets (from newspapers, magazines, books,etc.).2. (Hold up the photo) T: This is a picture of a streets after typhoon came. What did you see?3. Elicit responses from Ss.4. Have Ss look at the page.5. T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story.6.Play the tape and have Ss look at the pictures and dialog in their books.7.T: Lets listen again and repeat.8.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.9.Put Ss into small groups and have them practice acting out the dialog.Step3. Practice 11. Play the tape for Practice12. Have Ss put a checkmark in the correct box.Step4. Practice21.T point to a picture ask SsT: What happened? S1: She saw a snake.2. Repeat the procedures with other Picture Cards.3. Put students into pairs and have them talk about the pictures.S1: What happened?S2: 4. T walk around the room and help Ss if necessary.Step5.HomeworksThe Third period(Song activity: Activity, Sounds and words)Step1. Review1.Ask a Ss to come to the front.2.Have him pantomime sweeping the floor.3.T: What happened? Ss: He swept the floor.4.Ask some more Ss to pantomime for the class.Step2. Song activity1.Read the song the first time.2.Play the tape for the Ss.3.Compitition. 4.Do the exercise about“Write and chant”.5.Let the Ss read it.6.Play the tape and chant together after the tape. Step3. Sounds and words1. T: (Hold up a cap). Repeat. Cap(Hold up a cup). Repeat. Cup.2. T: Today we practice the sound /. 3. Have Ss look at the book.4. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.5.Have Ss repeat the tape.6.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.7.Listen to the chant.8.Play the chant again and have Ss practice chanting.9.Divide Ss into 4 groups.10.T: Lets see who can chant better! Step4. Homework1、抄写Sounds and words的单词2、自编绕口令BLACKBOARD DESIGN:Unit 3 Typhoon Meiling came last week.see-saw blow-blew fall-fell sit-satbreak-broke sweep-swept take-took come-cameWhat a mess!There was a typhoon.What happened?Many trees fell.The wind blew away my hat.Unit 3教学反思在本课中,我采用了直观的教学方式以及小组合作讨论探究学习模式。在新授之前,我采用竞赛的方式,看哪组说得多。学生的兴趣一下就调动起来了,同时学生对单词、句子的印象也加深了。复习之后,我让学生听课文,然后根据问题来回答。并且给学生布置了任务:四人为一小组,主要是四人互相问答时,一人负责记录,组长负责小结采访。这样他们一旦有了明确的目标,就不会出现以前有的学生无所事事、充当旁观者的情况。当我请小组成员中的组长到台前小结成员情绪采访结果时,学生的学习兴趣达到了高潮。他们兴致勃勃听着身边同学的心意,并感受着同学间的珍贵友谊。我这节课的活动设计也是依照新课标中所倡导的:教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。当然,在新授课时,我还有一些细节没能处理好,例如,在实施任务时,学生们的参与时间有些少;还有在采用“任务型”的教学途径的过程中,我也有一些环节需要在今后的教学中进一步完善,例如:活动不应该仅限于课堂教学,而要延伸到课堂之外的学习和生活中,从而让学生达到“活学活用、学以致用”,也可以更好的突出我们语言教学的语用性和交际性。另外,在课堂教学中,学生的学习兴趣受到多种因素的影响。在这节课中,学生的激情没有完全调动起来,因此,在今后教学中要抓住“兴趣”来展开教学,要找准一个最佳切入点,引发“静水投石”的辐射效应,使“兴趣”的挖掘和利用真正起到以点带面,大面积提高教学质量的作用。课堂是教师的舞台,更是学生的天地,会有很多意想不到的事情发生。作为教师不仅要备好课,做到精、勤、细、钻;更要训练自己在课堂上的调控、应变能力,灵活驾驭课堂,巧妙引导、解决学生提出的问题的能力,只有这样,才能真正提高自己的课堂教学效率,才能真正发展学生的英语运用能力。Unit 4 Review 1Language Target : Whats your name ? Im Jenny . Whats your name ? Im Gogo. Whats this ? Its a desk . And this ? Oh , its an eraser . Can you read?Yes , I can . What about you ? No, I cant . But I can fly .Alphabet : a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i. Vocabulary: hello , hi , goodbye , bye , table , desk , chair , book , pencil , eraser ,fly , read , sing , draw , swim , cook , apple , ant , banana , bear , cat , carrot , dog , duck , elephant , egg , fish , fox , goat , girl , hippo, hat , insect ,ink .The first period Teaching procedure : Step 1. Teaching Page 21 No.1 Getting ready 1. Refresh Ss memories on the target language from Units 1 through 3 by creating informal conversations . (Whats your name ? /Whats this ? Its / Can you ? Yes ,I can . No, I cant . ) 2. Practice basic greetings . ( Say hello / hi / Nice to meet you each other ) 3.Using the book. 1) T: Listen . (Play the tape for Part 1 and then pause .) 2) T: (Point to the picture ) Can you see the line from the letter A . 3) Trace the line with your finger. 4) Continue with B-E and have Ss draw the lines . Answer Key : A-4 B -3 C -5 D-1 E-2 Step 2. Teaching Part 2 Getting ready . 1. Ask the student to take out the Alphabet Cards AI . 2. The teacher call out the words : goat , fish , bear , egg ( When the teacher call out the words ,Ss should hold up the corresponding letters .) 3. For additional practice, continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from the Alphabet sections of Units 1 through 3. 4. Using the book 1) T: ( Point to Picture A) Whats this ? ( Ss : Its a goat . ) 2) Do the same with the other pictures . 3) Write each word from this activity on the board : goat , fish , bear ,and egg . 4) Point to the first letter of each word . 5) T: What letter is it ? What sound is it ? (Point to your ear .) 6) While listening to the tape , Ss circle corresponding letters for each picture . Step 3. Teaching Part 3 Getting ready 1. Hide picture Cards around the classroom. Just little portions of each card should be visible. 2. Ss remain at their desks and tell you the picture cards they can see. 3. T: Can you see the picture card ? (Point to the eyes) What do you see ? Ss: Table , book , fish , etc. 4. Using the book 1) The teacher point to each picture in the boxes . Ask Ss what they are . 2) Let the Ss listen to the tape and circle the pictures that correspond to the words on the tape . Step 4. Teaching Part 4 Getting ready 1. Let the Ss get into pairs and play Slap. T: I say the word . You touch the picture .And say the word . ( the teacher model the activity) 2. Using the book . 1) Ss find and circle the vocabulary words in the word search . 2) T: Find the words and circle them . 3) Read the words together . BLACKBOARD DESIGN:Unit 4 Review 1go-went eat-ate write-wrote read-readmake-made ride-rode sing-sang drink-dranksee-saw blow-blew fall-fell sit-satbreak-broke sweep-swept take-took come-came教学小结 1结合教学内容,创设情境教授对话部分,学生有较大的学习兴趣和表演欲望,学习效果良好。2在教新单词的过程中,对各个单词都配以相应的动作教学,学生学习积极性很高,而且大部分学生很快就掌握了该课单词的发音。 Unit Five What are you going to do today?一、 Teaching objectives 1、Vocabulary: take a test, go on vacation, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write letters, meet some friends.2、Conversation: A. What are you going to do? B. Im going to ask you questions.A. Are you going to cook some food? B. No, Im not.二、 Teaching key pointsA: What are you going to do?B: Im going to .三、 Teaching key pointsWhat are you going to do?Im going to 四、 Teaching material:planner, Picture Cards 25-32, large calendar, ball, Bonus Words Cards WB p.70, paper tokens, coins, chalk / markers五、Teaching procedure:The first periodStep 1 Review1. What are you going?2. Are you going to bank?Step 2 ConversationGetting readyBring a planner to class and show Ss.T: What are we going to do today?Open the planner to todays date and pretend to read.T: Today were going to study English!Draw a time lime on the board (see below).T: (Point to now.) What are you doing now? Repeat. Ss: What are you doing now?T: (Point to past.) What did you do yesterday? Repeat. Ss: What did you do yesterday?T: (Point to future.) What are you going to do today? Repeat. Ss: What are you going to do today?Using the booksHave Ss look at the page.T: (Point to the first picture.) Whats Gogo asking Jenny? Ss: What are you going to do today?T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story.Play the tape and have Ss follow by looking at the page.T: Lets listen again and repeat.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Put Ss into pairs to practice acting out the dialog.Ask volunteers to perform for the class.Extension activityBring in a large calendar and show it to Ss.T: (Point to yesterdays date.) I (watched a movie) yesterday.T: (Point to todays date.) Im going to (read a book) today.Write What did you do _? And What are you going to do _? on the board.Point to the dates on the calendar and have individual Ss ask other Ss questions using the structures on the board.Have the Ss answer truthfully.VocabularyGetting readyWrite Im going to on the board.T: (Hold up Picture Card 25 take a test word- side up next to the phrase on the board.) Take a test. Repeat. Ss: Take a test.T: Show me “take a test”, (Demonstrate a pantomime.)Repeat the procedure with the rest of the cards.Using the bookT: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.Have individual Ss say the words and have the rest of the class point to the corresponding pictures (or do the pantomimes).Introduce the Bonus vocabulary, tonight, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, using a calendar.Practice 1Getting ready Ask four Ss to read the questions aloud.Using the book Write Hes going to _. On the board. T: (Point to each picture.) Whats he going to do today? Ss: Hes going to (go on vacation). Play the tape for A, then pause. T: Is he going to write a letter today? Ss: No, hes not. Hes going to shop for clothes. Have Ss put a check in the correct box. Continue with the rest.Extension activityAsk a volunteer to come t

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