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五年级下册 Unit 1 Tidy up ! 形容词性物主代词 + 名词 = 名词性物主代词主格宾格形容词性 物主代词名词性物主代词I (我)me (我)my (我的)mine (我的)you (你)you (你)your (你的)yours (你的)he (他)him (他)his (他的)his (他的)she (她)her (她)her (她的)hers (她的)it (它)it (它)its (它的)its (它的)we (我们)us (我们)our (我们的)ours (我们的)you (你们)you (你们)your (你们的)yours (你们的)they (他/她/它们)them (他/她/它们)their (他/她/它们的)theirs (他/她/它们的)tidy 整理;整洁的 let 让 socks 短袜mess 脏乱;不整洁 cap 帽子 umbrella 伞 crayon 蜡笔 nail 钉子 drop 掉落 stick 粘贴 second 秒;第二 1. tidy up 把.整理好 2. look at 看着 3. a pair of socks 一双袜子 4. whose cap 谁的帽子 5. put on 穿上 6. put . on/in/under . 把.放在.上面/里面/下面 7. an umbrella 一把伞 8. Kitty and Bens crayons 基蒂和本的蜡笔(共有) 9. Kittys and Bens crayons 基蒂的和本的蜡笔(各自有)10. clean and tidy 既干净又整洁11. a magic stone 一块神奇的石头12. see a small box 看见一个小盒子13. on the table 在桌子上14. be full of 充满.,装满.15. drop the box 打翻盒子16. all the nails 所有的钉子17. on the floor 在地板上18. give him a black stone = give a black to him 给他一块黑石头 19. help you/me/him/her 帮助你/我/他/她20. put the stone near the nails 把石头靠近钉子21. stick to 粘上22. in a few seconds 在几秒种后 a few +可数名词复数 a little +不可数名词23. say happily 开心地说24. a little car 一辆小汽车25. in the park 在公园里26. on sunny afternoons 在阳光明媚的下午27. drive his car 开他的车28. go to school 去上学29. Look at your bedroom. 看看你的房间。30. What a mess! 真是一团糟!31. Lets tidy it up. 让我们一起整理一下吧。 Lets +动词原形32. Whose socks are these / those? 这些 / 那些袜子是谁的?33. Theyre Pauls. 它们是保罗的(袜子)。34. Whose cap is this / that? 这 / 那是谁的帽子? 35. Its mine. 它是我的(帽子)。36. Are they yours? 它们是你的吗?37. Yes, they are./No, they arent. 38. Can you put it / them on the bed? 你能把它 / 它们放在床上吗? 39. Sure. 当然可以。40. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。41. All the nails fall on the floor. 所有的钉子都在地上。42. Jimmys father gives him a black stone. 吉米的父亲给他一块黑石头。43. Jimmy puts the stone near the nails. 吉米把石头靠近钉子。44. The nails all stick to it. 钉子都吸了上来。Unit 2 Our new homewhy 为什么 because 因为 study 书房dining room 餐厅 wild goose 大雁 wild geese (复数)change 改变 place 地方 twice 两次every 每个 north 北方 south 南方enough 足够的 then 然后;那么 1. at their new home 在他们的新家 2. in the garden 在花园里 3. all day 整天 4. the Browns 布朗一家人 5. in the study 在书房里 6. in the dining room 在餐厅里 7. have busy lives 过着忙碌的生活 have a busy life(单数) 8. fly from one place to another 从一个地方飞到另一个地方 9. twice every year 每年两次10. in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天11. fly north 飞到北方 fly south 飞到南方12. move around so much 迁徙的如此频繁13. change homes 迁徙14. enough food 足够的食物15. in the north 在北方 in the south 在南方16. fly back 飞回来17. an old woman 一位老妇人18. live in a shoe 住在一只鞋子里19. have a big family 有一个大家庭20. give the children some food 给孩子们一些食物21. want to buy a new skirt 想去买一件新的短裙22. too small 太小23. on the door 挂在门上24. over there 在那儿25. Sally and her Dad are at their new home. 赛丽和她的爸爸在他们的新家。26. Do you like our new home? 你喜欢我们的新家吗? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.27. Why do you like the living room? 为什么你喜欢客厅?28. Because its so big. 因为它很大。29. What about you? 你呢?30. I like the study. Because its quiet. 我喜欢书房。因为那儿很安静。31. Do you know why? 你知道为什么吗?32. Because they can play in the garden all day. 因为他们可以整天在花园里玩。33. Why do wild geese change homes? 大雁为什么要迁徙?34. They change homes twice every year. 它们每年迁徙两次。35. In spring, they fly north. 在春天,它们往北飞。36. In autumn, they fly south. 在秋天,它们往南飞。37. Why do wild geese move around so much? 为什么大雁迁徙那么多次?38. In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north, so they fly south in autumn. 冬天,它们在北方占不到足够的食物,所以秋天它们就往南飞。39. Then in spring, it is warm in the north, so they fly back. 然后春天,北方暖和了,所以它们又飞回来了。40. She knows what to do. 她知道该做什么。41. Its time to go to bed ! = Its time for bed ! 到了去睡觉的时间了! Its time to do . = Its time for . 到了 .的时间Unit 3 In the future 一般将来时:主语 + will + 动词原形future 将来 stand 站 machine 机器will 将会 exercise 运动 early 早easily 容易地 hard 努力地 more 更多的 1. in the future 在将来 2. want to know 想去知道 3. know about 了解;知道 4. in front of 在 .前面 5. stand in front of a magic machine 站在一台魔法机器前 6. take a photo 拍了张照片 7. look at her photo 看着她的照片 8. some words 一些字 9.on the back 在背面10. wear glasses 戴眼镜11. have big and beautiful eyes 有一双漂亮的大眼睛12. live in Beijing 住在北京13. work in Shanghai 在上海工作14. be a teacher 成为一名教师15. love your job 爱你的工作16. be good at 擅长17. be weak in = be poor at 不擅长 18. get up early 早起19. have time for breakfast 有时间去吃早餐20 have no time for breakfast 没有时间去吃早餐21. be late for 迟到22. get tired easily 容易疲劳23. like watching TV 喜欢看电视 like + 动名词(V-ing)24. study hard 努力学习 work hard 努力工作25. read more English books 读更多的英语书26. try to get up early 尽量早起 try to do 试着去做 .27. have breakfast 吃早餐28. not . any more = no more不再29. do exercise 做运动30. every day 每天31. watch too much TV 看太多电视32. fall into the tea 掉进茶里33. in 15 years 在15年后34. What will you do? 你将会做什么? I will be a teacher. 我将会成为一名教师。35. What will you be like? 你将会成为什么样? I will be tall and strong. 我将会又高又强壮。36. I wont wear glasses. 我将不戴眼镜。37. Where will you live? 你将住在哪里? I will live in London. 我将住在伦敦。38. He will study hard. 他将会努力学习。39. He wont be a cook. 他将不会成为一名厨师。40. She will read more English books. 她将会读更多的英语书。41. She wont have long hair. 她将不会有长发。42. They will do exercise every day. 他们将每天做运动。43. You wont be short and fat. 你将不会又矮又胖。44. Will you be tall and thin? 你将会又高又瘦吗? Yes, I will. / No, I wont. 是的,我将会。/ 不,我将不会。45. Will Kitty be a doctor? 基蒂将会成为一名医生吗? Yes, she will. / No, she wont.46. Will Peter live in Maanshan? 彼得将会住在马鞍山吗? Yes, he will. / No, he wont.47. I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English. 我擅长数学,但是我不擅长英语。48. I will not be late for school any more. 我上学将不再迟到。49. I will not watch too much TV. 我将不会看太多电视。Unit 4 Reading is fun 一般将来时:主语 + be going to + 动词原形 (be:am, is, are)storybook 故事书 buy买 story 故事dictionary 字典 dictionaries(复数) magazine 杂志 newspaper 报纸 week 周;星期 student 学生 poster 海报 best 最好的 writer 作家 1. many storybook 许多故事书 many +可数名词复数 2. look at the picture books 看看图画书 3. over there 在那儿 4. many beautiful pictures 许多漂亮的图片 5. different places 不同的地方 different + 可数名词复数 6. in China 在中国 7. visit these places 参观这些地方 8. read a story 读一个故事 9. every day 每一天 10. Book Week 读书周11. make a poster / make posters 制作海报 12. the best stories 最好的故事 like . best 最喜欢13. do a survey 做调查14. childrens favourite books 孩子们最喜欢的书15. read a play 读一个剧本16. act . out 表演17. write about 写有关.的内容18. the ground floor 一楼19. the first floor 二楼20. the second floor 三楼21. the third floor 四楼22. the fourth floor 五楼23. the fifth floor 六楼24. five apple pies 五个苹果派 25. Are you going to read a story? 你打算去读一个故事吗?26. Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 27. Is he going to buy a newspaper? 他打算去买一份报纸吗?28. Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.29. Are they going to play basketball ? 他们打算去打篮球吗?30. Yes, they are. / No, they arent.31. What are the pictures about? 这些图片是关于什么的?31. Theyre the pictures of different places in China. 它们是中国不同地方的图片。32. I am going to read a story every day. 我打算每天读一个故事。33. They are going to write about the writers and the stories. 他们打算介绍故事的作者和故事的内容。34. They are going to take some photos of the books. 他们打算给书拍一些照片。35. What is your favourite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?36. My favourite book is Stories for Children. 我最喜欢的书是儿童故事集。37. What is the book about? 这本书是关于什么的?38. Its about some children. 它是关于一些孩子的。39. Reading is fun. 读书很有趣。 Unit 5 At the weekendweekend 周末 stay 待;暂住 film 电影boat 小船 plan 计划 tomorrow 明天build 建造 next 下一个;接着 swing 秋千cry 哭 until 直到 1. at the weekend 在周末 2. row a boat 划船 3. see a film 看电影 4. stay at home 待在家 5. watch TV with my grandparents 和我的祖父母一起看电视 6. play football 踢足球 7. my favourite sport 我最喜欢的运动 8. on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午 9. fly a kite 放风筝10. have some plans 有计划11. want to come with me 想和我一起来12. have a house 有一个房子13. sleep in a tree 在树上睡觉 on the tree 长在树上14. need a house 需要一个房子15. go to work 去工作16. the next day 第二天17. on the third day 在第三天18. on the sixth day 在第六天19. find a swing 发现一个秋千20. build my house 建造我的房子21. What are you going to do this weekend? 你本周末打算做什么?22. Im going to see a film with my parents on Saturday afternoon. 我打算周六下午和我父母一起看电影。23. What is Peter going to do? 彼得打算做什么?24. He is going to row a boat. 他打算去划船。25. What is Alice going to do? 爱丽丝打算做什么?26. She is going to ride a bike. 她打算去骑自行车。28. What are they going to do? 他们打算做什么?29. They are going to play football. 他们打算去踢足球。30. I dont have any plans for the weekend. 我周末还没有什么计划。31. Im going to build one tomorrow. 我打算明天建一座(房子)。32. You should build your house now. 你应该现在就建造你的房子。33. Dont wait until tomorrow. 今日事,今日毕。Unit 6 Holidaysholiday 假期 clear 清澈的 seafood 海鲜hotel 旅馆 island 岛 butterfly 蝴蝶 1. how long 多久 2. go swimming 去游泳 3. in the south of 在.的南部 4. all year round 一年到头 5. clear water 清澈的水 6. beautiful beaches 美丽的沙滩 7. a wonderful place for holiday 一个度假的好地方 8. get there 到那儿 9. by plane / train 坐飞机 / 火车10. stay in a hotel 暂住旅馆11. by the sea 海边12. in Sanya 在三亚13. have nice seafood 吃美味的海鲜14. on Hainan Island 在海南岛15. on the island 在岛上16. Its a wonderful place for holiday. 它是一个度假的好地方。17. Where do you want to go? 你想去哪儿?18. I want to go to Qingdao. 我想去青岛。19. How do you get there? 你怎么去那儿?20. I get there by plane. 我坐飞机去那儿。21. How long will you stay there? 你将在那儿待多久?22. I will stay there for five days. 我将待五天。23. Where will you stay? 你将待哪儿?24. I will stay in a hotel by the sea. 我将待在海边的旅馆。25. What will you do there? 你将在那儿做什么?26. I will go swimming and have seafood. 我将去游泳和吃海鲜。27. The seafood there tastes great! 那儿的海鲜味道好极了!28. Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water. 三亚有美丽的海滩,清澈的海水。29. It is in the south of China. 它在中国的南部。30. There are many wonderful beaches on the island. 岛上有许多美丽的海滩。31. The weather is nice all year round. 常年天气舒适。32. You can swim under the blue sky and the warm sun. 你可以在蓝天晴空下游泳。33. Sanya is a great place for families. 三亚是适合家庭出游的好地方。34. You will love the fish and sea plants there. 你会爱上那里的鱼和海洋植物。35. There is a big butterfly park in Sanya.三亚有一个很大的蝴蝶公园。36. You will see many beautiful butterflies there. 在那儿你能看见许多美丽的蝴蝶。Unit 7 Open Daymeet 迎接 school gate 校门口 art room 美术室hall 礼堂 finally 最后 meeting room 会议室show 给.看 project 课题 board 布告牌;木板 1. Open Day 开放日 2. on 30th April 在四月30日 3. ask the children about the day 问孩子们关于这天的情况 ask sb. about sth. 询问某人某事 4. come to our school 来到我们的学校 5. at the school gate 在校门口 6. visit our classroom 参观我们的教室 7. visit the art room 参观美术室 8. go to the hall 去礼堂 9. go to the library 去图书馆10. meet the teachers in the meting room 在会议室与老师们见面11. welcome the parents 欢迎家长12. take the parents to the classroom 带家长去教室 take.to. 带.去.13. tell them about the lessons 告诉他们有关课程的资料14. go to the art room 去美术室15. sing for their parents 为他们的父母唱歌 sing for . 16. after that 在那之后17. show their parents some beautiful pictures 给他们的父母看一些美丽的图画 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物18. look at the homework and project on the board 看板报上的作业和课题19. have tea and cakes with the teachers 和老师们一起喝茶吃蛋糕20. Parents Evenings 家长接待日21. What will our parents do first? 我们的父母将先去哪儿?22. First, theyll visit our classroom. 首先,他们将参观我们的教室。22. What will they do next? 接着他们将干什么?23. Next, theyll visit the art room. 接着,他们将参观美术室。24. What will they do then? 然后他们将干什么?25. Then theyll go to the hall. 然后他们将去礼堂。26. What will they do after that? 之后他们将干什么?27. After that, theyll go to the library. 之后,他们将去图书馆。28. What will they do finally? 最后他们将干什么?29. Finally, theyll meet the teachers in the meeting room. 最后,他们将在会议室与老师们见面。Unit 8 Buying clotheswhich哪一个;哪一些 trousers 裤子 size 尺码sweater 毛衣 coat 外套 shoes 鞋子(复)emperor 皇帝 only 只有 nod 点头smile 微笑;笑容 money 钱 keep 保持laugh 大笑 1. try it / them on 试穿它 / 它们 2. try on the trousers 试穿长裤 3. put on 穿;戴 4. the emperors new clothes 皇帝的新装 5. an emperor 一个皇帝 6. nod with a big smile 满脸堆笑地点点头 7. give the man a lot of money 给了那男子许多钱 8. walk in the street 走在大街上 9. keep quiet 保持安静10. have a look 看一看 11. Which dress do you like, the blue one or pink one? 你喜欢哪条裙子,蓝色的那条还是粉色的那条?12. I like pink one. 我喜欢粉色的那条。13. Pink is my favourite colour. 粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。14. You can try both on. 你可以两条都试试。15. Which pair of trousers do you like, the white one or the brown one? 你喜欢哪条裤子,白色的那条还是棕色的那条?16. I like brown one. 我喜欢棕色的那条。17. Here you are. Its your size. 给你。这是你的尺码。18. Ill try on the trousers. 我试试这条裤子。19. One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes. 一天,一个男子带着一些漂亮的衣服来拜访他。20. I also have some magic clothes for you. 我还为你带了一些有魔力的服装。21. Only clever people can see them!只有聪明的人才能看到它们!22. The emperor cannot see any clothes, but he nods with a big smile. 皇帝没有看到任何衣服,但是他满脸堆笑地点点头。23. The emperor puts on the “new clothes” and gives the man a lot of money. 皇帝穿上“新衣服”,并给了那男子许多钱。24. The emperor walks in the street in his “new clothes”. 皇帝穿着他的“新衣服”走在大街上。25. People keep quiet, but a child laughs, “Look! He isnt wearing any clothes!” 人们都保持沉默,但有个孩子大笑着说:“看!他没穿衣服!”Unit 9 Seeing the doctorill 生病的 wrong 不正常 headache 头疼fever 发烧 should 应该 medicine 药rest 休息 toothache 牙痛 toothless 没有牙齿的present 礼物 world 世界 dentist 牙医 1. go to see the doctor / dentist 去看医生 / 牙医 2. take her to the hospital 带她去医院 3. have a headache 头疼 4. have a fever 发烧 5. open your mouth 张开嘴 6. have a cold 感冒 7. have a toothache 牙疼 8. have a cough 咳嗽 9. take some medicine 吃药10. drink a lot of water 多喝水11. have a good rest 好好休息12. get well 康复13. go to bed 去睡觉14. become a toothless tiger 变成一只没牙的老虎15. the king of the forest 森林之王16. be afraid of 害怕17. have an idea 有一个主意 have a good idea有一个好主意18. have a meeting 开会19. the best food 最好的食物20. in the world 在世界上21. give the tiger a lot of candy 给老虎很多糖22. eat the candy every day 每天都吃糖23. come to help 来帮忙24. pull all the tigers teeth out 拔掉老虎所有的牙25. pull . out 拔出26. Kitty is not feeling well. She is ill. 基蒂感觉不舒服。她生病了。27. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?28. I have a headache. 我头疼。29. She has a fever too. 她还有点发烧。30. Let me have a look. 让我看一看。31. You should take some medicine. 你应该吃药。32. You should drink a lot of water. 你应该多喝水。33. You shouldnt go to bed late. 你不要太晚睡觉。34. Have a good rest and youll get well soon. 好好休息 ,很快会好起来的。35. All the animals are afraid of the tiger. 所有的动物都害怕老虎。36. What shall we do? 我们该怎么办?37. A clever fox has a good idea. 聪明的狐狸有了个好主意。38. I have a present for you. 我有个礼物给你。39. Its the best food in the world. 它是世界上最好的食物。40. I have a cold. What should I do? What shouldnt I do? 我感冒了。我该怎么做?我不该怎么做?Cold You should go to see the doctor. 你应该去看医生。 You should take some medicine. 你应该吃点药。 You should wear warm clothes. 你应该穿暖和的衣服。 You should drink a lot of water. 你应该多喝水。 You should have a good rest. 你应该好好休息。 You shouldnt eat spicy food. 你不应该吃辛辣的食物。 41. I have a toothache. What should I do? What shouldnt I do? 我牙痛。我该怎么做?我不该怎么做?Toothache You should go to see the dentist. 你应该去看牙医。 You should brush your teeth every morning and evening. 你应该每天早晨和晚上刷牙。 You shouldnt eat before bedtime. 你不应该睡前吃东西。 You shouldnt eat too much candy. 你不应该吃太多的甜食。 42. Go to see the doctor. = You should go to see the doctor. 去看医生。 = 你应该去看医生。43. Dont eat so many cakes. = You shouldnt eat so many cakes. 不要吃太多蛋糕。= 你不应该吃太多蛋糕。44. Dont go to bed late. = You shouldnt go to bed late. 不要迟睡觉。= 你不应该迟睡觉。Unit 10 Great inventionsinvention 发明(名词) invent 发明(动词) watch 手表;看 anywhere 任何地方 travel 旅行 something 某事;某物 camera 相机主格反身代词Imyself 我自己youyourself 你自己hehimself 他自己sheherself 她自己ititself 它自己weourselves 我们自己youyourselves 你们自己theythemselves 他们自己 1. great inventions 伟大的发明 2. tell the time 告知时间 3. travel from one place to another 从一个地方到另一个地方旅行 4. invent something myself 自己发明某物 5. invent a flying bike 发明一辆会飞的自行车 6. go anywhere 去任何地方 7. a watch 一块手表 two watches 两块手表 8. far away from 远离. 9. Do you know any great inventions in the world? 你知道世界上一些伟大的发明吗?10. I think paper is a great invention. 我认为纸是一项伟大的发明。11. People can write on it. 人们可以在它上面写字。12. I think the watch is a great invention. 我认为手表是一项伟大的发明。13. People can tell the time anywhere. 人们可以在任何地方说出时间。14. I think the car is a great invention.我认为汽车是一项伟大的发明。15. People can travel from one place to another very fast. 人们可以很快地从一个地方去另一个地方旅行。16. What are you going to invent? 你打算发明什么?17. Im going to invent a flying machine.我想发明一个能飞的机器。18. They like to invent things. 他们喜欢发明东西。19. One day, they are watching some birds flying in the sky. 一天,他们正在看一些鸟在天空中飞翔。20. What should I invent? 我应该发明什么?21. You should invent a plane. 你应该发明一架飞机。22. First, well watch how the birds fly. 首先,我们将要看鸟怎么飞翔。23. Next, well draw a picture of our flying machine. 接下来,我们将要画一幅我们的能飞的机器的图片。24. Then well build it. 然后我们将要建造它。25. Finally, well fly like birds! 最后,我们将要像鸟一样飞翔!Unit 11 Chinese festivalsfestival 节日 important 重要的 call 把.叫做dumplings 饺子(复) relative 亲戚 firework 烟花monster 怪物 end 结尾 village 村庄 last 最后的 firecracker 鞭炮 mooncake 月饼 red packet 红包 1. the Spring Festival 春节 2. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 3. the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 4. an important Chinese festival 一个重要的中国节日 5. on Chinese New Years Eve 在除夕夜 6. have a big dinner 吃丰盛的晚餐 7. eat fish and dumplings 吃鱼和饺子 8. visit their friends and relatives 看望他们的朋友和亲戚 9. get red packet with some money 得到装有钱的红包10. watch fireworks 看烟花11. at night 在晚上12. live in the hills 住在小山上13. at the end of 在.的结尾14. go into the village 进入村庄15. be afraid of 害怕.16. an old man 一位老人17. come to the village 来到村庄18. the last day of the year 一年的最后一天19. come down from the hills 从山上下来20. see red firecrackers 看见红鞭炮21. feel afraid 感到害怕22. run back into the hills 跑回山里 23. Whens the Spring Festival? 春节是在什么是时候?24. Its in January or February. 它在一月或二月。25. Hows the weather at the Spring Festival? 春节天气如何?26. Its cold. 很冷。27. What do you do at the Spring Festival? 你在春节做什么?28. I usually visit friends and relatives. 我通常看望朋友和亲戚。29. What do you eat at the Spring Festival? 你在春节吃什么?30. I usually eat fish and dumplings. 我通常吃鱼和饺子。31. Whens the Mid-Autumn Festival? 中秋节是在什么时候?32. Its in September or October. 它在九月或十月。33. Hows the weather at the Mid-Autumn Festival? 中秋节天气如何?34. Its cool. 很凉爽。35. Wh


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