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小学英语词汇解析最近有幸拜读了王文斌教授的英语词汇语义学,感觉收获颇多,也给了我一个全新的视角去看待小学英语词汇。小学英语课程标准对语言知识的词汇项做了如下要求:1学习有关本级话题范围的700个左右的单词和50个左右的习惯用语;2了解单词是由字母构成的。词汇的数量有了限定,但是具体包括哪些词汇没有列出,鲁子问教授根据话题词汇学习(thematic vocabulary learning)的方法,按照小学英语课程标准二级要求的十五个话题列出了一些核心词汇(包括语法功能词,词组按一个语词单位计算):个人情况(16):I; am; a(an); pupil; year(s); old; class; grade; love; like; my; name; me; do(does, did); not; was; born; in学校(29):school; subject; desk; chair; classroom; computer; Chinese; maths;English; music; pen; pencil; school bag; rubber; eraser; pencil-box; this; that; it; these; those; read; write; draw; stand up; sit down; point to; touch; there is (are), the朋友(23):friend; we; our; he; she; his; him; her; you; they; what; who; where; ask (asked); see (saw); say (said); talk (talked); look (looked); find (found); is (was); are (were); nice; clever家庭(12):family; father; mother; grandma; grandpa; brother; sister; on; under; table; sofa; watch; TV文体活动(12):sports; play; football; basketball; (table)tennis; can; run; jump; sing; dance; party; show节假日(6):Childrens Day; National Day; Teachers Day; Spring Festival; Christmas; happy birthday天气(10):weather; fine; cloud; windy; cold; warm; hot; rain; snow; like(prep)时间(16):time; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday; morning; afternoon; evening; night; good; oclock; at; past数字(14):one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve; first; half食品(13):food; fruit; rice; noodle; soup; fish; meat; apple; banana; orange; pear; eat; favourite玩具(8):toy; teddy bear; toy car; toy ship; toy plane; dool; robot; have(has); got服装(13):clothes; shoes; wear; put on; cap; hat; jacket; coat; shirt (T-shirt); dress; skirt; trousers; glasses动植物(18):animal; lion; tiger; panda; rabbit; mouse; cat; dog; bird; tree; flower; grass; big; small; tall; short; long; cute身体部位(13):body; face; head; eye; ear; nose; mouth; hand; foot; finger; toe; leg; knee颜色(7):colour; red; yellow; blue; black; white; green这个话题词汇表完全是按照课标二级的话题分类的,具有很高的参考价值。在王文斌教授的英语词汇语义学中,谈到了英语词汇的演进:从追根寻源这一角度来看,英语是日耳曼语的一个分支,属于印欧语系。在追溯英语的历史发展时,人们对此作了相对的历史划分,一般将其分为三个历史阶段:一是古英语(Old English),从公元450年至1150年;二是中古英语(Middle English),从公元1150年至1500年;三是现代英语(Modern English),从公元1500年至今。沿用至今的古英语词汇一般都与日常生活息息相关。人们在生活和劳作过程中,几乎天天都要接触到描述周围的人、事、现象或行为等出现频率很高的词汇,保留至今的古英语词汇恰恰就是那些人们几乎每天都要碰到的词汇。这些词汇概括起来,大致可以表示以下十二类与日常生活相关的情况:(1) 表示最亲近的家庭成员:father; mother; brother; sister; son; daughter; wife等。(2) 表示从1至1000的数字:one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; twenty; thirty; forty; hundred; thousand等。(3) 表示各种自然现象:water; rain; wind; storm; cloud; thunder; snow; frost; ice; day; night; fire; sun; moon; star; hill; ridge; field; woods; land; stone; rock; spring; summer; winter; light; sea; tide; earth; sand; stream等。(4) 表示常见的植物:plant; grass; tree; stem; bough; twig; rind; stalk; seed; leaf; pine; fir; maple; palm; willow; birch; elm; rose; oak; bean; sprout; thorn; berry; pear; ash; broom; daisy; yew等。(5) 表示常见的动物:dog; bitch; cat; hen; cock; duck; cow; fox; wolf; frog; sheep; cow; hare; horse; mouse; pig; swine; snake; owl; ox; snail; goat; goose; bull; calf; mare; bird; fowl; swan; worm; deer; fish; bee等。(6) 表示日常的各种色彩:red; green; black; white; grey; brown; yellow等。(7) 表示常见事物的性质或特征:good; bad; evil; young; old; wise; kind; warm; cool; hot; cold; heavy; light; dark; long; short; loud; high; thin; thick; bright; stern; crisp; clean; free; small; fast; slow; quick; strong; swift; full; tough; hard; soft; deep等。(8) 表示身体的各个部位及器官:head; hair; shoulder; hand; arm; finger; nail; fist; back; waist; wrist; knee; foot; nose; face; eye; ear; brow; mouth; cheek; tooth; throat; tongue; neck; breast; heart; liver; womb等。(9) 表示经常使用的器具:tool; pot; bowl; cup; glass; spoon; spade; spear; sack; box; lid; bed; sheet; handle; yoke; rope; thread; needle; fan; broom; knife; fork; rod; stool; sickle; hook; hammer; sieve; stout; oven; kettle等。(10) 表示经常看到的事物:path; road; roof; house; lane; hedge; barn; ditch; house; door; ground; floor; hatch; post; wall; pen(羊栏,牛栏);well(井);stove; pit; boat; room; key; coal; smoke; bell; bone; hole; stitch; stick; book; knot; shoal; shell等。(11) 表示日常食物:food; oats; barley; wheat; bread; meat; corn; nut; meal等。(12) 表示最常见的行为、代词、情态动词、介词和连词等:I; you; he; my; your; his; who; whose; him; shall; will; should; would; can; must; may; do; make; set; put; go; come; hear; speak; see; eat; bring; run; turn; walk; grow; show; say; keep; hold; let; start; reap; hope; sing; write; cut; ring; in; on; out; with; at; of; but; and; as; down; up; from; to; or; all; if等。从这两份词汇表的对比中,我们发现古英语词汇的话题基本上涵盖了小学英语词汇所要求的十五个话题:表示最亲近的家庭成员(家庭)、表示从1至1000的数字(数字)、表示各种自然现象(天气)、表示常见的植物和表示常见的动物(动植物)、表示日常的各种色彩(颜色)、表示身体的各个部位及器官(身体部位)、表示日常食物(食品),对比后我们发现,在课标二级要求掌握的十五个话题中,个人情况、学校、朋友、文体活动、时间、玩具、服装,没有作为单独的话题在古英语中出现,这与历史的演进有关,但包含的许多具体词汇在古英语中还是能够找到的,这是为什么呢?古英语词汇一般都与日常生活息息相关,而课标二级中要求小学生掌握的七百个左右的单词和五十个左右的短语也是从学生自我出发,与学生实际生活息息相关的单词,归结为一点,古英语词汇与小学英语词汇都是生活中需要的基本词汇。那么对古英语词汇特征的研究成果能不能借鉴到小学英语教学中来呢?我认为是有可能的。王文斌教授归纳了古英语词汇的七大特征:全民性、稳定性、单音节特点、高频率、很强的构词能力、很强的搭配能力、多义性。其中单音节特点、很强的构词能力这两点很值得引入到小学英语教学的探讨话题中。单音节特点:保留至今的古英语词汇中的本族语成分,在词形上的一个明显特征就是大多数词汇均具有单音节(monosyllabic)的特点,如“all; bean; beach; beat; cap; hat; gum; help; milk; no; sup; why; match; mast; fin; egg; fret”等。在小学英语教学中,词汇的单音节特点,我们可以应用到自然拼音教学中,自然拼音首先要求学生掌握二十六个字母在单词开头出现时的常规读音。通过自然拼音来锻炼学生的拼读能力,这一点在课程标准中也是有体现的:了解简单的拼读规律(在单词的拼读方面,要求学生了解简单的拼读规律,并能根据拼读规律,读出简单的单词。例如:在“自然拼音”教学法的辅助下,要求学生能够拼写单词,部分优秀的学生在教师使用“自然拼音”读单词的帮助下,能够听写出单词)。这属于一种词汇学习策略的培养,在课标中,对培养学生的学习策略也是有要求的。在学生掌握了基本的词汇学习策略后,能够使之运用到更难的词汇当中:按音节记单词,英文单词是由字母组成的,因此在记忆单词时,要利用自然拼音的知识,并且按照音节对单词进行划分,这样单词的记忆保证了书写的正确,也保证了读音的标准,摆脱了读音受汉语的影响。我们举一个比较难的单词为例,hippopotamus河马,如果不懂得对单词进行划分,记忆是非常困难的,根据自然拼音知识,我们可以对单词进行如下的划分hi/ppo/po/ta/mu/s,这样拆开记忆,是有规律可循的,英文字母在单词中有发音规律,另外字母组合的发音也是有章可循的。在最初的阶段,我们就是通过单音节词来锻炼学生拼读能力的,例如:第一阶段,pen(钢笔);pear(梨);pig(猪);pape(纸)。第二阶段,cake(蛋糕);bake(烤);fake(假的);lake(湖);make(做);nake(赤裸的);rake(耙);sake(缘故);take(拿);wake(叫醒)。第三阶段,bad(坏);bed(床);bid(吩咐,投标);bud(花蕾,萌芽)。当然,在这其中单词的意思是没有必要让学生掌握的,只是起到锻炼语音的作用,但是也不要只为起到锻炼语音的效果,去胡乱编造一些根本不存在的单词,还是建议教师在备课时多花心思去总结积累。在学生掌握了基本的拼读策略后,可以引导学生进行多音节的划分,进而拼写多音节单词。词汇的单音节特点同样还纠正了我们在小学英语词汇教学中的一个误区,有的教师过分强调了单词的可拼性,把英语拼写和汉语拼音等同起来,但是殊不知英语拼写是不能一一准确对应的,如果过分强调所谓的“拼”,还会带来不好的影响,比如将blue(蓝色),进行如下的划分:b lue 这样的做法完全是错误的,还会为孩子学习语音带来不好的影响。很强的构词能力:遗留下来的古英语本族语词汇在现代英语中除以上特点之外,还具有很强的构词能力。他们在现代英语中如同化学中的活泼分子一样,显得特别活跃,能与很多其他的词或构词成分结合构成新的单词。例如我们选取dog一次为例:bulldog(斗牛狗) dog-and-pony show(以推销为目的的盛大表演) dog-ass(可悲的) dogbane(夹竹桃) dog-biscuit(无吸引力的姑娘) dog-box(运狗车厢) dog-cart(狗拉小车)dog-catcher(捕狗员) dog-cheap (非常便宜的) dog-clutch(犬牙式离合器) dog-collar (贴领的珠饰项圈) dog days(淡季) dogdom(爱狗界) dog-ear(书页的折角)dog-eared(过时的)dog-eat-dog(损人利己的) dog-end(香烟屁股) dog-eye (哀求的目光) dog-face(步兵) dog-faced(犬面的) dog-fall(平局)dog-fish(狗鲨) dog-fight(混战) dog fox(沙狐) dogged (坚持不懈的) doggery(卑鄙行为) goggie(小狗)dogging(猎野狗) doggish(粗暴无礼的) dog-go(隐蔽的) dog-gone(该死的) daggy(向狗一样的) dog-hole(狗窝) dog-house(狗窝) 通过dog一个例子,我们就看到了古英语词汇强大的构词能力,借鉴到小学英语教学中,引起一个思考:要不要把由dog组成的合成词教授给学生?新课标强调语言的实际运用能力,单词也隐含着文化,是可以适度地渗透给学生。这一点我进行了一个实验,把dog days(淡季)dog-ear(书页的折角)dog-eat-dog(损人利己的)dog-eye (哀求的目光) 这几个单词在授课时渗透给学生,引起了学生极大的兴趣,也调动了课堂气氛,但是这种教学思路是否完全正确还值得商榷。不过我认为利用知识本身的力量去吸引学生,会比总利用游戏教学去吸引学生更值得称赞。附录:课表二级词汇Aan, about, across, act, actor, address, afraid, after, after school, afternoon, again, ago, air, airport,all, almost, along, am, America(=the USA), American, and, angry, animal, answer, ant, any, anything, anywhere, apple, April, are, arrive, art, artist, ask, at, August, aunt, auntie, aunty, Australia, autumnBback, bad, bag, ball, pingpong ball, banana, bank, bar, basket, basketball, bathroom, be, bear, beautiful, bed, in bed, bedroom, bee, beer, before, begin, beside, best, better, much better, between, big, bike, bird, birthday, a bit, black, blackboard, blue, blow, boat, Bob, book, bookshop (=bookstore) , borrow, boots, bother, bottle, a bottle of, bowl, box, pencil box, boy, bread, breakfast, bright, bring, broken, brother, brush, bus, busy, but, buy, by, byeCcake, call, camera, can, candy, cap, car, card, careful, carrot, carry, cartoon, case, pencil case, cat, catch, centre, certainly, chair, chalk, cheap, check, cheese, chemistry, cherry, chess, play chess, chick, chicken, child, children, chocolate, Christmas, cinema, city, clap, class, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clearly, clerk, clever, climb, clock, close, clothes, cloudy, club, coat, coffee, Coke, coin, cold, have a cold, collect, college, colour, come, come back, come out, come to school, computer, computer game, cook, cool, corner, cough, count, of course, crossing, cup, cutDdad, daddy, dance, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, day, dear, December, deer, desk, dictionary, dinner, dirty, do, do some shopping, doctor, dog, door, down, downstairs, draw, dress, drink, drive, driver, dry, duck, dustEear, early, east, eat, editor, egg, eggplant, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, eleven, eleventh, e-mail, Emily, engineer, English, enjoy, envelope, eraser, eve, evening, every, example, excuse, Excuse me, exit, eyeFface, factory, family, famous, far, far from, farm, farmer, fast, fat, father, fax, February, feel, fever, have a fever, fifteen, fifth, fifty, film, find, fine, finger, finish, first, fish, five, flag, flight, floor, flower, follow, flu, fly, follow, food, foot, football, for, forest, fork, forty, four, fourteen, fourth, fox, free, Friday, friend, in front of, fruit, full, funGgame, garden, gate, get, get off, get to, get up, gift, girl, give, glass, a glass of, glasses, glue, go, go over, go swimming, go to bed, go to school, go to work, goat, good, be good at, goodbye, goose, grade, granddaughter, grandfather, grandma, grandmother, grandpa, grandson, grape, grass, great, green, grey, guessHhair, half, hamburger, hand, hang, happy, hard, hare, hat, have, have a good time, have sports, have to, he, head, headache, headmaster, health, hear, heaven, heavy, hello, help, her, here, hers, hi, hide, high, hill, him, his, hold, holiday, home, go home, at home, homework, horse, hospital, hot, hotel, hour, house, how, how long, hundred, hungry, hurryII, ice cream, idea, if, ill, important, in, ink, interesting, into, is, it, itsJjacket, Jane, January, Japan, jeep, John, join, Joy, juice, July, jump, June, justKkeep, key, kind, kitchen, kite, kitten, knife, know Llake, land, last, late, laugh, learn, leave, lend, lesson, let, letter, library, lift, light, like, line, lion, list, listen, little, live, long, look, look after, look at, look for, look like, lose, a lot, loudly, love, luck, lunchMmachine, madam, make, mall, man, many, how many, map, March, match, maths, May, may, maybe, me, meal, medicine, meet, meeting, melon, message, middle, milk, mind, mine, minute, mirror, miss, mobile phone, model, mom(=mum) , moment, Monday, money, month, moon, more, morning, mother, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, movie, Mr, Mrs, much, how much, music, must, my, myselfNname, near, need, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, nineteen, ninety, ninth, no, No.(=number) , noisy, nose, not, nothing, November, now, number, nurseOoclock, October, of, office, often, oh, OK, old, on, one, only, open, or, orange, our, ours, out, outside, overPpair, panda, paper, parents, park, part, party, pass, past, pear, pen, pencil, pet, phone, photo, picture, pig, place, plan, plane, plate, play, playground, please, pleasure, policeman, post, post office, potato, pretty, price, purse, putQquarter, question, queue, quietRrabbit, race, radio, rain, raise, read, ready, red, remember, rest, return, right, river, road, room, round, ruler, runSsame, Saturday, save, say, school, schoolbag, season, second, see, send, September, seven, seventeen, seventh, seventy, shall, she, sheep, ship, T-shirt, shoe, shop, short, should, sick, sing, sir, sister, sit, six, sixteen, sixth, sixty, size, skirt, sleep, slow, small, snake, snow, so, some, something, sometimes, son, song, sorry, sound, speak, spell, spend, sport, spring, stamp, stand, star, start, station, stay, still, stop, store, story, street, student, study, subway, summer, sun, Sunday, sure, surprise, sweater, swimTtable, take, talk, tall, tea, teach, teacher, telephone, tell, temperature, ten, tenth, thank, that, the, their, theirs, them, then, there, these, they, thick, thin, think, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty, this, those, three, through, Thursday, ticket, tidy, time, to, today, toe, together, tomato, tomorrow, too, tooth, toy, train, tram, tree, trousers, truck, try, Tuesday, turn, TV(=television) , twelfth, twelve, twentieth, twenty, two Uugly, uncle, under, upstairs, us, use, usuallyVvan, very, vest, visit, visitor, volleyballWwait, waiter, walk, wall, want, warm, wash, watch, water, way, we, weather, Wednesday, week, weekend, welcome, well, what, when, where, which, white, who, whose, why, wind, window, winter, wipe, wish, with, woman, woods, word, work, worker, world, worry, wow, write, wrong Yyear, yellow, yes, yesterday, you, young, your, yours Zzoo

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