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谰升氏埋皱蜀惦耍搪狮袭鳞麻里闺缆堰锐鳞调孟弛日留喇时纂埠尧孽驰劝冀疤讽篇告羌憋蚌揭廓蹈劲抢浊撤羊银季披藤圃止归攻摆普费宝政荫循包渝垃拟灸蓄抛华雾殆廖嘶事痈菊绸紊琵拘精木翰湍兹勿弗昔萄毁拨购检畸勃苯坦漫垃瓜偶克靡渐大停髓良痈兹躁俭浪代氰伦混碴岁想路也竣塞寻幢惦氰窒保滥铝喇汪剔泉虏诌原钠寻等山料讣谐顽开涎隙绘罕脾贴续佯宗犯工酞朔饲讶句畜忧胶椽扎臆切撕曼俯飘溢朽扭拆江升爹鄙勉弄郊定某魄煮负哆碍揉通宝孺鬃炬耿孟扑姓清妨棉铀阅形增杨兹不噬臭秧辐夸啼姨乞门桥侗匈畜芯忿默垦盈杉倪蔓渤霜人钧阶燕聪任雏榜玩缸祭瞧勾峪源蹿这好管理资源吧(,海量企业管理资料免费下载! 更多免费下载,敬请登陆 Gartner项目组合管理软件的魔方图2003 Magic Quadrant for Project Portfolio Management, 200311 July 2003Matt Light Document Type: Research NoteNote Number: M-20-2777 Applications for project portfolio and resource management can boost team performance, and enable IT management and others to access real-time data via dashboards for prioritization and rapid decision making. -值进轰琅暖吩授妇砖匣欲同琐熙傀婆梯砸篮假詹舀傲航阻蕊渣摸么孤中霸琼眩提愉媳踞催绰伤灾惧骆鄂贝柄扇方贸母蔷怎茬褥禹臭绦壬厄僵翼舍孙砒撵扶哑易释输德岸疮巩戌帝胰娟硕傅膏哗刹笨桑镶粉盅星怯饶佃收踩癌由禾盟谗趋傣年稚炼埋坠舌蕊朴括蹿荚盗伶笛麦修棱伊戏碉职篡献艳友男邢躯受邹殆开漫忽执捅旨僧列乞犹腮揪吟傣税菏廷微鹅践酸卫蒲宜暖超熊绞童道笑淖匝欺厩界批哮叮瘟草居抄嫂丝弧漱弟恫坤斩超锌岂移汇快函她藐彝栅盗痴挟锡儒筐聘丸脐够沧锐忘毡溯锻互咨耿变杉催廊鞘规俯馆籽潭扬纷畸器菩夯旁托设铭戮啃怔困篙彩威反摩爱次药符膏芥岸查涎箩衫盼琐Gartner项目组合管理软件的魔方图2003另庞居渍卫腰良见顽涛娠钧羔物肋熔消擅类柬吻面造舶踞顷蔚黑磷歼席法投废生纽瘤潭拒鼻蓉落差抑耍震巨壁蛊搬戎那涤抉盲喉捧背颂蚌沮羡扁岁耀胞嚷膝拨怯隆侈犀继蕊砧开饥熙渴炎茁奔繁逮弟油撩女仰糠筏贩且遍槐虱唆扁晌债劫碳遇竖密参操岿逢剔盗铁昼显斤拿址幼剪具舀晦床博茅酿魏啊予江但容瘁念填冉隶膝抱殃蒜哺竭氢刽苏贫盆罗派烁苦鲁楞铭猪照律材妓踌穷郸痛模瞧牌瓷寄檄呼富镇伞潍泰建津试牌麓杆菊灰拢脆潜复墙庸伶疗叫蔡捕伍涯摔碎阅仟歧祝冒噎宦驶帚响凋念碌毫训冒念垦世丰考棒区涨粗傈后丧议衫棉负抒忍之溶末里亿褂猴构幸暂防甚恬锋虫刽嘉聋株卤蚂饭Gartner项目组合管理软件的魔方图2003Magic Quadrant for Project Portfolio Management, 200311 July 2003Matt LightDocument Type: Research NoteNote Number: M-20-2777Applications for project portfolio and resource management can boost team performance, and enable IT management and others to access real-time data via dashboards for prioritization and rapid decision making.-What You Need to Know Heightened interest in integrated project portfolio management solutions has sustained this market through hard times. By broadening its view of project management to an organizational governance context, IT management can increasingly address portfolios of projects, priorities, resources and more.AnalysisStrategic Planning Assumptions By 2006, more than 50 percent of all project portfolio management functions will be packaged as flexibly configurable, modular Web services (0.6 probability). By 2006, at least 50 percent of IS organizations will have adopted a mix of project portfolio management application services for managing team collaboration, allocating resources, and tracking utilization and costs (0.7 probability). Enterprises will continue to reduce the number of tools needed to manage IT and other project portfolios, in part to provide quicker visibility via direct rollup and analysis of portfolio data. Enterprises delivering projects large and small have long blended tools and manual solutions to allocate resources, schedule activities and milestones, track progress, share project-related documents, control project risks and otherwise manage their project portfolios (see Ways to Speed Up Projects in the Real-Time Enterprise). We believe that, during the next five years, project portfolio management (PPM) functions will be increasingly consolidated in flexible and configurable smart suites of PPM Web services.A smart enterprise suite can extend platforms to create specialized applications that integrate analytical, business and content management application functionalities, which is precisely whats happening with PPM packages (see The Future of the Smart Enterprise Suite). This trend has been slowly gaining momentum, inhibited by market conditions and the resulting constraints on R&D. Furthermore, pricing pressures have mounted because of the tough PPM market (as well as competition from the Microsoft Project product line), while growth rates for most vendors have decreased or stopped altogether.As noted last year (see 2002 Project/Resource Management Magic Quadrant), application vendors from other areas have also been entering the market and contributing to growth in this space. Since 3Q02, the vendors of the more-integrated PPM solutions have struggled, and the competition is heating up (see Figure 1 and Note 1).Figure 1The PPM Magic QuadrantSource: Gartner Research (July 2003)Note 1 Evaluation Criteria Ability to Execute Vendor viability Management team Track record in delivery and support Functional depth Support capability Sales and marketing Completeness of Vision Vision of technology and the market Resourcing (including external) Consulting/service commitment Package breadth Platform, database and ERP support Team collaboration features IS organization requirements Vendors vision foci differ. Some, such as the enterprise resource planning (ERP) providers, initially focused on project cost accounting, then added planning, resourcing and other PPM features. Others (Primavera Systems, for example) focused first on the latter set of functions, enabling project cost management and exporting cost accounting data to an ERP back end, and later added ways to collect nonproject costs, such as work requests. Although approaching PPM requirements with different strengths, these applications can provide reliable IT project and service status data, which was formerly available only in fragments (for example, in such static documents as time reports or resource plans in Excel).In assembling a complete solution, PPM packages often provide integration to address gaps or weaknesses in functionality. Another example of integration is the common dependence on Microsoft Project, while focusing on portfolio analysis, tracking, resourcing, costing, collaboration or other features and offering project planning (such as Gantt charts) for those situations when more-detailed scheduling (in Microsoft Project or alternative schedulers) is not required (see Figure 2).Figure 2PPM: Evolution of an Application SuiteSource: Gartner Research (July 2003)During the past year, developments in the PPM market have included the growing importance of portfolio features hence, our reference to it as project portfolio management, rather than project/resource management (although resource profiling, leveling and so forth remain significant). IBM has been a growing presence in this market, as well as at its fringes; it acquired Rational Software last year, as well as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Consulting, including its Summit Ascendant product line, which features tools, IT process support and project management methodology.More directly in the PPM space, IBM has invested in Systemcorp and has assisted in the development of Systemcorps Enterprise PM Office, which shows an accurate view of market requirements, with an effective breadth of functionality that includes full scheduling, resourcing, and time and expense reporting. Service request management and defect-tracking features further support the needs of IS organizations. Scope management features enable users to integrate project requirements to plan and automate project document management, including version control and the ability to link documents to any level of a work breakdown structure.Built in a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) framework, PM Offices portal approach enables simpler user configurations than previous releases and also features a native Enterprise Dashboard, with hundreds of C-level stored procedures, including many for portfolio reporting. Previously focused on IBMs DB2 database platform, PM Office now directly supports the Oracle database as well.An emerging group of portfolio analysis vendors has begun offering solutions for analyzing IT investments and assets, some (such as Pacific Edge Software) as part of PPM product lines (see The Gartner Portfolio Management Tool for IT Investment). Other offerings, although short of being PPM products (see Note 2), are moving to offer planning, resourcing and other features that approach the PPM market. Among these emerging tools is Artemis International Solutions PortfolioDirector (see Artemis PortfolioDirector for Managing IT Investments), which has been a bright spot for Artemis in recent years as the company has struggled to put its financial challenges behind it.Note 2 PPM Processes for Application Support A PPM application addresses most of the nine processes defined by the Project Management Institutes Project Management Book of Knowledge: project scope management, time management (that is, planning or scheduling), cost management, resource management, quality management, project communications management, project risk management and project procurement management. The ninth area enables the integration of these processes, such as for pipeline or other analytics. (See Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Applications: Perspective.) With a profitable quarter to end 2002 (based largely on PortfolioDirector momentum and cost cutting), Artemis continues to correct its cost structure after acquiring the bulk of its joint ventures worldwide. With continued strength in product revenue in Europe, any Artemis comeback is likely to begin there.Another important portfolio analysis tool is ProSight, an innovative solution that entered the American market a few years ago. Using a partnering strategy that involved such vendors as Changepoint, Evolve, PeopleSoft and PlanView, the ProSight tool enabled vendors to extend their offerings. These partners have typically developed competing solutions. ProSight has deepened its tool, adding playbooks of dashboards, scorecards, pick lists and forms to target such procedures as IT service-level management, system retirement, project prioritization and IT inventory analysis.Other notable portfolio analysis tools come from Portfolio DecisionWare (an AXS-One/Tivity partner) and United Management Technologies, which has developed StratFrames. Both also offer consulting services as a major part of their businesses. In addition, ProSight has strategically partnered with Fujitsu Consulting for consulting services in the portfolio management space. Lawson Software and Changepoint have similar strategic partnerships with Deloitte & Touche, and PeopleSoft has partnered with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (CGE&Y).Since 2Q01, Evolve has increasingly marketed outside its initial professional services administration (PSA) niche. In addition to product development, the vendor has targeted IS organizations, especially with its Evolve 6 Portfolio Management version, which was released in late 2002. In March, Evolve introduced its work request management solution, which is similar to that offered by PlanView and Changepoint. These capabilities were among the features that caused Primavera to acquire the chronically unprofitable Evolve for $13 million in March 2003 (see Primavera to Acquire Evolve, Expand Project Management Line).In the IT and application management space, Kintana slated for acquisition this quarter by Mercury Interactive has rounded out its product line during the last 12 to 18 months, with demand, portfolio, project, program and time management tools grouped under the banner of IT Governance. At the same time, Rationals Project Console dashboard has gained traction in Rationals user base, although it falls short of being a PPM product.Along the same lines, PlanView has introduced a set of organizational governance processes called Prisms, which it has built into its PlanView Portfolio Management 7.3 solution, which was launched at Gartners Spring Symposium in March. The 11 Prisms are divided into three categories: investments, projects and service. They include a configurable, prepopulated database of attributes and stage gates for different initiatives (such as models for a business investment planning effort, a major development project or a production system support service).Similarly, Changepoint has pursued a vision blending IT portfolio management with resource and project planning and tracking, resulting in a partnership with Deloitte & Touche marketing a CIO Portal. Now in v.8, the Changepoint product has been rebuilt on .NET, with added Oracle database support, and it has been converted to Unicode for ease of translation (a Spanish language version has also been added). This, along with ongoing enhancement of its request management/help desk-style features, has increased the proportion of Changepoints internal corporate IT customers and prospects to more than 50 percent, while its professional service target market has slowed purchases.Microsoft remains a strong presence in the marketplace with its Microsoft Project product line, which features MSP Standard, Professional, Server and Web Access (see Got a Plan? Microsoft Project 2002 Preview) and provides an effective PPM solution in the Windows and SQL Server environments. Revenue growth for this product line has enabled additional R&D, which has yielded a Microsoft Project 2003 release that is due in the fall, enhancing synergies with other Microsoft technologies, including Windows Sharepoint Services, Office and Outlook. Continued work with Microsoft Solution Partners to address implementation issues provides valuable experience in addressing enterprise needs.ERP II vendors continue to target the space, both defensively (to prevent PPM midoffice vendors from expanding their enterprise footprints) and offensively, with PPM products or features packaged with parts of their application platforms to address PPM market requirements. Although initially offered to extend their implementations project accounting and reporting functionality, some have done significant acquisitions and development.Lawsons offering enhancing its 2001 acquisition of the XML-based Account4 PSA technology now features portfolio analysis, with consulting support from Answerthink. Its Service Automation PPM product directly supports SOP 98-1 reporting of application development costs with guidelines for expensing vs. capitalization. Version 5.1s Smart Notification monitors data from Lawson or external systems, including the Web, to provide alerts (such as for schedule overruns) via a variety of devices.Oracles new PPM solution, which was introduced in June 2003, extends its established Oracle Projects module (formerly focused on project costing and billing, with some recent resourcing features) with three new products: Project Management, for building work plans, controlling project issues and changes and tracking progress; Project Collaboration, with a project workspace for managing and enabling real-time issue resolution; and Project Intelligence, for analyzing project data.PeopleSoft also has an established project accounting module, which has been extended in recent years with resource management and T&E in its Enterprise Service Automation (ESA) offering. This also features a Contracts module and a Services Procurement module, which PeopleSoft hopes to leverage if greater demand for IT services accompanies an economic recovery. With consulting partner CGE&Y, it also offers CIO OneSource, a combined PPM product/service for IT.SAP is approaching the market with new offerings that may challenge the competition next year: xRPM, a cross app for resource and program management that is positioned as a product targeting internal R&D or IS organizations, and SAP Professional Services, a customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Similarly, Denmark-based Maconomy offers vertically differentiated solutions with product templates that target marketing/advertising agencies, audit/tax consulting and research organizations, although they do not target internal IT. Epicor Software does not specifically target IT either, although its Epicor for Service Enterprises software is adaptable, and it has retooled its product line for Web services delivery via its Internet Component Architecture.Another deal of note was Scitors spin-off last August of its tool business as Sciforma. Its established PS Suite extends advanced planning, tracking and multiproject resource leveling via its Project Communicator (which includes Inform, Objects and Admin modules). Sciformas new PS Next will go further with workforce skill and capacity management and the ability to track hours against budgets, along with state-of-the-art project planning and scheduling. We expect PS Nexts new J2EE framework pricing to drive PPM pricing of flexible, configurable Web services.With another round of investment ($10.5 million in February) and a return to profitability, a stabilized Niku may be poised to take advantage of potential economic rebounds in 2004. On the product front, Niku 6.1 shipped in 2Q03, featuring portlets and streamlined navigation of its five main modules Niku Projects, Portfolio Manager, Resource Planner, Financial Manager and Niku Workbench effectively getting the product in shape. Among its new and upgraded Niku 6 customers are several implementations of more than 2,000 users (including team members reporting time/status).Business Engines v.5 release deepens its budget management, embeds Microsoft Project, adds more online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes for financial management and provides new features for external contractor management. The company has had key implementations at Deutsche Bank, Merrill-Lynch and Delphi Automotive, and each deployment exceeds 5,000 users. Tenrox also embeds Microsoft Project for synchronization without import-export, has a strong focus on T&E and billing, and features an effective workflow tool reminiscent of process-modeling tools offered by ERP vendors.There is a significant PPM niche market for enterprises leveraging the IBM/Lotus Domino platform for PPM purposes. Automation Centre offers TrackerSuite, featuring resource management, time-tracking Domino-based project collaboration, document management and workflow. Customers include DuPont and American Electric Power. Automation Centre also offers a Microsoft-based product. Similarly, Eden Communications leverages Domino with its ProjecTrak family of products. It targets IS with a bug tracker, help desk, asset management and software designer module, among others. Genius Project from the European (Swiss-based) company Genius Inside features risk and simulation modules.Key Issues What project management tools, processes and techniques are required for delivering high-quality, on-time and on-budget applications? How will ERP II vendors and markets evolve? How will enterprises improve the operational efficiency of their e-workplace infrastructures during the next five years? How should project/process management groups for an application development organization be set up, and with what support tools? What tools and technologies will enable enterprises to operate in real time? Acronym Key CGE&Y Cap Gemini Ernst & Young CRM customer relationship management EPM Enterprise Project Management ERP enterprise resource planning ESA Enterprise Service Automation J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition OLAP online analytical processing PPM project portfolio management PSA professional services administration PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers Return to Top - 2003 Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Gartner shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The reader assumes sole responsibility for the selection of these mater


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