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山东省博兴县20162017学年上学期10月月考初三英语试题第一卷 选择题部分一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共35分)1. Everyone should learn _ Lei Feng.A. to B. of C. from D. at2. What about for a walk?A. to go B. going C. go D. goes3. Tom gets up early he can catch the early bus.A. so that B. enough C. such that D. too4. The hero fell in love the beautiful princess.A. to B. for C. as D. with5. He didnt come to our school _ the weather.A. because B. because of C. as D. though6.Please tell us about the film?A. something interested B. interesting somethingC. something interesting D. anything interesting7. Where is your sister, Lucy?She _ to the Library.A. been to B. has gone C. is going D. went8. You found easy to learn English, didnt you?A. it B. that C. this D. one9.Lucy cant always understand English.A. speak B. speak C. spoken D. speaking10. Its not easy for her _ this job well.A. doing B. does C. to do D. do11. The price of the houses increase 10%.A. to B. by C. at D. in12. The film made me feel .A. boring, boring B. boring, boredC. bored, boring D. bored, bored13. In class, when Mr. Green asks some questions, we should try to the answers.A. find out B. find C. look D. look for14. They wont go climbing the mountain if it _ tomorrow.A. will snow B. snows C. snowed D. snow15. How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it? To be honest, I learnt it watching TV. I learn to cook many dishes TV. A. by; in B. by; on C. in; on D. in; in16. Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day? No. This is the first time Ive celebrated festival. A. the; theB. the; a C. /; the D. /; a17. When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to _ in a dictionary at once. A. make up them B. look up them C. make them up D. look them up18. I wonder if I can learn English well. _. All things are difficult before they are easy. A. I am afraid so B. Youre slow C. It takes time D. Its a piece of cake19. Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party? Well, I dont know _A. that I can finish my work by thenB. if can I finish the work by thenC. that can I finish the work by then D. whether I can finish the work by then20. We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and _is at Thanksgiving. A. other B. the other C. another D. the others21. Have you found the poor dog yet? Yes. But he was_ when we found him. The bad weather killed him. A. dying B. died C. dead D. die22. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines _the writers true meaning. A. lie B. lies C. have D. has23. Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. _ the Dai people were having! Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival. A. What fun B. How fun C. What a fun D. How a fun24. Could you tell me_ about Valentines Day in Japan? Well, not only adults but children celebrate it. A. something B. anythingC. everything D. some thing25. I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day. _. And we will miss you. A. Enjoy yourself B. Youre welcome C. Thats interesting D. The same to you26. Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant? Maybe. Well go there if the show _ before 6. But I dont know if there_ any free tables then.A. will end; were B. will end; will be C. ends; were D. ends; will be27.Tom never went to bed he finished his homework last night.A.because B.if C.until D.while28. I dont know next. Lets ask our teacher for help.A. what to do B. what should I do C. how to do D. how I should do29. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some ? Sure. Theres a post office at the first crossing. A. snacks B. stampsC. umbrellas D. bananas 30. Whom would you for the job? Tom, I think. Hes always careful and serious.A. suggest B. remindC. remember D. explain31.On my way home,I pass a fruit shop every day.A.to,by B.to,past C., by D.of, for32. Is AC Milan Italian football club? Yes. Its one of most successful clubs in Italy.A. an; /B. an; the C. /; the D. /; / 33. You really went to the park last weekend? Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.A. will B. would C. do D. did34.I some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay35.The expressions they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.A. instead of B. lead in to C. because of D. depend on二、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)“How can I learn English well?” “This is a 36 many students may ask. In my opinion, the most effective(有效的) 37 is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you will learn it pretty well. And if you can tell 38 your own words about 39 the lesson says, you are a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect. This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, youll find it not so hard 40 you might have thought.Learn this way, and you will 41 fast progress. Of course, writing is also necessary. It helps you a lot on your way to 42 in English studies.Its equally(同样地) important to feel the language. You should laugh at Englsih jokes and be 43 at bad news. When using English, try to 44 your mother tongue(母语). 45 helping you, your own language gets in your way. So, never try to learn English through putting every word into Chinese.36. A. problem B. puzzleC. questionD. challenge37. A. time B. wayC. roadD. place38. A. with B. byC. ofD. in39. A. which B. whatC. howD. when40. A. than B. likeC. soD. as41. A. do B. makeC. learn D. develop42. A. successB. challengeC. difference D. importance43. A. happy B. happilyC. sadD. sadly44. A. leave B. forget C. rememberD. realize45. A. Instead of B. InsteadC. BesidesD. Except for 三、阅读理解。(每小题1.5分,共30分)AWelcome to Jiulong hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you will find the following useful to you.Meal timesBreakfast 7:30 9:30 am Lunch 12:00 2:00 pmAfternoon tea 4:00 5:30 pmDinner 7:00 9:15 pmTea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches can be brought to your rooms from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks in your rooms can be used at any time.Room cleaning The waiters will clean the room if you leave the room at any time between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.ValuablesPlease put your valuables in our safe (保险箱), or we cant be responsible (负责的) for your loss.LeavingIf you want to leave, please tell us before 6:30 pm of the day. Or you will have to pay for another day.AttentionTo make sure of other peoples good rest, turn down the radio or the TV after 11:00 pm. 根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)46. The hotel serves (提供) the following foods in rooms EXCEPT . A. coffeeB. cakesC. candyD. cold drinks47. The underlined word “valuables” means “ ” in Chinese.A. 贵重物品 B. 行李 C. 随身物品 D. 包裹48. If youre about to leave, you should tell the hotel before of the day so as not to pay for another day. A. 10:00 am B. 4:00 pm C. 6:30 pm D. 11:00 pm 49. You should after 11:00 pm. A. watch TV B. turn down the TV C. clean your room D. turn off the radio50. What do we know from the reading above? A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day. B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well. C. You cant book (预定) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm. D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.BWhy is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow yourself to make your life happen. Successful and happy people have a vision(远见)of how their life should be and they set lots of goals to help them reach their vision. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. Its like having a map to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind (her goal) which is laid out(展示)for her on a map. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns. The other driver has no goal or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere, just using up gas and oil. Which driver do you want to be? Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident. Goals arent difficult to set, and they arent difficult to reach. Its up to you to find what your goals, ideas and visions really are. You are the one who must decide what to pursue(追求)and in what direction to aim your life. Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract(合同)with yourself, they are harder to neglect(忽略)or forget.判断对( A ) 错( B ).51. The example of the two drivers is given to show its important to set goals 52. The drivers story tells us we should have a map and right direction when travelling.53. The most important thing in achieving ones goal is to try to keep himself happy in daily life.54. From the story we know that working hard can lead to success. 55. Success is possible only when a person has clearly set his goal.CNow QQ coins are popular among Chinese teenagers. People use real money to buy Web money. Then they buy clothes for their online characters (人物形象) or services for their online pets with it. And these fancy things will cost QQ fans more in the future.The government will put a tax (税) of 3% on online sales. For example, if QQ users pay 100 yuan for 110 QQ coins, they will have to spend 103 yuan in the future. The extra (额外的) three yuan is tax.Beijing was the first city to carry out the policy. Online games have to pay the tax, too. A number of players make money by spending a lot of time on the games to gain powers (获得能量), and then selling them.Experts said that online trade grow fast. There is more than 10 billion yuan of real money in online trade a year in China.However, the governments new move has become a hot topic (话题) among Internet users around the country. In a survey by sina.com more than 70% of about 3,000 surveyed were against it. They said that the tax is too much.But supporters (支持者) said the governments better management (管理) of the Internet would help it become healthier. They believe the new move would help stop online identity theft (账号偷窃).56.We can learn from the story that QQ coins are _. A. a kind of game software B. a special Web money C. some fancy clothes D. some online pets57.The Chinese government will put a tax of _ on online sales.A.3% B.10% C.11% D.15%58.Which city was the first city to carry out the policy?A. Shenyang.B. Shanghai. C. Guangzhou. D. Beijing.59.We can learn from the passage that_. A.online gamers dont have to pay the tax B.many people think the tax is too much C.all the people support (支持) this policy D.the new move will cause online identity theft60.The new move can help Internet become healthier and _. A.stop online shopping B.stop online trade C.stop online identity theft D.stop online spending moneyD.Winter solstice(冬至), as the name shows, means the coming of winter. As an important solar term(节气) in the traditional Chinese calendar, it is also a traditional holiday for Chinese, which is also called “冬节”, “长至节”,“亚岁”, etc. Generally, winter solstice occurs between December 21st and 23rd. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, five days constitutes(构成) a pentad and three pentads constitutes a solar term.One year is divided into twelve periods and twelve climates which are regarded as twenty-four solar terms. The Winter Solstice is one of twenty-four solar terms. On this day, in the Northern Hemisphere the period of daytime is the shortest of the year and the period of night is longest. . In Northern China during winter solstice there is a custom of eating dumplings.61. There are _ solar terms in a year.A. twelve B. five C. twenty-four D. thirty-one62. People often eat _ during winter solsticeA. mooncakes B. dumplings C. noodles D. chicken63. Winter solstice is in _.学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 考号_ 成绩 -装-订-线- A. January B. September C. October D. December64. On winter solstice the period of night is _in China.A. the longest B. the shortest C. darkest D. brightest65. Which day has the longest daytime in China? A. The beginning of spring B. Summer solstice C. Grain full D. The beginning of autumn五、口语交际(共5小题,计5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情 景(有两个多余选项)。A. 1 will go to the History Museum.B. Youre welcome.C. Can I take a bus?D. How long will it take me to walk there?E. Thats such a pity!F. Where is the bus stop?G. Could you tell me the way to the History Museum?A: Excuse me, sir. (66) B: Certainly, Go along this street. Turn left into Xingfu Street, and the museum is on your right.A: (67) B: Its about thirty minutes.A: I see. (68) B: Yes, you can. A No.103bus will take you there.A: (69) B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: (70) 六、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)(一)根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。71. Peter , we need to clean the house. Could you please _( sweep ) the floor?72. _( not smoke ) here, Rick. Smoking is not allowed in public places.73. When I got home yesterday afternoon , it _ (rain ) hard .74. I have finished my homework , Mom . May I stop _ ( have ) a rest?75. Would you mind turning down the music? I _ ( write) a report now.(二)根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。76.Good learners often _(连接) what they need to learn with something interesting.77. Tom, please pay _ (注意) to your handwriting. Its terrible.78. Yesterday a thief broke into Mr. Smiths home and _ (偷) his computer and some money.79.I live next to a superarket. Its _ (方便的) to buy things.80. It is important to know how to ask for help _ (有礼貌的)。七、动词应用。阅读短文,用所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时添加助动词或情态动词。(每小题1分,共10分)Some kids need to repeat a grade in school. This means if youre in the third grade, you have to do the third grade again next year instead of 81 (move) on to the fourth grade. Repeating a grade can be a right thing, though, because you get another chance 82 (complete) your schoolwork. For example, a kid might have trouble 83 (read). Other kids might 84 (be) ill and absent (缺席的) for a long time, so they missed (错过) a chance to learn they needed to learn.Repeating a grade might make you sad, angry. It can be stressful. You might be upset because you wont be in class with all of your friends. You might feel shy about repeating a grade. You may think that people 85 (talk) about you or 86 (laugh) at you. You can be really hurt if someone 87 (make) fun of you about repeating a grade. Try talking with your mom or dad, a teacher, or a friend advisor when youre having these feelings. School can be hard work, but there are strategies (策略) you can learn to help it go a little better for you.8(set) a goal for yourself and keep8(ork) toward it bit by bit. Ask for help if you need it, and you9(get) there! 八、英汉互译。(每小题1分,共5分)91. 我通过小组合作来学习英语。92.我想知道你是否喜欢这件礼物。93.你可以告诉我怎么样到达图书馆吗?94. Its not enough to sleep for six hours every night.95. He decides to treat everyone with kindness and warmth.九、书面表达。(共15分)假如你是Mike,正在英国学习外语。你的朋友在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,向你求助。请给他写一封信,介绍一下你学习英语的方法。并鼓励他不要放弃。60字左右。Dear Lin Tao,Thankfor your last letter._参考答案每题1分1-5 CBADB 6-10 CBACC 11-15 BBABB16-20 CDCDB21-25 CBAAA 20-30 DCABA31-35 CBDAD 36-40 CBABD 41-45 BACBA每题1.5分46-50CACBD 5155ABBBA 5660BADBC 61-65 CBDAB每题1分6670 G D C F B六、71.sweep 72.Don,t smoke 73. was raining 74. to have 75am writing 76. connect 77. attention 78. stole 79. convenient 80. politely七、81.moving 82.to complete 83. reading 84. have been 85. are talking 86. laugh 87. makes 88. Set 89. working 90. will get八、91. I study English by working with a group.92. I wonder if you like this gift/ present.93.Could you please tell me how to get to the library?94.每天晚上睡六个小时是不够的。95.他打算用善良和热情对待每一个人。九、略。


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