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Unit1 Mechanical Engineering English 机械工程专业英语篇Lesson 1 The Future Factory Is DigitalPart I ConversationsRead and Work in PairsDialogue 1Mr. King: Which school are you fromLily: I am from Shenyang PolytechnicCollege.Mr. King: What is your majorLily: My major is Materials Science.Mr. King: How many courses do you take in this semesterLily: I have chosen 7 to get my credits, such as Mechanical Drawing, Engineering Mechanics, Metallurgical Technology, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Fundamentals of Materials engineering, Electrician and Electronic Technology and English.Mr. King: Can you say something about your teachersLily: My teachers are very active and humorous in class. We are certainly lucky to have them as our teachers.Mr. King: Would you like to talk about your English studyLily: I believe that listening to the tape is one of the good ways of learning English. Im planning to pass CET-4 this coming June.Mr. King: Would you tell me your experience in English studyLily: I think there is no better way than hard work and constant practice. You know, practice makes perfect.Dialogue2Mr. King: What new courses do you have this termLily: Advanced Mathematics and Mechanical Drawing.Mr. King: What kind of books do you like to read in your spare timeLily: I enjoy reading fables and science fiction.Mr. King: Have you ever attended any lecturesLily: Of course, we have SyPC Elite Forum in our college. Over the years we have invited experts in various fields here to give us lectures. We can attend the lectures and be informed of the most advanced information of our favorable disciplines.Mr. King: Have you got any scholarship or assistantship in this collegeLily: Yes,I won the full scholarship when I was a sophomore.Mr. King: How is your campus lifeLily: We really have a full and fantastic college life. There are varieties of students committees on campus and you can join the ones you favor.Mr. King: What do you think of students taking the part-time jobLily: Well, I believe we can gain some practical experience from a part-time job, but it must fit your study schedule and doesnt interrupt your routine study.Part II ReadingText The Future Factory Is DigitalThe start of the 1980s brought the automation and robotics revolution, with the development of CAD robotics followings in its wake. These companies together with the traditional CAD/CAM suppliers and specialized companies started to explore the possibilities that the new technologies offered.Initially software companies marketed solutions based mainly on simulating robot behavior on graphic screen to assess the feasibility of various manufacturing tasks. This progressed to numerically controlled (NC) production machines, where the data on the design of components was either directly downloaded from computers in a CAD/CAM design office or programmed offline directly into the machine controller.The 1990s brought specialization of the software. Various applications were specified by process, covering both the idea of the job and the workflow. Assembly, machining, quality control, arc welding, spot welding, 3D laser or water jet cutting were among the widely used process application software. This type of software has now gained the sobriquet, with Technomatix Technologies, of Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE) and has progressed to provide a coherent set of software tools for designing workshop processes. To be totally effective the software must be an integral part of the host information technology infrastructure and be able to communicate both upstream, with the CAD tools, and downstream with control over the production facilities.The development of CAPE has led to the concept of virtual manufacturing. Models can be created and manufacturing environments simulated so closely that different industrial strategies can be explored and evaluated that choices of the best productivity, quality of manufacturing, target production rates or return on equity can be made prior to any solid components existing.Nowadays with CAPE tools more widespread in industry a fourth wave of virtual manufacturing is taking place. The software comprises two main elements: a process planning tool at the front end backed up by a process database, which contains the descriptions of the various manufacturing resources, machines, tooling, tools, bio-mechanical models with their geometrical representation, behavior, processes executed and all parameters and attributes associated with them.The process planner tool, generally available in a Windows environment, serves to set and organize blocks of functions within the factory. It is used in conjunction with a factory planning and simulation software with displays material flow, taking into account production scheduling. It will highlight bottlenecks in the installation and, using statistical and probability models, it can stimulate the impact of discrete events, such as machine breakdowns, accidents, stock shortages, etc. that could occur in the installation.New words & expressionssemester simest n. 学期metallurgical .met l :d ik l a. 冶金的,冶金学的sophomore s f m :, -m r n. 大学二年级生(在企业中工作第二年的人)discipline disiplin n. 训练,纪律,惩罚v. 训练,惩罚scholarship sk l ip n. 奖学金,学问,学识assistantship sist nt. ip n. 助手职位automation . :t mei n n. 自动化specialized spe laizd a. 专门的,专科的initially ini li ad. 最初,开头assess ses v. 估定,评定infrastructure infr str kt n. 下部构造, 基础结构,基础设施manufacturing .m njuf kt ri n. 制造业; a. 制造业的specialization .spe laizei n n. 特别化,特殊化,专门化workflow w :k fl u 工作流程assembly sembli n. 装配,集合,集会sobriquet s ubrikei n. 绰号technomatix (technology matrix)技术矩阵coherent k uhi r nt a. 连贯的,清晰的,明了的,凝聚性的integral intigr l a. 构成整体所必需的,完整的 n. 数学 积分, 完整, 部分upstream pstri:m 向上游,逆流地feasibility .fi:z bil ti n. 可行性virtual v :tju l, -t u l a. 虚拟的,实质的strategy str tid i n. 战略,策略target t:git n. 靶,目标;vt. 把.作为目标geometrical d i metrik l a. 几何学的,几何的conceptualization k n.septj laizei n; -liz- n. 概念化bottleneck b tl.nek n. 瓶颈discrete diskri:t a. 不连续的 离散的;计算机 分离 离散SyPC Elite Forum 沈职院大讲堂take into account 考虑(注意,顾及,体谅)in conjunction with 连同(共同,与-协力,连带着)Part III After Reading TasksI Answer the following questions according to the text.1. When does the automation robotics revolution start2. What did software companies market solutions based mainly on initially3. What does CAPE stand for4. What has led to the concept of virtual manufacturing5. What does a process planner tool serveII After reading the text, please decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. The automation robotics revolution started as early as the latest sixties of the last century.2. Software companies began to bring to the market with the software of specialized nature mainly based on simulating robot behavior on graphic screen.3. Numerical controlled machines are made to design components by means of directly downloading data from design office.4. 1990s saw the great progress in the development and improvement in various software or special purposes.5. The fourth wave of virtual manufacturing has been taking place with the CAPE tools more and more widely used.III Read the two passages and then try to put them into Chinese.Passage 1Globalization is also bringing about the integration of the internationally distributed facilities of a single company into a truly coherent global production resource. The commitment of the Ford Motor Company to this goal is a case. In 1993 Ford announced that it was electronically merging its seven automotive design centers. Then, in 1994, CEO Alexander Trotman announced that Ford was merging all its activities, distributed among 30 countries, into a single global operation. Vehicle type development will be divided among five centers by vehicle type (small cars and light trucks, mid-size cars, etc. ), not by national or regional market.Passage 2The development of northeast industrial base brought opportunities and challenges to students in vocational school. This article takes the basic situation of Shenyang industrial base as instance, elaborates the opportunities and challenges vocational school students encountered in the society from the aspects of the students abilities and skills; it also indicates how to improve personal culture and capabilities, how to face challenges actively in order to gain stable and continuous success in employment competition.IV Fill in the blanks with the proper words given below, changing the form if necessary.consist drive interpret means accomplishlink type corresponding software usedThe computer in CNC operates by 1 of software. There are three 2 of software programs 3 in CNC systems: (1) operating system software, (2) machine interface 4 , and (3) application software. The principal function of the operating system software is to 5 the NC part programs and generate the 6 control signals to 7 the machine tool axes. The machine interface software is used to operate the communication 8 between the CPU and the machine tool to 9 the CNC auxiliary functions. The application software 10 of the NC part programs that are written for machining (or other) applications in the users plant. Open ExercisePlease find out the latest related information to the subject of digital manufacturing on the internet or in reference materials.Lesson 2 ManufacturingPart I ConversationsRead and Work in PairsDialogue OneMr. King: Do you have any hobbies other than studyLily: Oh, I like playing rugby. We have a great mens rugby team which won the championship in the 6th National College Students Sports Game.Mr. King: Do you have a plan for your own futureLily: I really cannot describe my own future because there are a lot of uncertainties in the way of my growing up. What I should do is to make good use of the present and make every day count.Mr. King: Can you say something about some of the famous landscapes in ShenyangLily: Shenyang is the center concerned with economy, culture, transportation, commerce and trade of Northeast Area. It is the important place of heavy machine in China and reputed city of history and culture. Shenyang is the first city to be the excellent one among so many excellent trading cities. Now there are thousands of cultural relics underground and above the ground .There are many natural landscapes and man-made landscapes. The whole world is focusing on the EXPO in Shenyang. North Mausoleum,it used to be the mausoleum of Huang Taiji, East Mausoleum, the other Mausoleum for Nuer Hachi and ShenYangs Imperial Palace have been declared as a world cultural heritage.Mr. King: How is the food served in your college dinning roomsLily: They offer us a wide choice of food styles from Sichuan Food to Guangdong Food. Drinks and snacks are also served there.Dialogue TwoMr. King: What do you think of the internetLily: The internet brings us the age of information. Internet is altering the style of our life. Online education, online communication and online business are available on the net. But it is also causing some negative effects while we are enjoying the conveniences.Mr. King: How is the climate hereLily: Shenyang has distinct four seasons, concentrated rainfalls and sufficient sunshine.Mr. King: Can you say something about your classmates or friendsLily: Zhangxue is a hard-working student. She is one of the top students in our class. Shes the teachers favorite. We are close friends. No exam has ever bothered her.Part II ReadingText Modern Manufacturing EngineeringWhat Is ManufacturingMaybe youve never thought about it before, but it is all around you. It affects every part of your life. What is it In this case, it is manufacturing. Actually manufacturing is not all around you. But manufactured products are. Look around you right now. Name some things you see that were manufactured. Chairs, notebooks, blue jeans, books, floor tile, chalkboards, light bulbs, pencils, eyeglasses-nearly everything around you was manufactured.The manufacturing industry is important to our society. Its essential to our economy. An economy is a system for producing and distributing products and services. Many people work in manufacturing. They help produce products. And they buy products with the money they earn. The more products people buy, the more products are manufactured. And this allows more people to work.Manufacturing is also important to the economy in another way. A piece of material is worth more after its been changed into a useful product. Thats added value. Value is increased by the manufacturing process.Modern ManufacturingA manufacturing industry needs three basic types of resources: Material resources, Human resources, Capital resources.The elements of industry are seven key steps for organizing production: Research and Development, Production Tooling, Production Planning and Control, Quality Control, Personnel Management, Manufacturing, Marketing.R&D is the planning of new products, processes, or materials and the improvement of old skill. R&D is such a large, important part of the industrial world and requires many people with different talents.Production Tooling is the element of industry concerned with these tools. The PT obtains the tools, machines, and equipment needed to make a product.The most important parts of Production Planning and Control are routing, scheduling, dispatching, and plan layout. The machinery and equipment must be arranged so that production can take place smoothly, without wasted time and effort.Quality Control can be defined as those activities which prevent defective articles. In this way management tries to insure that a product will be acceptable to the buyer.Marketing is the process of getting products from those who make them to those who use them and it helps to deliver the right kinds of goods to us, in the right form and amount, at the time and price.New words & expressionsrugby r gbi n. 橄榄球relics relik n. 遗物,遗迹,遗产,遗体commerce k m (:)s n. 商业,贸易mausoleum .m :s li m n. 陵墓heritage heritid n. 遗产,继承物reputed ripju:tid a. 名誉好的,被称为.的,有.名气的alter :lt v. 改变distinct disti kt a. (from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的produce pr dju:s n. 产品,农产品; v. 产生,生产,提出distribute distribju(:)t v. 分配,散布capital k pit l n. 首都,首府,大写字母,资产; a. 首都的,重要的organize :g naiz vi. 组织起来; vt. 组织route ru:t n. 航线,路线; vt. 按路线发送schedule sked jul n. 时间表,一览表,计划; v. 安排,计划,预定,编制目录dispatch disp t v. 派遣; 计算机 分派layout lei.aut n. 布局,安排,设计defective difektiv a. 有缺陷的,欠缺;n. 有缺陷的人Part III After Reading TasksI Answer the following questions according to the text.1. What does R&D stand for2. What types of resources does a manufacturing industry need3. What are the most important parts of Production Planning and Control4. What is the definition of marketing5. Is a book printed in a bookshop or in a printing houseII After reading the text, please decide whether the statements are true or false.1. Everything around us is manufactured products.2. No matter how small or simple a thing may be, it can be a manufactured product.3. The manufacturing industry is a part of our economy, without which our life would be very hard.4. By economy we actually mean the system for producing and distributing products and services concerned.5. Quality Control can be defined as those activities which prevent defective articles. III Read the two passages and then try to put them into Chinese.Passage 1No markets anywhere (for profitable products, at least) are domestic anymore, and no producer need be a domestic producer only. The addition of high capacity information and communication systems to existing global transportation systems opens every market to any producer for whom the economics is attractive. Furthermore, it is increasingly easy to integrate design, production, marketing, and distribution resources distributed around the world into a coherent virtual production facility As a result, every company has the potential for linking some portion of its capabilities with complementary capabilities of other companies regardless of their location.Passage 2The development of northeast industrial base is the important task and strategic policy proposed by central government, and meanwhile it is a tremendously systematic project. As the central city of northeast district, Shenyang city council and city government brings forward a series of plans in the topic of Develop Northeast, Start with Shenyang. This article systematically explains the overall goals achievement, the conditions and opportunities to develop the old industry in Shenyang, as well as elaborates how to improve the core professional ability of college students, in order to accomplish the historical tasks to accelerate the economic development of Shenyang. IV Fill in the blanks with the proper words given below, changing the form if necessary.produce case consist unpredicted asflexibilityengineering flexibility manage find into likeA flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is some amount of 1 that allows the system to react in the 2 of changes, whether predicted or 3 . This flexibility is generally considered to fall 4 two categories, which both contain numerous subcategories.The first category, machine flexibility, covers the systems ability to be changed to 5 new product types, and ability to change the order of operations executed on a part. The second category is called routing flexibility, which 6 of the ability to use multiple machines to perform the same operation on a part, as well 7 the systems ability to absorb large-scale changes, such as in volume, capacity, or capability. The main advantages of an FMS is its high flexibility in 8 manufacturing resources 9 time and effort in order to manufacture a new product. The best application of an FMS 10 in the production of small sets of products like those from a mass production. Open ExercisePlease find out the latest related information to the subject of manufacturing on the internet or in reference materials.Lesson 3 Mechanical Engineering DesignPart I ConversationsRead and Work in PairsDialogue 1Mr. King: How many books can you borrow from library at a timeLily: Usually, it is 5 books for an undergraduate and 10 books for a postgraduate at one time.Mr. King: What about the English corner in your campusLily: The English corner is held every Thursday evening. Teachers from the Foreign Languages Teaching Office help students to organize the activities and you can catch any interesting topic such as English studies, music, movies, books and traveling there. We do benefit a lot from it.Mr. King: Do you have a habit of doing exerciseLily: Sure, we have a regulation of morning exercises, which guarantees us a healthy body. You can meet students undertaking different kinds of exercises if you take a walk in the morning on campus.Mr. King: Would you like to comment on your instructorLily: He is a man of profession and responsibility. Whenever you ask him for help, he will always be there without any hesitation.Dialogue 2Mr. King: How about the activities in your schoolLily: It blooms in every corner of campus. Associations of different varieties organized by students with the same interest develop various popular activities such as Foreign Languages Festival and Computer Science Festival.Mr. King: Do you like online gamesLily: No, I dont. I believe such addicting is a waste of time and energy. It does have negative effects on our study.Mr. King: How do yo


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