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大学体验英语基础教程 第一单元Experiencing EnglishElementary Book Unit OneMeeting people教学目标:作为大学体验英语的第一单元,本单元内容遵循体验英语培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力的总体目标,同时,注意将学生在中学阶段应该掌握但尚未完全掌握的语言基本知识和技能融入训练学生学习学习用英语进行实际交际的过程之中。通过本单元的学习,目的是让学生掌握如何与别人打招呼,如何介绍自己,如何恰当地称呼别人。同时通过本单元的学习,让学生了解在对话中如何发表观点和与人交换意见看法,如何恰当的参与讨论和解释自己的观点。教学重点:掌握单词:port/airport/seaport/harbor/harbour,college/university,due,campus/school,library/librarian(assistant),playground 掌握词组:be due at, classroom building, over there, show around. sports ground 语法复习:be动词(verb to be); there be 句型教学难点:1, to learn how to greet people; 2, to learn how to introduce yourself to other people;3, to learn how to state names with titles as appropriate;4, to learn how to exchange information and views on these matters with others;5, to learn how to engage in discussion and account for your views.课时分配:1, Listen and Talk, new words and expressions and analysis, listen to it, talk about it, Read and Explore Passage A 2学时 2, Read and Explore Passage B, Passage C, Write and Produce 4学时 3, Pick Up Your Grammar, exercises 2学时 课外练习:Read and Explore Passage B, Language Focus 9,exercises 4推荐读物:英语初级口语教学过程:ways of expressionsGreetingHi/HelloGood morning/afternoon/eveningHow do you do?How are you?How are you doing?How are things?/ How is everything?How are you getting on?Nice/ Fancy to meet/see you.Whats up?AnswerHi/HelloGood morning/afternoon/eveningHow do you do?Fine, thank you/just fine, thanksVery well, how about you?Thats very kind of youAll right, and you?Not bad/OK/Pretty good/Im doing well/So-soNot too well, I have a cold.Nice/ Fancy to meet/see you, too.Introducing yourselfHello, my name is.Hi, ImI dont think weve met each other before, ImBy the way, my name isAllow me to / Let me introduce myself(make a self-introduction), my name is, Im fromHello, May I introduce myself? My name isId like to introduce myself first. ImThe way of AddressingNames: given name (first name), family name or surname (last name), middle name.In order to show respect, titles are included when addressing people, generally speaking, the way is the title + last name; there are various titles, such as professor (Prof), doctor (Dr), President, Mr., Mrs., Miss., Ms., Captain, SergeantSometimes, between friends and family members, nicknames are quite common, such as Rick for Richard, Steve for Steven, Phil for Philip, Bob for RobertNew words and Expressions1. airport: port(港口)/airport/seaport/harbor/harbour at the airport2. college: college/university/school(专科学校: three years school)/academy e.g. Gannan Teachers College; Peking University; Medical School/Law School; Police Academy students in college/university: undergraduate: freshman, sophomore, senior student, graduate(Degree of Bachelor) postgraduate: Degree of Master and Degree of Doctor3. plane: n. 飞机words and phrases: take off (起飞), landing/ touchdown(降落), pilot(飞行员), stewardess(空姐), fighter(战斗机), bomber,(轰炸机), scout(侦察机), departure/arrival.4. due: adj. 应得的, 应付的, 正当的, 预期的, (车、船预定)应到的 (常与to连用)欠的;应给的e.g. We have due cause to honor them.我们有充分的理由给予他们荣誉Their plane is due in 15 minutes.他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达Our thanks are due to him.我们要感谢他。phrase: due to - because of/ result from e.g. accidents due to driving at high speed由于高速开车而引起的交通事故Her illness was due to bad food.她的病是坏了的食物造成的。be due at, 在(某时间)应到达5. building: office building 办公楼/ classroom building 教学楼factory building 厂房6. campus: campus/schoolon campus/ at school e.g. you can live on or live off campus.你可以住在校内,也可以住校外。7. library: library/librarian(assistant)管理员/reading room阅览室8. around: adv. 周围, 四周, 到处, 大约, 左右prep.在.周围, 四处 e.g. dirty clothes lying around.脏衣服丢得到处都是weighed around 30 pounds重约30磅around the house在房子周围phrases: show somebody around some places: 带领某人参观某地 e.g. Mrs. Smith promised to show the guests around her new house after the supper. 史密斯太太答应客人们晚餐后参观她的新住宅。 have been around: having had many and varied experiences 经验丰富,老于世故:具有丰富经验和不同经历 e.g. a young executive who has been around.一个经验丰富的年轻经理she has obviously been around a lot.她显然见过不少世面。9. ground: playground/ sports ground 运动场 stadium 体育馆Unit 2 Talk About Likes and Dislikes教学目标:本单元围绕培养学生表达个人喜好憎恶这一交际能力而展开教学。通过对书的爱好;交通方式的选择;以及对大海的钟情等对话及相关课文,训练和提高学生用英语讨论和阐明相关话题的能力,同时适时帮助学生重拾和巩固动词、人称代词等语法知识。教学重点:掌握单词:beach; comfortable; coach; jog; country; fresh; gesture; exchange; typical; culture掌握词组:Enjoy oneself; How / What about .? would rather have a class meeting, have got; at weekends, call on, life style; as a matter of fact 教学难点:1. to activate students into class-room discussion and help them express their personal likes or dislikes, preferences, and exchange information and views on these matters with others.2. to master the key patterns and expressions of likes and dislikes.3. to help students to pick up the grammatical points: the verb and its transformation; personal pronouns and their different forms.课时分配:1. pre-reading tasks, New words Explanation and Analysis 1 学时2. While-Reading Tasks and Text Analysis 3 学时3. Post-Reading Tasks and Exercises1 学时4. Home-reading and Check up1 学时课外练习:1.Language focus of passage A, B, C. 2. Write and produce推荐读物:新概念英语第二册或许国璋英语第二册的文章1-3篇教学过程:Part I. Listen and TalkA. Basic patterns and expressions used for talking about likes and dislikes.1. Which do you prefer, A or B? I prefer A to B2. Which one do you like better? I like tea better than coffee.3. What do you think of something? I like it.4. Are you interested in doing something? Sometimes, I hate the noise.5. I like / love/ am fond of / something.6. I dont mind doing something.7. I dont like/ cant bear / cant / stand / hate.8. He dislikes/ detests/ loathes.B. Listening to Dialogues1. Direct students attention to the different attitudes of the different speakers towards books, means of transportation and the sea.2. Encourage students to imitate the speech patterns of expressing likes or dislikes.3. Explanations: 1) enjoy doingThe word enjoy is usually followed by a noun or a pronoun or a verb with ing. It means to get pleasure from(things and experiences) or like sth.e.g. I enjoyed the film. (a noun)I enjoy going to the cinema. He enjoys traveling by train. ( verb with -ing)2) like to do/ doing means to be fond of or enjoy something.e.g. I like watching television or I like to watch television.3) would rather do.sometimes as had rather, meaning more willingly.e.g. Id rather play tennis than swim4) hate and dislike: to consider unpleasant; not to like, dislikeseems more formal than hate. Both of the two words are followed by noun or verb with -ing.e.g. I hate violence. She hate being late for work. I dislike big cities. I dislike having to get up early.Part II. Read and ExplorePassage A. Mr. Greens Time table1. The main idea of the passage: Mr. Green, who enjoys a busy life at the college, is talking with his old friend, Mr. Wang, about his timetable in the afternoon.2. Detailed analysis:1) jog vi. To run slowly and steadily, esp. for excercicese. g. I go jogging I the park before breakfast.2) have a class/ meeting . to attend a class or a meeting.3) have got. Often in British English, also have. To own or possess, or be able to use or give.e.g. She has got plenty of money. Passage B. Two Kinds of Life Style1. The main idea of the passage: The contrast of two generations life styles in Mr. Green family, and the picture of his grandparents farm that he is showing his friends.2. Detailed analysis:1) Country n. the land outside cities or towns; land used for farming or left unused.e.g. Were going to have a day in the country tomorrow. (Note the preposition “in”.)2) Fresh adj. (of food) not preserved by freezing, putting in cans, or other means.e.g. Canned fruit never tastes quite the same as fresh fruit.3) Weekend n. Saturday and Sunday, especially when considered as a holiday from work.e.g. I dont work at weekends. Note the plural form and the preposition used. 4) Call on. To pay a short visit to.e.g. We can call on Mary tomorrow.5) Life style n. a way of living.e.g. the luxurious life style of a Hollywood star.Passage C. Our English Guest1. The main idea of the passage: Susan, an exchange student from England, will stay with a Chinese host family for a week, and the host family is preparing some typical Chinese food for her.2. Detailed analysis:1) exchange n. reciprocal visit between two (often young)people or groups from different countries. E. g. exchange students : 互派的留学生2) typical adj. Showing the main signs or qualities of a particular kind, group, or class; representative of its type.e.g. It is a typical British pub.3) dish n. food cooked or prepared in a particular way.4) share v. to have, use, pay, or take part in (something)with others or among a group, rather than singly.e.g. I have to share the bathroom with the other tenants.5) culture n. the customs, beliefs, values, and lifestyles shared by a particular group of people at a particular time.e.g. to communicate with people from different culture is an interesting experience.Part III. Pick up Your Grammar1. Verbs.1) Verb usually plays a central role of a sentence.2) Transformation of verbs according to the subjects, tense, etc.3) Two kinds of question sentences and their transformation.a) Yes-no questionsb) Wh-questions.2. Personal pronouns.1) pronouns as the subject or the object: I or me and he or him, etc.2) reflective and possessive pronouns: myself, my, mine; himself, his, his.Unit Three Introducing and Describing People 教学目标: 通过本单元的学习, 使学生掌握如何自我介绍及描述相关的人和物,能熟练地与他人进行初次见面的对话。训练学生英汉互译包含重点词语或结构的句子,培养学生的英语表达能力。 教学重点: 掌握单词:health valuable earn overweight curly hobby application obtain particular personal provide special abroad bear 掌握词组: make self-introduction be skilled in a little bit begin with in / after class so (much) that not only.but also share.with in pain in good health have.as 掌握句型和习惯表达法:1. May I introduce myself? 2. Glad to know you. 3. Im lucky to have you as my classmate. 4. Ill come to meet you in the classroom. 5. I want to become a member of the club. 6. Im in very good health , and I can run very fast. 7. I would like to be your friend not only in class, but also after class. 8. I like Chinese culture so much that my hobby is Chinese painting. 教学难点: 1. how to introduce and describe people; 2. how to understand similar information, such as name, age, sex, nationality, origin, job, family, character and physical appearance from others; 3.how to exchange information and views on these matters with others; 4.how to engage in discussion and account for your views. 课时分配: 1. Listen and Talk 2学时2. Read and Explore Passage A 2 学时; Passage B 2学时3Grammar and Exercises 2 学时课外练习: 1.Vobulary 2. Write and Produce 推荐读物: 新编大学英语第一册第一课 Growing up 教学过程:Culture Notes:1. Mr, Mrs,Miss, Ms Mr is the title placed before a mans last name, e.g. Mr Smith. Mrs and Miss are also titles. Mrs is placed before a married Womans last name and Miss before the last name of an unmarried woman or a girl. Nowadays, the title Ms/miz/ is also used to address both married women and single women. Notice these titles are used only before last names. They are not used with first names only, e.g. you can say: Mr Smith, or Mr Henry Smith, but you cant say Mr Henry.2. Visa and Passport passport is the government document to be carried by a traveler abroad, giving personal particulars, such as name, age, sex, nationality and so on. Visa is the stamp or signature put on a passport to show that it has been examined and approved by the officials of a foreign country which the owner intends to visit ( entrance or entry visa ) or leave ( exit visa ).3. How to Make Introduction A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries lies in how names are used. Most Americans dont like using Mr, Mrs, or Miss. They find these terms too formal. People of all ages prefer to use first names instead of titles and last names. For example, one may say, “How do you do? My name is Wilson-James Wilson. Call me James.” “Glad to meet you . Im Miller. But call me Paul.” Sometimes the ladies you first meet may say, “Dont call me Mrs Smith, just call me Sally.” So when your American fiends do not use your last name or titles, that doesnt mean any lack of respect . Using first names usually shows friendliness. Language Points:Professer Water Introduces Herself1. Professer Water wants to teach her students how to make self-introduction and describe themselves. She is going to begin.describe : say what is like; give a picture of in wordse.g. Words cannot the beauty of the scene.description: n. picture in wordsdescriptive: adj. serving to describingdescribe themselves: say something about themselves such as name, nationality, hobby and so on.begin with: start with e.g. They begin their journey with a walk 2. This is my first class and Id like to introduce myself to you.introcedu: (1) make (persons) known by name (to one another) sb (to sb) e.g. The chairman d the lecturer to the audience.(2) bring in; bring forward: a Bill before Parliament.(3) bring sth into use or into operation for the first time; cause sb to be acquainted with sth e.g. The teacher d his young pupils to the intricacies of geometry Tobacco was d into Europe from America3. Im 1.70 meters tall and perhaps a little bit overweight.overweight: exceeding the weight allowed or normale.g. If your luggage is you will have to pay extra4. I like Chinese culture so much that my hobbies are .hobby: occupation, not ones regular business, for ones leisure timee.g. He likes stamp, and his hobby is stamp-collecting5. I enjoy Chinese food and Im also quite skilled in using.be skilled in : be good atbe skilled in doing sthe.g. Mama is skilled in making cake6. I like sports and Im in very good health.health: n. the state of being well in the body and mind e.g. Health is more important than moneyWe drink to his parents healthhealthy: a. physically strong and not often ille.g. Although she is 80 years old, she is still in her mind-Ant. Unhealthy: a. not usually in good healthe.g. The children couldnt get food and fresh air A passport7. A citizen of a country can obtain a special government agency.obtain: get; secure for oneself; buy; have lent or granted to oneselfe.g. where can I the bookobtainable: that can be obtained special: not common , usual or generale.g. I have sth to discuss with you8. abroad: adv. In or to a foreign country or countries; away from ones own countrye.g. Do you like being ?9. A passport bears the holders photo and official seal. bear: v. (1) have; show a document that s your signature (2) endure; tolerate; put up with . (usu with can/could, and esp in neg and inter) e.g. The pain was almost more than he could .(3) carry a heavy load.10. It .provides the personal particulars about provide: give, supply e.g. The school d the child with food and clothes. personal a. (1)private; individual; of a particular person e.g. I have sth to discuss with you.(2) done or made by a person himself e.g. The Prime Minister made a appearance at the meeting(3) of the body e.g. Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.ly: adv. In ones own person, not through an agent e.g. He conducted me ly through the mansion. particular (1) n. detail (2) a. relating to one as distinct from others; special; outstanding. in e.g. I remember one if them in .11. To apply for a visa to go abroad, you must submit your passport together with. apply v. to request sth officially e.g. Weve applied to the council for special funds.Application n. an official request e.g. Have you filled in the application form for a new passport.submit (1) turn over to the higher authorities; hand in; present e. g. The President of the university ed a report to the Department of Education. (2) oneself to sb/sth put oneself under the control of another e.g. Should a wife herself to her husband? (3) to sb/sth surrender; give in; abstain from resistance e.g. The poor child ed to separation from his family.Unit Four Leisure Time 教学目标: 通过本单元的学习,了解各地文化风俗及节假日的各种活动,让学生能更好的安排闲暇时间 教学重点:掌握单词:moonlight Mid-Autumn reunion shine symbolize mild prepared scenery harvest sand picnic crop 掌握词组: dinner party have a question to ask in the moonlight Mid-Autumn Day moon cake ball game be close to Be good at get in have a swim教学难点:1。In this unit, you will learn how to talk about leisure time activities, particularly with reference to your interests; you will also learn how to obtain or understand similar information from others, and how to describe events such as international conference 2 grammar: Verb to have and Imperative 课时分配:1。Pre-Reading Task , New Words Explanation and Analysis 2 学时 2. While-Reading Tasks and Text Analysis 4学时 3Post-reading Tasks and Exercises 1学时 4. Home-Reading Check up 1学时课外读物:1。Vocabulary: Passage A B C 2. Content Awareness: Passage A B C推荐读物:大学英语第一册第二课 Sailing Round The World 教学过程: Culture Notes:1. Mid-Autumn Day: The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense(熏香), planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or th

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