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外研版2019-2020学年上学期7年级英语期末模拟测试卷C卷一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1. (1分)How often does Cindy have table tennis classes? A . Once a week.B . Every day.C . Twice a week.2. (1分)听第二段对话,回答两个问题。 (1)What does Tom think is the most useful invention? A . The computer.B . The washing machine.C . The mobile phone.(2)What does Jane like doing on the computer? A . Shopping.B . Writing emails.C . Watching films.3. (1分)Whats the matter with Jack? A . He has a sore leg.B . He has a sore back.C . He has a sore throat.4. (1分)What does the girl do after class? A . She learns exam skills.B . She has piano lessons.C . She has football training.5. (1分)Which festival is coming soon? A . Spring Festival.B . Thanksgiving.C . Christmas.6. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答小题(1)What animals does Peter like? A . LionsB . PandasC . Giraffes(2)Why does Lisa like elephants? A . Because they are smartB . Because they are interestingC . Because they are friendly(3)When do Peter and Lisa want to meet tomorrow?A . At 8:30amB . At 9:00 amC . At 9:30am7. (3分)听第8段材料,回答问题。 (1)What do you know about Sam? A . Lazy.B . Impolite.C . Careless.(2)Where was Sam just now? A . In the bathroom.B . In the living room.C . In the bedroom.(3)Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A . Mother and son.B . Teacher and student.C . Wife and husband.8. (10分)请听下面一段短文, 根据短文内容完成下列句子, 每个空格不超过3个单词。 (1)There will be a talk for the International _ in our city on Saturday evening. (2)Miss Black teaches at a university_. (3)She will give a talk at _ on Saturday evening in the library. (4)She _through three different countries in Africa. (5)She met a famous _ in Africa. 二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9. (7分)完形填空 Language is humans greatest inventions. The ability to read and write is1to express ones feelings. Most humans can speak very well2they are about three years old. But how can we become a better reader? Here are some ways.First take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared3others. But the truth is that the faster you read, 4you are to understand what youre reading. The best readers can slow down when needed. If you get to the5of a passage and realize you cant understand, please read it again. Learning to read6will help you become faster without missing anything.The second way is to read aloud. When humans first began7written words 8was unusual to read in silence. Reading aloud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability. You may feel it9to read to your cat or to no one at all. But once you get into the rhythm(节奏) of the authors voice, you will begin to read more accurately(精确地) and with better vocal(有声的) expression.Feeling it is also a good way. Can you remember the first piece of writing that take you to10world? Learning to enter into the lives of imagined stories is important to you. As you read, allow different ideas to11. Youll appreciate novels like fine wine.The12way is to write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read influence how and what you write. And the best readers often make the best13. There are many pleasures to language14can only be experienced through the practice of writing.The last way is to tell your friends. There is15magical about sharing books with friends or a book club. Its a good way to see the world from someone elses eyes. And you can understand the story that youre reading better.(1)A . important B . difficult C . similar D . willing (2)A . before B . when C . since D . unless (3)A . in B . on C . with D . of (4)A . the better B . the less C . the more D . the fewer (5)A . first B . beginning C . last D . end (6)A . quickly B . loudly C . easily D . slowly (7)A . copying B . reading C . writing D . speaking (8)A . it B . that C . this D . he (9)A . sad B . sorry C . happy D . silly (10)A . other B . another C . the other D . others (11)A . come in B . come true C . come on D . come out (12)A . second B . third C . fourth D . fifth (13)A . writers B . teachers C . students D . artists (14)A . what B . who C . that D . where (15)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing 10. (8分)完形填空Tom was sitting in his English class. It was a hot afternoon and he was feeling sleepy. It was a grammar lesson and Tom was also bored. He1grammar. He wanted to leave school and work. Tom looked out of the 2. He looked at the trees and flowers. Then he started daydreaming.After ten minutes the teacher stopped3. He asked the students to do a grammar exercise in their books. The students took out their exercise books and pencils and they started4.The teacher looked at Tom. He saw that he wasnt writing so he said, “5arent you writing, Tom?”“What, sir?” Tom said.“6Tom!” the teacher said, “Why arent you writing?”Tom thought for a moment and replied, “I arent got no pencil.”The teacher looked7at Tom and said, “You arent got no pencil? You mean you dont have a pencil?”Tom didnt understand the English teacher8he said, “Sorry, sir.”The teacher said in a(n)9voice, “I dont have a pencil. He doesnt have a pencil. She doesnt have a pencil. We dont have pencils. They dont have pencils. Now, Tom. Do you understand?”Tom looked at the teacher for a moment and then he said, “My goodness! What happened to all the10sir?”(1)A . loved B . hated C . studied D . enjoyed (2)A . window B . blackboard C . book D . desk (3)A . thinking B . shouting C . talking D . listening (4)A . writing B . reading C . listening D . speaking (5)A . When B . How C . What D . Why (6)A . Wake up B . Come in C . Sit down D . Get up (7)A . quickly B . carefully C . surprisedly D . happily (8)A . because B . when C . while D . so (9)A . happy B . angry C . excited D . sad (10)A . books B . pens C . papers D . pencils 三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分) Fashions in child-care (儿童保育), as all parents know, come and go. Bottle-feeding or mothers milk? Full-time parental care or a child-minder(儿童保育员)? These problems always trouble the parents a lot. And now, there is a book called Childsplay dealing with the problem of child-care.The author of Childsplay, Lucy Jackson, believes most school children do some sports at school. And many adults take regular exercise in their free time.Babies, though, spend most of the time in front of the television or sitting in a push-chair (折叠式婴儿车) or high chair. If the world were a safer place, every child would run around freely, but that is simply not possible. As a result, they become lazy, overweight and unfit.Ms. Jackson is worried that if small children take no regular exercise, bad habits will continue into adulthood (成人期 ). She suggests that parents should begin exercising with very small babies, moving their legs and arms gently in time to music. As children grow, they should follow and exercise program using soft balls, household furniture and play equipment.Many experts in child development do not agree. They feel that children will learn to run and jump as they play naturally; they do not need planned exercise. They would not be overweight if they ate healthier food. An increasing number of parents, though, are taking their children to exercise classes. The kids jump around with their mothers to disco music.They seem to enjoy themselves, but it is not at all clear if the classes have any effect on their future development. (1)According to the passage, the parents do not worry about how to care about their children.(2)Childsplay is a book about how to take care of the children.(3)Ms. Jackson doesnt believe babies take enough exercise.(4)Ms. Jackson encourages parents to take exercise with their babies.(5)Though we dont know if the exercise will have any effect on children future development, some mothers have already taken their children to exercise.12. (10分)阅读理解 Imagine one day, the water taps (水龙头) in your house stop running. You have to buy water from shops. And still there isnt enough for everyone. Your mother has to save the familys shower water to do other things. Would you be able to stand that kind of life?Probably not. But thats what kids in Yemen are experiencing. Experts said Yemen is going to be the first country in the world to run out of water. According to a report, the capital, Sana, will run out of drinking water as early as 2025.Because of the shortage, the government often cuts the water supply(供应). Hannan, an 18-year-old from Lahej, told Times, In a good week well have a water supply all week. But then the following week there will be water only for a day or two.Hannan said only rich people have enough water to use. They can buy water from the shops or from the water trucks. Private companies own the trucks. They travel around the city every day to sell waterat very high prices. A lot of people cant afford it, she said.The average(平均) person in Yemen uses 100 to 200 cubic(立方) meters of water per year. That is far below the international water poverty(贫困) line of 1,000 cubic meters.The government is thinking of making use of seawater. But it will cost a lot and it may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.(1) is the name of the capital city of Yemen. A . SanaB . LahejC . HannanD . Times(2)A report shows that Sana will have as early as 2025. A . enough drinking water to useB . no drinking water to useC . no private companiesD . more water pollution(3)What does the underlined word shortage in the third paragraph mean in Chinese? A . 充足B . 短缺C . 干旱D . 需求(4)We can infer(推断) from the passage that . A . the poor dont have to worry about the water supplyB . the 18-year-old boy is from a poor familyC . private companies make a lot of moneyD . Lahej is a beautiful place(5)Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage? A . How to Save WaterB . How to Make Use of SeawaterC . How People Use Water FullyD . Yemen Is Facing Serious Water Shortage13. (10分) Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The programme works because everyones eyes are different. So in the future you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.The eye-recognition(眼睛识别) programme is already being tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon, this technology will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.However, scientists are working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your finger.Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes dont change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins have different eyes, so the programme can be up to 94% correct, depending on(依靠) how good the technology is. Some programmes may only be right 51% of the time. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.In the future your computure will be looking at you in the eye. So smile!(1)How does the eye-recognition programme work?A . You write your number.B . You show your ID card.C . You look at the machine.D . You say your name.(2)Why can the programme be up to 94% correct?A . Because eyes never change.B . Because hands or fingers can get dirty.C . Because people like the idea of the programme.D . Because the programme is widely used around the world.(3)Which of the following is TRUE?A . The programme is being tested in Japan.B . Machines with other systems can also tell who you are.C . 91% people like the idea of the programme.D . Computers can remember you by looking at your clothes.(4)What does Paragraph 4 talk about?A . Introduction to other kinds of programmes.B . Advantages of the programme.C . The places where the programme is tested.D . The way how the programme works.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的五个选项中。选择适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。 Learning to play an instrument can be one of the most exciting ways to spend your free time. There are many different kinds of instruments to choose from: guitar, piano, violin There is always one thats right for you. The following may help you make it. Make a choice (选择).First, you need to choose an instrument that you would like to learn to play._This may be the kind of music that you also enjoy listening to.Get your instrument.When you finish choosing your instrument, you need to buy it. _Some schools will lend students instruments. Or you can buy a second-hand instrument and its usually much cheaper.Get ready to learn.After you get your instrument, you should then make a learning plan. You can have personal(个人的) lessons with a music teacher or go to a music school. _Play for others.After you learned to play a song for some time, you should start playing for others. _Then you can try to play for larger groups of people.Keep going._Keep learning as much as you can and practice often. As you learn more, you will get better and better.A. You can also choose to learn on your own.B. If it is very expensive, you can borrow one.C. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.D. To become a good musician, you have to keep playing.E. You could also think about the kind of music youd like to play.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)补全对话A:Tom,I have some questions about your country, CanadaB:OK_A:What do you usually do when you meet someone for the first time?B:_A:How about time?For example,when a party is at 8,do you get there at 7:55 ?B:NoWe can arrive about fifteen minutes lateA:OK_B:Oh,noFor a business meeting,you must make sure youre on timeA:Mm,I heard that its rude to make sounds when you eatIs that true?B:Yes,it is_A:One more question,will you take a gift when you visit someone?B: Yes,its polite to take some flowers.A: _A.Thanks a lot .B.We shouldnt do it.C. We usually shake hands.D.What do you want to know?E.Is it the same for business meeting?六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)假如上周日你和爸爸一起去了公园, 公园里有很多树, 花也开了, 很漂亮。你和爸爸划船、爬山, 还拍了很多照片, 公园里有很多人, 有, 还有你直到下午4点才与爸爸回家。虽然有些累, 但非常高兴。请以A Happy Sunday”为题写一篇英语短文, 词数在6080之间。要求: 语句通顺, 语法正确。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1-1、2-1、2-2、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、7-3、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9-1、10-1、三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16-1、

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