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新华中学高一期末复习讲义之单词短语篇M3U3词汇扩展1. unfortunate(adj.)不幸的,运气不好的fortunate(adj.)幸运的,侥幸的fortunately(adv.)幸运地,侥幸地2. erupt(vi.)(火山等)爆发eruption(n.)爆发3. gradually(adv.)逐渐地gradual(adj.)逐渐的4. cultural(adj.)文化的culturally(adv.)文化上地culture(n.)文化5. remains(n.)遗迹remain(vi.)剩下,留下remaining(adj.)剩余的6. decorate(vt.)装饰,装潢decoration(n.)装饰,装潢7. expression(n.)表达;表情express(v.)表现,表达8. powerful(adj.)强有力的,强大的power(n.)力,势力,权力9. fortunate(adj.)幸运的unfortunate(adj.)不幸的;运气不好的fortunately(adv.)幸运地10. declare(vt.)宣布;宣称declaration(n.)宣言11. memorial(adj.)纪念的;记忆的memory(n.)记忆;记忆力memorize(v.)记忆12. educate(vt.)教育;教导 education(n.)教育;培养 educational(adj.)有教育意义的,有关教育的 educator(n.)教育家13. glory(n.)荣耀,光荣 glorious(adj.)光荣的;荣耀的14. aware(adj.)知道的,意识到的unaware(adj.)不知道的 awareness(n.)知道15. corrupt(vt.)使腐化(adj.)腐败的corruption(n.)腐败16. poison(n.)毒药;毒物(vt.)毒害;下毒poisonous(adj.)有毒的,有害的17. civilize.(v.)使文明civilizedcivilization(n.)文明;开化。18. erupt (vi.) 爆发 eruption(n.)19. fortune(n.) 运气;财富fortunate(adj.)幸运的;unfortunate不幸的fortunately(adv.)幸运地;unfortunately不幸运地20. wealth(n.)财富 wealthy(adj.)富有的21. commerce (n.)商业 commercial(adj.)商业的22. wood(n.)木材;树木 wooden(adj.)木制的单词拼写练习1. Mount Pintaubo, in the Philippines, erupted (喷发) in 1991 and killed hundreds of people.2. Commercial (商业的) fishing is banned here.3. It is unfortunate (不幸的) that you missed the chance of getting promoted.4. He tried many times to flee (逃跑) to the island.5. The statues displayed at the museum are true-to-life (逼真的).6. The bombing by air left the place in ruins.7. Luckily, the bowl remained unbroken after falling from the table.8. Mr. Green decided to pour a little vinegar into the soup after tasting it.9. I found a diary beneath the ashes.10. The bomb exploded in the restaurant where many people were having dinner.11. Researchers have conducted a survey of what appears to be an important, ancient water source in a cave (山洞).12. He has served as an officer in the navy (海军) for 20 years.13. The first-class aircraft carrier (航空母舰) was built by Vickers Ship-building and Engineering.14. You can make leather (皮革) out of almost any animal here.15. In the past, we used to live in a small but beautiful wooden (木制的) house.16. He once visited the refugee camp (难民营) there, and the situation was extremely bad.17. Text-to-Speech Master is a very powerful and interesting program that enables you to listen to web pages instead of reading them.18. Here on the island we are fortunate to have a lifestyle that is so close to nature.19. This book was written in memory of his father, whom he loved and admired very much.20. He had a very confusing expression on his face.21. All this muds going to ruin(毁掉)my shoes.22. Gibbons failed to see the commercial(商业的)value of his discovery.23. Women have gradually(逐渐地)become more involved in the decision-making process.24. Students need to have time for relaxation and cultural(文化的)activities, as well as for academic work.25. May I help you decorate(装饰)the room?26. The rain is really pouring(倾倒)down.27. The bomb was timed to explode(爆炸)during the rush-hour.28. Before they fled(逃离)the country, the enemy attempted to destroy all the factories.29. Chinese civilization(文明)is one of the oldest in the world.30. He was born in a wealthy(富有的)family.31. He closed his letter with expression(表达)of grateful thanks.32. Electric current is often powerful (强大的) enough to kill a man.33. Friends gathered at a memorial (纪念碑) for the late statesman.34. The government will direct the additional taxes to the educational(教育的)reform.35. The official led a corrupt(腐败的)life.36. One of his legs was blown off by a bomb(炸弹)in the war.37. He declared(宣布)that the meeting was postponed.38. He doesnt seem to be aware(意识到)of the problems.39. The powers of a judge(法官)are defined by law.40. The audience(观众)are requested to be in their seats.重点句型尽管对薪水不满意,他还是继续为这家公司工作。He continued to work for the company even though he was not happy with the pay.很难想象如果没有电荷干净的水,我们的生活会是什么样子。It is hard to imagine what our life would be like if we did not have electricity or clean water.整座城市是一个重要的商贸中心,创建于公元9世纪。This city, which is an important commercial centre, was founded in the 9th century.我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包不见了。真倒霉!When I got off the bus, I found my wallet missing. How unfortunate !中国正在北方植树,防止风把沙尘吹到农田上。China is planting trees in the north to stop the wind from blowing sand onto farms.因为大雾,我们参加毕业典礼迟到了。We were late for the graduation ceremony as a result of the thick fog.这尊金属雕像是为了纪念一位著名学者而建的。This metal statue was built in memory of a famous scholar.其中有些已经消失了,然而还有其它一些保存到现在。Some of them have disappeared, while others remain today.在公元前89年,罗马人占领了庞贝。In 89BC, the Romans took over Pompeii.离该城不远处有一座火山。Near the city was a volcano.公元79年的8月24日,这座火山喷发了,岩浆、火山灰以及掩饰岩石喷涌而出,全部倾泻到四周的乡村。On 24 August AD 79, the volcano erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside.很多人被活埋了,整个城市也被掩埋。Many people were buried alive, and so was the city.这座城市多年来一直被人们遗忘,直到18世纪时一个农民发现了一块刻有文字的石头。The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer discovered a stone with writing on it.因此在1860年,政府将这一区域保护起来,便于保存和研究。Thus, in 1860, the area was put under government protection so it could be preserved and studied.结果是,火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared, leaving empty spaces in the ash.很难想象如此平静的火山如何摧毁了整座城市。 Its hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano destroyed the whole city!斯文发现了埋藏于沙下的建筑遗迹以及喜多宝藏,包括钱币、带有图画的壶、像丝绸这样的布料、文献以及壁画。Sven found the remains of buildings buried beneath the sand, together with a lot of treasures, including coins, painted pots, material such as silk, documents and wall paintings.它们大多数状况良好。Most of them were in good condition.这些画具有极大的文化价值。The paintings were of great cultural value.为了纪念在袭击中牺牲的美国人,就在珍珠港内亚利桑号的遗址上建立了一座国家纪念馆。In memory of the Americans who died in the attack, a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor just above the remains of the Arizona.当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研究人员解释说,这无疑是亚历山大大帝的影响所致。When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence.然后,他又将目光转向东方,长驱直入印度,所到之处,攻无不克,战无不胜。Then he turned his eyes east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went.可是,公元前323年,他发烧病倒,不治身亡。Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died.很多时候,他的问题让学生们意识到周骏的错误。In many cases, his questions made his students aware of their own errors.最后,一些人已经对他忍无可忍,于是便把他送上法庭,罪名是质疑希腊众神的存在和腐蚀雅典的年轻人。Finally, some people had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the existence the Greek gods and for corrupting the youth people of Athens.在审判中,他却向法官提出跟多的问题来为自己辩护。At his trial, he defended himself by asking his judges yet more questions. 能够赢得参加这次旅行的一个名额,我感到很幸运。I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.下周我们将飞往中国,前往楼兰众所周知的“沙漠中的中国庞贝”。Next week we are flying to China, and going to loulan, which is known as chinas Pompeii in the desert.人们开始在这个地区挖掘金银财宝,造成很大的破坏。People started to dig in the area for treasure, which caused much damage.人们相信它是在公元前200年至公元400年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖了。It is believed to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.正如你所知道的,在过去的六十年里中国在考古方面已经取得了很多成就。As you know, China has achieved a lot in archaeology in the past sixty years.他对于楼兰研究的全身心投入使他成为该领域里著名的专家。His devotion to the study of Loulan has made him a famous expert in this field.我们只需要关注那些要求我们听到的信息。We only need to focus on the information we are required to listen for.既然我们已经结束了,还有人有问题吗?Now that were finished, does anyone have any questions?有些时候理解这些事件和变化的最好方法就是研究那些在历史上发挥过重要作用的人们。Sometimes the best way to understand these events and changes is to look at the people who played key roles in history.似乎没有什么能够阻止他掌控整个世界。It seemed that nothing could stop him from taking control of the entire world.因为他没有儿子,他的将军们瓜分了他的巨大的王国。Since he had no son, his generals divided his vast kingdom among themselves.公元前334年,他率领当时已达42000人的军队进入中东,接着是埃及,兵锋所至,所向披靡。In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42000 men, into the Middle East and then Egypt, defeating every army that stood in his path. 后来,他成为一名教师,但是他却免费从教,从做一名普通工人来赚取收入。Later, he became a teacher, but he taught for free and earned his salary from being a common worker.我们应该多注意我们当今所存在的问题以及我们打算寻找何种办法来解决这些问题。We should pay more attention to the problem that we have today and what kind of solutions we are going to find.第二天,美国总统富兰克林.罗斯福向日本宣战。The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war against Japan.他戴上太阳镜以保护他的眼睛不受强光影响。He wore a pair of sunglasses to pretect his eyes from/against strong light.因为受到严重损害,这座桥不再使用了。Seriously damaged, the bridge is not in use yet.

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