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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级上学英语期中考试试卷A卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)Ever since I was a child,my mouth has caused me trouble. Im not a bad person;I have a 1time learning when to stop saying bad things to others.My mom has told me again and again,Robert,your constant(不断的)bad words are hurting me. If you 2to be this rude,you will get into big trouble.”Its been a problem at school several times too when teachers have told me something I didnt want to hear. I used to feel it was my 3 to stand up for myself.One day in English class I was working on my homework when I heard a classmate 4behind me. It was Nathaniel,who liked doing that as usual.I said ever so 5 , “Nathaniel,would you be quiet?”Nathaniel kept saying something to himself. I quickly 6 , “Nathaniel,shut up!”For the next five minutes,we threw hurtful words back and forth at each other.“At least I dont have an ugly lazy eye like you!”I cried out.I knew this would make him 7 and it would hurt his feelings and shut him up.What I said filled him with anger. He tried to 8 over my seat and catch me as he screamed,“Thats it!Thats it!”9at his reaction(反应),I sat back in my seat. I had never seen Nathaniel act like this before. Later on,we were taken to the teachers office. There,Mr. Black,our English teacher,told us to 10the matter. It wasnt until then that I finally found that 11I hurt someone physically,the woulds finally heal(愈合).But when I hurt someone with my 12 , sometimes the pain never goes away.At the end of the discussion,I said 13to Nathaniel.When I went back to my room,I spent some time praying(祈祷).I began to 14how often what I said hurt others. But I believe that as I keep asking God to help me,hell tell me when to keep my 15closed.(1)A . busy B . hard C . happy D . valuable (2)A . decide B . like C . continue D . try (3)A . duty B . turn C . time D . choice (4)A . singing B . reading C . beating D . talking (5)A . clearly B . nicely C . carelessly D . angrily (6)A . repeated B . expressed C . replied D . shouted (7)A . crazy B . afraid C . sad D . bored (8)A . fall B . look C . hand D . reach (9)A . Satisfied B . Surprised C . Nervous D . Serious (10)A . discuss B . solve C . explain D . report (11)A . while B . after C . when D . where (12)A . words B . action C . ideas D . experience (13)A . goodbye B . thanks C . sorry D . sorry (14)A . imagine B . notice C . record D . consider (15)A . eyes B . mouth C . windows D . door 二、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)2. (1分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。A: Excuse me. Can I take photos here?B: No, you cant._It says No photosA: Sorry. But how can I remember these beautiful things?B: You can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.A: Thank you._B: Youd be better not.A: Oh, dear!_B: There is a smoking room on the first floor. You call smoke there.A: Sounds great. But Im new here._B: Sure. This way, please._Dont smoke too much.A: Thanks for your advice. Ill think about it.B: Youre welcome.A. Look at the sign, please.B. Where can I smoke then?C. Could you please show me the way?D. Would you mind my smoking here?E. Why not take photos in the museum?F. Im afraid smoking is bad for your health.G. There are many old things in the museum.3. (1分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。其中有两项多余A:Wow! What a great model plane! Is it yours,Jack?B:Yes,its mineA:_B:For two daysA:_B:At Green Store。A:_B:Its six dollarsA:_B:Ive given it to PeterA:_B:Because he likes it a lotAHow much is it?BWhy did you give it to Peter?CHow long have you had it?DWhere did you buy it?EWhy are you selling it?FWheres your old model plane?GCan I have a look at your old model plane?三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)4. (25分)任务型阅读 South Australia is a great place to visit. There are a lot of animals, beautiful flowers and interesting places. Do you want to play with koalas?You can do many things you want to do there.Its a good place for children. There are many things for children to do. They can have a lot of fun. They can run around with the animals. They can swim with sea lions and dolphins. They can even pet (抚摸) the koalas on the head in wildlife parks because they are very friendly. Children can relax on the long beaches. They can go swimming there. They can visit the national parks, too.Go there and enjoy yourself! You will like it.完成句子;题简略回答问题;题找出并写下第二段的主题句;题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(1)We can touch the koalas on the head because they are very _.(2)What animals can children swim with in South Australia? 1(3)Can you relax on the beaches in South Australia? 1(4)找出并写下第二段的主题句。 1(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语。 1四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)5. (10分)根据下列短文内容,选择正确答案。Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group, has become the richest man in China with a fortune of 150 billion yuan ($24.4 billion), according to the Hurun Rich List 2014.Jack Ma was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. As a child, Mr. Ma was interested in English. He improved his English by volunteering as a tour guide. Later in his youth, he attended Hangzhou Normal University and graduated in 1988 with a bachelors degree in English. He later became a teacher in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi University. Then he set up his own translation company. In 1999, Mr. Ma founded Alibaba in his apartment in Hangzhou with 17 friends. He pointed out that there had never been an organization that is as large as Alibaba in the world. It welcomes about 100 million shoppers a day.Mr. Ma is often called Chinas Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates. He remains executive chairman of the company, but his decision focuses less on the blind wealth and more on improving the state of the world.(1)Jack Ma has become the richest man in China. (2)Jack Ma improved his English by selling flowers. (3)Mr. Ma founded Alibaba in 1999. (4)Alibab welcomes about 100 billion shoppers a day. (5)Jack Ma only focuses on improving the state of the world. 6. (10分)Hello!My name is Molly Sharp. Im eleven years old. Ive got one brotherhis names Joson and hes fourteen. I havent got any sisters.I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I can play well but he isnt very good.Ive got seven pets-a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesnt like them.Please write to me.Becky(1)The girl wants to find a _.A . sisterB . brotherC . petD . pen pal(2)What is the girls surname(姓)?A . SharpB . MollyC . Becky MollyD . None of the above(3)The girls family live in _.A . a big roomB . a cinemaC . the west of EnglandD . the north of England(4)Does the girl play football well? The girls mother doesnt like _.A . Yes,she does.B . No,she doesnt.C . Shes not very good.D . We dont know.(5)The girls mother doesnt like _.A . the tortoise or the goldfishB . the tortoise or the dogC . a dog or a catD . the goldfish or the cat五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分)补全短文Ben is my friend, he is popular in his class. He can_(弹奏)the piano very well and is ready to teach others to learn it . He likes playing basketball very much and sometimes cheers the _(运动员) of his favorite team on weekends with other fans.He thinks the _(交通)is very heavy and the air is not_(新鲜)any more, Its very dirty. So he usually_(骑) his bike to school, it takes him an _(小时) . When it rains, he has to take the underground to school. He says if _(每人)starts to do something right, the earth will be better in the_(将来).However, he is not _(小心的)with his school things when he is in a hurry. He always leaves homework at home on weekdays, that makes his teacher very angry . He _(承诺)that he will take his homework to school next week.六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)Its time for us to put the plan into _ (act). 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)不久前,全国有部分省市出台一项新政策: 高考英语将由150分降为100分,此事在国内引起极大争议。有的人认为此举很好,有的人则认为不妥。作为一名中学生,你的看法是什么?请分析其原因。 注意: 1)词数80词左右;开头已给出,但不计入总词数。2)文中不得出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。3)参考词汇: reform改革;master掌握;advanced先进的Not long before, a new policy aroused a heated discussion that the mark of English will be reduced from 150 to 100. 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 补全对话 (共2题;共2分)2-1、3-1、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7-1、六、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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