(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元测试A卷.doc

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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共24题;共48分)1. (2分)Mum, I am hungry. May I have some ? Of course. But dont eat too much.A . breadB . noodleC . dumplingD . water2. (2分)These are some _ of my family. A . photoesB . photosC . photo3. (2分)You need to brush your_ after_. A . tooth; eatB . teeth; eatC . tooth; eatingD . teeth; eating4. (2分)Im very hungry.Can you pass me ? A . three turkey sandwichB . three turkeys sandwichC . three turkeys sandwichesD . three turkey sandwiches5. (2分)Please give me some .A . bananasB . a bananaC . appleD . tomato6. (2分)_ lunch, Anna and her brother _ like hamburgers.A . For; dontB . For; doesntC . To; dontD . To; doesnt7. (2分) Must I finish the homework right now, Mum? No, you _. But you _ finish it before 9 p.m.A . mustnt; mustB . may not; canC . neednt; mustD . cant; should8. (2分)Is the dog under the table?_Its on the chair.A . No, it doesnt.B . No, it isntC . Yes, it is.9. (2分)_ they _ to go to the park when they were children?A . Did, useB . Did, usedC . Do, usedD . Do, use10. (2分)- Could I use your car? - No, you _.A . couldntB . cantC . may notD . mustnt11. (2分)Thesecome from Europe.A . monkeyesB . monkeyC . monkeysD . monkeies12. (2分) Herere some _. Are they yours? No, mine _ red. Theyre in my schoolbag.A . pencils; isB . pencil; isC . pencils; areD . pencil; are13. (2分)Her opinion is different from , but I really agree with . A . his; herB . hers; hersC . his; hersD . him; hers14. (2分)The baby is only ten.A . month oldB . year oldC . months old 15. (2分)There are fifty _ in our school. They are very nice and kind. A . woman teachersB . women teacherC . woman teacherD . women teachers16. (2分)I have _English test _this afternoon. A . a; onB . an; /C . a; atD . an; in17. (2分)There are few books in the desk. A . manyB . not manyC . some18. (2分)I bought a new pair of shoes and I have been ready _ the sports. A . forB . toC . withD . about19. (2分) She was surprised to hear the news.So was I.A . excitedB . interestedC . amazed20. (2分) Which sport do you think is _, basketball, volleyball or tennis? Tennis, of course. I enjoy playing it a lot.A . more relaxingB . the most relaxingC . more boringD . the most boring21. (2分)If I am wanted on the telephone, ask him to leave a _. A . messageB . letterC . diaryD . sentence22. (2分)You will make great progress in English _ you never give up. A . andB . as long asC . orD . but23. (2分)What color_the pen? _red and blue.A . is;TheyreB . are;TheyreC . are;ItsD . is;Its24. (2分) Can you spell it, please? _A . Yes, I canB . Yes, I amC . No, Im not二、 单词拼写。 (共3题;共7分)25. (1分)Mrs.White and MrsSmith are great_(音乐家)26. (1分)A bike doesnt make any _ (污染). 27. (5分)单词拼写People around the world have different eating _(习惯).In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.In the _(south) part of China, people eat rice a lot, while in the north people often eat noodles. In the central and western parts, people are far_from the sea, so they dont eat much seafood. But all Chinese people use c_to eat.In parts of India, people use their fingers to pick up the food.In Thailand, people eat _(用)a spoon and a fork and they dont use knives at all.三、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共3题;共3分)28. (1分)As a mountain _(登山者), Aron is used to taking risks. 29. (1分)The _(袋鼠) moves by jumping on its back legs. 30. (1分)He _plays basketball for half an hour.(总是)四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)31. (10分) I am going to have a party tomorrow night. I told my mother that she neednt do 1for me. My friend Jane is coming, too. She would like to help me, 2she cant. Because she has a piano lesson in the morning and in the afternoon she has to babysit her sister. So I will do everything by myself. I try to make3.party nice.I sent invitation to my friends4. Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. Yes! I have to clean the room and do some shopping. I am going5some food, drinks and some fruit in the supermarket. I am going to make a shopping list 6I go. I also have to decorate(装饰)the room. I need to do so many things, so I7see the movie “Da Vinci Code” after lunch. A terrible thing! The party begins88 pm, so I must have my dinner9. I am tired after I finish 10so many things and after dinner I can have a short rest.(1)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (2)A . soB . although C . but D . because (3)A . aB . an C . my D . / (4)A . yesterdayB . yesterday C . the day before yesterday D . todayE . tomorrow (5)A . to sellB . to sell C . D . buy E . to buy F . sell (6)A . after B . when C . how D . before (7)A . can B . not C . cant D . no (8)A . at B . in C . on D . with (9)A . lateB . early C . short D . slow (10)A . doB . to doC . to do D . did E . doingF . doing 五、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共81分)32. (6分)根据短文内容完成下列各题English is an important international language,but that doesnt mean its easy to learnMany experts have tried to make English easier to learn,but they werent always successfulIn 1930,Professor CKOgden of Cambridge University invented Basic EnglishIt had only 850 words and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hoursThe problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages,but they couldnt understand the answers in“real”English!REZachrisson,a university professor in Sweden,decided that对英语学习者来说最大的问题是拼写 , so he invented a language with the name of AnglicAnglic was similar English,but with much simpler spelling,father became “faadher and “new became “nue”Unluckily,Anglic never became popularIn the age of international communication through the Internet,a new form of English might appearA large number of worlds emails are in English and include examples of“Netlingo”like OIC(Oh,I see)and TTYL,(Talk to you later)In another fifty years,English might not be usedWe might all speak fluent Internetish !(1)将处画线句子翻译成汉语。_(2)判断正误Ogden said most people could learn Basic English in just thirteen hours(3)将处画线句子翻译成英语。_(4)在处填入合适的介词。_(5)根据短文内容回答问题。What might happen to English in another fifty years?_33. (25分)根据短文内容回答问题What do you think is the most common illness? Do you get ill sometimes? We are lucky to live now because there are lots of medicines to make people betterThe most common illness in the world is the coldIt often begins with a sore throatThen you sneeze and your nose runsYou usually have a headache,tooOften you cough laterIts not a very bad illness but you can feel quite illThere isnt a cure(治愈)for a cold but you can take medicines to make you feel betterFor instance aspirin(阿司匹林)can stop your headacheIt is good to rest and to drink a lot of water,tooA doctor once said to me,“With the proper medicine a cold will last for seven,daysWith no medicine it will go on for a whole week!”Where does our medicine come from? A long time ago people knew that some plants made them feel betterThey ate the leaves,the roots,the I fruit or the seeds of those plantsFor instance the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel betterIn modern times scientists have looked at these plants and found out which chemicals(化学物质)are in themMany of our medicines today are made from those chemicalsThere are some illnesses which we cant cure yetAnd nobody has found a cure for old ageBut because of modern medicines most people now live longer than their grandparents(1)How does a cold often begin?(2)Can aspirin stop a headache?(3)How long does a cold usually continue?(4)What kind of juice makes a sore throat feel better?(5)What are many of our medicines today made from?34. (25分)根据短文内容回答问题How to become a radio DJDo you have a great voice? Have you ever thought l about becoming a radio DJ? Working as a DJ can be exciting but it also needs experienceIf you want to be a DJ,the following are usual ways to start .1. Intern(实习)Its a dirty jobUnluckily,most radio station workers start as an internThis means working long hours without payIt will help you do better at the radio station2. EventsBecause you cant get a DJ job with no experience,you might want to work as a DJ for events. Weddings,parties and special situations all need DJs to provide the music and some laughsThis is a great way to learn to work with people and play music3.Fill in(替补)If you work at a radio station,you can ask to be put on the fill in ” list for DJsSo if the main DJ gets sick,you can fill in for him or her to get some experience4.Late,late nightUsually the first job for a DJ is the late shift(晚班)In other words you may be on air not only from l amto 5 am,but you will get more experience(1)What job do the most radio station workers start as? (2)Can we get a DJ job without any experience according to the passage? (3)Whats the great way to learn to work with people and play music? (4)When can you fill in for the main DJ to get some experience? (5)Usually the first job for a DJ is the early shift,isnt it? 35. (25分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上。请注意词数要求。A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be posted to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.As he got out of his car, he noticed a young girl standing by the road sobbing (哭泣). He asked her what was wrong and she replied, I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother and I dont have enough money. The man smiled and said, Come with me. Ill buy you a rose. He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mothers flowers.As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, Yes, please! You can take me to my mother. She asked him to take her to a new grave (坟墓), where she placed the rose.The man returned to the flower shop, canceled (取消) the post order, picked up the flowers and drove the two hundred miles to his mothers house.(1)Where did the mans mother live? (No more than 6 words)(2)Why did the girl sob? (No more than 10 words)(3)Who bought the rose for the girl? (No more than 2 words)(4)Where did the girl put the rose? (No more than 4 words)(5)How did the man give the flowers to his mother at last? (No more than 9 words)六、 阅读与表达(判断式)。 (共1题;共10分)36. (10分)根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。BDavid eats well every day. For breakfast, he has bread, eggs and milk. At school, he has vegetables and rice for lunch. After lunch, he eats an apple. In the evening, he has chicken and fruit salad at home. David dislikes milk, but Mom says it is healthy. So he drinks it every day. After eight in the evening, he doesnt have food. Every day, David does some sports to be healthy. He plays tennis in the morning and plays basketball after school.(1)David has for lunch.A . breadB . vegetablesC . chickenD . salad(2)画线单词“dislikes”的汉语意思是“ ”。A . 不喜欢B . 不讨厌C . 不了解D . 不在意(3)David doesnt eat food after in the evening.A . 7B . 8C . 9D . 10(4)David plays after school.A . tennisB . ping-pongC . soccerD . basketball(5)Which of the following is TRUE?A . David is not healthy.B . David has a pear after lunch.C . David plays sports every day.D . David cant play tennis.七、 补全对话(选择)。 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分)Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.Ladies and gentlemen,_Good morning. I am proud to introduce our “Oriental Moscow” Heilongjiang._First, I want to introduce the geographical location, size of Heilongjiang province. Heilongjiang is the northeast of the country, covers an area of 46 square kilometers, the west is plain(平原) , the northeast for Sanjiang plain, North and southeast for mountain._Long and cold in winter, summer is short and cool, large temperature gap between north and south, so north even have no long winter and no summer. So in summer we can have holiday, in winter we can watch the snow view and lantern Festival(冰灯) ._Next to introduce the Heilongjiangs features: First, due to the volcanic(火山的) remains a lot, volcanic activities for Heilongjiang created the tourism resources for Heilongjiang. Second, local literature and art in Heilong - ice sculpture(冰雕) . Since the 60s, ice sculpture has so far been has wide influence. It has over 200 years history of Errenzhuan._Now I will introduce two famous scenic spots of Heilongjiang: Sophia church, the central street. First, the Sophia church. Sophia church in Harbin built in 1997. It displays the Harbin scenery as a unique architecture. It is welcoming every visitors by using the unique charm and rich content. The central street Harbin is affected by European culture, reflected in too many European architecture. The central street is not only is and old street, the walking street, but also is a building art expo street(街头艺术展览会). There are different characteristic brand activities, for example, western food festival, carnival(狂欢节), wedding day(婚庆节), garments festival, street culture festival and shopping festival attracted friends all over the world.Now let my partner to introduce the other beauty of Heilongjiang. Thank you.A. Heilongjiangs populationB. Heilongjiangs locationC. Heilongjiangs featuresD. Heilongjiangs famous scenic spotsE. Heilongjiangs weatherF. Heilongjiang is called Oriental Moscow八、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共31分)38. (6分)(2015兰州)任务型阅读理解,阅读下面的短文并按要求完成后面的小题。Our dog Abbey died last month. My 4-year-old daughter Lucy missed her a lot and asked if we could write a letter to God to make sure he could look after Abbey well. I told Lucy that I thought we could, and she dictated (口述) these words:Dear God, you, take, dog, of, will, care, my , please (?) She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.Love, LucyWe put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Lucy and addressed it to God/Heaven. Yesterday, we received a package addressed, “To Lucy” with this note:Dear Lucy,Abbey has arrived in heaven.She isnt sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. You dont need to worry about her. Shes being looked after very well here. Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. You have a wonderful mother. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, Im easy to find. I am wherever there is love.Love, God(1)将文中处画线内容,连词成句。_(2)将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。_(3)将文中处画线句子改写为感叹句。(每空限填一词)_ 、_wonderful mother you have!(4)Who helped Lucy write the letter to God? (回答最多不超过三词) _(5)Where can we find God according to the passage? (回答最多不超过六词) _39. (25分)根据短文内容,完成以下各题。(C)Most middle school students wear uniforms. Some students like uniforms, but dont. However, recently, a Japanese government survey(政府调查) shows that more students in Japan like uniforms now because school uniforms are more fashionable(时尚的) than they were before.I surveyed some Japanese students about what they thought about school uniforms. I asked them, “Do you like fashionable uniforms?” There were lots of different opinions(观点, 看法).Hiromi said, “I like school uniforms because I dont need to choose clothes every day. I think that fashionable uniforms are good. My high school uniform is fashionable, but there is a problem. Fashionable uniforms are too expensive.”Miki said that she didnt like fashionable uniforms because she didnt want to (在制服上花太多的钱). She thought that the uniforms should be changed(被改变). They should be cheaper and easier to get.Mitsuaki said, “I dont like school uniforms because I want to look different. I also agree that fashionable uniforms make many students want to wear uniforms in high school. If students like fashionable uniforms, it is good. ”(1)联系上下文,在处填入一个恰当的词。(2)将文中处画线的句子译成汉语。(3)How many students opinions are there in the passage?(4)Why does Hiromi like school uniforms?(5)将文中处译成英语。九、 词汇。 (共1题;共5分)40. (5分)A)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(1)MrsBlack spoke so f_I couldnt follow her(2)John is an e_student in our school. We should learn from him(3)Dont w_You will feel better soon(4)Reading in the s_is bad for our eyes(5)The schoolbag is too e_I just want a cheap one十、 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共9分)41. (5分)按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。birthday(复数)_ chick(鸡肉)_does not缩写)_ is(原形)_do(第三人称单数)_42. (1分)I am Chinese so I can _ (speak) Chinese well.43. (1分)The boy promises _(clean) the classroom after school.44. (1分) Do you like _(salad)? No, I dont.45. (1分)We are all _ (graduate) of No. 1 Middle School. Which school are you from?十一、 句子运用。 (共2题;共26分)46. (1分)去年她打算买一个带有游泳池的房子。 (plan;with)_47. (25分)按要求完成下列句子。(1)Mary has an orange and two eggs for breakfast.(对画线部分提问)(2)Does Jacks aunt like sports? (作肯定回答)(3)His father likes tomatoes.(改为否定句)(4)I like purple. What about you? (改为同义句)(5)They have some apples. (用he作主语改为单数句)十二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)48. (5分)补全对话。A: What a fine day today! _?B: That sounds like a good idea. _?A: Lets go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: _. Its not very far.B: That will be OK. Ill ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A: _?B: Lets ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! Im sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: _.B: That will be fun.十三、 短文填词。 (共1题;共10分)49. (10分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 I have two good friends. Both of them are outgoing, but they have _ lifestyles. Gina is heavy, _ she never plays sports. She always gets up very late because she _ computer games until 12: 00 at night. And _ thinks playing computer games is very interesting. She doesnt like eating fruit or vegetables either. _, he likes eating junk food a lot and she eats it five times a week. Anna is _ 11-year-old girl. She has lots of good habits. She _ about 30 minutes running every day. Fruit and vegetables are her favorite _

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