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外教上课日常交流英语口语How are you? Are you all right? 你好吗?Im fine, Thankyou! 我很好,谢谢!How are you at school? 你在学校怎么样?Which subject do you like? Math? English? 你喜欢哪一科? 数学? 英语?Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?Sports? Singing? Dance? Swimming? Play basketball? Taekwondo? Why?体育? 唱歌?跳舞?游泳?打篮球?跆拳道?为什么?I say it first then you repeat. 我先说,你跟着我说,now its your turn - on your own,现在轮到你自己说遍。Your pronunciation is very good and Very clear, Keep going.你的发音很标准,很清晰,继续努力。Use your fingers to help pronunciation, one finger is one sound.用你的手指来帮助你发音,一个手指一个发音。Dont worry! Dont be Nervous! Relaxing! You did very well! 不要担心!不要紧张!放松!你做得很好!Any problems ask me, or say I dont understand.任何问题请问我,或者说我不明白。You can say: how do you mean? Can you type to me please?你可以说:是什么意思?你可以打字给我吗?Have you had lunch? 你吃饭了Yes, I have had. / No yet. 吃了。/ 还没有。Are you full? 你吃饱了吗?Do you want any more? 你需要吃多一点吗?Do you like spicy food? 你喜欢吃辣的吗?Whats your favourite food? 你最爱吃的是什么食物?Are you tired? 你累吗?Do you want a rest? 你要休息吗?Have good rest! 好好休息!Enjoy yourself! 祝愿你玩得开心Just joking!开玩笑啦!Good Luck! 祝你好运!Can you do me a favor? 可以帮我一个忙吗?Do you need a hand? 你需要帮忙吗?Keep going! 继续做。Come on! 加油!Have fun! 开心点!See you later! See younext time! 下次见Take Care! 保重!Of course! 当然No problem! 没问题!Good News! 好消息!Congratulation! 恭喜!Nice guy! Good boy! Good Girl! 好家伙!好男孩!好女孩!Sit down Please 请坐!What do you want to drink? Coffee ? Milk ? tea ? Water ?你想喝什么?咖啡?牛奶?茶?水?What do you like? Why? 你喜欢什么?为什么?SO do I. 我也是!Do you want some water? 你想喝水吗?Yes. Please! 是的,请No. thanks!不要,谢谢!Take your time! Or Make yourself at home! 当有客人来访时说“你随意”Oh bugger! 很生气时说的“不 ”Do you like homework? How long does it take you to finish it? 你喜欢家庭作业吗?多久完成?Im going to be a horrible teacher now and set you some homework. 我是一个“可怕”的老师,我留了家庭作业给你。You record your voice when you are reading, then listen, you can be your own teacher.当你读的时候录音下来,然后你听,你做你自己的老师。

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