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备战2020年中考英语专题复习词义辨析(真题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共80题;共160分)1. (2分)- Do you know the song Where has the time gone?- Sure. It _ beautiful. I like it a lot.A . smellsB . tastesC . soundsD . looks2. (2分)He always gets _ when giving a speech in public. A . relaxingB . nervouslyC . relaxedD . nervous3. (2分)How about discussing the problem with our friends?Sure. In this way, we can exchange our thoughts and maybe find a new way to solve the problem.A . ideasB . plansC . secrets4. (2分)Confucius was a great _. His _ are spread all over the world.A . think; thoughtB . thoughts; thinkerC . thinker; thinkD . thinker; thoughts5. (2分)He is kind and always _ help to othersA . offersB . takesC . bringsD . receives6. (2分)They lived a hard life after their father _.A . deadB . diedC . deathD . dying7. (2分)-Would you like to have a look at some pants? They may fit you well.- Well, Id like to try that blue _.A . pairsB . oneC . pantsD . pair8. (2分)Mum, Ive signed for a big box by Future Express(快递). Whats in it?Im not sure. It_ be a present from your brother.A . mightB . mustC . shouldD . will9. (2分)Please_ the bananas and lets make a fruit salad together.Sure.A . put upB . cut upC . look upD . pick up10. (2分)Jim, what is your father?He is a manager and is responsible for the whole company.A . looks afterB . is in charge ofC . is on duty for11. (2分)I wont be able to understand what you say, you speak too quickly. A . ifB . thoughC . becauseD . but12. (2分)All the teachers are satisfied with our performances.A . pleasedB . angryC . surprised13. (2分)The nurse wont leave her patients shes sure they are all taken care of. A . unlessB . becauseC . sinceD . if14. (2分)The air is badly _.And theres more water _ in the world. A . pollution, polluteB . polluted, pollutionC . pollution, pollutionD . pollute, polluted15. (2分)I bought some CDs for my friend and they _ me 30. A . spentB . paidC . costD . used16. (2分)He took part in the composition contest and got a prize.Great! Congratulations to him.A . rewardB . giftC . warning17. (2分)If something is _, it is on fire.A . growingB . burningC . falling18. (2分)Whats your fathers favorite _?Its salad.A . colorB . foodC . sportD . subject19. (2分)The supermarket is _ the post office and the library. A . nextB . acrossC . between20. (2分)一 I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long it may .一 For two weeks.A . keepB . Be borrowedC . borrowD . be kept21. (2分)Do you like _?No, I like blue.A . orangeB . applesC . flowersD . milk22. (2分)I began to study English when I was six years old.A . startedB . wentC . came23. (2分)If you go to the beach, you can relax there.A . relaxedB . relaxingC . take it easy24. (2分)We didnt take a trip_ the bad weather.A . because ofB . becauseC . soD . or25. (2分)This problem is far _ me, Im afraid I cant work it out.Dont worry, we will help you.A . beyondB . besideC . behindD . between26. (2分) Why did the baby cry so hard?Because someone _ his toy car.A . took awayB . set upC . wrote downD . thought of27. (2分)If you _ about something, you think about it, either because it interests you and you want to know more about it, or because you are worried about it. A . complainB . talkC . wonder28. (2分)Lucy, I dont like math at all. What about you?Oh, I dont like it _.A . tooB . neitherC . eitherD . none29. (2分)Whats _ telephone number?His telephone is 5673466.A . myB . yourC . herD . his30. (2分)Setting up a national reading day is discussed because this could make more people pay attention to deep reading and Chinese traditional culture. A . widelyB . easilyC . basicallyD . safely31. (2分)Little Jimmy is fatter his bad eating habits. A . becauseB . because ofC . soD . and32. (2分)Jenny wants to be a nurse when she grows up so that she can care for the patients in the hospital. Hope her dream can come true in the near future.A . be close toB . look afterC . work for33. (2分)It_ me 2 hours to buy a birthday present for Amy. The present_19 yuan. A . takes, spendsB . costs, takesC . spends, costsD . takes, costs34. (2分)I have two brothers. One is a teacher, and _ is a singer.A . the otherB . anotherC . otherD . others35. (2分)My father goes for a walk daily.A . everydayB . every dayC . somedayD . some day36. (2分)Li Ming jumps highest _he isnt the tallest in our class. A . becauseB . thoughC . forD . so37. (2分) What does your father do? He is a _, he has to lead the ocean journey to other countries.A . coachB . captainC . president38. (2分)There is not enough _ about the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing?Why not search the Internet?A . introductionB . suggestionC . information39. (2分)There will be(将有)a flower show (花展) in the _ tomorrow.A . parkB . libraryC . supermarketD . pool40. (2分)I see some English _ in the classroom.A . studentB . teacherC . womanD . people41. (2分)The music made me think of the _ of a running stream.A . voiceB . noiseC . shoutD . sound42. (2分)I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.Is that a ? Im sure Ill get the bike.A . chanceB . promiseC . trickD . treat43. (2分)选出不属于同一类的词( ) A . chickenB . juiceC . coke44. (2分) The white _ is only two dollars. Do you want to buy it for your brother? No, he doesnt like white.A . shoesB . socksC . skirtD . hat45. (2分)My grandmother _ up at five in the morning. A . get alwaysB . always getC . always getsD . gets always46. (2分)You have much time _ photos. Yes. What _ can you see in the photo?A . taking; elseB . to take; otherC . to take; elseD . taking; other47. (2分)He was _ pleased to see me that he forgot everything. A . tooB . quiteC . soD . very48. (2分)How do you feel about your hometown? Its beautiful, in winter.A . nearlyB . deeplyC . clearlyD . especially49. (2分)Sunny Cinema is the best movie theater in this city, because you can buy the tickets here the most _.You are right. The prices in other cinemas are much higher.A . cheaplyB . quicklyC . carefully50. (2分)The problem is so _ that I can solve it _.A . easy, easyB . easy, easilyC . easily, easyD . easily, easily51. (2分)The girl is new here and she lives _, so she seems _._Wed better ask her to play games with us.A . lonely ;lonelyB . alone ; aloneC . lonely ; aloneD . alone ;lonely52. (2分)The Smiths sometimes eat in the restaurant, but_ they eat at home. A . simplyB . hardlyC . probablyD . mostly53. (2分)Yellow is a bright colour. It looks good _ you.A . onB . inC . atD . with54. (2分) What do you think _ your mother, Tony? She is very nice and friendly, although sometimes she is so strict _ my study.A . about, atB . of, aboutC . /, aboutD . of, with55. (2分)The basketball is _ the bed _ the floor. A . under, onB . under, inC . on, underD . on, on56. (2分)_ your fathers birthday, what do you do?A . InB . AtC . OnD . With57. (2分)Nowadays we can learn a great deal about the world not only _ books but also _ the Internet.A . in; onB . in; throughC . from; throughD . through; from58. (2分)Would you like some tea, please?Yes, and I prefer tea coffee.A . toB . forC . withD . from59. (2分)_the way, where does your sister work? A . ByB . OnC . InD . With60. (2分)Its down the street the left. A . onB . inC . toD . from61. (2分) When do you go there to see the film the Wolverine?_the evening on November 12th.A . InB . AtC . OnD . Of62. (2分)Im too tired. We had better stop _ table tennis.OK. We can stop _ a rest.A . playing; to haveB . to play; havingC . playing; havingD . to play; to have63. (2分)You can improve your English _ doing more practice.A . inB . ofC . byD . on64. (2分)-Would you like coffee or tea?-I prefer tea _ milkA . toB . inC . withD . on65. (2分)We want students _ school show. Can you sing?A . atB . toC . forD . with66. (2分) Xiao Shenyang is going to join the party. Thats great. Im sure this evening _.A . excitingB . will be excitedC . excitedD . will be exciting67. (2分)We were all at the news.A . surprising; surprisedB . surprised; surprisedC . surprising; surprisingD . surprised; surprising68. (2分)I want to be an astronaut to do _research in space station in the future.A . funnyB . reusableC . scientificD . unexpected69. (2分)Im _ thirsty, can you give me _ water?A . a little, a bitB . a little, a bit ofC . little, a bitD . little, a bit of70. (2分)Linda, my life seemed after I didnt work in the school.Come on, Susan. You can exercise, learn and so on.A . successfulB . educationalC . creativeD . meaningless71. (2分)Did you have fun at the party?Yes, we all enjoyed_.A . oneselfB . myselfC . ourselvesD . ourself72. (2分)Its in the roomMy brother cant study A . lateB . noisyC . bigD . tidy73. (2分)(2016大庆)The cake tastes _ and it is really delicious. A . wellB . badlyC . goodD . bad74. (2分) Which of the two magazines will you take? I will take_ , though I find _ of them are very useful to me.A . all; bothB . either; eitherC . either; neitherD . neither; both75. (2分)(2015.湖北荆州) How do you like the famous actor, Tong Dawei? Wonderful! I like very much.A . heB . hisC . himD . himself76. (2分)Look at the brown shoes. Do you like _? A . itB . themC . herD . hers77. (2分) Is everything ready for the party ? I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _A . itB . thoseC . themD . one78. (2分)That is Dales ruler. This is map, too. A . sheB . heC . herD . his79. (2分)I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but of them had it.A . eitherB . bothC . neitherD . none80. (2分)You should not eat 24 hours. A . something inB . nothing forC . anything forD . everything at第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共80题;共160分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、61-1、62-1、63-1、64-1、65-1、66-1、67-1、68-1、69-1、70-1、71-1、72-1、73-1、74-1、75-1、76-1、77-1、78-1、79-1、80-1、

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