七年级英语上册 Module 5 My school day Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock同步习题课件 外研版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Module 5 My school day Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock同步习题课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 5 My school day Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock同步习题课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Module 5 My school day Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock同步习题课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module5Myschoolday Unit2Westartworkatnineo clock 目录 contents 课前预习 课堂导学 课文理解 巩固提升 课前预习 目录 contents 课前预习 一 必背单词 weekday house break evening homework bed 课前预习 一 必背单词 park minute start watch do wash 课前预习 一 必背单词 busy work sleep 二 常用短语 请在课文中画出下列短语 1 去上学gotoschool2 回家gohome3 起床getup4 开始睡觉 入睡gotobed5 吃早餐havebreakfast6 吃午餐havelunch 课前预习 7 吃饭 吃晚餐havedinner8 在工作日onweekdays9 开始上课startwork lessons10 休息haveabreak11 在操场intheplayground12 与 交流talkto 课前预习 13 踢足球playfootball14 在餐厅inthedininghall15 在早上inthemorning16 在下午intheafternoon17 在晚上intheevening18 看电视watchTV19 做作业doone shomework 课前预习 三 经典句型 请在课文中画出下列句型 课前预习 课堂导学 目录 contents 1 Igetupathalfpastseveninthemorning andthenhavebreakfast 我早上7点半起床 然后吃早餐 havebreakfast lunch supper意为 吃早饭 午饭 晚饭 三餐前不加冠词 课堂导学 但三餐前有形容词修饰时 要加冠词a an 如 haveagoodbreakfast吃一顿好的早餐 表示 一日三餐吃什么 用have forbreakfast lunch supper 课堂导学 学以致用 1 I at7everymorning 我每天早上7点吃早餐 2 Weusually meatandrice 我们午饭通常吃肉和米饭 havebreakfast 课堂导学 have forlunch have和不同的词搭配有不同的意思 如 havelessons上课havedinner吃饭haveabreak rest休息haveameeting开会haveagoodtime玩得愉快havealook看一看 课堂导学 2 Westartworkatnineo clock 我们9点钟开始学习 work意为 工作 是不可数名词 没有复数也不能用冠词a修饰 job是可数名词 start意为 开始 相当于begin 后接名词 v ing或不定式 课堂导学 如 Let sstartwork Let sstartworking Let sstarttowork 让我们开始工作吧 课堂导学 学以致用 3 Let s themeeting 让我们开始会议吧 4 She misshermum 她开始想念妈妈了 start 课堂导学 startsto 3 Myschoolisnexttomyhouse 学校就在我家旁边 house意为 房子 住宅 是可数名词 课堂导学 辨析 house home与family 课堂导学 学以致用 5 There snoplacelike 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝 6 Howmanypeoplearethereinyour 你家有几口人 home 课堂导学 family 7 Therearesomenew here 这里有一些新房子 houses 课堂导学 4 Wehavemeatandricewithvegetables orhamburgers 我们吃肉 米饭加蔬菜 或者汉堡包 with表示 带有 和 一起 介词 如 Chinaisacountrywithalonghistory 中国是个历史悠久的国家 Igohomewithmysister 我和我姐一起回家 课堂导学 学以致用 8 Thebread meatisdelicious A hasB haveC thereisD with D 课堂导学 目录 contents 课文理解 一 请认真阅读课本Act 1短文 判断下列句子的正 T 误 F 1 Alexhasbreakfastat8 30 2 Alexhasthreelessonsinthemorning 3 Alexhaslunchathome F 课文理解 T F 4 Alexgoeshomeat3 30 5 Alexdoesn tdohishomeworkintheevening T 课文理解 F 二 请根据课本Act 1短文 完成下列短文填空 I mAlexGreenall I1 upathalfpastseveninthemorning Igotoschoolat8 30andlessons2 atnineo clock Wehavethreelessonsinthemorning Ihavea3 ateleveno clock 课文理解 get start break Wehavelunchinthedininghallat4 pasttwelve Lessonsstartintheafternoonat1 30 Wehavetwolessonsintheafternoon AndIgo5 athalfpastthree Intheevening Idomyhomeworkandgotobedatteno clock 课文理解 half home 三 根据课文内容 完成下列思维导图 然后口头复述课文 课文理解 breakfast lessons home havedinner gotobed 巩固提升 目录 contents 4 一 根据句意 首字母或汉语提示 用单词的适当形式填空 1 Let shavea 休息 2 Theyhavetwo 房子 inthetown 3 I 完成 myhomeworkataquartertonineeveryevening rest break 巩固提升 houses finish 4 Westart 工作 athalfpasteightinthemorning 5 Whattimeisit It s8 30 Let s 开始 ourclass 6 Thelibraryisonlyopenon 工作日 notatweekends work 巩固提升 start begin weekdays 7 Therearesixtym inanhour 小时 8 He sb sohecan tgoshoppingnow 9 I mverytired soIwanttogotos 10 Tonyalwaysw hisfacebeforegoingtobed inutes 巩固提升 usy leep ashes 二 单项填空 1 Iusuallyhave breakfastathome A aB anC D the 2 Whendoyouhavebreakfast 7 15 themorning A At inB In atC In inD On on C 巩固提升 A 3 isyourhouse It snexttothepark A WhatB WhereC HowD When 4 Isitonthechairandtalk mymother A inB atC onD to B 巩固提升 D 5 Thegirl longhairisBetty A haveB hasC withD of 6 We oursciencelessonat2 30intheafternoon A workB startC seeD talk C 巩固提升 B 7 Doyouhavemusictoday No wedon t wehavePE A ButB AndC OrD So 8 TonyandI anEnglishlessonintheafternoon A doB startsC haveD has A 巩固提升 C 9 Therearesomanypeople thetheatre Stay yourbrother A with atB at atC with withD at with 10 Whatsubjectisdifficult you A forB aboutC onD with D 巩固提升 A 三 连词成句 根据括号内的标点符号 把所给的单词组成一句符合逻辑 意义完整的句子 必须用上所有单词 不能自行增减单词 1 breakfast then we up and get have Wegetupandthenhavebreakfast 巩固提升 2 start they the past lessons in half morning at eight Theystartlessonsathalfpasteightinthemorning 巩固提升 3 Lily not and do the evening eat sugar in Lucy LilyandLucydonoteatsugarintheevening 巩固提升 4 the he playground football o clock in at four plays Heplaysfootballintheplaygroundatfouro clock 巩固提升 5 vegetables I meat like with and bread Ilikebreadwithmeatandvegetables 巩固提升 四 根据中文提示完成句子 词数不限 1 9点半我们在教室休息 We intheclassroomathalfpastnine 2 下午放学后我们跑步 踢足球 We and afterschoolintheafternoon havearest break 巩固提升 gorunning playfootball 3 星期六上午我不做作业 I onSaturdaymorning 4 工作日你6点半起床吗 you athalfpastsixonweekdays 5 我们通常九点开始上课 Weusually atnine don tdomyhomework 巩固提升 Dogetup startlessons 五 拓展阅读 DearLiLei Thankyouforyouremail YourlifeinChinaisverywonderful Iwanttoseeyousoon NowIwouldliketotellyousomethingaboutmylifeinEngland Thedaystartsatabout7o clockwhenmydadandmumgetup 巩固提升 Iusuallyhavebreadandeggs Ialsodrinkaglassofmilk Afterbreakfast Iputonmyschooluniform 校服 andwalktoschoolwithsomefoodforlunch MyfavouritesubjectissciencebecauseIthinkit sinteresting IalsoenjoyPElessons weplaybasketballandsometimeswegorunning 巩固提升 Intheevening Iusuallydomyhomeworkwithmymum shelp Ihavegotmanyfriends Iwouldliketointroduce 介绍 someofthemtoyounexttime Ihopeyoucanbegoodfriendstoo Yours Mary 巩固提升 巩固提升 1 Maryisin now A ChinaB EnglandC AmericaD Australia 2 Mary sparentsoftengetupat inthemorning A seveno clockB seventhirtyC eighto clockD eightthirty B A 巩固提升 3 Theunderlinedphrase puton means inChinese A 设计B 清洗C 脱下D 穿上 4 Marylikes becauseshethinksit sinteresting A ChineseB EnglishC scienceD maths D C 巩固提升 5 WhichofthefollowingisTRUE A LiLeilivesinChina B Maryhasbreakfastatschool C Marydoesherhomeworkintheafternoon D MaryandLiLeiareclassmatesatschool A 谢谢观看

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