外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年九年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 1 课时练习D卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年九年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 1 课时练习D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择合适的单词填空。 (共1题;共2分)1. (2分) Are there _ boys in the classroom? (some/any) No, but there are _ girls in it.二、 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。 (共5题;共9分)2. (1分)Look at these beautiful flowers. Who g_them here? Your grandfather? 3. (1分)Policeman is coming, we should tell the t_. 4. (5分)I want to grow some roses in the gardenWhere are the (工具)?5. (1分)He tried his best and finished _ (nine) in the race.6. (1分)I dont want to make a wrong d_ and regret (后悔) it later. 三、 选择合适的短语填空。 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)根据句意, 从方框中选用所给单词的适当形式填空。rsnowman, loud, sleep, thirty, freeze(1)I didnt go to bed until twelve yesterday evening, so I feel very_ now.(2)They used carrots for those _noses.(3)The lake is _, but the ice is too thin for us to walk on.(4)There is a saying, “Actions speak _ than words.”(5)When he was in his _, he became a famous actor.四、 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题, 每空一词(含缩略形式)。 (共5题;共9分)8. (2分)Tom is playing football with his friends on the playground. (改为般疑问句)_ Tom _ football with his friends on the playground?9. (1分)My name is Liu Mingliang. (同义句转换) _Liu Mingliang. 10. (2分)Both of her parents are doctors.(改为否定句)_Of her parents _a doctor.11. (2分)His phone number is 8235-0285. (对划线部分提问)_ _ phone number?12. (2分)It is a big tree (改为一般疑问句并补全否定答语)_it a big tree?No, it_五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)根据材料内容,选择五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。 A: _B: It is a photo of my family.A: _B: Sure, here you are.A: Who is this man? Is he your father?B: No, he isnt. _A: Is he a teacher?B: _A: Where are you?B: _A: He is my uncle.B: No. He is a doctor.C. She is my aunt.D. What is this?E. I am here.F. May I have a look?第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 选择合适的单词填空。 (共1题;共2分)1-1、二、 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。 (共5题;共9分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、三、 选择合适的短语填空。 (共1题;共5分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题, 每空一词(含缩略形式)。 (共5题;共9分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)13-1、


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