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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中学业检测试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)完形填空Time flies like an arrow. What is your most unforgettable experience in the year 2014? Three teens readers want to 1their stories with you.Ji Luyang, 13, from Jiangsu: This summer, I went for a budget trip(穷游) with my father to northern China. We took 2instead of plane. Hard seat tickets were our 3choice. We were happy because we 4the money for a hotel even though the time on the train was uncomfortable. After the trip, I have become an expert on saving money.He Zhuowen, 14, from Shanxi: The biggest thing for me this year is that I have made a new friend from Taiwan. Her name is Zou Mianzhi. She is of the 5age as me. I learnt a lot about schools in Taiwan from Zou. For example, they take logic class andhome economics(家政) class, which are new to 6. Now we still talk about our lives by WeChat(微信) every day.Zhang Yaozhi, 14, from Shanghai: In 2014, I tried teaching for the first time in my life. It was7of our schools community activities. Before, I thought it was easy,8I was wrong. To prepare lessons, I had to 9until midnight. From this experience I came to understand our teachers 10. It is really frustrating when you speak on the platform but nobody listens!(1)A . help B . share C . tell D . talk (2)A . taxi B . bus C . plane D . train (3)A . first B . second C . two D . one (4)A . raised B . put C . borrowed D . saved (5)A . different B . young C . same D . old (6)A . us B . her C . me D . him (7)A . part B . place C . life D . side (8)A . so B . but C . and D . or (9)A . begin B . work C . talk D . finish (10)A . better B . more C . less D . fewer 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2. (10分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A(1)Bills mother is .A . KateB . LisaC . RoseD . Linda(2)Peter has son(s).A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3)Linda is Helens .A . auntB . grandmotherC . motherD . sister(4)Alan and Paul are Lisas _.A . brothersB . unclesC . cousinsD . aunts(5)Lilys father is _.A . AlanB . PaulC . PeterD . Eric3. (8分)阅读理解Everyone has a family name. In China, the family name is the first name, but in English countries(国家)the family name is the last name. Do you know how English people get their family names? And what do they mean(意味着)? English people usually get their family name in these ways (方式).Some family names come from the places(地方)of their homes. A man live(住)on or near a hill, his family name may be (可能是) Hill. In England(英国), peoples names may be Wood, Lake because they live near the wood or the lake.Some family names come from a persons job(职业). If a man is a cook, his family name may be Cook.And many people get their family names from their fathers family names. If you hear(听到) the name Jackson, you can know that he is the son of Jack.(1)In the passage, English people usually have _ ways to get their family names. A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(2)Jacks family name is Cook. His family name may come from the _. A . placeB . colorC . jobD . country(3)A boys family name is Jackson because he is _. A . Jacks fatherB . Jacks best friendC . the grandfather of JackD . the son of Jack(4)The passage mainly talks about(这篇文章主要谈论) _ in English countries. A . family namesB . English peopleC . hills and lakesD . jobs and homes4. (8分)阅读材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Do you like chocolate? Maybe most people do. A box of chocolate can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A man has studied peoples choices. He says they tell something about the person. Did you choose a round piece? You are a person who likes to go to the party. Did you choose an oval shape? You are a person who likes to make things. Picking a square shape shows something else. The person is honest and truthful (真诚的). You can depend on him or her.What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This shows you have warm feelings about the past. Dark chocolate means something else. A person who chooses it looks toward the future. What about white chocolate? Would you choose it? If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind. Some people like chocolate with nuts. These are people who like to help others.Do you believe these ideas? Can candy tell all these things? It doesnt really matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.(1)This passage mainly tells us _. A . why people like chocolateB . different kinds of chocolate have different tastesC . how to choose chocolateD . different choices may show different characters(2)Choosing an oval shape of chocolate shows that a person _. A . likes singing, dancing and drinkingB . likes to do something for othersC . is good at making thingsD . can be depended on(3)If you enjoy eating white chocolate you may _. A . look forward to the futureB . like to think of the pastC . enjoy parties and funD . have trouble in making decisions(4)From this passage we can say that a helpful man may choose chocolate _. A . in an oval shapeB . in a square shapeC . with nutsD . with coffee5. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Winter Sale!Winter is coming. So we are having a big and end-of-autumn sale. Look at the prices!A blouse(女式衬衫):$5 A coat:$20 A silk(丝绸)skirt: $28A pair of trainers(运动鞋):$30A pair of jeans:$30Will you come to Reborn Fashion Shop on the 2nd floor of New Century Shopping Mall from Friday to Sunday?Cash Back!Spend twenty dollars in our shop, we will give you five dollars back. Spend 40 dollars, and you will get 10 dollars back.Remember: only at weekendsYou are welcome to Happy Times Doll Shop on the first floor of New Century Shopping Mall.Closing Down Sale!Come to our shop next Monday. There is a discount(打折)on every kind of chocolate. And we will give you a big box of sweets for free(免费) if you spend more than 20 dollars in our shop. So come to Sweetheart Chocolate Shop on the first floor of New Century Shopping Mall.(1)How many shops are mentioned in this advertisement(广告)? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Six.(2)What is the price of a silk skirt in Reborn Fashion Shop? A . $5.B . $20.C . $28.D . $30.(3)If you spend 20 dollars in Happy Times Doll Shop, how much money will you get back?来 A . 5 dollars.B . 15 dollars.C . 20 dollars.D . 40 dollars.(4)If you want to buy clothes at a lower(更低的)price, where should(应该)you go? A . Reborn Fashion Shop.B . Happy Times Doll Shop.C . Sweetheart Chocolate Shop.D . The first floor of New Century Shopping Mall.(5)What does the word cash mean in Chinese? A . 商品B . 发票C . 现金D . 赠品三、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)Alone, top, both, become, dangerous, die, afraid, freeze, while,warmDo you enjoy climbing mountains? Id like to tell you a true story about John and Peter. They were _ mountaineers. As John was experienced, he was always asking Peter to copy his example. “Would you like to stand on the _ of the world, Peter?” “Of course . It has already _ my dream,”Peter answered.On a sunny morning, the two men started for the top of Mount Qomolangma. After they climbed over one of the most _ slopes, they found a man lying in the snow. “Hes going to _,”Peter looked at John and said, as if he would help the man. “Leave him by himself and just follow me !If you bring the burden with you , Im _ youll lose your life.”John warned Peter . Then he turned around and walked forward _. It was too cold. After thinking for a _, Peter made up his mind to help the dying man. He carried the man on his back and made his way forward . Little by little , Peters temperature made the man _. The man came to himself! And soon he could move all by himself. Together they moved side by side.About two hours later, they kept up with John.To his surprise , they found that John was almost dead in he snow. He had been _ to death.四、 句型转换 (共1题;共20分)7. (20分)句型转换,每空一词。(1)What food do you like best?(改为同义句)Whats_ _food?(2)What food do you like best?(改为同义句)Whats_ _food?(3)The teacher made the students copy the text.(改为被动语态)The students were _ copy the text.(4)The teacher made the students copy the text.(改为被动语态)The students were _ copy the text.(5)She said,I have seen the interesting film.”(改为间接引语)She said that _ seen the interesting film.(6)She said,I have seen the interesting film.”(改为间接引语)She said that _ seen the interesting film.(7)Ben has finished the project on reusing natural resources.(改为否定句)Ben _ the project on reusing natural resources.(8)Ben has finished the project on reusing natural resources.(改为否定句)Ben _ the project on reusing natural resources.(9)Amy studied in a university for several years.(对划线部分提问)_ _did Amy study in a university?(10)Amy studied in a university for several years.(对划线部分提问)_ _did Amy study in a university?五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was an old man called Sthira. He lived by _(he). His only son had _(go) far away to study. Sthiras friends wondered whether his son would return, But Sthira always said, Whatever happens, happens for good.”One day _old mans son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked them and said _(polite), Whatever happens, happens for good.” _, later, Sthiras son broke his leg. Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked them and said, Whatever happens, happens for good.Some of the villagers were surprised _(hear) this. Why? What was good? His _(son) leg got badly hurt!After a few days, the army came to the village and forced all the young _(man) to join the army. When they found his son had a broken leg, they left him _. Once again, all the villagers came to congratulate him on his good luck. Like always, the old man was still _(thank) to them and said. “Whatever happens, happens for good.”六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)请为每个笑话选择最合适的标题,并将答案写在题前的括号内。AI cant find it. BHe is really somebody.CYoure right. DA great manEWhere is the egg? F. I am not wrong.(1)_Tom: Dad, give me a dime(十美分).Father: Boy, you are too old to ask parents for dimes.Son: Youre right, Dad. Give me a dollar(美元).(2)_Teacher: Can you make a sentence(句子) with the word egg?Student: Yes. I had a piece of cake yesterday.Teacher: Then where is the egg?Student: In the cake, Sir.(3)_Teacher: Would Shakespeare(莎翁)be a great man if he were alive(活着) today? Student: Of course. Nobody has been 400 years old. .(4)_Child: My uncle has 1000 men under him.Man: He is really somebody. What does he do?Child: A gatekeeper(门卫)at the cemetery(墓地).(5)_Mum: Look at your socks. One is short; the other is long. You put on the wrong ones.Helen: I am not wrong. Look there! One sock is short and the other sock is long, too.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)请根据以下提示写一则招领启事。我叫王娜。2017年4月26日的早上,我在餐厅丢失一把红雨伞。请拾到者(finder)把伞送到我的教室。我的教室在一号教学楼的西边。也可以打电话给我。我的电话是15865436789。非常感谢。Lost第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 句型转换 (共1题;共20分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、7-7、7-8、7-9、7-10、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)8-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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