初中英语牛津版九年级下册Module 1 Explorations and exchanges Unit1 Great explorations同步练习A卷.doc

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初中英语牛津版九年级下册Module 1 Explorations and exchanges Unit1 Great explorations同步练习A卷一、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换画 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)(2015沈阳) You must make sure your tea is not too hot _ you drink it.A . beforeB . afterC . sinceD . while2. (2分)I like fruit as well as vegetables, because they are both good for my health. A . andB . orC . but3. (2分)Dont be afraid to_when you learn a new language. A . make mistakesB . make a noiseC . make facesD . make money4. (2分)The officials are kind to the people here. They help them do many things. A . officersB . farmersC . workers5. (2分)The president works hard to develop the relationship between countries. A . make.worseB . make.betterC . make.bigger6. (2分)The place needs a large quantity of water for people to drink.A . a littleB . a large amount ofC . little7. (2分)Its nearly five oclock. We have to go now, or we will miss the bus. A . hardlyB . almostC . seldom8. (2分)I have three basketballs. Besides, I have two footballs. A . Except forB . In additionC . Compared with二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Nine people died in the car _ yesterday.Im sorry to hear that.A . showB . storyC . accident10. (2分)Tom is not only a smart student, but also a kind-heart boy. A . cleverB . goodC . healthy11. (2分)(2017广东)Its believed that playing computer games too much does _ harm than good. A . manyB . muchC . moreD . most12. (2分)Linda, I m sorry to your cup. But Ill buy you a new one. A . breakB . tryC . winD . swing13. (2分)This dress is so nice and soft.I feel so _ when I wear it.A . successfulB . proudC . comfortable14. (2分)The students found it easy to take in what their teacher had taught.A . understandB . rememberC . forget15. (2分)Look,its the most beautiful park_ Ive ever visited before.Really?How I wish to go to see it for myself!A . thatB . whichC . whomD . who三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。During the 1950s and 1960s, there was a healthy social environment. If you offered your1 to the old or children, everyone would 2 you. At that time, being selfless(无私的), honest and serving people were good, and all people learned from the heroLei Feng. Nowadays,3most people still offer their seats to others, we can also find the fact that some young people have4 to avoid offering their seats. Some drivers often call out, Who can offer the old your seat? It usually doesnt work. As teenagers, what can we do? Every time an old man5 next to me, Ill stand up to offer my seat. After that I feel 6 . Perhaps someone will say you alone cant change the society 7 . Thats right. But I do think a little thing can change the world some day. I often talk about my idea with my classmates, and they all8 with me. They think that a good environment can be formed with everyones effort(努力). Everyone dreams of changing the world, so lets9 from simple acts like10up waste, saving water, using both sides of paperNO mater how small the act is, we can do it every day to help change the world for better .(1)A . seat B . place C . chance D . secret (2)A . look after B . look up to C . look down upon D . look for (3)A . if B . although C . unless D . so (4)A . excuses B . ideas C . things D . ways (5)A . runs B . walks C . sits D . stands (6)A . fair B . sleepy C . good D . safe (7)A . quietly B . easily C . slowly D . carefully (8)A . disagree B . come C . agree D . go (9)A . take care B . take off C . take after D . take action (10)A . picking B . turning C . showing D . putting 四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (8分)阅读短文,根据短文内容选出最佳选项。 Dai Shifang was an easygoing girl, who seldom argued with her parents. But when she became a ninth-grader, things started to change. We often have arguments, sometimes because of some little things, she said.Maybe Dai has got the ninth-grade syndrome (综合征). Some experts think ninth-graders usually suffer a lot because of the changes in their body and mind.A study shows that the lack of support from parents makes things even worse. Dais classmate Liu Shijia is an example. The exams in Grade 9 are more difficult. So Im under great pressure. But my parents push me so hard and they dont support me at all, she said sadly.As ninth-graders enter the rebellious phase (叛逆期), they want to be free and have their own ideas. The study shows that about 47 per cent of ninth-graders try to make their parents agree with them when they have different ideas. Dai feels this deeply. I think I am an adult already. I can make decisions for myself, she said. For example, she thinks there is nothing wrong with playing with boys, but her parents dont agree with her. They often argue about that.To deal with these problems, an expert from Nantong gave useful advice to students. First, talk with your parents. Sometimes you may not fully understand each other, but keep trying. Second, pay more attention to your studies. Finally, learn about the changes in your body and get to know yourself better. Then try to accept them and control your feelings, she said.(1)Liu Shijia feels very sad because _. A . she doesnt have friends at schoolB . her parents dont support herC . she cannot pass her examsD . her parents never praise her(2)What does the underlined word that in Paragraph 4 refer to? A . Doing housework.B . Playing with boys.C . Making decisions alone.D . Having lessons after school.(3)According to the study, nearly half of ninth-graders _. A . have trouble with their studiesB . like to make their own decisionsC . cant get on well with their parentsD . dont know how to express themselves(4)The expert from Nantong advised students to _. A . believe in their parentsB . care about others feelingsC . talk with their teachersD . accept their body changes18. (10分)Last Sunday the Greens went to climb the hill. When they got home, it was very late. Mr. Green opened the front door and they both went into the house. Because it was too late, Mrs. Green turned on the light. Just they wanted to come into the bedroom, Mrs. Green suddenly said, “ Listen, there is someone in our bedroom.” They stood quietly outside the door. They could hear some voices in the room.“There are two men in it. They are talking.” So Mr. Green began to shout. “Who is there?” But no one answered. Mr. Green opened the door quickly and turned on the light. There was no one there. Mr. Green found something and laughed. The radio was still on! “I forgot to turn it off this morning.” Mr. Green said.(1)The Greens went home.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the eveningD . in the middle night(2)They went into the house from.A . the doorB . the front doorC . the back doorD . the side door(3)Mrs. Green heard someone talking.A . when she gets into the bedroomB . when she was on the way to the bedroomC . when she gets into the living-roomD . when she gets into the house(4)There were talking in the bedroom.A . two womenB . a man and a womenC . two menD . three men(5)The people talking in the bedroom were.A . thievesB . writers relativesC . writers good friendsD . speakers in the radio19. (10分)阅读理解 There are all kinds of animals on our planet. Some are cute, but some are not. Some are small, but some are big. Here are four of the funniest and friendliest animals. But remember, although they look nice, it doesnt mean they are always friendly.Not all dogs are so cute, but most of them are pretty friendly. When you come near an unfamiliar (不熟悉的 ) dog, remember to hold out your hand, so he can smell you and see that you dont mean to harm him.Cows love to eat grass, and they eat quite a lot! You neednt be afraid of this kind of quiet farm animals. But dont run at a cow in a field or touch one, unless you are told by an adult its okay.Horses are big and beautiful animals, but they can be frightened easily. A horse might jump up if he hears a loud noise, or kick his legs if you come near too suddenly. All horses, like humans, are different.Chimpanzees(黑猩猩) make funny faces and put on a real show at the zoo, but believe it or not, they can be very dangerous. And they are strong, too much stronger than humans, so you should never make a chimp mad!(1)Which of the animals can make faces? A . Cows.B . Chimpanzees.C . Dogs.D . Horses.(2)We can learn from the passage that .A . cows are usually quietB . all dogs are cuteC . horses never kick their legsD . chimpanzees are not dangerous(3)According to the passage, you should when you come near an unfamiliar dog.A . feed him somethingB . shout at himC . touch his headD . hold out your hand(4)According to the passage, you shouldnt unless you are told by an adult its okay when you see a cow.A . run at it in a field or touch itB . hold out your handC . make it madD . make a loud noise(5)The author wants to tell us that .A . some animals are cute, but they are smallB . some animals are not cute, but they are tallC . some animals are funny, but they are not beautifulD . some animals look nice, but they are not always friendly五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)书面表达2016年4月14号,世界著名篮球明星科比宣布退役,作为人们心目中的篮球偶像,科比影响了一代又一代人。最近我校举行以“The person who has influenced me most”为题的中学生英语征文活动,Kobe Bryant 深深地影响着你,请根据表格中的内容要点完成征文。基本情况1)出生于1978年8月2)从小对篮球感兴趣,1996年成为NBA球员3)不仅在美国出名而且在全世界受欢迎0成功的原因1)从未放弃自己的梦想2 )对我的影响1).注意:1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;2)词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;3)短文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名;The person who has influenced me mostOn 14th April,2016, Kobe Bryant announced his retirement. He is the person who has influenced me most.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换画 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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