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高考词汇表重点词汇讲解及一模写作讲解 撰稿:刘京闽 审稿:牛新革 责编:陈玉莲高考词汇表重点词汇讲解1. pointA. 1.5=one point 5;分数to win/lose a point; 尖the point of the needle;The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1地点; I had reached a point in my career where I needed to decide which way to go.时刻,关头,阶段; (高考难点)B. 论点,观点,见解Thats a good point. Id like to make one final point; prove his point; See/take your point (= understand it); You have a point there (=I agree with your idea or opinion);point taken (=I understand your idea or opinion).C. 意图,目的,理由my point is/Whats the point of ?/Theres no point( in) doing sth.(常考句型)/I didnt see the point in moving to London.我不明白为什么 要搬到伦敦?D. the point要点,重点,核心问题Nobody knows exactly how it works. Thats the whole point.没人知道这东西到底是怎么工作的。这才是问题的关键。E. 常用短语be on the point of正要.的时候, come to the point说要点,言归正传, (get) to the point切题,切中要害; beside the point离题, 不中肯F. v. point at/to/out指着/指向/指出G. a pointed instrument尖的; a pointed comment/remark尖锐的,尖刻的,有明显针对性地; pointless没必要,没用处;pointedly明确地,尖锐地,直言不讳地 I thought you were leaving, she said pointedly.2. possibleA. it is possible to do/thatB. find it possibleC. possible, likely, probable区别 sb./sth. is likely to do; It is possible(不用likely, probable) for me to do it; Its probable /possible/likely that it will happen/cant/couldnt possibly I cant possibly allow you to go home in this weather. possible和probable都不能用于人作主语的句子。possible可以与不定式连用,但probable不可 以。D. asas possible, if possible 易错点,注意:Finish the work as soon as possible或Finish the work as soon as you can均为正确的表达。但切忌误写为Finish the work as possible as you can.3. practiceA. 练习,实践 e.g. Cooking is sth. that improves with practice./ Learning to write isnt easy, it takes practice.B. U/C通常的做法;惯例,常规;习惯,常做的事Its (a) common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low./ the practice of doing sth.C. U/C医生或律师的业务,生意My lawyer has a very good practice. D. 常用短语:put sth. into practice, in practice(vs. in theory)实际上;(医生)开业; practice makes perfect; in/out of practice勤于/疏于练习E. vt. practice doing sth./for sth./sth. on sb./hard= a lot; a technique not widely practised in Europe; 实行,采用She is now practising as a dentist/practice law/medicine.从业,开业They are free to practice their religion openly.奉行F. practiced老练的,有经验的;practicing积极履行信仰上、专业上等义务的,虔诚的 a practicing Catholic/Muslin/Jew; a practicing doctor/lawyer/architect 4. prefer preferredA. prefer A to BB. prefer to do/doing, prefer sb. to doC. prefer doing to doingD. prefer to dorather than do5. prepareA. prepare, prepare forB. prepare to do, be prepared(常指为某事做好了心理上的准备。完形中易考到), prepare sb. forC. make preparations for6. presentA. 在场的,到场的be present, the only teacher presentB. be present in water(存在的) Oxygen is present in the bloodstream.C. 现在的at the present time; at presentD. vt. 颁发present sb. with sth./ present sth. to sb./sth. She was presented with an award.E. 提交,交给 present a paper at the conference;F. 展现,显示,表现present the information using a chart;G. n. a present礼物; presentation展示; H. presently目前;不久 注意:*presently作立即解时通常位於句末: Shell be here presently. 她马上就来.作很 短时间之後解时有时位於句首: Presently I heard her leave the house. 不一会儿我就听到了 她离开屋子的声音.presently不仅在美式英语中, 而且在英式英语中也逐渐广泛用以指现在或 当前, 位置紧靠动词: Shes presently working on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位.7. problemA. c.f. problem和question中文意思都是“问题”,但含义不同,容易弄混。 question=a sentence or phrase that is used to ask for information or to test someones knowledge; question是指用去向别人询问信息或检测某人知识的语句。 problem=a situation that causes difficulties problem则指引发困难的情形。 如:the problem of race relation种族关系问题B. 做某事有困难have problems doing something (不能用to do) Im having a problem finishing this.C. 可与problem搭配的动词solve, work out, cause, deal with, overcome 不能说 “problems happen”. 表达问题产生时用动词 arise 或者 occur Problems start to arise (不用“happen”) when people dont keep up their paymentsD. no problem a) 行,没问题 Can I bring a friend? Sure, no problem. (回答道谢、道歉)没关系,不客气 Thanks for all your help. No problem!8. promiseA. vt. 承诺promise to do, promise sb. toB. vt. 预示,使很有可能promise rain/to be/becomeC. n. 诺言 break/carry out/fulfill/give/keep/make a promise D. n. the promise of good weather, 吉兆,迹象E. promising(a)有出息的; 有前途的: a promising young pianist 有前途的青年钢琴家。 (b)大有可为的; 有希望的: The results of the first experiments are very promising. 第一 次实验的结果充满了希望。 Its a promising sign. 这是个很好的迹象。 promise well可望产生良好结果; 大有希望: The new sales policy promises well.9. promoteA. 促进,增进,推动to promote friendship between nations; economic growthB. 提升,晋升promote sb. to sth. Helen was promoted to senior manager.C. 促销,推销,推广Shes in London to promote her new book.D. 倡议,提议John Major promoted the idea of a classless society.E. 主办,筹办(音乐会或体育比赛等大型活动)F. promotion; promoter主办者;倡导者;promotional10. proveA. vt. 证明某事属实 prove the theory; B. prove something to somebody I knew he had done it, but there was no way I could prove it to Eddie.C. prove (that) Tests have proved that the system works.D. link-v 事实证明是prove to be something sth. proves (to be) right; The design proved to be a success. (高考重点难点。容易误用为被动形式)E. proofs, water-proof11. provideA. provide sth. for, provide sb. with sth.(注:with不能丢;不要说provide sb. sth.) (a)供给; 供应 (b)提供(答案 范例 机会等): The search provided the police with several vital clues.B. provided/providing that (连词)=if, or only if: Hes welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.12. pull vt./vi.A. 拖,拉pull the case into the corner; pull the door open/shut; a tractor pulling a trailerB. 拔pull sth. out/off/away etc She has two teeth pulled./ pull weedsC. pull sth. on/off/up/down: pull a sweater on/off; pull my hat down over my eyes D. 划船pull toward the bank of the river/pull me over to the islandE. (完形中易涉及到)与车有关的短语pull away驶离; pull in火车进站,靠边停车; pull off驶离 大路; pull out驶出,出站; pull over驶向路边; pull up停车13. pushA. push the door open pullB. = press push the buttonC. Dont push. 别挤。/push (your way) past/through/into etc She pushed her way to the front.D. dont push me, I am not pushing you =to encourage or force sb. to do sth. or to work hard 逼迫(某人)做某事; 驱策; 敦促 (完形中易涉及到) Encourage your kids to try new things, but try not to push them too hard. push yourself; push sb. into (doing) sth.; push sb. to do sth.E. push aside把.推开,避开, push over 推倒14. putA. put the book on the table 放,安置B. put your name here 记,做标记,写上C. 使(某人某事物)处于某状: * Your decision puts me in an awkward position.D. 说,表达to put it another way; as sb. put itE. put an end to, put aside忽视,不理睬 put away/aside攒钱, put back放回原处, 向后 移, 推迟, 倒退, 使后退, put down放下;记下;镇压, put forward将提前;拨快;提议 put off, put on, put on weight, put out扑灭;生产 put sb.up留某人住在家中;推 荐,题名。Put sth. up提升;建立;张贴 增加put up the rent put up with sb./sth.15. questionA. raise a questionB. 质疑: There is no/some question about his honesty. * His suitability for the post is open to question. 对这一职位他是否适宜很成问题。C. (1)bring sth/come into question ((4) out of the question 不可能 (5) beyond question 无可争辩D. (1)question him 问(某人)问题Id like to question you on your views about the housing problem. (2) 对(某事物)表示或感到怀疑: Her sincerity has never been questioned.16. raiseA. 举起, 抬起; 提高; 增加; 提升; 升起raise ones hand, raise the lamp;raise the price/ones voiceB. raise a question=bring up a question 提问题C. raise doubts, fears, suspicions, etc in peoples minds 引起, 激起(某事物); 使(某事 物)产生或出现D. raise money召集或集结(某事物); 筹措: raise an army 招募军队E. raise a family/pigs养育(孩子等)/饲养(家畜); 种植或生产(作物)F. 区别raise vt. & rise vi. a) rise/rose/risen b) the sun/price rise, rise to/from/by 30 Johns hopes rose情感增强 c) rise from the chair/bed, rise to ones feet d) ask for a riseF. n. (US) =rise get a raise of 200 获得加薪200英镑.17. ratherA. 相当地:fairly, rather, quite区别 (a)当fairly, rather, 和 quite和 形容词副词连用时,注意名词前的词序。Its a fairly / rather good book. Its rather /quite a good book. (b)fairly语气最弱;rather语气最强 (c)rather可以和 “too”及形容词副词的比较级连用。但其他两个词不行。These shoes are rather too big./ Im feeling rather better. (d)quite还有 completely; perfectly之意,尤其是与下列词汇连用时:sure, right, true, clear, different, wrong, impossible等.e.g.: This is quite impossible./You are quite right.B. would rather(than): 宁愿; 宁可; 较喜欢Id rather walk than take a bus. 我愿意走路 而不愿意坐公共汽车。 Id rather you didnt go out alone (would rather 后接从句时用虚 拟语气 ) . rather than: 与其(某人某事物); 不愿; 不要; 不是 I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk. Rather than go straight on to university why not get some work experience first? Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules or rather: 用以提出更确切的说法 I worked as a secretary, or rather, a typist. * He had to walk or rather run to the office.18. reachA. reach school; 到达B. I can probably reach him on his mobile与(某人)取得联系; (尤指)给(某人)打电话.C. reach the books on the shelf; reach for, reach out (to sth.)伸手去够D. reach a decision/agreement etc达成(某事物); 达到; 获得reach 20%E. reach as far as the river; 延伸到某处F. Cable TV reaches a huge audience.被看到,被听到;G. 写信Your letter/The news reached us this morning.H. beyond the reach of the children, concepts beyond the reach of ones intelligence 本人 不能理解的概念 out of reach, within reachI. reach out to sb. 表示对某人感兴趣;表示愿意提供援助 The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city./ She set up her charity to reach out to the thousands of homeless on the streets.19. realizeA. realize that意识到B. realize ones dream/ambition/full potential实现C. realization; realizable D. My worst fears were realized when I saw the test questions.E. * How much did you realize on those paintings? 变卖(财产 股票等);(指货物等)卖得 (某价钱); (指人)将某物卖得(某价钱);20. reasonA. n. reason解释某事的理由,后接for; cause引起某事的原因,后接ofB. the reason why, the reason is thatC. v. reason with与理论, ability to reason推理的能力D. reasonable高三词汇表重点词汇讲解检测1. The dictionary you _ me the other day is so useful that I always keep it at hand.A. recommended B. introduced C. gave D. presented2. The weather outlook for the weekend isnt very _, so we may have to cancel all the outdoor activities.A. promising B. discouraging C. appealing D. disappointing3. The aging of population has become a big _ in the world, dont you think so?A. question B. trouble C. problem D. matter4. Allen goes from school to school to _ the message that low carbon living can be easy and fun!A. advertise B. promote C. develop D. prove5. After the ceremony, they both felt that all the preparations _ worthwhile.A. was proved B. had been proved C. would prove D. had proved6. He _ the proposals formally in a letter to the two houses of parliamentA. put up with B. put forward C. put on D. put away7. We all demanded the new type of machine _ put into use as soon as possible.A. refer to B. referred to be C. refer to be D. referring to8. Upon graduation from school, how well will you _ the job that lies ahead?A. prepare B. prepare for C. be prepared for Dbe preparing 9. -John, shall we change the time of the party? I have something important to deal with. -Sorry, Peter. _.A. With pleasure B. No problem C. Dont mention it D. Thats settled10. In Scandinavian countries it is common _ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby. A. use B. sense C. practice D. idea高三词汇表重点词汇讲解检测解析1. 答案为C。recommend/introduce/presentsth. to sb.; give sb. sth.2答案为A。本周天气预报不很乐观,因此我们也许不得不取消一切户外活动。promising有希望的,有前途的;discouraging令人气馁的;appealing有魅力的,吸引人的;disappointing令人失望的。3. 答案为C。4. 答案为B。Allen到各学校推广低碳生活也可以是方便有趣的理念。5. 答案为B。庆典结束后,他们两人都觉得事实证明所有事前的准备都是值得的。prove用作link-v。6. 答案为B。put forward the proposals 提出建议。put up with忍受;put on穿;上演;put away收起来,收拾好。7. 答案为B。We all demanded (that) the new type of machine (which was) referred to(should)be put into use as soon as possible. demand后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气.8. 答案为C。be prepared for指为某事做好了心理上的准备。9. 答案为D。Thats settled那是已经确定了的事。此外还可以表示一言为定。With pleasure荣幸之至。用于回答别人的邀请。No problem行,没问题。或回答道谢、道歉)没关系,不客气。Dont mention it不用客气, 不用谢, 没关系, 不用介意。10. 答案为C。common practice惯例;common sense 常识。西城一模情景作文分析情景作文(20分)假设你是红星中学高二年级学生李华,在通用技术课(general technology class)上,老师让你们自己动手设计并制作书架。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊英语园地写一篇以“Our Own Bookshelf”为题的英文稿件,介绍课堂活动的完整过程。 注意:1. 稿件的开头已为你写好。2. 词数不少于60。提示词:锯 saw Our Own BookshelfWe have a general technology course this term to learn some basic skills.一、内容要点:1. 布置任务、介绍情况。 细节:材料,样图2. 准备工作。 细节:information/inspiration, design.3. 制作过程。 细节:分工合作。老师4. 展示 细节:不同的作品。观感写作中容易出问题的地方是:1、第一幅图过于简单,没有提到老师给讲解,仅仅说了我们要自己动手做书柜。2、第四幅图一带而过。没有提到大家不同的作品在一起展示。二、篇章逻辑重点要通过清晰的实践线索展示出制作书架的全过程。写作中容易出现的逻辑性的问题是:1、每幅图各自独立,没有用恰当的连接成份把它们连接成一个整体。2、全文总起句不能和所给的句子自然合理地衔接起来。如以下的例子:We have a general technology course this term to learn some basic skills. Having divided us into several groups, our teacher announced we were supposed to design and makes a bookshelf of our own.三、语言方面典型错误:把shape写成sharp;把nail写成snail;把hammer写成ham;动词使用不恰当。把fix the pieces together写成form the boards together。form用在这里不恰当。四、One possible version:Our own bookshelfWe have a general technology class this term to learn some basic skills. Last month, our teacher brought some wooden boards, asking each group to make a bookshelf. I had never thought I could make it. My partners and I searched the Internet and studied different types of bookshelves until we got a creative design of our own. So we started when Liu Dong sawed the boards, while Wang Mei and I were trying to fix the pieces together. My hands were shaking as the tool didnt seem to fit me well. Fortunately, the teacher came and told me the right way to use it. “Well done!” I felt encouraged by what the teacher said. Looking at our products displayed in the classroom, all of us were proud and excited. Well, we can do it, and do it by ourselves. Thats something beyond the basic skills we learnt. 五、优秀学生习作We have a general technology class this term to learn some basic skills.Last week we had a project on designing and making a bookshelf. At the beginning of the class, our teacher showed us the structure of a bookshelf and explained the key point of making it.Equipped with basic knowledge, we got down to our work immediately. First, we searched the Internet for some design ideas. After that, we draw the structure of our own bookshelf in the paper.After all the preparations had been made, we carried out our plan. Some boys sawed the wood into proper size and shape, while girls put all the blocks into a whole shelf. Meanwhile, our teacher came with some suggestions now and then.Finally, all our efforts paid off when others spoke highly of our bookshelf at the exhibition. Different as the bookshelves we made were, we shared the same happiness together.During the general technology class, not only were our skills improved, but we learned the importance of cooperation as well. It is so precious that I will treasure it as a golden memory forever.这篇文章被评为一档文。文章内容要点齐全,细节添加合理。段落明确,逻辑清晰;连接成份恰当而富于变化,使得文章紧凑而流畅。语言简洁得体,但词汇句型丰富。(斜体部分为连接成份;下划线部分为丰富的词语、句型。请认真体会。)


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