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人教版2020年英语初中毕业生学业考试命题大赛试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空 Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun1to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.Most of the class considered turkey and other traditional goodies of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the2of most of her students art. And they were. But in her class there was a different kind of boy, Douglas. He was always unhappy. When other children played together, he was likely to stand close by the teachers side. The boy drew a hand in his picture.3else. Just an empty-hand.Whose hand4it be? His abstract(抽象的) picture made classmates really5. One child guessed it was the hand of the6, because they raise turkeys. Another suggested police officers, because the police7and care for people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went8the teacher almost forgot the young artist himself.When the children went on to other projects, she9at Douglas desk, bent down, and asked him10hand it was. The little boy looked away and said in a low voice, Its11, teacher.The teacher recalled the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there as she had the other students. How often had she said, 12my hand, Douglas, well go outside, Or, Let me13you how to hold your pencil. Or, Lets do this together. Douglas was most thankful for his teachers hand.Hearing the boys words, tears ran down the teachers face. She brushed aside a tear and went on with her work.The story speaks of14than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship. They might not always say15, but theyll remember the hand that reaches out.(1)A . project B . exam C . test D . match (2)A . solutions B . subjects C . characters D . signs (3)A . Everything B . Something C . Nothing D . Anything (4)A . must B . could C . would D . should (5)A . mad B . bored C . moved D . interested (6)A . nurses B . farmers C . gardeners D . businessmen (7)A . protect B . check C . catch D . find (8)A . when B . before C . after D . until (9)A . knocked B . pointed C . stopped D . looked (10)A . how B . which C . whose D . where (11)A . his B . mine C . yours D . theirs (12)A . Take B . Give C . Accept D . Receive (13)A . advise B . train C . tell D . show (14)A . less B . more C . fewer D . bigger (15)A . love B . good C . hello D . thanks 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2. (10分) The First Ladys Travel Journal: Touring the Forbidden CityMarch 21, 2014After visiting the Beijing Normal School, Madame Peng took Sasha and Malia, my mother, and me to the Forbidden City, which is right in the heart of Beijing.For more than 2,000 years (up until 1912), China was ruled by emperors who descended (传递)from many different dynasties, or families, who passed ruling positions on from generation to generation and for nearly 500 years, the Forbidden City used as the emperors home.Like the name suggests, the Forbidden City is large enough to be a city of its own it includes nearly 1,000 buildings and nearly 10,000 rooms.In 1925, the new Chinese government turned the Forbidden City into a museum so that visitors like us from all over the world can stroll (闲逛) through many of the beautiful rooms and outdoor spaces.The Forbidden City is too large to fully experience in a single visit, but highlights include the following: The Hall of Union and Peace has almost 14,000 ornamental dragons. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor(皇帝) watched birthday celebrations and coronation (加冕) ceremonies from his Dragon Throne. And then there are the Imperial Gardens, where you can walk along the paths and pavilions, admiring the beautiful rock arrangements, flowers and cypress (柏树) trees.While we loved our visit to the Forbidden City, we only wish we had more time to see everything. But then again, Im not sure there could ever be enough time to fully enjoy all of the art and history in this wonderful place.(1)The writer visited The Forbidden City with _.A . her daughtersB . her husbandC . her motherD . her mother and two daughters(2)The Forbidden City is a _.A . cityB . palaceC . villageD . garden(3)The Forbidden City was used as _ for nearly 500 years until 1912.A . a museumB . the emperors short-lived homeC . a place of interest for publicD . the emperors home(4)What does the word “highlights” mean in the passage?A . 景观亮点B . 聚光灯C . 光亮D . 最大的部分(5)According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that _.A . They had enough time to visit every roomB . The Forbidden City was used as a museum till 1925C . The first lady enjoyed all of the art and history in this wonderful placeD . There are more than 1,000 buildings and less than 10,000 rooms3. (10分)阅读理解I m ready to do my first jump 10 months after a skydiving (特技跳伞) accident. I cant wait! That accident almost killed (杀死) me and it made me stay in hospital for half a year. During the boring long days, I didnt feel good. How could I live without my favourite sport? I thought.It all started one evening after a nine-to-five day. I was sitting at home when an ad (广告)came on the television. Try skydiving, it said. The next day, I went to the skydiving school in my town, At the end of the days lessons, knew I found the right sport for me.I will never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and got into a plane. I was afraid, but the others were talking and smiling, and I started to feel a little relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down. Soon it was time to jump. As I jumped from the plane, I shouted. But then everything became quiet (安静的). It was the most wonderful four minutes of my life.From the first jump, I was hooked. I started spending all my free time skydiving. It became my reason (理由) for living. Things were going really well. Then an accident happened on my 104th jump. I broke my both legs, right arm and nose. I stayed in hospital for six months, but I still couldnt forget skydiving.My mother couldnt understand why the only reason I wanted to get better was to go skydiving again. But for me, skydiving is life, and life is skydiving.(1)When the writer was in hospital, he A . felt goodB . thought of his workC . was worried about his parentsD . wanted to know how to live without skydiving(2)The .writer first knew skydiving from a A . friendB . magazineC . TV adD . sports show(3)The writer tried his first skydiving A . in a morningB . in an afternoonC . ten months agoD . six months ago(4)What does the underlined word hooked in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese? A . 着迷的B . 感激的C . 失望的D . 遗憾的(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The writer had an accident on his 104th jump.B . The writers mother thinks skydiving is interesting.C . The writers mother planned to try skydiving with him.D . The writer wants to start a skydiving school in the future4. (8分)阅读理解 Our eyes may be playing tricks on us. New research shows that sometimes people physically see what they want to see. Cornell University social psychologist(心理学家) DavidDunning carried out experiments to test whether wishful thinking can actually affect what we see.“Its well proved from what is experienced in everyday life, and from the laboratory as well, that people think what they want to think, he says. Were taking this a step further.Were asking if strong wishes and fears can actually affect what people physically see.Dunning and his assistants told volunteers that a computer game would show them either a letter or number to decide whether they would drink orange juice or fruit syrup(果子露).As they wrote in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the computer would flash an ambiguous picture, which could be seen as the letter B or the number 13. Volunteers who were told that a letter would get them orange juice most often reported seeing B. Those who were told that a number would get them orange juice most often saw 13.The researchers also used a hidden camera to track volunteers eye movements, particularly the first eye movement. We dont control them, Dunning says, and they dont even know that we are watching them, so it honestly shows what a person is seeing.This research suggests that the brain is doing a lot of work between the eye and the conscious awareness to affect what we think, Dunning concludes (得出结论). Before we even see the world, our brain has decided to keep what we want to see and avoid what we dont want to see.(1)The passage is mainly about . A . the eye movements of some volunteersB . an experiment by the Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyC . a social psychologist Dunning and his assistantsD . new findings on what may affect what we see(2)In Dunnings experiment, if13 gets you orange juice, which of the following will also get you orange juice? A . B . C . D . (3)The underlined word ambiguous most probably means . A . interestingB . unclearC . importantD . old(4)Which of the following statements is true according to Dunnings findings? A . The brain can influence peoples vision.B . The brain forgets what it wants to see.C . The eyes cant see without strong wishes and fears.D . The brain is not actually connected to the eyes.5. (6分)Dear Mom,Im sorry that I cant go back home for Mothers Day next week. On that day, Ill have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here. But Ill find time to see you at home soon.Mom, thank you for everything youve done for Tim and me. After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. You dont have to work now, but I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. Im glad you wont live by yourself any more. Lets plan to take a trip in the near future. Its been years since the three of us took a trip together.Happy Mothers Day. I love you!Best wishesJohn(1)What can we learn about Johns mother?A . She lives by herself now.B . She still works day and night.C . She will make a plan to save money.D . She used to be too busy to care for her children.(2)What do we know from the letter?A . John has two brothers.B . John is unhappy with his boss.C . John has to work on Mothers Day.D . Tim will leave home for his job soon.(3)Which is said in the letter?A . Johns father died at work.B . Tim will look for a teaching job.C . John bought a gift for his mother.D . John hopes to take a trip with his family.三、 完成句子 (共10题;共27分)6. (1分)写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。The buildings in that poor town look far_(丑)than the ones here.7. (1分)Our school is very big. What about _ (他们)? 8. (1分)Its December 26th and its Lilys _(第十二) birthday. 9. (1分)The woman wants to eat some vegetable_(面条)10. (1分)At the beginning of the meeting , he made an _ (介绍)of himself to us all. 11. (3分)根据句意,用括号内所给的提示完成句子。(1)Now _ (交流) are becoming easier and quicker.(2)The Whites have lived in London _ (/sns/) two years ago.(3)China has developed _ (rapid) these days.12. (1分)Lucy eats _ every day, because she likes it.13. (1分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。It is reported that it is going to rain, so youd better, I think, _ (not go) for a picnic tomorrow .14. (7分)A)根据句意,汉语或首字母,写出各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 (1)Tommys sister isnt _(勇敢). She often feels afraid when she is at home alone. (2)I didnt see them _(进入) the room because I was in the bedroom then. (3)Taiwan is in the _ (东南) of China. (4)Simon is an _ (诚实的) boy. He never tells a lie. (5)Kate is very _ (耐心的) . I can always go to her when I feel bored. (6)Betty is so _ (慷慨的) that she is willing to share her things with others. (7)Can you b_what he says? 15. (10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My teachers thought I couldnt study well. My family also had _same thought as my teachers.When I was going to give _my study, a new teacher, Miss White came to our school. She was young,_(beauty)and knowledgeable.One day, I was sitting alone in my classroom, Miss White came up to me and talked to me happily. Soon her smile drove away my unhappiness. “Do you think I can go to college?” I didnt know why I _( ask )such a question. I thought she must say “no”, _everyone else said so. But she said, “Dear, you can do_(something) you want. Just try, and youll get closer to success. I believe you are the best!”I was touched(感动) _(deep)by her words. I decided to study hard. From then on, we became good _(friend). She often helped me with my study in her free time. In the end ,I did well in my studies and went to a good college. Miss White is an angel. Her words have kept me _(go) forward. She helped me to see that I am special and can be _(success) in life.四、 选择适当的句子补全短文 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题。(请注意每小题后面的词数要求) Tom is a TV reporter. An amazing thing happened to Tom yesterday evening. He was walking alone on his way home when he saw bright lights in the sky. Then a spacecraft(航天器) showed up. At first he thought it was orange and white, and it was coming closer and closer. Then it stopped a few metres above the ground. He saw two people inside. They had big ears and small eyes, but no hair. Tom thought they were aliens. He had a camera with him then, but he was too scared to take a photo. Then he began to feel weak and fell to the ground. An hour later, he woke up. He found himself lying on the grass in front of his house. He couldnt explain how he got there. Of course he told his friends about this strange experience. All of them said he was kidding. (1)Where was Tom when he saw bright lights in the sky?(不超过5个词) (2)What did the two aliens look like?(不超过10个词) (3)Why didnt Tom take a photo?(不超过5个词) 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. They provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help him prevent droughts _ floods.Unluckily, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the _ (three) of these services is the most important. In order to make money _ (quick) from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers. Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down thousands of trees _ (build) warships. It built up a strong empire (帝国). But without the trees, _ (it) soil became poorer and poorer. When the empire fell to pieces, the country _ (find) itself facing with floods and hunger.Even though a government realizes the _ (important) of trees, it is difficult to make the people realize this. They cut down trees but are too lazy to plant and look after new trees. So, unless the government has _ good system of control, or the people are educated, the forests may slowly disappear.This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even _ (serious). If there are tree roots which break the soil up and allow the rain to sink in, the soil can be bound (受约束的).This prevents the soil _ being washed away. But if there are no trees, the soil will become hard and poor. This causes floods. And the rain carries away the rich topsoil (表层土) in which crops grow. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but useless sand.六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)句子改错。下列各题均有一出错误,请改正。 (1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)按下面内容要求写一篇60词左右的英语短文。假如你是李丹,现在是晚上7点,请描述一下你和你的家人正在做什么。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、三、 完成句子 (共10题;共27分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、13-1、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、14-7、15-1、四、 选择适当的句子补全短文 (共1题;共15分)16-1、16-2、16-3、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)17-1、六、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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