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人教版八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷A卷(18)一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)This is pencil. A . redB . a redC . red aD . /2. (2分)_ is it from your school? About 10 minutes by bike.A . How longB . How farC . WhereD . How much3. (2分)Your friend is _ than you, so you should be as _ as him. A . popular, friendlierB . more popular, friendlyC . more popular, friendlierD . popular, friendly4. (2分)Whats _ movie theater in your city?Town Cinema. It has the most comfortable seats.A . worseB . the worstC . betterD . the best5. (2分)Tony never spends money on buying books _ he doesnt like reading.A . butB . becauseC . thoughD . until6. (2分)-Why did you get up so early?- _ the first bus.A . CatchB . CatchingC . To catchD . Caught7. (2分)Anna is going on a tour of Xian, and she wants to _ Chinese history.A . dream ofB . learn aboutC . look throughD . pass on8. (2分)Tim is player on the school basketball team, but he is the best.A . shortB . shorterC . shortestD . the shortest9. (2分)I prefer the failure rather than my dream.A . experience; to give upB . to experience; give upC . experiencing; giving up10. (2分)Mary is looking forward to _ from me, please remember _ this letter on your way to school.A . hear; sendB . hearing; sendingC . hearing; to sendD . hear; sending11. (2分)John would rather _ emails to friends while Jack prefers _ phone calls.A . write; to makeB . write; to makingC . writing; to makeD . to write; making12. (2分)How nice your schoolbag is!A . Thank you very muchB . I dont think soC . No,it isnt beautifulD . please dont say so.13. (2分)We should never give up _ others. Sometimes helping others means helping ourselves.A . to helpB . helpingC . helpedD . help14. (2分)Parents often tell their kids too much candies because its bad for their teeth. A . not eatingB . eatingC . not to eatD . to eat15. (2分)“If you want to improve your study, you must be away from the computer.” Our math teacher says. “It means _ you play computer games, _ your study will be.” A . the more; the betterB . the more; the moreC . the less; the betterD . the less, the more16. (2分)It is good for you to read . A . so many books as you canB . as many books as you canC . so much book as you couldD . as much book as you could17. (2分)Look at the picture _ the right. A . inB . onC . atD . next18. (2分)Shes looking forward _ her life. A . to improveB . to improvingC . improveD . Improving19. (2分)Which language is _ to learn, English, French or Chinese? A . difficultB . more difficultC . the difficultD . the most difficult20. (2分)Im tired. I want to have a day _ next week. Great idea, honey. You do need a break.A . awayB . on C . off二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) John loved basketball. One day, as he was walking to a basketball game, he dreamed about playing basketball for the college team the next year. Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three meters 1.John woke up in a hospital room. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, he knew his college basketball 2was over. John did what the doctors told him, but it 3.When he left the hospital, John was sent to a rehab center(康复中心).A week 4he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coach(教练).His legs were badly hurt in a skating accident.Though he couldnt move his legs, Sunny became the coach of a basketball team called the Suns. It was an on-wheelchair basketball team, because 5 on the team played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited John to 6the game. John played badly, but for the 7 time since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself.After becoming a part of the Suns, John improved quickly. Basketball was like medicine for him. John was much 8than before. When John became unhappy, Sunny was there to comfort him. The day before John 9the center, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he could be so happy even with his broken legs.Sunny 10and said, Its really quite easy. When you keep your face to the sun, the shadows will fall behind.(1)A . away B . from C . out D . in (2)A . game B . dream C . team D . coach (3)A . worked B . affected C . didnt work D . didnt affect (4)A . until B . when C . before D . later (5)A . somebody B . anybody C . everybody D . nobody (6)A . join B . show C . study D . watch (7)A . next B . last C . first D . early (8)A . worse B . better C . busier D . smarter (9)A . arrived B . got to C . went to D . left (10)A . smiled B . shouted C . cried D . turned 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空 (共10题;共10分)22. (1分)The_(science) are going to give us a talk next week. 23. (1分)Eric comes from Germany, he is a _ (Germany) boy. 24. (1分)My sister enjoys _(listen) to music. 25. (1分)I have two _ (old) sisters. How about you? 26. (1分)The boy enjoyed _(he) at the party yesterday. 27. (1分)Our music teacher knows some famous _ (composer). 28. (1分)Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the _ (high). 29. (1分)Lily is one of the _ (good) students in our class. 30. (1分)Yesterday afternoon Jill and her family_(camp)near the river31. (1分)He brushes his teeth _ (two) a day. 四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)32. (5分)根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。Tony: Hello, Dave. Long time no see.Dave: Hi, Tony. Yes. _Tony: How long did you stay there?Dave: For a week.Tony: _Dave: It was great. I visited many great places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.Tony:_Dave: Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.Tony: I guess you must have taken photos with them.Dave:_I took photos with Vinnie and Goofy, famous Disney characters.Tony: Wow! Fantastic! _Dave: If you do, youll certainly enjoy yourself.Tony: Really? I cant wait!A. Of course.B. I hope to go there one day.C. Were there many people in Disneyland?D. When did you go there?E. How was your trip?F. I went to Shanghai on vacation for a few days.33. (5分)补全对话。(有两项多余)Mother: Why dont you get up, Kate? Its time for school.Kate: Sorry, Mum! _Mother: Oh dear! _Kate: Ive got a headache and a cough.Mother: _Father: Whats wrong with Kate?Mother: _I told her to stay in bed till tomorrow.Father: Nothing serious I hope!Mother: _A. Whats your trouble?B.I dont feel very well.C. Shes not feeling well.D. Perhaps shes caught a cold.E. Youd better stay in bed till tomorrow.F.I want to drink some water.G. You should drink more water.五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)34. (10分) Rose usually wakes up early in the morning. She always has her breakfast at half past six. She leaves home at about seven oclock. She is never late for school.She has many classes in the morning. At about twelve fifteen, she comes back for lunch. In the afternoon, she isnt so busy. After school she does her homework and plays with other children.In the evening, her parents come back from the factory. The family has supper together. After that, they usually read newspaper or listen to the radio for a little time. Sometimes, they watch TV. Rose goes to bed at half past nine. But her father often works late at night.(1)Rose gets up _ every morning.A . lateB . earlyC . at 6:30D . at 7:00(2)Rose often goes to school at _.A . seven oclockB . half past sevenC . seven fifteenD . about six thirty(3)Rose likes doing her homework_.A . after supperB . in the eveningC . after schoolD . after nine thirty at night(4)Roses father often _late.A . comes backB . has supperC . worksD . goes to bed(5)What do they usually do after supper? They usually_A . watch TVB . read newspaperC . do their homeworkD . play with other children35. (10分)阅读理解 (1)Where is the film on?_ A . At a theatre.B . At Wanda Cinema.C . In a hall.D . In a school.(2)If your mother is free only in the afternoon, she can watch this movie on . A . SundayB . MondayC . ThursdayD . Friday(3)How long will the film last(持续)?_ A . 1 hour.B . 1.5 hoursC . 2 hoursD . 3 hours(4)Who can watch the film for free?_ A . Teachers and students.B . Children bellow tenC . Old peopleD . Children below three(5)Parents should pay at least if they go with their 2-year-old son in the evening. A . ¥60B . ¥65C . ¥70D . ¥8036. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AProblemsCausesAdviceFeel stressedToo much homework. Dont have enough time for their hobbies.Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.Get short sighted (近视)Too much homework. Bad study habits.Do homework or read in a correct way.Fight with each otherDont know how to get on well with classmates.Make more friends and understand each other.Dont like to studyPlay computer games too much.Play computer games just for a short time.Get fatHave more pocket money to buy snacks. Dont like to do exercise.Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise every day.(1)How many main problems are there in the survey? A . Six.B . Five.C . Four. D . Three.(2)What problems are caused by too much homework? A . Get fat.B . Fight with each other.C . Feel stressed and get short sighted.D . Dont like to study.(3)If Simon is feeling stressed, he should _. A . do much more homeworkB . make a plan for study and hobbiesC . buy some snacksD . ask for more pocket money(4)Peter doesnt like to study. Maybe he _. A . plays too many computer gamesB . has no pocket moneyC . gets fatter and fatterD . has lots of pocket money(5)_ is a good way for students to stop fights. A . Doing less homeworkB . Playing computer gamesC . Buying more booksD . Learning how to make friends37. (4分)阅读下文并回答问题。Reading is fun. When you read, would you like a paper book or an e-book(电子书)? Some people choose e-books, some love paper books, and others prefer reading both.Li Ming, a university professor (教授), is busy doing some research. So he is often on business. When he is at the airport or on the train, he especially loves reading e-books. He also likes reading paper books in the library for the research work. Besides, he enjoys the smell of the paper books.Whats more, Li Ming would like to read with his family. There is a reading time from 8:00 to 9:00 each Friday evening at home. Everyone reads and shares what they learn from the books. One Friday evening, Grandma took out an old paper book and said to her grandson, “Li Lei, this is the first book your grandpa gave me. There is his name on the front page. Whenever I read it, I can get something new from his notes. And I can still remember the happy life we lived together.” Li Lei said, “But I enjoy reading e-books. E-books need no paper. Many forests will be saved.” Grandma advised, “Dont read for a long time, or your eyes will get sore.”Different people have different ideas about e-books and paper books. No one knows whether e-books can replace (代替) paper books or not. Somehow, books are our friends. No matter which kind of books you choose to read, you can learn more about the world through them.(1)Do all the people prefer reading e-books?_(2)When is the reading time in Li Mings family?_(3)What does the old paper book mean to Grandma?_(4)Do you think e-books will replace paper books in your life? Why or why not?_六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)38. (5分)假设你是John,在一中(No. 1 Middle School)上初中,给美国笔友Mary写邮件介绍你学校生活(school life),请根据以下提示写一封邮件。 要点:1)喜欢的科目和老师;2)学校午餐情况;3)兴趣爱好。要求:1)要点全面,有适当拓展;2)书写工整,逻辑性强;3)不要出现真实的姓名和班级:4)字数在80词以上。(开头已经给出,不计人总词数)Dear Mary,Please write back soon!Yours,John39. (5分)为配合学校“诚信教育”活动,学校英语报开展了以“Try to be honest”为主题的征文活动。请你根据下面的内容提示,写一篇征文稿。列举你班同学存在的不诚实现象:抄作业,考试作弊,说谎话.;简述诚实的重要性,并用你的一次具体经历加以说明。注意:文中不得出现真实的人名和学校名称。词数100左右。短文首句仅供参考,不计入总数。参考词汇:作弊cheat(v.)说谎tell a lieTry to be honestTo be honest is one of the most treasured traditional values in China.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 用所给词的适当形式填空 (共10题;共10分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、四、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)32-1、33-1、五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)34-1、34-2、34-3、34-4、34-5、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、35-5、36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)38-1、39-1、

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