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人教版七年级下学期期末学业水平测试英语测试A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ he go to Central Park?Yes, he did.A . DidB . DoC . DoesD . Is2. (2分)I am an_ boyA . ChineseB . JapaneseC . AmericanD . Brazilian3. (2分)Alice is very beautiful. She _ her mother very much.A . looks afterB . looks atC . looks likeD . looks for4. (2分)She is _ a shy girl _ she cant speak in public. A . so; thatB . too; toC . such; thatD . very; that5. (2分)Would you when you are in town?A . drop offB . drop byC . fall offD . fall by6. (2分)The new computer enables me _ much quickly. A . calculateB . to calculateC . calculatingD . calculates7. (2分)I prefer apples pears.A . toB . fromC . withD . than8. (2分)(2016重庆)Jim lives a small village and the air there is very fresh.A . onB . inC . underD . from9. (2分)I _ a student last year but now I _ a teacher.A . am; amB . was; amC . am; wasD . was; was10. (2分)All of us are proud that we can live peacefully and happily in China _ the umbrella of our powerful country. A . fromB . withC . underD . to11. (2分)What _ his name? A . isB . areC . amD . be12. (2分) Why are you back here? Bad luck. We _ the last bus.A . missedB . lostC . tookD . reached13. (2分)Are these your books?Yes, A . it isB . they areC . these areD . thesere14. (2分)I found a schoolbag in the music room. Please e-mail Mary _ mary163.com.A . forB . ofC . atD . in15. (2分)The views in winter may be wonderful, but it is dangerous to climb the mountains _a cold and snowy morning. A . inB . onC . atD . for二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Mrs. Green is an old woman. She is1years old. Although she is old, 2she is very3and looks4. Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle (生活方式).Mrs. Green often exercises. She goes shopping three5a week on foot. She thinks6is good for health. Mrs. Green has a(n)7. Every morning, she takes8dog for a walk for 9. She often washes clothes and10her house. Mrs. Green has11eating habits. She eats vegetables every day. She eats meat once a week. She drinks milk and eats an egg12breakfast. She eats an apple every day. She often says, “Eating an apple every day is good for health.”Sometimes Mrs. Green13TV after dinner. Her favorite14is Healthy Living. She doesnt like soap operas. She often goes to bed at nine thirty. She sleeps15eight hours every night. (1)A . 41 B . 14 C . 71 D . 17 (2)A . so B . but C . or D . 不填 (3)A . healthy B . unhealthy C . good D . bad (4)A . old B . young C . wonderful D . thin (5)A . names B . prices C . time D . times (6)A . walking B . sleeping C . dancing D . running (7)A . cat B . panda C . elephant D . dog (8)A . his B . your C . her D . my (9)A . half an hour B . half a hour C . an half hour D . a half hour (10)A . gives B . cleans C . makes D . asks (11)A . bad B . terrible C . good D . busy (12)A . for B . from C . with D . of (13)A . sees B . reads C . looks D . watches (14)A . story B . question C . program D . activity (15)A . at B . on C . in D . for 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。BWang Fuman is a 10-year-old student. He is now studying in Zhuanshanbao Primary School in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province. On Monday morning (January 8, 2018), he braved -9 weather to travel over an hour to reach his school.When he arrived, his hair and eyebrows had been completely frozen with snowflake (雪花). This made his 16 classmates laugh a lot. Fu Heng, Wangs teacher saw this and took a picture. He uploaded (上传) Wangs picture. The picture soon has got much attention to children from poor families in the countryside. Wang, who has been nicknamed “Snowflake Boy” by netizens, became famous online overnight. By Wednesday morning, his picture had been “liked” more than 260,000 times on Sina Weibo and shared more than 40,000 times.After hearing Wangs story, the Yunnan China Youth Development Foundation held a public donation ( 捐赠) activity for children from poor families. The Foundation has promised to give each poor child 500 yuan ($75) to help them stay warm in winter.By 1 pm on Wednesday, the Foundation had collected about 300,000 yuan in public donations, according to their website. Wangs village now has electricity and tap water, “and my family is getting help to build a new house close to the school”, Wang said, “I think our life will get better.”(1)What was the weather like on Monday morning? A . Snowy and cold.B . Rainy and cold.C . Snowy but warm.D . Rainy but warm.(2)Why did the classmates laugh when Wang entered the classroom? A . Because he lost his books.B . Because he told a joke.C . Because he looked funny.D . Because he was late.(3)The Foundation held a public donation to help the poor children . A . stay happyB . keep healthyC . stay educatedD . keep warm in winter(4)What can we know from the text? A . Zhaotongs weather in winter is warm.B . Wangs future life may become better.C . Wangs village had electricity before.D . Few people shared the boys picture.18. (10分)阅读理解。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。CI was in line waiting to pay. A little boy in the front was buying some clothes.I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change. It seemed that he had broken his pig bank (猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was $ 8. 00 short after counting his money.It was clear that the boy had already used all the money. The lady in front of me said, “Well, I could pay half of that.” I told the boy that I could pay the other half. We dug into our handbags.However, both of us only had ten-dollar bills. Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and touching as all these strangers seemed to react (反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, “I have too much money.” The cashier didnt need our ten-dollar bills. Then the lady in front of me said, “Wait! I didnt even get a chance to give anything!”I smiled at her and said, “You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this.” The little boy smiled and thanked us. I left with a good feeling. I saw the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It feels good to give, doesnt it?” I smiled back and said, “Yes!”(1)What is this passage mainly about?A . Love and goodness.B . Culture and tradition.C . Friendship and honesty.D . Communication and understanding.(2)How much were the clothes that the boy wanted to buy?A . $ 8.00.B . Ten dollars.C . All his money.D . All his money and another $ 8.00.(3)Why did the writer and the woman both feel glad?A . Because the boy had saved some money.B . Because they both didnt need to give anything.C . Because the cashier didnt look down on the boy.D . Because all the shoppers around were willing to help the boy.(4)What does the underlined word “touching” most probably mean?A . 令人感动的B . 令人难过的C . 令人失望的D . 令人害怕的(5)Whats the correct order of the following events?a. The cashier got enough money for the boys clothes.b. The cashier counted the boys money.c. The shoppers looked for some change in their pockets.d. The boy went to the line to pay.A . b, a, c, dB . b, c, a, dC . d, b, c, aD . c, d, b, a19. (8分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。Dear neighbours,Next Saturday is the Volunteer Day of our community. Here is the plan.7: 30 a. m.: Meet at the Community Centre for breakfast.8: 00 a. m. 8: 30 a. m.: Decide which ofthe following organizations youd like to work for. You can begin thinking about what you may want to do now.Happy Homes: It provides home repairs for people in need.Elder Care: It sends volunteers to old peoples home. Volunteers can play games with the old people there, or talk with them.City Parks Association: It needs volunteers to help plant flowers and pick up trash (垃圾) in city parks. These are outdoor activities, so remember to bring some drinking water!Love and Learning: It helps children with learning disabilities. Read books out loudly to groups of children and help them with their homework.8: 30 a. m. 9: 00 a. m.: Get on the bus for your chosen activity, and ride with the other volunteers to your activity sites (地点).9: 00 a. m. 12: 10 p. m.: Work as a volunteer.12: 10 p. m. 1: 00 p. m.: Share lunch with yourvolunteer group.1: 00 p. m. 3: 30 p. m.: Go on with your volunteer work.3: 30 p. m.: Get on the bus that will take you back to the Community Centre. You can talk with other volunteers and share your experiences.To know more information, please call 718-384-782. We are looking forward to your joining.Central Community(1)What do volunteers for Happy Homes do? A . They repair homes.B . They clean up homes.C . They visit old peoples homes.D . They care for children at home alone.(2)If one chooses to work for City Parks Association, he needs to bring _. A . B . C . D . (3)How will volunteers go to their activity sites? A . By taxi.B . By ear.C . By bus.D . By underground.(4)Volunteers will finish their work at _ in the afternoon. A . 1: 00B . 1: 30C . 3: 00D . 3: 30四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据所给选项将对话补充完整,选项中有两项是多余的。A. Yes, he is.B. How about your brother?C. I dont like vegetables.D. I like vegetables.E. Yes, he does.F. He likes all vegetables.G. But I like fruit.A: Does your brother like broccoli?B: _A: How about carrots?B: _And you?A: _B: Thats not good. We need to eat vegetables every day.A: I know. _. I eat lots of it every day.B: Whats your favorite fruit?A: Apples. _B: Pears are his favorite fruit.五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读理解Its very hot. An old man is sleeping on the chair. A fly(苍蝇) comes and sits on the end of the mans nose.The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases(驱赶) the fly.The fly comes back again and sits on the old mans nose again. The monkey chases it away again and again.This happens five or six times. The monkey is very angry. He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a large stone.When the fly sits on the old mans nose again, the monkey hits it hard with the stone.He kills the fly and breaks the old mans nose.(1)It is a hot day. (2)The naughty monkey chases the fly for the old woman again and again. (3)The monkey is very hungry. (4)The monkey killed the fly with a stone. (5)The old man breaks the monkeys nose. 六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)选择下列词组,并用正确形式完成下面句子。take in fall asleep be made of by oneself in factget down millions of arrive at dry up switch off(1)He came to school at 8:00. _, he is late. (2)Tom_ the office five minutes earlier than me this morning. (3)Will you go to the beach with Lucy or _? (4)Your dress _silk. How beautiful it is! (5)How do fish _oxygen? (6)The film must be popular, because _people go to see it. (7)The old magazines are under the bed. You need to _ to get them. (8)If you _ in Mr. Smiths class, he will be angry. (9)Please _ the light of the room before you leave. (10)The hot weather made the wet ground _ soon. 七、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)(2016广州)五四青年节那天,你参加了学校组织的志愿者活动。你的英语老师要求你写一则英文日志,包括以下要点:1)时间:2016年5月4日2)地点:广东博物馆3)内容:七年级学生:当导游,带参观者到不同展馆八年级学生:表演短剧,介绍广州历史九年级学生:制作海报,帮助人们了解岭南文化3)意义(活动对你个人和社会的意义)注意:1)参考词汇:展馆(display room)、海报(poster);2) 词数:80词左右(日记的开头已给出,不计入词数);3) 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Wednesday, May 4th, 2016Dear Diary,I went to the Guangdong Museum with my schoolmates to do some voluntary work today. 第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、22-6、22-7、22-8、22-9、22-10、七、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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