译林牛津版中学七年级下学期期末学业水平测试英语测试(II )卷.doc

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译林牛津版中学七年级下学期期末学业水平测试英语测试(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Who told you the interesting story?My cousin brother Paul _.A . doB . doesC . didD . will do2. (2分)Jackie Chan has a _ mouth. A . bigB . wideC . longD . Round3. (2分)- Look! The man is _ the poster at the bus stop.- Lets go and stop him. We should keep our city clean.A . putting outB . putting upC . putting awayD . putting down4. (2分)At first, I was not too sure if he could answer the question. However, _, he worked it out at last with the help of his friend. A . to mangerB . to my surpriseC . in other wordsD . in a word5. (2分) Why did you arrive so early today, Eric? My mother early.A . woke up meB . wakes me upC . woke me upD . wakes up me6. (2分)They had a difficult time _ in the village at first, but soon they got over it.A . liveB . livingC . livedD . to live7. (2分)Not only the young but also the old are getting interested WeChat(微信).They can communicate more freely.A . byB . aboutC . inD . for8. (2分) Whats _ the floor? Its a football.A . atB . forC . inD . on9. (2分) What a touching love story! The main character Song Joongki in the Korean drama Descendants of the sun(太阳的后裔)acts very well. Really? When _ it?A . will you watchB . did you watchC . have you watchedD . do you watch10. (2分)I often get up _ 6:00 in the morning. A . atB . inC . for11. (2分)Writing stories and articles _ what I enjoy most.A . isB . areC . wasD . were12. (2分)Its _ to _ the food on your plate, so dont take more food than you need. A . polite; eatB . impolite; eatC . polite; eat upD . impolite; eat up13. (2分)Are you Tina? A . No, I amB . Im notC . Yes, I amD . Yes, Im not14. (2分)Beijing Expo 2019 opened to the public _ 29th April. It will last over five months. A . atB . inC . onD . of15. (2分)Cigarettes kill _ 100,000 Englishmen every year. That is to say, more than 100,000 Englishmen die every year because of smoking. A . underB . overC . about二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)选择正确选项,使短文意思完整。(Whats the best thing to eat on a summer day? Many people would say ice cream. Yes, eating ice cream 1 some fruit on top is a great way to cool down. But think before you eat. If your body is hot from playing sports, its not the best time to eat ice cream.When your body is hot, a lot of ice cream may give your 2some problems, and you can get diarrhoea (腹泻). You can eat some ice cream after youve cooled down a bit and had some tea. Just try not to eat too much 3!After dinner is another time people shouldnt eat or drink anything cold. Drink something hot after you eat, and your stomach will digest (消化) your food better. If you love fruit, summer is a 4 time for you. Go to the market and pick out the best fruit of the season . If you want to stay cool, oranges, bananas, pears and watermelons can 5In summer, germs(细菌) grow very fast and make your food 6 bad quickly. Try hard to keep yourself and your home clean in summer. 7 eat clean, fresh food. When you feel like 8 a cold dish, put vinegar(醋) in it to disinfect (杀菌) it. If you cant 9your food and want to eat it again next day, make sure you heat it enough to 10the germs in it. And when you put food in the fridge, make sure to keep the cooked food away from the uncooked food.(1)A . of B . with C . between (2)A . teeth B . stomach C . eyes (3)A . on time B . in time C . at once (4)A . spare B . safe C . great (5)A . help B . grow C . choose (6)A . feel B . taste C . go (7)A . Never B . Sometimes C . Always (8)A . eating B . to eat C . drinking (9)A . finished B . finish C . eat (10)A . develop B . kill C . hurt 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从文后每小题A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案。 Mr. Chen was puzzled(闲惑的)and a little suspicious(怀疑的). He sat in the office and studied a letter apparently(看似)from Mrs. Wang, the mother of one of the pupils in his class. There was something about it which worried him. I dont understand, he said to himself. He shook his head as he circled four mistakes in the letter. Mrs. Wang is an educated woman. She wouldnt make mistakes like these even if she did write the letter in a hurry. Mr. Chen took out his class register(名册)and said to himself, Yesterday was Thursday. Let me see. Ah, yes. I thought so. David was absent on Thursday last week and the week before. Hm. Why is he so often absent on Thursdays? Was he really ill yesterday? Could it be a coincidence(巧合)?”Mr. Chen stared at the register as if the answers to his questions were hidden in it somewhere. Then he took out a copy of the timetable(课程表)for his class. I wonder. he told to himself. I wonder if his absence has anything to do with one of these lessons.Mr. Chen looked at the subjects for Thursday: Mathematics, English, P. E. He thought about P. E. He knew that the pupils had P. E. twice a week: once on Monday, when they usually played games on the school field, and once on Thursday, when they did exercises in the gym. Mr. Chen glanced round the office to find Mr. Long, the rather strict P. E. teacher, but he was not there. Id better have a chat with Long and David, Mr. Chen thought. The bell rang. I cant do anything right now, Mr. Chen thought. Its time to go to Class 2. Ill do it later on.Mr. Chen picked up his books and walked off to teach Class 2. Later, on Friday, Mr. Chen spoke to Mr. Long, the P. E. teacher. Mr. Long agreed that it seemed strange for David to be absent so often on gym days. They thought about it for a while. David is a good athlete(运动员), Mr. Long finally said, but hes afraid of heights. I was hard on him once because he wouldnt climb more than a couple of meters up the rope. Do you think thats why hes been absent recently?Yes, I think so, Mr. Chen said. Im going to talk to him this afternoon before he goes home.Well, Ive got a suggestion to make, said Mr. Long. If hes scared of heights, hed better come and see me after school. Quite a few people suffer from (遭受) vertigo. Ill be glad to help him.“Thats very kind of you, said Mr. Chen. Ill get him to come and see you on Monday or Tuesday.(1)The letter was sent to Mr. Chen because David on Thursday. A . was flat homeB . didnt go to schoolC . was absent from P. E class(2)Mr. Chen was puzzled by the letter because . A . Davids mother sent him the letterB . he couldnt understand the letterC . it didnt seem to be written by an educated adult(3)Mr. Chen got the idea that Davids absence had something to do with P. E. after he . A . studied the timetableB . studied the class registerC . talked with Mr. Long(4)The underlined word vertigo means in the passage. A . 身体疼痛B . 恐高眩晕C . 肠胃痉挛(5)From the passage we know . A . David didnt like P. E. classesB . David didnt like Mr. Longs being hard on himC . David was afraid of heights18. (6分)阅读理解 Wang Keyu has three favourite stars. She has their photos on the wall. Who are they? Lets have a look.Chinese name: Wu YifanEnglish name: KrisFrom: Guangzhou, ChinaAge: 26Job: singer, actorFavourites:reading, drawing, playing basketball and sleepingChinese name: Ning ZetaoFrom: Zhengzhou, ChinaAge: 23Job: swimmerFavourites:swimming, playing basketball and watching filmsChinese name:Zhou DongyuFrom: Shijiazhuang, China Age: 24Job: actress Favourites:reading, singing and listening to music(1)Where is Wu Yifan from? A . Hes from England.B . Hes from Guangzhou.C . Hes from Zhengzhou.D . Hes from Shijiazhuang.(2)What is Ning Zetao good at? A . Swimming.B . Singing.C . Reading.D . Sleeping.(3)What can we learn from the form(表格)? A . Ning Zetao is from Guangzhou.B . Wang Keyu likes singing.C . Kris likes sleeping.D . Zhou Dongyu is 23 years old.19. (6分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A You can find great wines(葡萄酒) at a great price at My Wine Shop! We have 6 different special wines. Winning wines: answer questions on the papers and you can get wines for free.100% Money-back Guarantee(退款保证): If you wouldnt like our wine, just let us know and well give you another wine or give back your money. 1/4 of the customers will get 6 special wines, 4 red and 2 white wines for only $69.99. You can get $15 off of the usual price. Only one per customer.6 special wines are:Bloomside Cellars Semillon-Chardonnay 2010Bighorn Chardonnay 2007Campo Marin Carinefia Crianza 2006Boysik Farm Estates Cabernet Sauvignon 2009Cictories Meritage 2008Castle Road Winery Shiraz Cabernet 2008(1)How many special wines are there at My Wine Shop?A . 4.B . 5.C . 6.D . 7.(2)If 100 people buy the wines, how many of them can get 6 special wines for $69.99?A . 25.B . 50.C . 75.D . 100.(3)Where can you probably see this passage?A . A newspaper.B . A story-book.C . A travelling guide.D . A math book.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)补全对话A:Hello, Kate speaking.B:Hi, Kate. _Where are you now?A:_B:Really? Hows it going?A:_People in Shanghai are friendly.B:Hows the weather in Shanghai? Is it cold?A:No, it isnt. _I like the weather in China.B:Thats good. _The weather is a little cold.A.Its Tim.B.Pretty good.C.Terrible.D.Its raining in Toronto today.E.Im in Shanghai,China.F.Its very cold here.G.Its sunny and warm these days.五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读理解 Hi, Im Harper Seven Beckham. Im an English girl. Harper is my first name, Seven is my middle name, and Beckham is my last name. Here is my family photo. This is my father David Beckham. That is my mother Victoria Beckham. Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz are my brothers. My name is Kimi. Im not English. Im Chinese. My father is Lin Zhiying. His English name is Jimmy. My mother is Chen Ruoyi. Her English name is Kelly. Oh, Angela and Cindy are my good friends. Im Cindy. My Chinese name is Tian Yucheng. Tian Liang is my father. Ye Yiqian is my mother. Tian Xinchen is my brother.(1)Harper has _brother(s). A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(2)Seven is Harpers _. A . first nameB . middle nameC . last nameD . favorite(最喜爱的) number(3)Cindy is Kimis _. A . sisterB . cousinC . friendD . mother(4)There are _ people in Cindys family. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(5)Which of the following is TRUE?(以下哪一个描述是正确的?) A . David Beckham has three children(孩子)B . Kimi is an English boy.C . Tian Yuchengs English name is Angela.D . Kelly is Kimis mother.六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。 pride spread take luck treat(1)My cousin used _ notes carefully when he was a teenager. (2)Old people should _ nicely. (3)_, every kid was taken to safety by the volunteers. (4)The old woman spent her lifetime by _ her love and joy everywhere she went. (5)Your parents will be _ of you if you work hard. 七、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假设你喜欢DIY。请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇介绍你的DIY短文。 要点:1)你对DIY着迷,经常在有空时亲手做些东西,有时候不得不仔细阅读说明;2)上周,你认为卧室单调,于是决定把它涂饰成黄色;3)妈妈让你停下,但你继续涂饰,直至卧室的墙和天花板都成了黄色的;4)昨天你将一个架子钉在了床上方,并将许多故事书放在了它的上面;5)现在很容易拿书。要求:1)短文应包括要点中所给信息,第5点可作适当发挥;2)行文连贯,书写规范;3)词数不少于80个。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、七、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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