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临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla .Section A( 1a2d )课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 1 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabularywhose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.2. Target LanguageWhose book is this?It must be Marys. J. K . Rowling is her favorite writer.Ability aims1. Train students listening skill.2. Train students communicative competence using the target language.Emotional aimsWhen you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy.Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Target languageDifficult points1. Listen for the target language2. Oral practice using the target languageTeaching methods1. Scene teaching method2. Listening method3. PairworkTeaching tools A tape recorder and powerpointsTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewKey Vocabularywhose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.Step II :New lesson1.Presentation:Show the pictures of football, backpack, violin . Ask Whose - is it ? Lead in “ It might be must belong to could be . Then show a picture of T-shirt Ask “Is this T-shirt yours ?” lead in “ cant be”2. PractiseShow pictures of football, hat , watch, glasses, etc make students practise in pairs with the follow sentences “ whose -is it are they? It might be must belong to could be-. Is the - yours? No It cant be mine . It could be-“3. 1a Please look at the picture and write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. Point out the sample answers. Get students to complete the task on their own. Show the correct answers: Clothing Things Fun things Kitchenhat volleyball plate来源:Zxxk.Comjacket CD cupsT-shirt toy car magazine book4.1b. Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.Check the answers.5.1c. Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.SA: Whose volleyball is this?SB: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Point out the conversation in the box. Invite another pair of students to say it to the class.SA : Whose book is this?SB: It must be Marys. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.6. 2a and 2bBob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. Play the recording. The students listen and write down , check the answers with the whole class. Then listen again and fill in the blanks of 2b. check the answers with the whole class.Explain how to use “might be must belong to could be and cant be” again7.2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.A: Look! There is a schoolbag here .B: Whats inside ?A: There is a T-shirt,8. 2d. Role play the conversation .Step III: Practice:I. 英汉互译1.被允许做 _ 2. attend a concert_ 3. 做出选择_ 4.something valuable_ 5. 做兼职的工作_ 6. in the end_7. 实现我的梦想_ 8. pick up_ 9. 属于_ 10. keep off _II. 单项选择1. The teacher _be in the office because the light is off .A. might B. cant C. mustnt D. may 2. -Whose Chinese book is this ? - It could be _. He _ Chinese . A. Tom; study B. Toms ; studies. C. Toms ; study D. Tom; studied3. -_I finish my homework today ? -No, you_. A. Must; mustnt B. Need ; needt C. Need; mustnt D. Must; neednt4. -The sports shoes must be Lindas. - No, they _be hers . Theyre too small for her. A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. might not Step IV: summary: It might be must belong to could be . cant beStep V: homework:1. Say and remember the spelling of the vocabulary words.2. Finish off Exercises on P93.二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A(1a2d)1. Key vocabulary:whose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.2. Target language: Whose book is this? It must be Marys. 教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla .Section A( 3a3c )课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 2 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabulary happening noise policeman wolf uneasy 2. Target LanguageWhat did you see that night ? Im not sure. But it cant be a dog . It was bigger. I think it might be a bear of a wolf .Ability aims1. Train students reading skill.2. Train students writing skill.Emotional aims用情态动词推测身边发生的神秘事物Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Reading practice3. Writing practiceDifficult points1. Reading practice2. Writing practiceTeaching methods1. Reading2. GroupworkTeaching tools A tape recorder and powerpointsTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review1.Key Vocabulary :happening noise policeman wolf uneasy 2. practice : Whose book is this?It must be Marys. J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer.Step II :New lesson1. Presentation:Show the picture and ask students. How is the person feeling? Help students to answer. He is confused and upset. 2.3a. Read the article carefully and underline what people find and what people think could be causing the strange things . Then read the article again and decide which might be the best title . After this , get students to discuss any words or sentences they dont know in 3a .3. 3b. Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.Nervous or worried _ area where people live _Young people _ animal like a very large dog _Person in the next house _ person who makes noise_4. Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noise . Then check answers.Step III: Practice:用所给词的适当形式填空1.There are many _(wolf) and _(bear) in the forest.2.I hear water _(run) in the bathroom.3.It must belong to _(Carla). It cant be _(Mary).4.Did you make a careful _(choose) in the matter.5.The students may feel _(sleep) in class if the teacher cant make his class interesting .Step IV: summary: What did you see that night ? Im not sure. But it cant be a dog . It was bigger. I think it might be a bear of a wolf .Step V: homework:1. Reread the article in 3a.2.Finish off Exercises III and IV on P95 .二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section A (3a3c)Any problems the students have in the class.教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A( Grammar Focus-4c )课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 3 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabulary laboratory coat sleepy outdoors inthelaboratory wearglasses takeashower feelsleepy 2. Target Language-Whosebandisthis?-ItcouldbeMeishairband,oritmightbelongtoLinda.Theybothhavelonghair.-Whatdidyouseethatnight?-Imnotsure.Butitcantbeadog.Itwasbigger.Ithinkitmightbeabearorawolf.Ability aimsFinish off exercises on P60 correctly .Emotional aims能用情态动词推测身边发生的事Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Finish off exercises on P60 correctly .Difficult pointsFinish off exercises on P60 correctly .Teaching methodsPracticingTeaching tools pptTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewKey Vocabulary : laboratory coat sleepy outdoors inthelaboratory wearglasses takeashower feelsleepy Step II :New lesson1. Presentation:A:Whoishe/she?B:He/Shecantbe_,because_./He/shecould/mightbe_,because_./He/Shemustbe_,because_2. GrammarFocus回顾语法重点.Ask students to read and translate sentences in the chart.说出情态动词表推测的用法,并能造出相仿的句子。3. 4aChoose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in brackets in five minutes. Then check answers. 1.mightbe2.mustbe3.couldbe4.cantbe5.mustbe4.4b. Complete these responses. Then ask students to read out .5. 4c.Look at this picture of a room . How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl ? What are his / her hobbies? Discuss your ideas with a partner. A:Itcouldbeagirlsroombecauseitsverytidy.B:Iguessso.ButitmightbeaboysroombecausetheclotheslooklikeboysclothesStep III: Practice:用must,might,could,cant完成对话。A:Tom,youlookworried.Whatsthematter?B:Icantfindthekeytomybike.Imighthavelostit.A:Dontworry.Letsseewhereitcouldbe.B:IthinkImightdropitduringtheP.Elesson.Soitmightstillbeontheplayground.A:Whatsyourkeylike?B:Itsyellow.A:Look!Isityours?B:No.itcantbemine.Itssmallbutmineisabigone.A:ImafraidyouhavetogototheLostandFoundtohavealookStep IV: summary: 情态动词表推测的用法Step V: homework:1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus .2.Finish off Exercises V on P95 .二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A (Grammar Focus )Must be -cant be may be / could be / might be is教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla.SectionB ( 1a-1d)课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 4 课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabulary land alien suit run after wearasuitsomethingstrangerunforexercisecatchabustoworkintheskyawomanwithacamera2. Target LanguageWhy do you think the man is running? He could be running for exercise. No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.Ability aims1.Train students listening skill.2. Train students writing skill.Emotional aimsThe UFO and alien are both unreal. As students, we must work hard to explore the universe in the future.Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Train students listening skill.3. Train students writing skill.Difficult points1. Write a sentence about each picture.2. Write two or three sentences to finish the story.来源:Zxxk.Com3. Listen and complete the sentences.Teaching methods1. Listening method2. Writing method3. PairworkTeaching tools ppt and tapesTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewKey Vocabulary :land alien suit run after wearasuitsomethingstrangerunforexercisecatchabustoworkintheskyawomanwithacameraStep II :New lesson2. Presentation:回顾语法重点.A:Whoishe/she?B:He/Shecantbe_,because_./He/shecould/mightbe_,because_./He/Shemustbe_,because_2.1a. Look at the pictures . Then use the words in the box to write a sentence about each picture.Check the answers . a. The UFO is landing. b. The alien is chasing the man. c. The man is running.Read the instructions to the class. Point to the three pictures in Activity 1. Say, You will hear a conversation about these pictures. As you listen, write a number in the box in the left corner of each picture to show the order of the events. Point out the sample answer in the box of the third picture. Say, You will hear the man is running first. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen and number the pictures.Check the answers. 2,3,1Encourage students to write two or three sentences to finish the story.A sample versionMan: Thats right. It must be interesting.Why not go and see how they are making a movie?Woman: Good idea!Listen again and fill in the blank of listening, try to use Target Language.3. 1c Listen again and complete the sentences.Play the recording once or twice, using the Pause button as necessary.Show the answers so that students can check the spelling and other details of their answers.The man says 1. He could be running for exercise. 2. It could be a helicopter. 3. It must be an Alien. 4. She could be from the TV news. The woman says He might be late for work. It must be a UFO. I must be dreaming. They must be making a movie4. 1d. Role-play a conversation between the man and the woman.Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA: Why do you think the man is running?SB: He could be running for exercise.SA: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.Then ask students to work with a partner. Start by reading the conversation in the box with your partner. Then role play conversations using information in Activity 1c.Step III: Practice:句型转换1. This sweater must be Li Mings .(同义句转换)This sweater _ _ _ Li Ming .2. That new car is my cousins . (同义句转换) My cousin is _ _ _ that new car .3. He must be a Canadian, _ _?(反义疑问句)4. The French book must be Li Yings . (改为否定句)The French book _ _ Li Yings .Step IV: SummaryIn this class, weve mainly done much listening and writing practice using the target language.Step V: homework:1. Ask students to collect pictures of different kinds and then talk about them using must, could, might and cant.2.Finish off Exercises VII on P96 .二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B (1a1c)A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus.教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla.SectionB (2a-2e)课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 5课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabulary express.circle.receiveleader. medical.prevent. purpose energy position victory enemy . period harding-working.2. Read the article and understand the meaning .Ability aimsTrain students reading skill.Emotional aimsLearn about some historical places .Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Find out the mainly idea of each paragraph . Difficult points1. Find out the mainly idea of each paragraph . 2. Train students reading skill.Teaching methods Reading methodTeaching tools ppt and tapesTeaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewKey Vocabulary:express.circle. receive leader. medical.prevent. purpose energy position victory enemy . period hard-working.Step II :New lesson1. Presentation:2a. Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose. Then answer the questions below : 1.HowmanymysteriesdoyouknowinChina?_2.Howmanymysteriesdoyouknowintheworld?_2.2b. Play the recording once and ask students to read after it . Then read the article again and underline the linking words and phrases . Do you think you have made correct matches in 2a ?After this, ask students to read the article again and find out the mainly idea of each paragraph, then discuss together to check answers.Next, explain some language points .3. 2c Read the article again and complete the chart .4. 2d. Complete the sentences using the words from the chart on 2a on page 62. Then let students to read the sentences . answers: 1.when2,because3.notonly,butalso4.or5.however5. 2e. Ask students to discuss questions in groups .Canyouthinkofanyothermysteries,eitherinChinaoranotherpartoftheworld,thataresimilartoStonehenge?Whatdoyouknowaboutthesemysteries?Whatismysteriousaboutthem?6. Step III: Practice:用所给词的适当形式填空1.Africa is a _(mystery) land to him .2.The Great Wall is one of _(famous) _(history)places on China.3.Stonehenge _(build) so many _(century) ago .4.He seems an _(energy) person .5.Some _(history) think the temple was built _(celebrate) the mans birth .6.He tried to prevent the plan _(carry) out .Step IV: Summary some language points.Step V: homework:1. Ask students to read the article again and again .2.Finish off Exercises II and IV on P97 .二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B (2a2e)Key Vocabulary: language points :express.circle. receive leader. medical. Not only but also 教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:临泽 九 年级英语教学设计Teaching contentUnit 8 It must belong to Carla.SectionB(3a-selfCheck)课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 6课时授课人Knowledge aims1. Key Vocabulary intheneighborhood wearsuchcolorfulclothes eatsweetfood rockmusictalktosb.onthephone beatwork runningshoes2. Finish off the Self Check Ability aimsTrain students writing skill .Emotional aims正确使用情态动词推测身边发生的事 .Key points1. Key vocabulary2. Finish off the Self Check correctly.Difficult points1. Finish off the Self Check2. Train students writing skill.Teaching methodsPracticing and WritingTeaching tools ppt Teaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewKey Vocabulary: intheneighborhood wearsuchcolorfulclothes eatsweetfood rockmusictalktosb.onthephone beatwork runningshoes Step II :New lesson1. Presentation:回顾语法重点.说出情态动词表推测的用法,并完成句子。A:Whoishe/she?B:He/Shecantbe_,because_./He/shecould/mightbe_,because_./He/Shemustbe_,because_2. 3a. Read through the article in 3a on page 59 again. What do you think the noises could be ? List all your ideas . See who in your group can come up with the most imaginative explanation.3. 3b . Look at this newspaper headline and finish the article about the strange happenings. Then ask some students to read it out in class.4. Self Check . 1). Fill in the blanks with must , might , or cant Ask students to finish off the Self Check in five minutes . then check answers: 1.cant.2.may.3.must4.might5.cant2). Look at the chart and write sentences for the things below. It cant be Mikes . He doesnt like to watch movies. It must be Todds . Because he likes to play the piano.Then ask some students to read out in class.Step III: Practice:单项选择1.There is a pen on the ground . Is it Li Longs ? -It _ Li Longs . He went to Beijing many days ago . A. can be B. cant be C. must be D. might be 2. Lin, is this Bens book ? No , it _ be his . Hes too young to read it . A. mustnt B. cant C. might D. can3. Amy likes dancing . She must be very good at dancing. -So _I. A. can B. have C. am D. is 4. Its a fine day. You _ take an umbrella with you. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt5. This pair of shoes _ Deng Huas . Theyre too big for her. A. might be B. cant be C. must be D. belong to Step IV: Summary Must be cant be might be may be Step V: homework:Finish off Exercises I and IV on P99 .二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B (3aShelf Check)Key Vocabulary: Grammar:wearsuchcolorfulclothes must be -cant be talktosbonthephone is runningshoes may be could be might be 教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:

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