九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7自我复习与检测课件 新人教版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7自我复习与检测课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7自我复习与检测课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7自我复习与检测课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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自我复习与检测 十四 课内基础盘点 课后能力提升 Unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7 课内基础盘点 自我复习与检测 十四 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1 Thebirdhastwo 翅膀 anditcanflyinthesky 2 Iam 口渴的 Couldyougivemesomethingtodrink 3 Pleaseusethemachineaccordingtothe 指示 wings thirsty instructions 自我复习与检测 十四 4 Theirclassroomissmall 我们的 isbig 5 Holdontoyourdreamsandyoucan 克服 allthedifficulties 6 Mysisterwill 毕业 fromtheuniversitynextmonth Ours overcome graduate 自我复习与检测 十四 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Shehelpedmealot soIwasvery thank toher 2 Themandidn tgiveup Intheend he overcome allthedifficulties 3 Igavehimacallandsaid congratulate tohim thankful overcame congratulations 自我复习与检测 十四 4 Mr Greenexplainedittome clear 5 Theteachersencouragethestudents study hard 6 Iamlookingforwardto go toseniorhighschool clearly tostudy going 自我复习与检测 十四 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 在数学课上李老师总是对我们很有耐心 Mr Li always usinmathclass 2 我告诉她无论什么时候 想回来就回来 Itoldhertocomeback to is whenevershewanted patientwith 自我复习与检测 十四 3 自从来到我们学校 杰克就努力学习 Jackhasstudiedhard toourschool 4 请给我解释一下这个问题 Please thisquestion me 5 玛丽参加了英语演讲比赛 并且获得了第一名 Mary part theEnglishspeechcontest and firstplace sincehecame explain to took in won 自我复习与检测 十四 6 首先 请允许我介绍一下我们的客人 pleaseallowmetointroduceourguests 7 谁将负责这项任务 Whowill thetask 8 他们充满活力 渴求知识 Theyarefullofenergyand knowledge Firstofall beresponsiblefor thirstyfor 自我复习与检测 十四 9 我希望能再次见到你们 Ihope youagain 10 我仍然记得他们为我做过的事情 Istillremember forme tosee meet whatthey vedone 课后能力提升 自我复习与检测 十四 2017 滨州完形填空 Thefirstdayofschoolanewclassmatetouchedmyshoulder Hi handsome I mRose Iam87yearsold CanIgiveyouahug Iturnedaroundandfoundalittle 1 ladywithawarmsmile Isaidheartily Ofcourse 自我复习与检测 十四 2 areyouincollegeatsuchanage Iasked Shejoked I mheretomeetarichhusband get 3 havechildren andthentravelaround Noseriously Iasked Ialways 4 ofhavingacollegeeducationandnowI mgettingone shetoldme 自我复习与检测 十四 Overtheyear Rosebecameanicon 偶像 andsheeasilymadefriends Shelovedtodressupandsheenjoyedthe 5 oftheothers AttheendofthetermweinvitedRosetoourfootballparty I llneverforgetwhatshesaid 自我复习与检测 十四 Wedonotstopplayingbecauseweareold wegrowoldbecausewestopplaying Herearethe 6 tostayingyoung Youhavetolaughandfindhumoreveryday You vegottohaveadream Whenyou 7 yourdreams youdie There sahugedifference 8 growingoldandgrowingup Anybodycangrowolder Thatdoesn ttakeanytalentorability But 9 requiresfindingtheopportunityinchange Havenoregrets 自我复习与检测 十四 Oneweekaftergraduationthatyear Rosediedpeacefullyinhersleep Shetaughtusbyexamplethatit snevertoo 10 tobeallyoucanpossiblybe 自我复习与检测 十四 主旨大意 本文介绍了一位87岁来上大学的老人Rose 她喜欢交友 喜欢打扮 而且热爱生活 她认为无论人们年龄多大都有权利追逐梦想 自我复习与检测 十四 1 A oldB youngC bigD small 2 A HowB WhenC WhyD What 3 A marriedB dressedC lostD mad 4 A toldB heardC remindedD dreamed 5 A questionB attentionC relationD emotion A C A D B 解析 结合上文中的 她喜欢打扮 可推断 她很享受别人的 关注 故所缺的词是attention 自我复习与检测 十四 6 A secretsB storiesC reasonsD Results 7 A haveB findC takeD lose 8 A inB onC betweenD among 9 A stoppingplayingB havingadreamC growingolderD growingup 10 A earlyB lateC youngD small A D C D B 解析 结合上下文可知 那是保持年轻的 秘诀 故所缺的词是secrets 自我复习与检测 十四 阅读理解 Ithinkthatagreatfriendisagreatartistwhocanchangemyfeelingaboutlifegreatly WhenItalkaboutthepersonwhoinfluencedmemost Imustthinkofmybestfriendquickly WhenIwasinmyuniversity oneofmyclassmatessatbesideme HisnameisWangTao Heismyunforgettablefriendinmylife Heisgoodatstudyandhandsome Everyoneknowsthatheisagenius 天才 ofmyuniversity 自我复习与检测 十四 Heiskind heartedandisalwaysreadytohelpothers Buthedoesn tlikeotherstopraisehim becausehethinkswhathedoesiscommon Thereisanoldsaying Afriendinneedisafriendindeed WangTaosetsagoodexampleinmanypartsinmylife 自我复习与检测 十四 Irememberthatmymathematicswasmediocreatthattime buthewasexcellentinsolvingmathematicsproblems Heoftenreceivedhighscores Ofcourse IwishedIcouldreachhislevel Sincewetalkedalldaylong hewasalwayspatientandpolitetoanswermymathematicsquestions Slowly Imadegreatprogressinmathematics Ipassedtheexaminationfinally Thenwebecamefriendsnaturally Andnow Istillrememberhisstrongwilltostudy 自我复习与检测 十四 Weknowthatweliveinasociety soweallneedalotoffriends Therearetwokindsoffriends goodandbad Badfriendsmaymakeourlifefailed whilegoodonesmakeourlifesuccessful Tome WangTaoisaverygoodfriend Ilearnedsomanyadvantagesfromhim andIchangedmoreandmoreexcellently Weseparatedthreemonthsago NowImisshimverymuch andIhopethatourfriendshipwillcontinuetobejustasstrongafterwegraduate 自我复习与检测 十四 1 Thewriterbelievesthatanexcellentfriend A isamanwhoworksonartB canchangehislifeslowlyC caninfluencehisideaaboutlifeD mustthinkofhimquickly C 自我复习与检测 十四 2 WhichofthefollowingaboutWangTaoisNOTtrueaccordingtothepassage A Hehasastrongwill B Heiswarm hearted C Heisgoodatmath D Helikesartverymuch D 自我复习与检测 十四 3 Theunderlinedword mediocre mostprobablymeans A badB notverygoodC thebestD verygood B 自我复习与检测 十四 4 Inthefifthparagraph thewritermainlysuggeststhatweshould A makegoodfriendsandlearnfromthemB havetwokindsoffriends goodandbadC makeourbestfriendssuccessfulD makefewerbadfriends A 自我复习与检测 十四 5 What sthebesttitleforthepassage A MyUniversityLifeB AnUnforgettableFriendC HowtoMakeFriendsD HowtoLearnMathWell B

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