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人教版2020年英语中考模拟冲刺(四)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)what do you think of your classmate Jane?I like her very much. She is friendly and others.A . picks upB . shouts atC . waits forD . cares about2. (2分)Many teenagers _ the old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses. A . agree withB . worry aboutC . laugh atD . care for3. (2分)The Chinese _ fireworks at night to celebrate a new year. A . let offB . take offC . turn offD . put off4. (2分) I decide to set off at six oclock next morning.Have a good trip. Next time I will go with you.A . set upB . start outC . set down5. (2分)I wonder what happened just now. A . want to knowB . want to guessC . want to plan6. (2分)Peter, _ you _ your homework?Not yet, Ill do it at once.A . have; finishedB . Did; finishC . Will; finish7. (2分)Im looking forward _ the Great Wall.A . visitB . to visitC . to visitingD . for visiting8. (2分)How great the driver was! He _ to avoid an accident this morning.A . managedB . refusedC . continued二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Your grandpa is so funny.Yes, he always tells me _.A . newsB . plansC . jokes10. (2分)If you always yourself with others, you may have much stress.I agree. We should believe in ourselves.A . compareB . communicateC . connectD . consider11. (2分)How was your listening test last week? Oh, I couldnt feel _. I made few mistakes in it.A . betterB . bestC . worseD . worst12. (2分)We should try to help the _ because they have an illness which makes it difficult for them to move around.A . disabledB . worriedC . moved13. (2分)What do you _ Chai Jing documentary(纪录片)“Under the Dome”?A . findB . think ofC . think aboutD . like14. (2分)Thank you so much for my mistakes in the homework. A . giving outB . looking outC . pointing outD . picking up15. (2分)- Im sorry Im late the traffic was terrible.- _. The traffic situation is getting worse these days.A . Thats OKB . Youre welcomeC . I dont think soD . Please go ahead.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was about twelve, I headed to a restaurant for dinner with my family. It was winter, and on that particular night, the 1was really blowing hard.As my mom and I headed towards the restaurant from our car, a girl about my age2her mother came up to us. They asked if we had any spare change. My mom immediately asked where they kept their things. They pointed to an old car in a parking lot across the street. The girl said there were 3 of them living in that car.My mom said she had something to do 4 handing the people a few dollars. She sent me inside the restaurant with my dad and my three siblings. But she didnt come with us.Later, I 5 that she had gone home and emptied our cupboards into a few bags. Then, she brought the bags of food to the family. I wasnt there when 6 happened, but I can imagine the joy it brought to their faces.A few days later, when I learned about what she had done, I 7her why she helped those people. She told me that they were not lucky. I remember the face of that girl who had asked us for change she was the same 8as me, yet we looked so different.Here I stood, dressed in almost new clothes, headed to dine in a restaurant and then went back home to the bedroom I 9 with my younger sister. I remember thinking that the girl didnt have any food to eat, and she was heading back to a cold car shared with five other people.After painting this picture in my mind, I 10 why my mom had done what she did. I will never forget what she did that night, and how she taught me one of the best lessons I ever learned.(1)A . wind B . rain C . snow D . cloud (2)A . of B . or C . by D . with (3)A . four B . five C . six D . seven (4)A . if B . before C . unless D . after (5)A . handed out B . looked out C . found out D . gave out (6)A . what B . that C . this D . one (7)A . asked B . told C . knew D . talked (8)A . year B . size C . age D . grade (9)A . worked B . decorated C . studied D . shared (10)A . forgot B . understood C . remembered D . wondered 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)17. (10分)阅读理解 The 30th Olympic Games was held from July 27th to August 12th in 2012 in London, United Kingdom. London has hosted the modern Olympic Games three times in the history of Olympic Games. The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of June, 2011. The journey takes about five hours. The train can reach speeds of up to 380 kilometers an hour. The passenger volume (容量) is expected to reach 160 million a year, marking(标志) a great step in Chinas Railway development. The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20th FIFA World Cup, an international association football tournament that will take place in Brazil from June 12th to July 13th in 2014. This will be the second time the country has hosted the competition, the first being the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Brazil will become the fifth country to have hosted the FIFA World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and Germany. It will be the first World Cup to be held in South America since the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina.(1)The 30th Olympic Games was held in _.A . ParisB . LondonC . BeijingD . Tokyo(2)How many times did London host the modern Olympic Games?A . 1.B . 2.C . 3.D . 4.(3)The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of _, 2011.A . JuneB . JulyC . AugustD . September(4)The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held in _.A . BrazilB . MexicoC . ItalyD . France(5)The country hosted the competition for the first time in _.A . 2014B . 2011C . 1978D . 195018. (10分)阅读理解Mountain Sports CenterOpen Daily9 AM.to 9 PM.OPENINGSATURDAY,MAY 14 All activities and equipment(设备)in Mountain Sports Center are free to the public.Come and enjoy:2 Baseball Fields Walking/ Jogging Track6 Soccer Fields Skateboard Park4 Tennis Courts Gymnasium(健身房)8 Basketball CourtsOpening ActivitiesHealthy fun for the whole family!Free live music and healthful snacks and drinks!First door prize:A bike.Second door prize:A skateboard.Free soccer classes for players ages 5 to 10 by Thunder coach Todd Barnett.Participants(参与者) will receive a free Thunder Tshirt.Join the Mountain Summer Sports Leagues.Teams are forming for beginners (ages 810); teens and adults.Ask Mr Jackson in the gymnasium for information on exercise and fitness classes in order to make this your healthiest summer ever.(1)When is the opening of Mountain Sports Center? A . Saturday.B . Saturday,May 14.C . From 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.(2)Whats the first door prize? A . A skateboard.B . A baseball.C . A bike.(3)How old are the players for free soccer classes? A . 5 to 10.B . 8 to 12.C . 5 to 15.(4)Where can we get information on exercise and fitness classes? A . In the skateboard park.B . In the gymnasium.C . In the sports field.(5)How many opening activities are there in Mountain Sports Center? A . 7.B . 4.C . 5.19. (10分)阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。BWe are excited when we reach our goals, and at that moment we laugh, clap, even are over the moon. Without doubt, good results make us joyful. However, we can not always get what we want and be the winner all the time. Some people cant help doubting, Are our efforts in vain?The answer is No. We should remember that we are not only measured by how many goals weve reached, but also by how weve acted, which means the process(过程)is also important.Here is an example. Fruit is delicious. It takes trees a long time to bear it. In the process of growing, trees have to suffer from bad weather, insect bites and also intentional destruction(故意破坏) from human beings. So it is with us. Our life is like a journey. At the beginning, we set a destination(目标), dreaming of it every night, but we should never forget that we spend most of our time on the journey. Unfortunately, many people only complain about the failure and then give up hope. In fact, it is failure that teaches us to be brave and stand on our own feet.I myself deeply believe that only those who have experienced a lot can own the highly-valued character; only those who have taken a lot of adventures can have the chance to succeed. As the saying goes, No pains, no gains. We are still young, still full of energy, so why are we afraid of failure and why do we hesitate(犹豫) to take an adventure?Young men, lets forget results, leave out pains, and just look forward and dont miss any chance on the journey!(1)Reaching our goals will make us _.A . laugh at othersB . be over the moonC . asset another goalD . forget our efforts(2)What does the underlined phrase in vain mean in Chinese?A . 值得B . 益处C . 高效D . 徒劳(3)The writer gives an example of fruit in order to say _.A . fruit is deliciousB . people can also suffer a lot in life C . its hard for a tree to bear fruitD . we should grow trees to get good fruit(4)Only those who _ will get the good character.A . have gone through a lotB . work very hardC . believe that things will be better and betterD . believe in themselves(5)Whats the best title for this passage ?A . Stand on Our Own FeetB . Process Is Also ImportantC . Dont Doubt YourselfD . Failure Is the Mother Of Success20. (10分) Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Mens Basketball Team, served the Huston Rockets in NBAThe 2.26 m, 120 kg center(中锋) becomes the first one to come from a foreign teamYao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Womens TeamHis father played basketball, tooYao Ming is widely known in ChinaHe came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association (联赛)Its short for CBADuring the 20002001 season, he did very wellHe got 271 scores for the Shanghai Oriental (东方) Sharks in every matchYao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002He said this was a new start in his basketball lifeHe would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himselfSport analyst (分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential (潜力), the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball”(1)The Houston Rockets is the name of a _ team A . table tennisB . volleyballC . basketballD . baseball(2)Both Yao Mings father and mother were _A . football playersB . basketball playersC . the centers of the Chinese National TeamD . teachers(3)Yao Ming _ in CBA during the 20002001 seasonA . did badlyB . did wellC . was commonD . was not(4)Yao Ming _ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002A . did his best to joinB . was well-know inC . became a member ofD . left(5)Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _A . learn from the NBAB . change the future of basketballC . improve himselfD . becoming an American21. (10分)根据短文理解完成下列各题。CIn order to safeguard(保证) the education of all Hope Chinese School (HCS) students and the normal running of the school, the following rules should be followed: Be quiet in classroom and hallways. Do not run or shout in classrooms or hallways. Do not drink or eat in classrooms or hallways. Stay in the school during school time as well as rest time. Do not leave the school or play out of the school area during school time. This includes rest time. Do not scribble on any desks or walls. Be respectful(尊敬) to teachers and parents. Help teachers and other students to keep the classroom clean. Do not move desks, chairs, and other furniture in the classroom without the teachers instructions.(1)Students in HCS can in classrooms.A . runB . readC . shoutD . eat(2)Students cant during the time between classes at HCS.A . playB . leave schoolC . speakD . stay in classrooms(3)The underlined work “scribble” means “ ” in Chinese.A . 肆意摇晃B . 随意拿走C . 乱写乱画D . 胡乱搬动(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Looking after school furniture.B . Keeping the classrooms clean.C . Respecting teachers.D . Doing homework.(5)The best title for this passage is “ ”.A . Hope Chinese SchoolB . How to Keep the School CleanC . The Rules of HCSD . How to Get on with Teachers五、 语法填空 (共1题;共3分)22. (3分)Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾去过博物馆吗? 点拨:_ 表示去了某地已回来了。_表示去了某地(不在说话地点,可能在去的途中或返回途中)。_表示 在某地待多长时间了(与since, for, how long 等连用)。六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)在初中即将毕业之际,假如你是李明,请你给曾经对你有很大帮助的叶老师写一份感谢信。文章包含以下内容:1. 3年前,你来到新的班级,没有朋友,感到孤独。2. 叶老师鼓励你多交朋友,告诉你学好英语。3. 现在你的变化。(性格变得外向,积极参加各种活动,学习成绩提高)4. 对叶老师表示感谢并祝福老师身体健康。注意:1. 词数100-120,开头,结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。2. 短文必须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使其连贯,通顺。文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。Dear Mr. Ye,How time flies! Ill graduate from the junior school soon,Yours,Liming第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共50分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共3分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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