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沪教版初中英语七年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(1)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Could you please _ your room, Tom? _.A . cleaning, No problemB . clean, CertainlyC . to clean, Of courseD . clean, No. I couldnt2. (2分)The New Year Concert was so amazing that _ left in the middle of it. A . everybodyB . anybodyC . nobodyD . somebody3. (2分)Ms Lee tells us that it always takes hard work to achieve_. So we must work hard. A . successB . treasureC . relationshipD . pressure4. (2分)There is an oil painting show of the city development. Shall we go for it tomorrow? _A . It doesnt matter.B . Great idea.C . Not at all.D . My pleasure.5. (2分)If you are too nervous, you can listen to some light music to _. Thats a good idea.A . spreadB . wonderC . relax6. (2分)After school, I often play table tennis _ half an hour and then go back home. A . toB . inC . forD . past7. (2分)_ does Li Ming usually do in the evening? He usually writes his homework.A . HowB . WhyC . WhatD . When8. (2分) Jack on with his work or to have a rest? A . Did; went; stoppedB . Did; go; stopC . Did; went; stopD . Did; go; stopped9. (2分)My family and I _ in the mountains on vacation yesterday,but Sally_ at home,and she cleaned the house. A . was; wasB . were; wasC . are; amD . was; were10. (2分)When should I hand in my paper? You must _ as soon as the bell _.A . hand it in; ringsB . hand in it; will ringC . hand it in; will ringD . hand in it; rings11. (2分)Is this crayon Linglings? Yes, its _.A . hisB . mineC . hersD . her12. (2分)My school is beautiful, I like_. A . itB . thisC . thatD . its13. (2分)I can see two _ and three _ in the picture. A . cows; sheepsB . cows; sheepC . cow; sheepD . cow; sheeps14. (2分)My pen is on the desk. Where is _? Oh, _ is over there.A . yours; mineB . your; myC . yours; yoursD . you; I15. (2分)一 Is this your book? No, it isnt. _ is over there.A . MyB . MineC . I二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 A great way to limit(限制) your impact(影响) on the planet is to follow other animals way of eating. Squirrels(松鼠), 1, eat nuts close to their tree houses. Elephants eat trees or plants that 2around. What these animals are doing is eating in season and locally. We can do the same.Most of our favourite fruit and vegetables have their own natural seasons. Modern farming techniques make it 3for us to eat all kinds of things any time of the year. However, 4we eat our food in their natural seasons, we will save more energy.Eating locally means eating things that are grown close to your home. It will lower the impact that you and your eating 5have on the environment. An easy way to 6local produce is to shop at a nearby farmers market.One of the best things you can do is to grow your own food. It may seem like a lot of 7but people and communities all over the country grow some or all of their own food.There are many 8to grow your own food. By doing this, you can 9where your food comes from. Besides, you can make sure that your food is fresher. It can 10weeks for the food to get from the farm to the supermarket. By growing your own food, those weeks become just days, hours or even seconds. Now thats fresh!(1)A . as a result B . in fact C . at least D . for example (2)A . stay B . move C . go D . grow (3)A . possible B . dangerous C . difficult D . boring (4)A . whether B . if C . since D . while (5)A . habits B . places C . tools D . reasons (6)A . make B . get C . sell D . borrow (7)A . health B . fun C . work D . service (8)A . ideas B . messages C . advantages D . rules (9)A . think about B . talk about C . worry about D . learn about (10)A . spend B . take C . cost D . pay 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 When Carson Palmer, a professional American football player, hurt his arm a few years ago, he took a week off to stop throwing the football. But in his head, Palmer practiced every day. The following weekend, Palmer had the best game of his life.For more than a century, scientists have been trying to understand how this mental training works. In the 1930s, researchers proved by experiment that when youre imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles which are too weak to tighten the muscles but might help train the body to perform. In other words, mental practice might create a plan in your head, like a how-to guide for a special skill.Sports researchers have done hundreds of studies comparing imagined and physical practice for actions. In short, the studies show that mental training works. A 2012 study compared 32 nonprofessional golfers with another 32 who only imagined their action. Under the same training program, both groups improved their skills.Imagination has advantages over the real thing: You can do it anywhere and any time. It is safe-a main advantage for people such as gymnasts and doctors. And you can practice for longer periods of time because youre not controlled by physical tiredness. Thats not to say its easy. weve had Olympic-level sportsmen sitting in our laboratory, imagining for two hours, says Tadhg Macintyre, a sports researcher in Ireland. When were done, theyre completely tired.It doesnt work for everyone, though. If youre a beginner, the influence can be harmful, warns Macintyre. If youre trying to imagine a free throw, and you dont even know the proper movement, then youre probably going to mentally practice the wrong skill, and your skill is going to be impaired.(1)How does mental training act on ones physical practice? A . Taking a week off from being tired.B . Performing the action before imagining.C . Using imagination to guide ones body.D . Buying a how-to guide before mental training(2)What do we know about imagination training? A . It is not influenced by time and space.B . It is easier to do than real practice.C . It is more useful for golfers.D . It is fit for everyone.(3)What does the underlined word impaired in Para. 5 mean? A . weakenedB . masteredC . testedD . improved(4)What can be the best title of the text? A . A New Way of Doing SportsB . Advantages of ImaginationC . Methods for Mental PracticeD . Mental Training Makes You better?18. (10分)阅读理解 Life in the future will be different from life today. But what will the change be?The population is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in school then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruits and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.(1)In the future there will be _. A . much more fruitsB . more peopleC . fewer people(2)Every family will have at least one _. A . robotB . computerC . TV set(3)In the future people dont have to_. A . work long hoursB . work fastC . walk on foot(4)People may not eat _ as much as they do today. A . fruitB . fishC . meat(5)One big problem in the future is that _. A . many people dont have to workB . many people will not be able to find workC . people have to work fast19. (10分)阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正、误。 Larry and Jo Ann were an ordinary couple. Like any other couple, they made efforts to make ends meet (收支相抵) and do the right thing for their children. They often argued about what was wrong with their marriage and who was to blame (责备). They wanted to make changes. You know, Jo Ann, Ive got a magic chest (衣柜) of drawers. Every time I open them, theyre full of clean clothes, Larry said. I want to thank you for filling them all these years.Jo Ann stared at her husband and felt strange. This wasnt the first time Larry had done something strange recently, so Jo Ann forgot it quickly. But it happened again a few days later. Jo Ann, that was a great dinner, Larry said one evening. I appreciate all you have done in the past 15 years. You have cooked lots of delicious food for me and the kids. Jo Ann was growing worried. Whats wrong with my husband? she wondered. Day in and day out, Larry continued his praise. Over the weeks, Jo Ann grew more used to her husbands unusual behavior. Her step was now a little lighter and she didnt seem to get upset as often. Larry has never told Jo Ann the reason for his change in behavior. So it will likely remain one of lifes mysteries. But its one Im thankful to live with. You see, I am Jo Ann. (1)Larry and Jo Ann lived a rich life but they used to argue a lot about the money. (2)To Jo Anns surprise, Larry began to appreciate what she did for the family. (3)In return, Jo Ann also expressed thanks to her husband. (4)Jo Ann didnt understand her husbands behavior, but she liked the change. (5)From the passage, we can learn that we shouldnt be stingy (吝啬) with praise, instead we should appreciate those around us for what theyve done for us. 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)Whats your e-mail _? I want to send something important to you. 五、 语法填空 (共10题;共12分)21. (1分)Can I _(help) you? 22. (1分)The blue pen is _(he). 23. (1分)It is funny. Peters hat is on _ head, but he is looking for _. 24. (1分)Open _ (you) eyes (眼睛). 25. (2分)Mikes hobby is playing basketball. _ is listening to the music. (I) 26. (2分)This isnt _knife. _ is green. (she) 27. (1分)Mr. Green is _ (we) English teacher. 28. (1分)_ dont have the exercise books, please hand out(分发)to them. (填人称代词) 29. (1分)We should avoid _(make) the same mistake again. 30. (1分)Im interested in the _ (invent), and I think it is useful. 六、 句型转换 (共5题;共11分)31. (3分)The boy is near the tree. (同义句转换) The boy is _ _ the tree. 32. (2分)Our lessons start at eight oclock. (对画线部分提问) _do your lessons_?33. (2分)连词成句 (1)write, can, with, my, I, fingers (2)mouth, with, talk, can, I, my (3)English, can, I, speak (4)noodles, for, you, can, I, make (5)good, player, am, a, football, I 34. (2分)I have collected stamps from all over the world. (改为否定句) I_ _ stamps from all over the world. 35. (2分)These are my photos. (改为同义句) These _ are _.七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分)从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A.Its a desk (书桌).B.Yes, you are right.C.Lets play a guessing game first!D.It is a pen.E.Is it a ruler?F.How are you?G.Good morning, teacher!A:Good morning, class!B:_A:Today we will learn about school things (学习用品). _B:OK.A:It is long and thin. What is it?Can you guess?B:_A:No, it isnt. You can write with it.B:Is it a pencil?A:_ Now, its your turn.B:It has four legs (腿). We do our homework(家庭作业) on it. What is it?A:_B:Very good!八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分)看图,用所给出的单词造句(1)father, yesterday(2)spend, $10(3)will, grow up(4)be good for(5)make, wood第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)20-1、五、 语法填空 (共10题;共12分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、六、 句型转换 (共5题;共11分)31-1、32-1、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、33-5、34-1、35-1、七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)36-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、

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