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教学重点:1. Vocabulary NJindoor/outdoorreal reallypossible possibly = perhaps (U5)-y n.- adj.health healthy in good/poor health(XSJ 3.2)sandy(U10) smoky(U11)ease easy rainy/windy/cloudy/dirty/funny/sunny/foggy/noisy(XSJ 3.3)有两组是倒过来的difficult difficulty honest honestyhealthy unhealthypossible impossible(U5) agree disagree/dont agree(U5)XSJtraffic / traffic light traffic jam (XSJ 2.3)please pleasure pleased pleasantstraight adj./adv.ahead adv. go aheadcross v./n. across prep. crossing/crossroad n.prep. along opposite withindistant distance2. language pointsNJ1) adj. + ly - adv.(U8 & XSJ 2.2) 2) have a cold/ fever /stomach ache/toothache/headache /sore throat3) practise doing sth.4) help (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.5) once/twice/three times a week /never/seldom How often How many times (&XSJ 3.2)6) exercise v./n. (& XSJ 2.2)7) would rather和prefer的异同不定代词8) 复习too many和too much too much和much too9) too many/much too few/little = not enough10) more less fewer(U4&U7)Why11) Why? Its because, Im afraid.12) to doXSJ1) 交际用语-感谢、建议、请求2) 如何问路Excuse me, how can I get to?Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to?Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to?Excuse me, can you tell me the way to?3) 如何指路go straight aheadgo alongturn left/right at the traffic lightstake the second turn on your right/leftIts on Nanjing Road. It is on the corner of the street.You cant miss it./You will see it.Its on your left.3. Grammaradj.的比较级 XSJ 2.2教学内容:一、 VocabularyNJindoor/outdoor1. My favourite _(indoor, outdoor)activity is _(see) a film.real adj.真的 _ adv.真地,的确2. I _enjoy the winter holiday. I have a lot of fun.3. Its _cold today.possible possibly = perhaps = probably (U5)4. Judy can _ lend you the book.5. She will_ win the game.straight adj./adv.(XSJ 2.1)6. Grace had long _ dark hair.7. Light travels in_lines.8. How can I get to the zoo? Go_ ahead and you will see it on your right.【拓展】adj. + ly - adv.(U8 & XSJ 2.2) 9. Amy is a top student. She always does her homework_.(careful)10. At first, the wind blows_.(gentle)构成adv.的方式:+ly: clear_ quick_ slow_ sudden_去y +ily: easy_ heavy_ busy_ happy_去e+y: terrible_ possible_ gentle_n. - adj.health n. _ adj.11. If you want to stay_, you have to do more exercise.12. Tom became_ after he joined in the tennis club.13. To keep_,you must do more exercise.【拓展】in good/poor health (XSJ 3.2)sand_(U10) smoke_(U11)noise_14. LeavetheTVdown. Its too_.(noise)ease n. 悠闲,放松 _ adj. (XSJ 3.3)15. Anne was intelligent and passed the exam with_.16. Its _ for me to do the math exercises.rain _ wind_cloud_dirt_sun_fog_fun _17. We used to drive too fast, just for _.18. Dont make _ of me. 拿开玩笑19. Ill tell you a _ story.20. That soundslikealotof_. 有两组是倒过来的:difficult adj. _n. honest adj. _n.21. Sheis workingata_problem inmathematics.(difficult)22. Wecanovercomeany_,howevergreat. (difficult)23. Aboveallwemust be_aboutwhatwedo notknow.(honest)24. I respect(尊重) you for your_.(honest)否定前缀 un- im- dis-healthy _possible _ (U5) agree _/dont agree(U5)honest _ 25. Hehadan_dietandhedid noexercise.(health)26. Nothing is _.(possible)27. Dont be too close with him; hes a_man.(honest)XSJtraffic / traffic lights traffic jams /traffic rules /a traffic accident (XSJ 2.3)28. There is a lot of _in the morning.please v. 使高兴pleasure n. 愉快;荣幸pleased adj. 感到高兴的,感到满意的pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 such a talk/trip/weather29. Its hard to _all.30. Im _with my performance.31. Its always_to do what youre good at doing.32. -Thank you. -Its my_. 我的荣幸33. -Would you help me with my bag?-With _. 非常乐意34. -Is it a great_ to play with the little boy? You two often have such a _talk.-Of course. I am very_ with him.35. ()-Could you help me carry the heavy box, young man?-_.A My favourite.B With pleasureC Youre right.D Dont worry.cross v./n. across prep. crossing/crossroad n._ the roadwalk/run _ the roadat the _distant adj.遥远的 - distance n. 距离36. A_relativeisnotasgoodasanearneighbour.远亲不如近邻37. Its only a short _ from here to the cinema. You neednt take a taxi there.absent adj._ n.38. He made a wonderful story to explain(解释) his _.二、 Language pointsNJ1、 Why? Its because, Im afraid.1. I believe in love because my patents taught me how.(对划线部分提问)_2. I did it because they asked me to do it! (对划线部分提问)_2、 to do 3. People eat rice dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.(划线提问)_ _ people eat rice dumplings?3、 once/twice/three times a week /never/seldom How often How many times (&XSJ 3.2)1. I usually go to the library twice a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do you usually go to the library.2. We go on trips three times a year. (对划线部分提问)_ _ times a year do you go on trips?3. ( )_have you had the medicine today?(现完)A How much B When C How long D How many times【拓展】猜测词义every two weeks = _ a month4、 exercise v./n. (& XSJ 2.2)【互动】引入exercise在操练过程中巩固exercise的不同词性的用法以及play的用法:Why do many people often do exercise?(to keep/stay healthy, become stronger)_Do you often do any exercise? What kind of exercise? Play tennis or play the violin?_How often do you exercise?I _ once a month.Do you often do morning exercises? How often?If you have maths exercises, English exercises and Chinese exercises to do, what will you do first?总结exercise的用法:exercise 作v. How often do you_?exercise作n. How often do you do_?做锻炼 _ U/C?做早操 morning _ U/C?语法练习 grammar_ U/C?热身练习 warm-up _U/C?5、 区分两个“宁愿”:would rather和prefer1) would rather do sth.= prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事,宁愿做某事。 Ive already seen that film, so Id rather _(see) another one. Ill go if youre going. If not, Id rather _(stay) at home. Id like to stay at home , but Max prefers (play) football on Sundays. 【注意】(1) prefer to do sth 不仅有人称变换,第三人称形式是prefers to do sth , 而且还有时态变化, 过去时态为preferred to do sth。 ex.I liked swimming better than skating.(保持句意不变)I _to swim rather than skate.(2) would rather既无人称变化,也无时态变化。 2) 如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿而不愿,与其宁可”的意思时,(1) would rather do A than do B eg.Liu Hulan would rather _(die) than _(give) in.I would rather _(watch) TV at home than _(go) to the cinema. He would rather _(drink) wine than _(drink) beer (2) prefer to do A rather than do Beg.All students prefer_(take) the bus rather than _(walk).(3) prefer A to B接龙游戏eg.I prefer tennis to golfHe prefers wine to beer(4) prefer doing A to doing Beg.Even on holidays Mr. Wang preferred _(read) to _(do) nothing.ex.1. They all liked taking the bus better than walking.They all _ taking the bus _walking.2. ( )1Not all the tourists from Japan _ Western food to Chinese food. (2007年无锡市) A. like B. prefer C. enjoy D. love 3. ( ) I prefer skiing to _. The snow makes me excited. (2007年淮安市) A. cycles B. cycling C. cycled 4. ( )Some of my classmates _ cartoons _ documentaries. (2007年连云港市) A. prefer . to B. would rather . than C. like . better D. like . less 5. ( ) She prefers to eat outside rather than _at home. (2007年甘肃省六市) A. cook B. cooking C. to cook D. cooks 6. ( )Mary would rather _ TV at home than _out. A. to watch ;go B. watch ; to go C. watch ; go D. watching; going 7. ( ) Lily prefers _ a low score rather than _ in the exam. A. to get;cheat B. get;to cheat C. getting;cheating D. get; cheat 选用prefer或would rather来完成句子8. Most Grade 7 students _skating to bowling. However,Grade 15 students_ go bowling than skate. 9. Around 80% of the girls _ go to the cinema than watch TV. 10. Lucy _ red to blue when she was a little girl. 11. On rainy days,Alice _ to do some reading at home rather than go out. 6、 practise help将practise help 填入下表doingto dodo1. Listen to what he says. Then practise _(say) the sentences. 2. We should practice_(speak) English often.3. ( )Have you _yet today?A practice to fish B practiced to fish C practice fishing D practiced fishing4. Do you usually help_(do) the housework at home?互动:What do you usually practice doing after/at school?practice playing the piano将 help 填入下表sb doingsb to dosb dosb with sthaskwant/wouldlet提问学生:What do you usually help your mother/teacher do at home/school?What do you usually help your partner with?在某人的帮助下_the help of Internet, she solved the problem._the help of his friends, his dream came true.不定代词7、 too many/much too few/little = not enough复习too many和too much too much和much too情景讲解 可数名词 太多too many 太少 too few = not enough 不可数名词 太多too much 太少 too little = not enough做这种题目时,两步走:第一步判断可数不可数,第二部判断是太多还是太少,即可得出答案1.You are too thin,you eat _ _.2.Its so crowded.There are_ _people here.3. He always feels lonely because he has _ _ friends here.4.Dont eat _spicy food. Its bad for your stomach.5.Peter doesnt have enough exercise.(同义句)Peter has_ _ exercise.8、 more less fewer(U4&U7)fewer less 相同点:这两个词都是比较级,均表示“较少的”不同点:一个是few的比较级,一个是little的比较级,fewer修饰可数名词的复数,less修饰不可数名词。more是many/much的比较级,更多的,既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数ex.用fewer和less填空1.I earn _money than my sister.2.There are_cars parked outside than yesterday.3.We have_students this year than last year.4.You should smoke_cigarettes and drink _ beer .用more,less或 fewer 填空1.Eat _and smoke _!2.We should drink _ and exercise _ to keep healthy.3.-Oh,I have a headache.-You must watch_ TV.4.She should eat_chicken because she is too fat.A less B more C fewer D a few看图表,用more,less或 fewer 完成练习。 Littleton,New YorkNowIn 100 years time600 houses1000 housesA lot of pollutionAlmost no pollutionSeven schoolsTwo schools2400 people3500 peopleA lot of snowA little snowSix movie theatersTwo movie theatersIn 100 years time1. There will be _ houses.2. There will be _ pollution.3. There will be _ schools.4. There will be _ people.5. There will be _ snow.6. There will be _ movie theaters.XSJ9、 交际用语-感谢、建议、请求Complete the following dialogues with proper words.(完成对话,每空格限填一词)1.-Thank you.-You_ _.2.-Many thanks.-Thats_ _. = Thats _.3.-Thanks a lot.-Its _ _.4.-May I ask you some questions?-Sure. Please_ _.5.-Shall we go there by ourselves?-Thats_ _ _.6.-Lets go to the Chinese restaurant.-_ _.7.Would you help me with my bag?-_ _.10、 如何问路Excuse me, how can I get to?Excuse me, can you tell me how_ _ get to?Excuse me, can you tell me how _(get) to?Excuse me, can you tell me _ _ to?11、 如何指路go straight aheadgo alongturn left/right at the traffic lightstake the second turn on your right/leftIts on Nanjing Road. It is on the corner of the street.You cant miss it./You will see it.Its on your left.三、 Grammar-形容词副词的比较级引入:A jumps higher than B.A runs faster than B.A is stronger than B.1)升级比较 A is/行为动词 + 比较级 + than B请学生写出下列形容词副词的比较级:形容词的比较形式原级比较级一般情况+ eroldtallshortlong_以e结尾+rniceclosewidesafe_一元一辅闭音节结尾,双写尾字母再加erbigthinfatsadslimhot_辅音+y结尾的双音节词把y变i再加ernoisyhealthyhappyeasybusyearly_more+多音节词interestingwonderfulconvenientcomfortableexpensivecarefullyslowlyquickly_interesting_wonderful_convenient_ comfortable_ expensive_ carefully_ slowly_ quickly以ly结尾的副词前面加more,early除外。不规则goodbadmuch/manylittlefarold_/_/_2)形容词的同级比较A is/行为动词+ as + 原级 + as Beg.1. Susan is as _(tall) as Carol2. This shirt is as _(cheap) as that one.3. He runs as _as I.(slow)ex.1. Miss Chen is _ _than Mr. Wang. (popular) 2. Mr. Lin is _ than Mr. Brown. (sad) 3. The basketball is _ than the baseball. (big) 4. Question A is _ _ than Question B. (important)5. A rose is _ _ than a weed(野草). (beautiful)6. Taking a taxi is an _ way to get to the airport. (easy)7. She is_ than all the other students. (young)8. Tom drives much _ _ than John. (careful)9. The white flower is _ (beautiful). The yellow flower is _ (beautiful)than the white flower.10. Every morning I get up as_(early)as Sam.3)形容词的降级比较A is not as/so +原级 + as BA is less + 原级 + Beg.1. The white shirt is not as expensive as the black one.-The white shirt is_less_ _ _ expensive _ _ _than_the black one.-The white shirt is _cheaper_ _ _than_ the black one.-The black shirt is_more _ _ _ expensive _ _ _than_the white one.ex.2. Toms diet is not as healthy as Jackiess.- Toms diet is _ _ _ Jackiess.- Toms diet is_ _ Jackiess.- Jackiess diet is _ _ Toms.eg.3. Mackie runs faster than Jack- Jack doesnt run as fast as Mackie.ex.4. A jumps higher than B.-B_ _ as high asAex.1. ( )You are_as your cousin.A healthier B less healthy C as healthy D so healthy2. ( )Lucys diet is less _ than Alices.A healthy B healthierC unhealthier D health3. ( )Fat and sugar_healthy than fresh fruit and vegetables.A is less B are less C are more D is more四、 ReadingI Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used onceStep1:判断词性Step2:判断句意A to B talking C themD orE theyF membersMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friendsThey believe that their family _1_, and especially their parents, dont know them as well as (和一样)their friends doIn large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters _2_ fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for adviceIt is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a circle of friendsEven when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time _3_ among themselves on the phoneThis communication is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family membersHowever, parents often try to choose their childrens friends for _4_Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friendsThe questions of choice(选择) is an interesting oneHave you ever thought of the following questions?Do you choose your friends _5_your parents choose them for you?Have you got a good friend your parents dont like?Your answers are welcome.II Choose the word or expression and complete the passage Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(首字母填空)Everybody wants to be healthy.And healthy food is very important for our h_1_.You can have more bananas,apples,oranges,tomatoes and lettuce b_2_fruit and vegetables are good for you.But dont eat too m_3_meat and chocolate.Its not good for you.Healthy food can help you g_4_ and make you strong and happy.Remember there is a saying,An apple a day k_5_the doctor away.Sports can also keep you healthy.Get up early and do some sports every day.Dont be l_6_!Then you will be healthy and happy.1._ 2._3._ 4._5._6._ Answer the questionsAlmost everybody likes to play. All over the world men and women,boy and girls enjoy sports and games. Sports and games help to make people strong and healthy.Many people like to watch others playing games.They buy tickets to watch the games and they often support one player or team against another.They are very happy when “their” player or team wins. Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer .Swimming is fun in summer,but skating is good in winter. Games and sports often grow out of the work people do. The Arabs are famous for their horses and camels. They use them in their work, and they use them in their sports, too. Hunting and fishing are very goood sports-but lots of people hunt and fish for a living. Some sports such as ball games are so interesting that people all over the world like to play them.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other,but after a game on the sports field they often become good friends.1. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports and games?_2. Do people play the same games in winter and summer?_3. Where do games and sports come from?_4. Can people from different countries become friends after the game?_5.How do people feel when “their” player or team wins?_ Leisure TimeRabbit: Are you sure this bottle of special carrot juice will cure me?Doctor: Absolutely. No rabbit ever came back for another.PigorWitchAmanisdrivingupasteep,narrowmountainroad.Awomanisdrivingdownthesameroad.Astheypasseachother,thewomanleansoutofthewindowandyellsPIG!Themanimmediatelyleansoutofhiswindowandreplies,WITCH!Theyeachcontinueontheirway,andasthemanroundsthenextcorner,hecrashesintoapiginthemiddleoftheroad.Ifonlymenwouldlisten.NOTES:steep adj.陡峭的leanoutof身体探出yell 大喊witch 女巫Ifonly 要是就好了keys:health because much grow keeps lazyBecause sports and games help to make people strong and healthy.No,they dont.They grow out of the work people do.Yes,they can.They feel very happy.

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