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必修五词汇篇同步词汇及短语精讲第一单元1. put forward1) 常见用法:提出(建议、观点等)2) 相关词汇:put oneself/sb./sth. forward 提前;推荐put off推迟put sth. aside把某物放在一边put sth. away放好 3) 扩展辨析:look forward 期待4) 造句: 他已提出了新的和平建议。He has put forward new peace proposals. 例题: No one can A a plan better than the one under consideration.A. put forward B. come up C. put off D. put up 2. draw a conclusion1) 常见用法:得出结论2) 相关词汇:arrive at/come to/reach a conclusion得出结论come to conclusion that得出的结论是in conclusion总之3) 扩展辨析:draw an important conclusion 得出重要的结论4) 造句: 我觉得很难下结论。 I find it difficult to draw a conclusion.例题: We D the conclusion that the room must have been empty. A. arrived B. came C. reached to D. drew 3. expose to1) 常见用法:暴露于2) 相关词汇:expose暴露 exposed暴露的expose oneself to将某人暴露于 expose sb. to把某人至于某环境中 3) 扩展辨析:reveal揭露;泄露4) 造句: 让自己多听听音乐也是个好办法 Its also really good to expose yourself to music. 例题: B to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(变异) of genes in human bodies. A. Having exposedB. Being exposed C. ExposedD. After being exposed4. link to 1) 常见用法:连接2) 相关词汇: link up结合link with连接the link between某物之间的联系3) 扩展辨析: connect 连接4) 造句:你怎样连接到它? How do you link to it?例题:We can A our students the school committee through students union. A. link; to B. link; for C. combine; to D. combine; with5. apart from1) 常见用法:除之外2) 相关词汇:fall apart 崩溃set apart 区别take apart 拆开tell apart 分辨3) 扩展辨析:except 除了(不包括在内)4) 造句: 除了博物馆,那里有什么商店呢? Apart from museums, what kind of stores are there?例题: Your composition is good A some occasionally careless spelling mistakes.A. apart from B. besides C. except that D. except 6. strict with1) 常见用法:对严格的短语动词对对对对 2) 相关词汇:be severe on/with sth.对某事严厉 strictly speaking严格地讲3) 扩展辨析:strict in 对某事严格4) 造句: 但是有些时候她对我们要求很严格。But sometimes she is very strict with us.例题: My English teacher, who is strictA us, contributes some articles the newspaper every month. A. with; to B. with; for C. in; to D. in; for7. make sense1) 常见用法:讲得通2) 相关词汇:make up组成 make up for补偿make for走向make out理解3) 扩展辨析:common sense 常识4) 造句: 这一切都开始变得有意义。 It all started to make sense.例题: It doesnt _A_ to me whether he will agree or not.A. make any sense B. make for C. make up D. make up for8. conclude1) 常见用法:vt. & vi. 结束 2) 相关词汇:conclude with以什么结束 conclude a contract 订立合同conclude an agreement 达成协议3) 扩展辨析:conclusive确定性的4) 造句: 我们以这篇文章结束了关于这个主题的系列文章。 With this, we conclude our series of articles on this subject.例题: A: Ann seems to be upset. Whats up? B: She B from the voice on the phone that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores. A. includes B. concludes C. suggests D. contains9. defeat1) 常见用法:vt. 打败 2) 相关词汇:take defeat接受失败 suffer defeat遭受失败3) 扩展辨析:win赢得(比赛,奖项)4) 造句: 他们因为输了而哭泣。They were crying because of the defeat. 例题:No difficulty could A this man since he is so confident and capable. A. defeat B. attack C. win D. overcome10. attend1) 常见用法:v.出席 2) 相关词汇:attend sth. 出席attend (on) sb. 照顾 attend to sb./sth. 致力于;照顾3) 扩展辨析:attendant服务员4) 造句: 他误时了, 以致没有参加那个会议。 He mistook the time and did not attend the meeting.例题: The coach asked his staff to _B_ the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training plans.A. adapt to B. attend to C. refer to D. appeal to11.cure1) 常见用法:n.痊愈 2) 相关词汇:cure sb.(of sth.) 治疗某人某病 cure for sth. 治疗方法3) 扩展辨析:treat 治疗4) 造句: 医生治好了她的癌症 The doctors cured her of cancer. 例题:A:Has the doctor D her illness? B: No, he her but didnt her.A. cured; treated; treat B. cured; cured; treat C. treated the old woman of; treated; cure D. cured the old woman of; treated; cure12. challenge1) 常见用法:n. 挑战 2) 相关词汇:challenge cup挑战杯 take up the challenge迎接挑战3) 扩展辨析:beyond challenge 无与伦比4) 造句: 缩小贫富之间的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一.Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government. 例题: My brother is a shy boy, so it is a great C for him to sing in front of the judges and audience. A. chance B. change C. challenge D. characteristic 13. suspect1) 常见用法:vt. 怀疑 2) 相关词汇:prime suspect 主要嫌疑犯 suspect of 怀疑3) 扩展辨析:question质疑4) 造句:疑人莫用,用人莫疑If you suspect a man, dont employ him; if you employ a man, dont suspect him例题: She strongly C he was lying to her because he was seen with another girl in the street. A. expected B. inspected C. suspected D. accepted14.blame1) 常见用法:v. 指责2) 相关词汇:blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 指责某人做某事 blame sth. on sb. 指责某事在某人take the blame for承担责任 sb. be to blame某人该承担责任3) 扩展辨析:charge指控4) 造句: 决不应该责备她. She was in no way to blame.例题: _B_ for the breakdown of the school computer, Alice was in low spirits. A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame D. To be blamed15.pollute1) 常见用法:vt. 弄脏2) 相关词汇:white pollute白色污染 polluted被污染的 pollution污染pollutant污染物3) 扩展辨析:polluter 污染源4) 造句: 骑自行车是很好的运动;而且还不污染环境。 Bicycling is a good exercise; moreover, it doesnt pollute the air.例题: Parents are afraid that their childrens minds will be C with the violence that they see on TV. A. exposed B. developed C. polluted D. instructed16. handle1) 常见用法: vt. 处理 2) 相关词汇:handle with处理handle with care小心处理 door handle门把手3) 扩展辨析:deal with 处理4) 造句: 洗完手再拿食物Wash your hands before you handle food. 例题: He is a very clever man and can A many tough problems. A. handle B. overcome C. come up D. deal17. announce1) 常见用法:vt. 宣布2) 相关词汇:announcement宣言 announcer宣布者make an announcement做宣言3) 扩展辨析:state 声称4) 造句: 首相宣布她将辞职The Prime Minister announced that she would resign. 例题: Our teacher _D_ to all of us that our team had won the football match.A. told B. spoke C. replied D. announced18. contribute1) 常见用法:vt. & vi.贡献2) 相关词汇:contribution贡献 make contribution做贡献3) 扩展辨析:contributor 捐献者4) 造句: 她给文学刊物投了(几首诗)稿.She has contributed (several poems) to literary magazines. 例题: Many new lines being put into operation _A_ to the breakdown of the subway in Shanghai. A. contributed B. turned C. attended D. devoted19. spin1) 常见用法:vt. & vi. (使)旋转2) 相关词汇:spinner纺纱机spin out消磨,拖延3) 扩展辨析:turn around 旋转4) 造句: 他快速转动自行车的轮子He spun the wheel of his bicycle. 例题: Mother used to _D_ her own thread. A. turn B. circle C. roll D. spin20. reject1) 常见用法:vt. 拒绝 2) 相关词汇:rejective排斥的rejection拒绝3) 扩展辨析:decline谢绝4) 造句: 他向她求婚, 她拒绝了She rejected his offer of marriage. 例题: We _C_ his idea for a music club, and decided to have an art club instead.A. acceptedB. disagreedC. rejectedD. agreed第二单元1. consist of 1) 常见用法:由组成2) 相关词汇:consistently一贯地be consistent with与某物一致3) 扩展辨析:consistence浓度consistent一致的4)造句: 根据原子理论,所有的元素都是由原子所组成的。According to the theory of atoms all elements consist of atoms.例题: The organization _C_ the eight richest countries in the world.A. is consisted ofB. is made up C. consists of D. consists in2. divide into 1) 常见用法:把分成2) 相关词汇:divide sth. in half/ into halves分成两半 divide up分开divide sth between and 从某物中分开3) 扩展辨析:separate 分离4) 造句: 我们分担这工作 We divided the work between us. 例题: We A the job five parts, and each man did one part. A. divided; intoB. separated; into C. divided; fromD. separated; from3. break away (from)1) 常见用法:挣脱(束缚)2) 相关词汇:break out爆发 break into闯入 3) 扩展辨析:break down抛锚break up分手4) 造句: 你能戒掉旧习惯吗? Can you break away from old habits? 例题: A quarrel _B_, which made him _ his family. A. was broken out; break away B. broke out; break away from C. was broken away; break downD. broke down; break out4. to ones credit1) 常见用法:值得赞扬2) 相关词汇:redound to ones credit提高声誉3) 扩展辨析:add to ones credit提高名声4) 造句:你所能给我们的任何帮助都会提高你的声誉。 Any help you can give us will redound to your credit.例题: _B_, child as he was, he handed in the wallet he picked up on the ground the other day. A. To his surprise B. To his credit C. To his joy D. To his sorrow 5. leave out1) 常见用法:省去 2) 相关词汇:leave alone避免打扰leave for离开3) 扩展辨析:leave behind遗留leave sb. doing使某人做某事4) 造句: 他们必须决定省去什么。They must decide what to leave out例题:Lily found one of her friends had been A after she finished the invitations to her wedding party. A. left out B. put out C. picked out D. taken out6. take the place of 1) 常见用法:代替2) 相关词汇:take ones place 取代in place of 代替 3) 扩展辨析:take place 发生4) 造句: 约翰将取代旧经理John will take the place of the old manager.7. attract 1) 常见用法:vt. 吸引2) 相关词汇:attractive有吸引力的attraction吸引力 3) 扩展辨析:tourist attraction旅游景点4)造句: 亮光招引了很多昆虫. The light attracted a lot of insects. 例题: When he was having the exam, a bird in the tree outside of the classroom _A_ his attention, so he failed. A. attracted B. paid C. fixed D. focused8. plus 1) 常见用法:prep. 加上 2) 相关词汇:minus减去plus side好处3) 扩展辨析:in addition另外4) 造句: 二加五等於七 Two plus five is seven. 9. arrange1) 常见用法:vt. 安排2) 相关词汇:arrangement安排arrange to do sth. 安排做某事 3) 扩展辨析:arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事4) 造句: 她在度假前把业务都安排好了.She arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday. 例题: Tom is indeed a good child; he often helps his parents clean and _A_ the bedrooms on Sundays.A. arrange B. manage C. move D. serve10. fold 1) 常见用法:vt. 折叠 2) 相关词汇:fold up折叠fold belt褶皱带fold increase增长3) 扩展辨析:bend 弯曲4) 造句: 那张床可以摺叠。The bed folds away.例题: The audience watched the story _C_ before their eyes. A. folded up B. fold C. unfold D. break out11. delight1) 常见用法:n. 快乐 2) 相关词汇:take delight in享受做某事to ones delight让人高兴的是 3) 扩展辨析:be delighted at sth. 因某事而高兴 4) 造句: 我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了。To our great delight, the day turned out fine. 例题: His parents were B the news that he had won the first prize.A. delighting inB. delighted at C. taking delight in D. taken delight in第三单元 1. take up 1) 常见用法:拿起2) 相关词汇:take in吸收;领会take off起飞;脱下 take on承担;流行3) 扩展辨析:come up 走进;被提出 shut up 闭嘴4) 造句: 我希望他们能接受这个挑战。 I hope that they take up this challenge. 例题: The table A too much room and lets change it for a small one. A. takes up B. takes on C. takes in D. takes off2. lose sight of 1) 常见用法:看不见2) 相关词汇:at the sight of一看见就come in sight看见 3) 扩展辨析:get out of sight看不见了lose ones sight失去视力4) 造句: 绝不要忽略这个事实。 Never lose sight of the fact.例题: The mother saw off her son until he was C . A. at the sight B. in sight C. out of sight D. within sight3. sweep up1) 常见用法:打扫 2) 相关词汇:sweep out清除sweep aside不予理睬sweep off扫去3) 扩展辨析:sweeper 清洁工4) 造句: 拿一把扫帚把那些玻璃扫干净,行吗?Get a broom and sweep up that glass will you? 例题: Lets pile up the fallen leaves in the corner and D the floor. A. sweep out B. sweep off C. sweep up D. all the above4. slide into1) 常见用法:(快捷而悄声)移动2) 相关词汇:slide show幻灯片slide down下滑on the slide日益恶化3) 扩展辨析:slip 滑动;滑倒4) 造句: 他偷偷塞给我一张纸条。He slid a note into my hand.例题: The thief A his office and stole his mobile phone. A. slided into B. slided away C. slided in D. slided5. speed up 1) 常见用法:加速2) 相关词汇:at a/the speed of速度为at speed迅速地3) 扩展辨析:quicken up 加速4) 造句: 你注意到你的呼吸已加快了一点。 You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit. 例题: The train is running C 120 kilometers an hour.A. at a speed B. at the speed C. at a speed of D. on a speed of6. impression1) 常见用法:n. 印象,印记2) 相关词汇:impress给人印象impressive给人以深刻印象的impression on对的印象3) 扩展辨析:give the impression留下印象under the impression在印象中4) 造句: 你对大学的第一印象是什么? What were your first impressions of college? 例题: His heroic action has left a deep C on peoples minds. A. feeling B. emotion C. impression D. likeness7. constant1) 常见用法:adj. 连续不断的 2) 相关词汇:constantly不断地;时常地3) 扩展辨析:permanent永久的;永恒的 steady稳定的4) 造句: 通货膨胀是一种持续的威胁。 Inflation is a constant threat. 例题: Her parents quarrelling with each other A is the main cause of her familys breaking up. A. constantly B. strictly C. hardly D. occasionally8. previous1) 常见用法:adj. 之前的 2) 相关词汇:previous to在以前previous generation前代previous period前期3) 扩展辨析:ago 以前4) 造句: 这是继前一周的降雨之后出奇干燥的一天。It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week. 例题: There were no women in the committee B 1976, but women now are in a majority. A. before to B. previous to C. ago D. earlier9. guide1) 常见用法:vt. 指导 2) 相关词汇:guided有指导的guideline指导方针tour guide导游3) 扩展辨析:lead领导4) 造句: 我们这本10页的指南将会帮助改善你们的生活。Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better. 例题: He was always C by his principle of honesty. A. pointed B. aimed C. guided D. imitated10. lack 1) 常见用法:vt.& vi. 缺乏 2) 相关词汇:lack of不足lack in缺少lack of power缺乏动力3) 扩展辨析:shortage 缺少;不足4) 造句: 尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了那份工作。Despite his lack of experience, he got the job. 例题: Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a B of exercise. A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand11. optimistic1) 常见用法: 乐观的 2) 相关词汇:optimistically乐观地optimism乐观主义 3) 扩展辨析:optimist乐天派optimize使最优化4) 造句: 总统说,她对很快能达成协议持乐观态度。The president says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon. 12. desert 1) 常见用法:n. 沙漠 2) 相关词汇:desert island荒岛3) 扩展辨析:sands 沙滩4) 造句: 工程师们将这条铁路延伸,使之越过沙漠。The engineers carried the railroad across the desert.例题: Many of the partys traditional voters B it at the last election. A. reserved B. deserted C. preserved D. depressed13. instant 1) 常见用法:n. 片刻 2) 相关词汇:instantly一就instant noodle方便面for an instant片刻;瞬间3) 扩展辨析:moment 瞬间4) 造句: 那一瞬间,巴尼很想逃走。 For an instant, Barney was tempted to flee. 例题: As soon as he arrived in the US, Mr. Liu was a(n) B hit among basketball fans nationwide. A. previous B. instant C. uncertain D. optimistic14. settlement 1) 常见用法:n. 定居2) 相关词汇:settle to do决定干settle down定居;专心于come to/reach a settlement with达成和解 3) 扩展辨析:settle down 定居;安定下来; 专心于4) 造句: 总有一天我会想安顿下来,成个家。One day Ill want to settle down and have a family. 例题: With the A of all the difficult problems, the manager seemed quite at ease.A. settlement B. agreement C. advertisement D. replacement第四单元1. concentrate on 1) 常见用法:集中 2) 相关词汇:concentration 专心3) 扩展辨析:focus on集中于4) 造句: 你必须集中全力学习英语。 You must concentrate all your energies on the study of English. 例题: Usually the students cant D their studies when they are hungry. A. insist on B. consist of C. persist in D. concentrate on2. depend on 1) 常见用法:依靠2) 相关词汇:be dependent on取决于dependable可靠的3) 扩展辨析:independent 独立的;无党派的4) 造句: 我妻子女儿靠我生活。My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. 例题: There is a possibility well go, but it all D on the weather. A. relies B. bases C. focuses D. depends3. accuse of 1) 常见用法:因指责或控告2) 相关词汇:accuse sb. of sth./doing sth.指责某人做某事3) 扩展辨析:accused 被控告的 accusation控告4) 造句: 她的助手被警方指控偷窃和诈骗。Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police. 例题: The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and B him of speeding. A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. warned4. so as to 1) 常见用法:为了(做某事)2) 相关词汇:so that以便so far as to到目前为止3) 扩展辨析:in order to 为了 4) 造句: 这位球员只好后退让过对方,以便有向前传球的空间。The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball.例题: A: Shall I turn on the TV, Mom? B: No. You should be quiet B wake up your sleeping brother. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 5. ahead of1) 常见用法:在前面2) 相关词汇:ahead在前的ahead of time提前3) 扩展辨析:get ahead取得进步get ahead of胜过4) 造句: 咱们穿过树林抄近路赶到他们前面去。Lets cut through the woods and get ahead of them. 例题: We work hard in order to finish the work B . A. in advance B. ahead of time C. ahead of D. get ahead6. delighted1) 常见用法:adj. 快乐的2) 相关词汇:delightful令人愉快的delightsome可爱的;狂喜的delightedly高兴地;欣喜地3) 扩展辨析:delight 高兴4) 造句: 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴。 I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted me.7. assist1) 常见用法:vt.帮助 2) 相关词汇:assisted 辅助的 assistance 援助 assistant 助手3) 扩展辨析:help 帮助4) 造句: 请帮助她搬家具。 Please assist her in moving the furniture.例题: Mr. Black is an experienced engineer, and he will be employed to A us in improving our equipment. A. assist B. consider C. provide D. offer8. acquire1) 常见用法:vt. 取得 2) 相关词汇:acquisition获得物acquired taste嗜好3) 扩展辨析:obtain 得到4) 造句: 在她的银幕生涯中,她获得了一个意志坚定、坦率直言的名声。During her film career, she acquired a reputation as a strong-willed, outspoken woman. 例题: He C a knowledge of computers by careful study. A. obtained B. inquired C. acquired D. took9. assess1) 常见用法: vt. 评估 2) 相关词汇:assessment评定assessable可估价的assessor评审员3) 扩展辨析:estimate 估计4) 造句: 他们给他房子的估价为15000元。They assess his house at 15000 yuan. 例题: It is very important to A local government officials. A. assess B. value C. rate D. estimate10. inform1) 常见用法:vt. 通知 2) 相关词汇:informative见闻广博的information信息3) 扩展辨析:informant提供消息者informer通知者4) 造句: 我女儿告诉我她怀孕了。My daughter informed me that she was pregnant. 例题: Please A us of any changes of the address. A. inform B. tell C. announce D. declare11. demand 1) 常见用法:n.要求 2) 相关词汇:demand for对的要求demand of向索取meet the demand满足需要3) 扩展辨析:require 需要 request请求4) 造句: 一种产品的需求往往影响供应。Demand for a product usually determines supply. 例题: Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists A ? A. demand B. requirement C. request D. suggestion 12. approve 1) 常见用法:vt. 批准 2) 相关词汇:approval批准;认可approve of (doing) sth.赞成做某事approve of sb.赞成某人3) 扩展辨析:agree with同意某人4) 造句: 我赞成你的抉择。I approve of your choice.例题: I B your trying to earn some money, but please dont neglect your studies. A. approve B. approve of C. agree with D. approve at13. process 1) 常见用法: n. 过程2) 相关词汇:proceed发生;行进procedure程序;步骤procession队伍;行列proceedings行动;诉讼3) 扩展辨析:course 过程;课程4) 造句: 我迟早要把这一复杂的过程全部告诉你。I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process. 例题: The food we eat is through the whole D_ of digestion, absorption and elimination. A. procedure B. procession C. proceeding D. process第五单元1. first aid 1) 常见用法:急救 2) 相关词汇:aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事with the aid of sb. 借助某人do/give/offer first aid提供急救be a great aid to/for成为大的援助3) 扩展辨析:help/ lend a hand帮助4) 造句: 有很多紧急情况需要迅速的急救治疗。There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment. 例题:A concert was given A the flo

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