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五年级上学期期末词组2016.1班级 姓名 学号 在森林里 一些汤in the forest some soup 害怕的 在房子前面 be afraid in front of the house在树中间 在门旁边 between the trees beside the door 在学校附近 在我的课桌下near the school under my desk在一把尺子上面 找到他们on a ruler find them正好 有just right there be又饿又渴 饥寒交迫hungry and thirsty hungry and cold太软 很硬too soft very hard在我前面 一杯葡萄汁in front of me a glass of grape juice我的表弟 在西方国家my cousin in western countries 在厨房里 在冰箱上in the kitchen on the fridge 带大卫参观 一楼show David around the first floor/ground floor在二楼 第三个教室on the second floor the third classroom荡秋千 推他play on the swing push him太高 非常有趣too high great fun重的 那么重be heavy so heavy多少图书馆 看一看你的故事书how many libraries have a look at your storybook在操场上 再玩一次in the playground play again一个.,另一个. 既没有,也没有one.the other. have no.or.给我一些画 2只脚give me some pictures two feet既不喜欢,也不喜欢 3个大身体dont like.or. three big bodies一个动物朋友 一条短尾巴an animal friend a short tail绿黄相间的 红眼睛green and yellow red eyes大嘴巴 长头发a big mouth long hair两条鱼 晴朗的天气two fish a sunny weather澳大利亚的袋鼠 它的身体the kangaroos in Australia its body他们的手指 农场上的橘子their fingers the oranges on the farm 擅长英语 和她阿姨在一起购物be good at English go shopping with her aunt 看故事书 写故事read a storybook write a story弹钢琴 和刘涛打篮球play the piano play basketball with Liu Tao当心 在冰上的洞look out the hole in the ice看电影 去电影院watch a film go to the cinema喜欢跳舞 一个主意like dancing an idea一个好主意 许多伞a good idea many umbrellas/a lot of umbrellas许多牛奶 喜欢吃大餐much milk/a lot of milk like having a big dinner穿一件橙色夹克 在冬天wear an orange jacket in winter今天下午 溜冰溜得好this afternoon skate well又湿又冷 擅长跑步wet and cold be good at running也会飞 也不会飞 can fly ,too cant fly,either双胞胎的卧室(一间) the twins bedroom 教他语文 一位老作家teach him Chinese an old writer一位美术老师 喜欢鱼an Art teacher like fish喜欢花 喜欢种花like flowers like growing flowers在家工作 帮助病人work at home help sick people在工厂 制造糖果in the factory make sweets一位女警察 一位女医生a policewoman a woman doctor四位男警察 四位男农民four policemen four men farmers在空中的蝴蝶 如此多的轿车the butterfly(butterflies) in the sky so many cars想要一些苹果 想要吃一些苹果would like some apples want to eat some apples三家大的工厂 擅长开车three big factories be good at driving 我的网友 等一会my e-friend(s) wait a minute发送电子邮件给麦克 住在苏州send an email to Mike live in Suzhou和父母住在农场上 12岁live with ones parents on the farm twelve years old来自澳大利亚 在加拿大be from Australia/ come from Australia in Canada去钓鱼 明天见go fishing see you tomorrow别担心 在湖边dont worry by the lake你父母的书 几岁your parentsbooks how old说英语 上语文课speak English have a Chinese lesson变成冰 穿暖和的衣服turn to ice wear warm clothes写英文地址 在小吃店write English addresses at a snack bar许多鱼 等啊等many fish wait and wait我的电子邮件地址 看一部英文电影my email address watch an English film 在周六 在周末on Saturday at weekends我朋友们的祖父母 和一起玩my friends grandparents play with.非常喜欢 在网上like.very much on the Inter net吃许多 吃许多食物eat a lot eat a lot of food吃许多苹果 出去eat a lot of apples/eat many apples get out出来 在那里come out over there拜访祖父母 做回家作业visit ones grandparents do ones homework做家务 喜欢聊天do ones housework like chatting/like having a chat放风筝 去野餐fly a kite have a picnic上舞蹈课 去公园怎么样?have a dancing lesson what about going to the park?和家人吃午饭 和父母看电影have lunch with ones family watch a film with ones parents所有的课桌 种花all the desks grow flowers谁的玫瑰花 杨玲的故事书whose rose(s) Yang Lings storybook(s)夏天来了 孩子们来了summer comes the children come儿童节Childrens Day 圣诞快乐 去看圣诞老人Merry Christmas go to see Father Christmas吃早饭 吃一顿大餐have breakfast have a big dinner/lunch 在平安夜 等候on Christmas Eve wait for等待礼物 在圣诞日(节)wait for presents on Christmas Day早早起床 早早醒来get up early wake up early起床晚 .怎么了?get up late Whats wrong with.? Whats the matter with.?放学后 写信给我们after school/classes write a letter to us/write us a letter吃圣诞布丁 过得愉快,玩得开心eat Christmas pudding have a good time/have a lot of fun买一件外套给她的阿姨 看上去开心buy a coat for her aunt look happy看上去棒 去购物look great go shopping/do shopping一些漂亮的东西 画画some pretty things draw a picture折一张卡片 写你的名字fold a card write your name弄湿你自己 唱圣诞歌get yourself wet sing Christmas songs在上午九点 我最喜欢的颜色at nine oclock in the morning my favourite colour

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