幼儿园大班英语教案play the ball

上传人:大头 文档编号:8644483 上传时间:2020-03-30 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:13KB
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幼儿园大班英语教案play the ball 目标 1 通过摸摸 猜猜 复习巩固学过的单词 football basket ball volleyball tennis和rugby 2 通过运动游戏使幼儿初步掌握短语pass the ball和shoot the ball 3 鼓励幼儿愉快地参与活动 并听懂教师的课堂用语 准备 幼儿人手一球 football basketball volleyball tennis和 rugby个一个 过程 一 greeting 1 good morning boys and girls good morning candy 2 what s the weather like today 3 what s the temperature 4 律动 everybody clap your hands ok now let s warm up 二 review the words 1 count the ball recently we have a lot of balls in our classroom let s count it 2 show the magic bag look at here what s this it s a magic bag there are many kinds of balls inside let s find out 3 review the words football basketball volleyball tennis rugby 三 play the ball 1 take out the ball everyone can take out one ball to play yourself 2 play the ball 3 discuss who can tell me how did you play 四 learn new words game1 pass the ball on your head and pass the ball under your haunch game2 shoot the ball into a basket ring 五 律动 reach the sky

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