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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选外研社八年级下册第三模块第二单元教案设计一、 教案背景1面向学生: 中学 2. 学科:英语2课时:14学生课前准备:1)、Review the new words and expressions.2)、Warming-up: look at the picture and say what it shows.二、 教学课题教养方面:听:熟练理解文本内容,并能通过课文听说训练,理解简单的英语广播播报。说:通过课文文本的学习,辅以问答及讨论的形式反复操练,学会复述课文,并能简单讲述某名人的奋斗史。读:提高泛读能力,掌握文本精华。写:撰写自我感兴趣的广播稿或撰写当前媒体名人的早年经历。 教育方面:在课文文本的学习中,加强团队合作精神,调动学生的良性竞争意识;了解有关电台实况转播的要素,以及技术发明对人类文明发展的切实意义;了解当下名人成名的奋斗史,用理性的思维体会成功光环背后的努力勤奋与付出。三、 教材分析本模块以电台广播活动为话题,通过对广播台的参观,文本主人公幼年时对广播收听的喜爱,长大后从事于广播事业继而成功的一系列事件展开。以求掌握动词不定式及动词的现在分词形式做宾语的句式;把握与电台广播相关的词汇及日常用语;并通过文本的学习能够放眼实事,领会成功人士光环背后所需付出的努力与勤奋。(一)本模块围绕电台播音及广电台的活动而展开,相信学生对此内容颇感兴趣。同时辅以主人公的早年经历为线索,联系现实,阐明兴趣的培养,对事业的执着与努力是将来成功的基础。(二) 动词不定式做宾语结构在八(A)Module 9、10中均有涉足,可通过复习回顾加深学生的印象,但是学生对动词ing形式做宾语的句式掌握不多,故需反复操练;并且可将动词不定式与动词ing形式相结合,采用并行操练的形式,相信会有利于学生更好的掌握。 (三) 掌握文本的相关词汇及日常用语。 (四)掌握动词不定式结构及动词的ing形式做宾语的句式。体会并掌握动词不定式结构多表将来发生之事或目的;而动词的ing形式表示正在进行,或一般性、经常性的行为。可以通过反复操练区分并掌握两者的不同用法。(五)了解动词不定式结构及动词的ing形式间的区别,通过造句或会话操练加深认识。 (六) 领会remember, forget, stop, go on等词后接动词不定式及动词的ing形式后产生的不同含义。 (七) 通过文本学习,正确运用一般过去式描述他人的某段经历并予以表述。 四、 教学方法本模块的话题是广播,具体涉及对电台的简单介绍、收听广播和播音员的职业生活等。教学内容和知识技能都围绕这一话题展开。Unit2 是以为播音员的自述,文章采用倒叙的方式讲述作者进入播音这个行业的求职经历以及作者与播音间点点滴滴的故事。为了让学生尽快进入状态,我采用了图片简介播音室的方式,并由此导入本单元话题Radio times,在阅读部分我分为略读、快速阅读和细节阅读的方式,期间采用了教师点播、小组合作和全体动员等教学方法,以此调动课堂气氛。在对语言点点播时我还辅以对应练习,加深学生对知识的理解,便于学生当堂掌握。五、 教学过程Before class1. Review the new words and expressions2. Warming-up: look at the picture and say what it shows.While classStep 1 Skimming(略读、跳读)Decide where youre likely to read the passage.(那个选项内容与课文符合)a) in a book about the history of radio.b) In the life story of a famous radio presenter.c) In a book on how radio works.Step 2 Fast ReadingRead the passage as quickly as you can and choose the right answer.1. When the writer first met the radio studio manager, he was _. A. fifteen B. four or five C. nine2. How often did the writer play his favourite music from his fathers computer to the listeners? - _. A. For a week. B. Once C. Once a week.3. Who helped the writer prepare the programmes? - His _. A. father B. friends C. teachers4. The writer prepared the programmes about the weather by _. A. listening to the radio B. watching TV C. looking out of the window.Step 3 Careful readingRead the passage carefully and finish Task 1,2,3.Task1. Fill in the chartTime What happened He was four or fiveHe was nine.As he grew older.He was fifteen.Task2. Tell T or F?1. A radio manager interviews the writer. ( ) 2. The writer liked to listen to the radio when he was four.( )3. When the writer grew older, he lost his interest in radio.( )4.The writers radio programmes are about music articles, sports news, jokes and the weather report. ( ) 5. The writer began his work in radio when he was fifteen. ( )Task 3 Answer the two questions1. How do the radio presenters begin work?2. How to do it?Step 4 Language Points Explanation1. the radio studio manager at WXBN looked down at me.look down - “向下看 ”2. look out (for):小心(某物)look out of :向外看Practice:1) Please _ that coming bus, its dangerous.2) Listen to the teacher carefully, dont_ the window,3) _ . The traffic lights are red now.3.When I was about four or five years old, I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters. 解析: remember doing sth. “记得做过某事”(事情做过了) remember to do sth. “记着去做某事”(事情还未做)如:1).离开教室前记着要关掉(turn off)电灯。_the lights before you leave the classroom.2). 昨天离开教室前我记得关掉(turn off)电灯了I_the lights before I left the classroom.4. the voices of :的嗓音sound :(自然界的)声音noise : 噪音Practice:1) I dont like my neighbour. He often makes so much _.2) I like listening to _ my favourite presenters.3) Lets do a _ check.5.(be)close to :靠近The table was close to the wall.6. close down: 停止播音、播出 还有“关闭,停止”的意思, 如:The small shop on the corner has closed down.7. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.解析:1) It seemed that 表示“看起来似乎”的意思, 如:It seemed that he had no money with him.2) in person“亲自” , 如:He went to Yiwu to receive me in person.You can ask him in person.你可以当面问他。8. At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations. ask for jobs - 求职 ask for - 1) 要求得到 2)找,要求见人He never asks for special treatment(待遇).There is a girl at the gate, asking for Miss Li. ask sb. for sth.- 向某人要求某物。Step 5 A Test一、单项选择1 He coughed day and night. His wife asked him_ smoking. A. giving up B. going on C. to give up D. to go on2. The teacher told the students _ football on the street.A. played B. to play C. not play D. not to play3. Jack is very funny. He always makes us_.A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughs4. The woman wants her daughter _ English every morning.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read5.We can use MSN to talk with each other on the internet. Really?Will you please show me _?A. what to use B. how to use it C. where to use it二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He asked us when we (be) going to visit their school.2. I enjoy (help) others with difficulties.3. He needs (do) some reading.4. Remember (turn off) the lights before you leave the room.5. Stop (talk). Its time (have) classes.After class Homework:Think of something you love doing, and imagine you have had a job doing it. Write a passage describing an important event in the past ,and some background information.六、 教学反思收听广播是很多学生日常生活的一部分,也是他们学习和娱乐的一种方式,而播音员的生活对普通人来讲充满着神秘感,能激发学生学习本模块的兴趣,因此本单元进行还算顺利。通过导入阶段,学生很快进入状态,在后面的略读、快速阅读、细节阅读阶段学生都比较配合。本单元主要体现的是小组合作获取文本精华。在这节课中我花的时间最多的就是这个环节,总结了一下,觉得原因还是有很多:1、反馈花了大量的时间,是否可以寻找更好的方法。2、任务分配还没有到位,让学生自由分组,学生比较被动,很难能真正动起来。我想通过这堂课,在以后的班级小组合作中,我还要加强这方面的训练,找一些更为省时的方法,学生之间的配合也需要大量的时间去尝试琢磨。七、 教师个人介绍省份:山东省 学校:青州市绍庄初级中学 姓名:孟凡欣 职称:未定 电话:15854456563 电子邮件:mengtiantian126.com通讯地址:潍坊青州绍庄初级中学个人简介: 孟凡欣,女,2011年毕业于山东理工大学 外国语学院,英语教育系。2011年8月在潍坊青州绍庄初级中学任八年级英语教师。

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