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人教版中学2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语9月考卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Good morning. Can I help you?_.A . No, you cant.B . I dont think soC . Yes. Id like a new flat.D . Help me.2. (2分)Im afraid that l will forget the football game tomorrow evening.You can make a note to remind yourself about it.A . let yourself forgetB . help yourself rememberC . keep yourself away from3. (2分)Going to the movies is good, I really only like listening to music. A . andB . butC . soD . or4. (2分)Our monitor has _ to tell our class teacher. A . important somethingB . anything importantC . something importantD . important everything5. (2分)Carls parents made him _ his homework at home. A . doB . didC . does6. (2分)They _ to the countryside and _ many farms there.A . go; sawB . went;seeC . went, sawD . going; seeing7. (2分)I could hardly refuse _ with him for another day because he said he was very lonely. A . stayingB . staysC . stayedD . to stay8. (2分)Last night I went to bed late, _I am really tired now. A . soB . orC . butD . because9. (2分) _ does Mr. Li drink tea? After lunch.A . HowB . WhereC . WhoD . When10. (2分)Whats this _English? A . inB . ofC . atD . for11. (2分)-Thanks for your wonderful dinner. I have to go now.-Its raining hard. Please _ the umbrella with you.A . takeB . tookC . takesD . taking12. (2分)-Did you have a good May Day holiday? - _. I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach. A . Im afraid notB . Im not sureC . Of courseD . I hope so13. (2分)Lets_ together now.A . go homeB . go to homeC . to go homeD . goes home14. (2分)Do you know how her grandpa passed_?He died _ illness.A . off, fromB . out, fromC . away, forD . away, of15. (2分)is clever of Jane to work out the difficult math problems.A . ThatB . SheC . It16. (2分)Mary, how about _ this afternoon?Good idea.A . go swimmingB . going swimC . to go swimmingD . going swimming17. (2分) Last Sunday was so . I spent all day watching TV at home.一 Me too. I could hardly have anything else .A . bored; doingB . bored; to doC . boring; to doD . boring; doing18. (2分) Youd better not_. You should show good_. OK.I will queue for my turn.A . push in; politeB . carry on; politelyC . push in; mannersD . hand in; manners19. (2分)He _ his watch _ his pocket, and wanted to know the time.A . takesout ofB . tookout ofC . takesout withD . tookout with20. (2分)Almost everyone feels surprised at the result.You can say that again. Angela won first prize without difficulty.A . very easilyB . very hardC . very badly二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Ma Yun became one of 1men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock (股票) market last year with a value of around 140 billionthe largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him on the way to success.Ma made his 2trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After 3for beer, he saw that no results came up about China. Then he searched for China and still saw no results. He decided to set up a Chinese website-the seed for Alibaba was sown (播种).Ma said he was refused many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and 4companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times.5was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager 6limited resources. 7, he found that he could learn English well by 8tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it for nine years. Ma said that tourists opened up 9new world for him.Mas hero is Forest Gump who never gives up. When he made a speech about his 10at Davos (达沃斯论坛) in 2015,Ma said, Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get.(1)A . rich B . richer C . richest D . the richest (2)A . one B . once C . first D . the first (3)A . search B . searching C . searched D . to search (4)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (5)A . This B . It C . That D . Those (6)A . as B . since C . because D . because of (7)A . But B . So C . However D . And (8)A . give B . to give C . gives D . giving (9)A . / B . a C . the D . an (10)A . success B . succeed C . successful D . successfully 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)22. (10分)阅读理解In America, there are chores(杂活) for children of different ages. American people think that its important to tell children their duty in the family.Ages 4-6Ages 6-12Ages 13 and Up-Make their bed;-Clear dishes from the table;-Set the table;-Get the mail from the mailbox;-Take care of pets;-Cook simple food;-Help wash the car;-Vacuum(吸尘) and sweep;-Take out the rubbish.-Wash windows;-Clean out fridge;-Prepare a meal;-Make shopping lists;-Mow the lawn(剪草坪)(1)This passage discusses something about _ . A . American childrenB . children all over the worldC . people all over the worldD . Chinese children(2)Why do American people think children should do chores in the family? A . Because children play all day.B . Because they think children should have good habits.C . Because they think its important to tell children their duty in the family.D . Because parents want their children to be good.(3)If Tom is 5 years old, he can _ . A . Prepare a mealB . set the tableC . wash windowD . Take out the rubbish(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Children should help parents do housework.B . A 8-year-old child can help cook simple food.C . A 11-year-old child can take out rubbish.D . 17-year-old Mary may not be able to wash windows.(5)What does this passage mainly about? A . Why children should do chores.B . What chores should children of different ages do.C . Children have duty in their family.D . American children like doing chores.23. (8分)阅读理解 For years, the word popular, has been demonized(妖魔化)and made the same as mini-skirt-wearing, hair-coloring cheerleader types like Regina George in Mean Girls. Today, teachers and parents inform children that being popularis irrelevant(不相干的), unnecessary and a sure shortcut to upset, misery, and death. And some people describe popular students as the ones most likely to bum out and end up as nobody, while their less well-liked counterparts enjoy a life of wealth and fame.However, the Oxford English Dictionary defines(定义)popularity as: TheState or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people This sounds like a lovely thing, and is not related to such behaviors as burn books” or three-way phone calls in Mean Girls.In fact, it is a truth widely acknowledged that young people who feel liked or supported are more likely to obtain impressive achievements than those who feel lonely, unvalued, and irrelevant socially.So why, then, is popularity given such a bad name? Why is this state of well-likedness so demonized?Basically, the hatred (恨) shown toward what appears to be a very pleasant thing is caused by lack of understanding. When we, as viewers, see characters such as Regina Georges on TV and in films, we recognize them to be popular. These characters, if not exactly liked, greatly admired by their peers(同伴).Our mistake comes when we try to understand their cruel and unkind actions using the deduction(推论)method.Humans are imperfect, and even the most intelligent mind is open to dishonesty through a very small slip in logic. Unfortunately, this occurs here with branding results.We first learn that a character is popular. Since this is important to the plot, it is constantly emphasized, leading it to be the most common thing in our minds when we consider the character.Later, we see that character do something unkind. The characters most noticeable characteristic (in our minds) is his/her popularity. And now the character is mean and unkind. This character is popular.Therefore, we jump to a quick conclusion (结论) that popular people are mean and unkind.Things such as improper behaviors and rumor-spreading are terrible and should always be seen in a very serious light. However, it is important to recognize that these are not the behaviors of popular people, but bullies.So, in summary, do not be afraid to be popular and have many friends. If you are kind to everyone and treat others with respect, there will be few who can criticize you, for being widely liked is not a curse but a blessing. Just remember that being popular does give you a degree of power, and with great power comes a large electricity bill!(1)The writer mentions the definition of popularity in paragraph 2 to _. A . bring up his opinionB . give an exampleC . come to a conclusionD . offer his suggestion(2)What can we learn from the passage? A . Being popular might offer a shortcut to a life of wealth.B . Students who feel supported have a better chance to achieve more.C . Popular students are usually famous but mean and unkind.D . The less well-liked people consider being popular as something bad.(3)Paragraph 4 and 5 are mainly about _. A . the importance of being admired by peersB . the ways to clear up some misunderstandingC . the advantages and disadvantages of being popularD . the reasons why people show hatred to being popular(4)The writer probably agrees that _. A . cheerleader types will surely end up as nobodyB . being popular is unnecessary for most studentsC . treating others with kindness is beneficial to popular peopleD . famous people are likely to make mistakes and be criticized四、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)She always _ the best in people.(bring) 她总是让人表现出最优秀一面。五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Bill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were on v_. They wanted to sail around the Caribbean Sea in their boat _ two weeks.During their trip, they saw many whales(鲸). Bill and Simon were very e_ because they had wanted to see them very much. Unluckily, w_ they were watching them, the whales began to hit(撞) the side of the boat.Suddenly, w_ started to come in, and they realized(意识到) they were in trouble. They _ (quick) jumped into the lifeboat before the boat sank(沉没), and watched it _ (消失) under the sea.Luckily, they had enough food and water for about twenty d_. They also had a fishing line and a machine which could change sea water into drinking water. These two things helped them to survive during their terrible experience.For the next fifty days they caught about ten fish a day and _ (eat) them. They saw about twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted when the ships were passing, nobody saw them. They were becoming _ (weak). Then, just as they were beginning to lose hope, a fishing boat saved them.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)(2017威海)阅读理解DThe kids in my class are doing an experiment. We want to show that you dont need to spend money to have fun. We arent going to buy anything for a whole week! Weve even had some Fun is Free T-shirts specially made. All the money that we save will go to charity. _Day 1: Who needs money when the sun is shining?There was a music festival in the park this evening so I went with my fried Rachel(whos also taking part in Fun is Free week).We met some other friends and had a great time一until it started raining!_Rachel wanted to cheat and get the bus, but I didnt let her!Day 2: The weather was still bad this mornirng and I couldnt even use the Internet because my computer wasnt working. I needed to have it fixed, but it would have cost money, so I asked Jack if he could help. He managed to fix my computer and I lent him some DVDs that he wanted to borrow._what a bargain!Day 3: Today my class had our photo taken by a photographer from the local newspaper!A journalist asked us for some tips on saving money for his article about fun is free week._If theyre in good condition, second-hand book shops will give you cash or other books for them!Day 4: How can you get some new clothes without going shopping?The answera clothes swapping party!_My friends and I had a greet time trying things on at our party and we avoided all the queues at the department stores. I went home with lots of new outfits!Day 5: Well, its the end of this week and Ive managed to save 35! Tonight Im going to have a pizza delivered and rent a DVD to celebrate.I think I deserve it, dont you?根据博文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到博文当中,使博文内容完整。A. We were both happy and it cost us nothingB. Keep reading this blog (博客) to see howit goes!C. The others went to a cafe and we had to walk home!D. Mine was: Dont throw your old books awayE. Everyones got things that they dont wear any more, but that someone else might like.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)27. (1分)一个月前你很高兴结识了一位新朋友,通过和她相处你发现了你们之间的异同。你迫不及待地想和你的笔友Dave分享此事。请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文通过QQ发给Dave。提示:1)Whats your new friends name?2)In what ways are you similar?3)In what ways are you different?要求:80词左右,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hi, Dave! I am happy to say that I made a new friend a month ago._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、四、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)24-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)26-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)27-1、


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