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剑桥少儿英语一级下册各单元知识点汇总Unit1 School opening day.单词:crayon蜡笔 rubber橡皮 toilet paper厕纸 radio收音机 exercise book练习本 picture图片 lemonade柠檬汁 water 水句型:1. Dont worry! 不要担心。2. Nice to see you, too. 也很高兴见到你。3. Nice to see you again. 很高兴又一次见到你。4. It s great to see you. 见到你很高兴。5. Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗?6. -How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样 ?-It was great! 很棒!音标:ee |i:|Unit3 Lunch in the garden.单词:burger汉堡包 chips薯条 noodles面条 carrot胡萝卜 milk牛奶 chicken鸡肉 cookie曲奇饼 sandwich三明治 pizza比萨 pumpkin南瓜 onion洋葱 chocolate巧克力coffee咖啡 butter黄油 sausages香肠 fries薯条 juice果汁 beer啤酒 rice大米 cheese奶酪 hot dog热狗 句型:1.-What would you like? 你想要什么? -Id like 我想要 Can I have? 我可以要些 No Problem 没问题Lets buy. 让我们买What shall we buy ?Any ideas? 我们买点什么?给点建议Im hungry now. 我现在很饿Help yourself ,please! 请自便 音标:Unit4 We are having an English class.句型:Hello ,everyone.Please work in group now.大家好,现在请分组工作。This is long ,which is short?It is over there.这是长的,哪个是短的?它在那边。Where is my shell? 我的贝壳在哪里?It is under your paper . 在你的纸下面。Ah,here it is .thanks.啊,它在这,谢谢。You are welcome! 不用谢!Whats he doing ? 他正在干什么?Hes cutting a new letter .他正在剪一个新的字母。Great !We can play a word game .太棒了!我们能玩单词游戏了。Unit5 lets play with letters.单词:act表演 bend 弯腰 clap 拍手 drink喝 eat 吃 fly飞 hide藏 iron 熨listen听 move搬 nod点头 open打开 queue排队 sleep睡觉 visit 访问句型:1.All the letters are dressed up. Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes.所有的字母都打扮好了,请认真看并把它们的名字写在盒子里。2.You want it .you say it and then you get it.你想要它,你说它然后你就能得到它Unit6 More fun at “Word Factory”. 句型:1.Oh!How happy I am!Ive got a name. 哦,我好高兴啊,我有一个名字了。2.Hi!Which is my name?嗨,哪个是我的名字?3.Just a minute.Its ready. 等一会,马上准备好了。4.Oh,another bad name! 又一个坏的 名字。5.Hey!Please wait!we sound the same!嘿!请等一下,我们听起来很像。6.Well,a little bit.but not the same.是的,有点像,但是不一样。7.Can we be friends? 我们能成为朋友吗?Yes,were in the same family是的,我们是一个家族的。8.Same family word.This way,please.同一家族的单词,这边走。9.This way,please!Meet your new friends!请这边走,见你的新朋友。10.There is a word game book for you!这有一本单词游戏书给你。11.Thank you!谢谢 Unit7 I like this reading-room.单词: hockey 曲棍球 badminton 羽毛球basketball足球 tennis 网球句型:Im coming 我来了.Hi,Zhang Ming!Im here. 嗨,张明,我在这儿。Hi,Come here!Please sit down.嗨,过来,请坐下。This reading-room is very nice.I like it.这个阅览室太漂亮了,我喜欢它。I like this room,too.I come here every day.我也喜欢这个房间,我每天都来这里。Is it ok to say this?这样说行吗?Pardon?What did you say?什么?你说什么?What books do you like reading?你喜欢看什么书?I like picture books.我喜欢画书Which book would you like to read?你喜欢看哪种书?Id like to read a book on animals.我喜欢看关于动物方面的书。I love animals.我爱动物我喜欢看关于动物方面的书。I love animals.我爱动物Unit8 Our colour fair.句型:1.Im learning colours.I become smart.I put the colours in my head.I know them all by heart.我正在学习颜色,我变聪明,我把这些颜色记到脑子里了,我用心记住它们。2.Which coloured balloon do you want?你想要哪种颜色的气球?3.Yellow,please.green,please.黄色的。绿色的。4.Which colour parrot do you like?I like this blue parrot!你喜欢哪种颜色的鹦鹉?我喜欢蓝色的。5.Which colour do you want to see?Red!想看到什么颜色?红色。Unit9 Let us smell the flowers.单词:riding a bike 骑自行车 playing on the see-saw玩跷跷板 talking 说话 shining 照耀 painting a picture 画画 catching a butterfly 捉蝴蝶kicking a ball踢球 having lunch 吃午饭 taking a photo照相smelling the flowers闻花香句型:Its a nice day ,isnt it ?今天是个好天气,不是吗?Yes ,it is .是的,是。Look,lots of children are playing in the park .看,很多孩子在公园里玩。Yes ,they are smelling the flowers .是的,它们在闻花香。Lets go and join them .咱们去加入。Good idea . Lets go .好主意,走吧。Unit10 Numbers in our lives.单词:Phone numbers电话号码 your birthday你的生日 Room number房间号 Lucky number幸运数字 Car number 车牌号 Flat number公寓号 Classroom number教室号 Mothers birthday妈妈的生日 Mobile phone number 手机号 Street number 街道号码Fax number 传真号Page number 页码句型:Have you ever read this book ?Whats it about ?你曾经读过这本书吗?它是关于什么的?Its about它是关于Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites.句型:What can you see in the park?在公园里你能看到什么?I can see an old man and a young boy.我能看到一位老年人和一个年轻男孩Part 5 chant 会背Unit12 I likepaper-folding lessons. 单词:circle 圆 ring 圆 square正方形triangle 三角形 rectangle 矩形 star 星形 pentagon五边形句型:May I? 我可以吗?Here you are! 给你!There be 句型巩固Unit13 Happy Childrens Day.短语:see a puppet show 看木偶剧 go boating 去划船 play table tennis 打乒乓球go swimming 去游泳 go bike-riding骑自行车 ride a horse 骑马fly a kite 放风筝 open the door开门 cook 做饭 feed a bird 喂鸟 play the piano 弹钢琴play the guitar 弹吉他 paint your own face画脸句型:Whats next ? 下一个是什么?Its the rabbit and the turtle .这是兔子和乌龟How do you spell turtle ? Turtle怎么拼?T-U-R-T-L-E.What often do you do on childrens day ?儿童节你经常干什么?I often go boating .我经常划船。Unit14 A birthday party.短语:make a birthday cake做生日蛋糕 light candles 点蜡烛give a present 给礼物 sing a birthday song 唱生日歌 make a wish 许愿 blow out candles吹蜡烛 cut the cake 切蛋糕eat the cake 吃蛋糕句型:Wow ! What a beautiful cake !哇!多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!A birthday for me ? 我的生日吗?Yes .是的Unit15 Fun in the playground.短语:Throw the Shuttlecock扔羽毛球 Feather Race羽毛比赛Mimic the Animals Sound 模仿动物的声音Back to Back Stand背靠背站着 ThreeLeg Running三条腿跑 Musical Islands音乐之岛 Bear Walk熊步 Kangaroo Walk袋鼠步 Rabbit Hop兔子跳 Elephant Walk大象步 Frog Hop蛙跳 Throw扔 Stand站 句型:1.Who can jump highest? 谁能跳得更高?2.Who can run fastest? 谁能跑得最快?3.Who can stand on one leg for a minute?谁能用一条腿站立坚持一分钟?Unit16 I can! You can! Everybody can!单词:Animal动物 numbers数字 clothes衣服 fruits水果 food食物 vegetables蔬菜 colours颜色 shapes形状句型:1.We can say a chant 我们能说一个歌谣2.We can mime the actions我们能模仿动作3.I can colour this picture我能给这幅画图上颜色4.I can make words with these letters我能用这些字母组单词5.I can tell you riddles我能说谜语6.We can sing a song 我们会唱歌7.Who wants to be the next?Yes,please! 谁想成为下一个?好,请!

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