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沪教版2020届九年级下学期第一次模拟测英语试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)She usually has _ egg and some porridge for _ breakfast. A . an, theB . an, /C . a, theD . a, /2. (2分) Havent seen you for days. Where have you been?I went to Hong Kong and _ an international meeting for a week.A . took part inB . attendedC . joined3. (2分)Shiyan is trying to build the civilized city(文明城市).Yes, when we cross the street we must wait _ the traffic lights turn green.A . untilB . as long asC . as soon asD . if4. (2分)What is your sister going to be _ she grows up?She is going to be an engineer.A . beforeB . althoughC . whenD . unless5. (2分)We had better set off at once because time is _.OK. Lets start.A . breaking outB . giving outC . cutting outD . running out6. (2分)We should give love to the children _ lost their parents in the earthquake(地震)A . whoB . whomC . those7. (2分)The students were reading aloud _ the bell rang and class was over.A . whenB . whileC . asD . whenever8. (2分)You must be_ for class. A . on timeB . in timeC . for the first timeD . all the time9. (2分)Rose can _ ten candles in one go.A . work outB . blow outC . eat out10. (2分) What do you want to eat for lunch? I will prepare it earlier today. You_, mum. Lets go out to have something different.A . mustntB . cantC . shouldntD . dont have to二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空 A first-grade student whose best friend is fighting against cancer thought that hours of playing and telling jokes was not enough-he just wanted to show his buddy(伙伴) how he understood the 1time he was going through.Seven-year-old Vincent Butterfield 2to cut off his hair in support of his best friend Zac who lost his hair through chemotherapy(化疗).Zac is receiving treatment but 3goes to Union Central Elementary School in Missouri every day, 4thats where he gets to play on the swings with Vincent. Vincent found out that Zac might 5his hair because of the chemotherapy treatment. So one day, he showed up in the first grade class wearing a 6. He said to his teacher Mrs. Koester, I have a surprise for Zac. And he pulled off his cap and other 7saw that he already had all his hair 8off.I did it just to make Zac feel hes not the only one without any 9. said Vincent.Vincent has also been raising money for his best friend after learning how 10his chemotherapy treatments are. He asked his mother to make11than 20 scarves and gloves. He and his mother 12them at the price of 10 dollars each, raising over $200 for Zac. The encouragement from Vincent seems to be working. Though Zac is receiving treatments, he has 13missed any days of school. He knows that Vincent is out in the playground, waiting for him at break.When asked 14friendship was, Vincent looked at his friend Zac, thought for a(an) 15and replied, Its a beautiful thing.Clearly, wisdom doesnt always come with age.(1)A . hard B . exciting C . unpleasant D . pleasant (2)A . decided B . refused C . agreed D . disliked (3)A . ever B . never C . just D . still (4)A . though B . but C . because D . so (5)A . raise B . add C . lose D . fall (6)A . mask B . scarf C . glove D . cap (7)A . teachers B . kids C . parents D . patients (8)A . pulled B . sent C . cut D . put (9)A . friends B . money C . clothes D . hair (10)A . expensive B . successful C . important D . meaningful (11)A . fewer B . more C . worse D . better (12)A . made B . donated C . sold D . collected (13)A . already B . always C . nearly D . hardly (14)A . how B . what C . where D . which (15)A . moment B . hour C . morning D . day 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。BFound: A notebookIts new. Its light green.Is this your notebook?My name is Helen.My phone number is 354-1301.Lost: My ringsTheyre old. Theyre yellow.My name is Linda.My phone number is 678-345.(1)Whose(谁的) rings are these? Theyre . A . LindasB . HelensC . Linda and HelensD . Lindas and Helens(2)What color are the rings?. A . Theyre oldB . Theyre yellowC . Theyre newD . Theyre light green(3)Who lost the notebook? A . LindaB . HelenC . Linda and HelenD . We dont know.(4)If you find the rings, you can call . A . 678-354B . 354-1301C . 345-1301D . 678-345(5)Which of the following is WRONG(错误的)? A . Lindas rings are old and yellow.B . Helens notebook is new and light green.C . Lindas phone number is 678-345.D . Helens telephone number is 354-1301.13. (6分)阅读理解Once a traveller came into a village which was suffering from hunger. The villagers asked him to leave, for they feared he wanted them to give him food. They told him that there was no food. The traveller explained that he didnt need any food and that, in fact, he was planning to make a soup to share with them instead. The villagers watched suspiciously as he built a fire and filled a pot with water With great ceremony(仪式), he pulled a stone from a bag, and dropped the stone into the pot of water. After a moment, he smelt the soup and shouted with excitement, “How delicious the soup is!” As the villagers began to show interest, he mentioned how good the soup would be with just a little cabbage in it. A villager brought out a cabbage to share. This episode(情节) repeated itself until the soup had cabbage, carrots, onions, and beetsindeed, a full pot of soup that could feed everyone in the village was ready. This story describes when there are not enough resources(资源), humans will store things. We do not want to share. The story of stone soup helps us realize that, in doing so, we often prevent ourselves and everyone else from having a feast(盛宴).The meaning of this story goes far beyond food. We keep to ourselves ideas, love, and energy, thinking we will be richer, but in fact we make the world, and ourselves, poorer. The traveller was able to see that the villagers were holding back, and he had the ability to inspire(激发) them to give. In this way, they created a large meal that none of them could have created alone. Are you like one of the villagers? If you come forward and share your gifts, you will inspire others to do the same. The reward is a feast that can feed many.(1)What does the underlined word “suspiciously” most probably mean? A . doubtfullyB . excitedlyC . curiouslyD . fearfully(2)The traveller put a stone into the pot in order to . A . teach the villagers to cook a soup with stoneB . inspire the villagers to bring out their own foodC . prove to the villagers that he didnt want their foodD . help villagers to survive by giving them some food(3)The writer mainly wants to tell us that . A . storing things in hard times is human natureB . a good leader is very necessary in hard timesC . skills are needed to inspire people to share with othersD . sharing is more important than keeping things to oneself14. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Globalization means that people,ideas,technology,money,services and many other things are moving between countries and changing the way people think and act.Not everyone thinks the same way about globalization. Some people think it is bad,and some people think it is good. Some believe that globalization helps rich people get richer and makes poor people poorer. These people say that globalization helps big companies like Coca-Cola and McDonalds destroy(破坏)local businesses. However,the people who think globalization is a good thing argue that globalization helps poorer people to become richer. They also think that it doesnt destroy local cultures. These people also believe globalization helps prevent wars. This is because countries with economic(经济的)connections will try hard to keep good relationships so that their economies arent destroyed.Whether you think globalization is good or bad,it affects the world in two areas:jobs and cultures.Globalization has had a very strong influence on jobs all over the world. For some workers,such as engineers,lawyers and bankers,globalization has been a good development. These workers are able to successfully compete(竞争)globally and have seen an increase in their pay. But for those who work in factories or in the aervice industry(at hotels,shops and restaurants),it has not been good. Workers from poorer countries are trying to get these types of jobs. They will do the same job for less money. This decreases the pay for that job,so people get paid less to do it.Cultures have also been affected by globalization. Foods such as Japanese noodles,Inaian curry and French cheeses have spread around the world. We can also see an increase in the use of Chinese characters(汉字)in tattoos(文身). Some people get these tattoos but they dont really know what the characters mean. Globalization also affects the film industry. Most people have seen American movies. But because of globalization,Korean. Indian and Japanese movies have become more worldwide.No one knows the future of globalization. Most experts agree that it will continue to grow and have an increasingly greater influence on peoples lives in the future.(1)Some people think globalization is good because it may A . change local culturesB . help local businesses developC . make rich people become richerD . help stop wars among countries(2)According to Paragraph 4 we know A . engineers will get a lower payB . people can get favourite jobs more easilyC . globalization greatly affects peoples jobsD . workers from rich countries get paid less(3)Globalization helps people in the world A . know Chinese characters very wellB . go to different countries for moviesC . own the same culture in the endD . Enjoy foods from different countries(4)What can we infer(推断)from the passage? A . Globalization is sure to do good to peopleB . Globalization will be limited in the futureC . Globalization may change peoples in the futureD . Globalization will be loved throughout the would15. (8分) When does music in public places become noise pollution?You may like at least some kind of music. But the problem is that, in lots of places, youre made to hear somebody elses choice in music. Say youve just landed at an airport. At the airport, the background(背景)music may be played loudly.When you are on the way to your hotel, there may be another kind of music played by the taxi driver. Then you finally reach your hotel. But when you are taking the elevator(电梯),there is elevator music.You go out to dinner and end up in a place where the owner of the restaurant thinks music will help make you eat more and spend more. Then a person playing the violin comes around. This is called the music wallpaper. It is to make you buy more and eat a lot. Even the government thinks this is noise pollution, especially when the music is too loud.Noise pollution may be bad for our hearing. Its also bad for some of our daily activities, such as sleeping, conversations and so on.The fact that you cant see, taste or smell it may help explain why it has not received as much attention as other kinds of pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution. The air around us is always filled with sounds, but most of us would not think we are surrounded(包围) by noise. This can be bad for our health. So many people like soft and quiet music in their house.(1)In the restaurant, the music is to make you _.A . have a nice mealB . eat more food and spend more moneyC . enjoy some wonderful musicD . have a great time in the restaurant(2)This passage doesnt talk about _.A . food pollutionB . water pollutionC . air pollutionD . noise pollution(3)Music in public places becomes noise pollution because _.A . its played at the airportB . its played by the taxi driverC . its played when you are taking the elevatorD . you are made to hear someone elses choice in music(4)From the passage we know that _.A . music that is too loud is bad for our healthB . people pay as much attention to noise pollution as they do to air pollutionC . people like loud music in their houseD . most people think that theres lots of noise around us四、 短文填空 (共1题;共4分)16. (4分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。有一个选项为多余选项。A funny thing happened to my sister Tina last month. She lives in Japan and teaches English. In Japan, people dont usually wear their outdoor shoes in the house or in school, and a lot of buildings have places for shoes. So her school ahs a special place for shoes. _Tina teaches English in the evening. One Friday, she went to school, and she put her shoes in the shoe boxas usual. Then she had an interesting spoken English class with her students._But to her surprise, her shoes werent in the box. There was only one pair of those there, and they werent her hoes! She had to get home in a hurry._On Monday, at her next English class, her shoes were in a shopping bag on her desk! There was a note that said, “Im so sorry. I took your shoes by mistake!”_Somebody felt a lot of shame!A. Its a shoe box.B. Tina is my sister.C. So she put on the shoes and left.D. After class she got ready to leave.E. But there was no name on the note.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)请根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。其中有两 项为多余选项。Book Lovers(3 persons)John: David Charlie Hi, guys!David: Hello, John! Whats up?John: Im reading a book these days. Its so good that I cant put it down.Charlie: John Hello!_John: The Gay Genius by Lin Yutang.David:_John: Its about Su Dongpos experiences and his works.Charlie: _I want to read it, too.David: Me, too. Where can I get it? JohnJohn: _Charlie: Thanks for telling us about the book.John: _After we finish it, we can make a date to communicate our ideas.A. My pleasure.B. Whats it about? C. How much is it?D. That sounds interesting. E. I got it last month.F. Whats the name of the book?G. I bought it in the bookstore near our school.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。promise,room,angry, why, so,lead,with,I,well,appearOnce,there was a young painter who was good at painting birds. His paintings sold_and he was famous all over his country.The emperor loved collecting(收藏)paintings,especially roosters(公鸡). _he asked the famous painter to paint a rooster for him. He wanted the rooster to be the best of all his collections.The painter_to do so. The emperor waited and waited for one year, but did not get the painting. He became _and asked the painter to come to see him.The painter came. He walked into the palace_paper, paints and a brush. In five minutes,a perfect(完美的)picture of a rooster_on the paper. Seeing this,the emperor was all the more angry.“If you can paint a picture of a rooster in five minutes,_did you keep me waiting for a year?”he said.“Ill let you know why,Your Majesty ”said the painter. “Could you please come with me?”He_the emperor to his own study(书房). There,paper almost filled the _. On each paper was a painting of a rooster.“Your Majesty, ”explained the painter. “It took_one year to improve my skill in order to paint a perfect rooster for you. ”七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)B)为迎接国际慈善日(the International Day of Charity)的到来,某英文报刊将要举办有奖征文活动,请你以 I would like to( )for charity 为题写篇短文 (词数 80100),为本次活动投稿步骤与要点如下:1)确定主题,并在文中说明原因;2)围绕主题,进行叙述;3)写出具体计划,也可以讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历要求:1)补全题目 (参考词汇:sell old things,hold a book fair,pick up rubbish,organize an activity 等);2)字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;3)鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;4)作文中可以写出具体计划内容,也可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,但要注意时态的运用;如果参照短文中的内容,不可以直接引用短文中的句子;5)作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共4分)16-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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