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沪教版2020届九年级开学考试英语试卷 D卷一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)1. (10分)阅读理解 Come and see the Indian elephants and the new bears from America. The monkeys are waiting to throw things to you, and pandas from China are waiting to meet you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil(巴西) are waiting to look down on you. Dont miss some lions from Africa(非洲). Some of them are dangerous. Remember that you cant go near them.TicketsGrown-up(成人): ¥30.00Children: Over 12 ¥15.00 Under12 Free(免费) Opening time10:00am4:00pm(Monday-Friday)9:00am5:00pm(Saturday &Sunday)Keep the zoo clean!Dont touch, give good food or go near the animals!(1)How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? A . Four.B . five.C . six.D . seven.(2)Now Mr. and Mrs Smith are in the zoo with his two sons, one is 13 and the other is 9. How much are the tickets together(总共)?A . ¥30.00B . ¥35.00C . ¥45.00D . ¥75.00(3)Which of the following is the visiting time? A . 8:30 a.m. Monday.B . 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.C . 9:30 a.m. Friday.D . 3:00 p.m. Sunday.(4)From the passage, we can guess the animal giraffe must be very _. A . tallB . longC . strongD . fat(5)Which of the following can we do in the zoo? A . to give some food to the fishB . to keep the zoo cleanC . to play with lionsD . to go near the animals2. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Who wants to eat food that is thrown away as waste? Believe it or not, thats exactly what world leaders did at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015.During the meal, the world leaders enjoyed dishes like salads and burgers made with thrown-away vegetables and fruits. Chef Dan Barber, who helped create the meal, hoped that the experience would make the leaders pay more attention to the issue of food waste.It is a huge problem. One out of nine people on Earth does not get enough food. Yet every year over one third of the food produced worldwide goes to waste!Why is so much food wasted? Firstly, food is often thrown away before it reaches customers because too much of it is produced, or because it is not kept properly in farms. Secondly, shops and supermarkets usually throw away unsold food. Finally, customers often buy more food than they need, so a lot of uneaten food is wasted.How can you waste less food? When eating out, you may ask for less food and take home what is left. Visit fast food restaurant less often, since they usually more wasteful. Encourage your favorite restaurants to give unsold food to food banks.You can also waste less food at home. Use smaller rice bowls so that you serve less rice.Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings. Tell family members to make a shopping list and buy only what is on the list when shopping for food.Food waste is a growing problem and we, either farmers or food sellers or customers, must take this problem more seriously and do what we can to help.(1)What did world leaders do at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015? A . They threw away food as waste during the meal.B . They made dishes with waste vegetables and fruitsC . They ate food made with waste vegetables and fruits.D . They helped Chef Dan Barber create the special meal.(2)The underlined word “issue” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to . A . resultB . problemC . causeD . beginning(3)The writer organizes Paragraph 4 by asking a question and . A . giving examplesB . using numbersC . listing reasonsD . telling a story(4)Which way of wasting less food is mentioned in the passage? A . Buying unsold food from supermarkets.B . Keeping food properly in fridge.C . Using smaller rice bowls when eating out.D . Asking for less food in restaurants.3. (10分)阅读理解Florida teen band The Garbage-Men is performing on the stage. The band has five members. They are Jack Berry, Ollie Gray, Harrison Paparatto, Austin Siegel and Evan Tucker. The five teens are making music from waste. The Garbage-Men bands instruments are made from recycled things. The guitars are boxes. A horn(号) is made from pipes. The keyboard is formed from old bottles.The band started about two years ago. Jack Berry who was in eighth grade at the time decided to make a playable, home-made guitar. After some trial-and-error(反复试验), he ended up building it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. After Jack showed his creation to his friend Ollie Gray, Ollie had the idea to form a band using other home-made instruments as a way to improve recycling. “We want to show people there is more to recycling than throwing things away in the bin.” Jack, 16, told TFK. “You can actually reuse materials.”Last year, the Garbage-Men played at local events, including festivals, farmers markets. Typically, the teens set up on the street and performed popular songs from the 1960s, including classic Beatles and crowd favorite “Wipe Out”. They talked about recycling and offered tips for how to improve the environment. While they were performing, Jacks little brother Trent, 11, gave out leaflets about recycling and helped sell the bands CDs and other musical products.The band donated the money from sales to charity. They have raised more than $2,500 for Heifer International. The organization gives farm animals, seeds and agricultural training to people in poor countries to help end poverty and hunger. “Its a good, sustainable-development (持续发展的)charity,” Jack says, “By donating one animal, you help the whole community.”The band, all tenth graders, tries to play a show every week. Theyve also played on a Florida radio station. The teens hope to take their shows on the road by touring in other states. “Music is a really good way to get a good message across to people because its really close.” Jack says. Their instruments may be rubbish, but their message isnt.(1)Who is not a member of the Garbage-Men band?A . Trent BerryB . Ollie GrayC . Evan TuckerD . Jack Berry(2)Which of the following is the correct order of what the teens have done? The Garbage-Men played at local events. Jack Berry made a playable,home-made guitar. The band donated the money from sales to charity. Ollie decided to form a band using home-made instruments.A . B . C . D . (3)What did the Garbage-Men mainly do according to the passage?A . They collected the rubbish in communities and cleaned up the markets.B . They told people how to protect the environment and do some charities.C . They joined the Heifer International and made their own musical CDs.D . They raised money for the old people how to protest the environment and do some charities.(4)The five teens formed the band with the purpose of _.A . making musical instruments from rubbish.B . earning more money to help support their own families.C . asking more people to recycle daily rubbish around them.D . making their musical products known all around the world.(5)Whats the best title for the passage?A . Classical music and rubbishB . A special bandC . A pioneer of country musicD . Home-made musical instruments4. (10分)阅读理解Many musicians meet and form a band(乐队)because they like to write and play their own music.They may start as a group of high school students and practise their music in someones house.Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or underground so that they can get some money for themselves or pay for their instruments(乐器)However,there was one band that started in a different wayIt was called the Monkees and was formed in 1965It began as a TV showThe TV show had planned to find four rock musicians who could act as well as singBut they could only find one who was good enoughThey had to use actors for the other three members of the bandSince some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to ask for help from other musiciansSo at first,the band just pretended(假装)to singAnyway,their performances(演出)were excellent and they got lots of fansEach week on TV,the Monkees would pretend to play and sing songs written by other musiciansAfter a year or so,they became more serious about their workThey started to play and sing their own songs like a real bandThen they produced(制作)their own records and started touring and playing their own musicIn the US they became even more influential and popular than the Beatles and sold even more recordsHowever,the band broke up around 1970But happily they reunited(重聚)in the 1980sThey produced a new record in 1996 to celebrate their time as a bandIt was very successfulToday the Monkees are still making music for their millions of fans裉据材料内溶选择最佳答案。(1)From the second paragraph,we can know that the Monkees A . was started by some studentsB . began as a TV showC . was started by fans of the BeatlesD . began as a radio programme(2)At the beginning,the Monkees A . had five membersB . wrote songs for the BeatlesC . had other musicians sing for themD . was not very interested in country music(3)What does the underlined wordinfluentialin Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A . 有权势的B . 有野心的C . 有争议的D . 有影响的(4)The Monkees has a history of about years A . thirtyB . fortyC . fiftyD . sixty(5)The writer writes this passage mainly to A . show his love for the MonkeesB . introduce the history of the MonkeesC . ask more people to buy the Monkees recordsD . tell how the Monkees is different from the Beatles二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Several weeks ago, our headmaster, Mr. Brown, told us that our school had been chosen to compete on Smart Aleck-a game show. My best friend Nancy and I both 1it. Nancy has a good imagination, and I know a lot of history. So we thought wed be good 2for the team.A few days later, Mr. Brown held a meeting with everyone interested in the 3.He told us that Smart Aleck used a five-member team and three more people would be needed as backup (替补). Mr. Brown said we would have a 4among all the students present and the top eight scorers would become the team and the backup. Everybody agreed that this was a 5way to decide.Yesterday, all of the hopefuls got together. Mr. Brown acted as the host. After a couple of hours, all the places on the team were set 6one. Nancy and I tied(打成平手)for that last position. We had to hold a one-on- one competition. The winner would be on the team and the loser would be the 7.Midway through our two-person competition, I was starting to pull 8. Then I saw the look on Nancys face. I waited for a second and knew 9I had to do. As much as I wanted to be on Smart Aleck, Nancy wanted it even more. So, starting with my next question, I held back and let Nancy 10, just by a little bit. When she 11she would be on the show, she felt sorry for my not being on the team. However, I will still have the 12of seeing the show up close.Was I 13by not trying as hard as I could? I dont think so. No one noticed, and Nancy and I didnt say it. It wont hurt the team 14Nancy will be a very good competitor on the real show. I think that making my best friend happy was the 15thing to do.(1)A . cancel B . love C . express D . recall (2)A . choices B . coaches C . leaders D . fans (3)A . course B . work C . show D . play (4)A . competition B . discussion C . challenge D . conversation (5)A . special B . hard C . funny D . fair (6)A . besides B . against C . except D . opposite (7)A . backup B . partner C . teammate D . member (8)A . apart B . ahead C . down D . together (9)A . how B . which C . why D . what (10)A . double B . behave C . win D . imagine (11)A . accepted B . realized C . considered D . refused (12)A . laughter B . sadness C . fun D . change (13)A . cheating B . missing C . helping D . performing (14)A . though B . until C . unless D . because (15)A . helpful B . right C . moving D . responsible 三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)语法填空What would you think if you saw a fish walking? Would you look again if you saw a fish c_a tree? There is a fish that does b_of these things. It is called the tree-climbing fish.It is believed that a traveler to India first told about the tree-climbing fish. The fish was h_up in a tree. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? The traveler t_a bird might have put it there.The next day the traveler saw a fish come out of the w_. It was hard to believe, but up the road went the fish. It used its fins (鱼鳍) and tail to pull i_along. It stopped to eat some worms. After the fish had eaten, it walked slowly over to a tree. Up, up it climbed. When it got high up in the tree, it took a r_.The traveler was s_to see these things and told other people about the tree-climbing fish. The people wanted to know what this fish looked like. He e_that one he saw was dark brown and about one foot long.The tree-climbing fish is f_not only in India but also in the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, and other places. It was at one time found in Florida, America. Because of cold temperatures, it was not able to live there.四、 单词 (共2题;共15分)7. (5分)根据所给首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式写在题后相应的横线上。(1) David is thirteen y_ old.(2)It is a d_ question. I cant answer it.(3)Lisa can p_ the piano very well .(4)Our math teacher is very s_ with us .(5)Tuesday is the t_ day of a week.8. (10分)根据文章内容和括号内所给汉语的意思,写出各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear Dad,Fathers Day is coming. Although I am _(忙)getting ready for the high school entrance exams, I want to celebrate it for you because you are my _(英雄). Id say, “I love you, Dad!”I do think you are the most _(耐心)father in the world. Every time I have trouble, you always give me advice and help me out. I remember _(一次)I failed in a competition, I felt terrible. Instead of complaining, you just said to me quietly, “A real man must learn to_(面对)many failures in life bravely. Cheer up!” I repeated your words many times and finally knew what _(它的)meaning was.Dad, I am going to buy you a _(明信片)as a present. I hope you will like it although I dont think it can _(表达)all of my thanks to you. I believe you can _(理解)me. Love you forever, Dad!Best _(祝愿)!Yours,Mike五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)学生时代是最忙碌的学习时段,请你写一篇英文短文,记录你上周末的生活和学习情况。内容包括:1)What things did you do last weekend? 2)What do you think of the things?作文要求:1)内容充实,语句连贯,标点正确,书写清晰规范。抄袭范文不得分。2)短文内容中,不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和班级。3)词数30-40个左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5-1、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 单词 (共2题;共15分)7-1、8-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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